Friday, December 20, 2024

Arrows 2024 Dec 20 Finding Unity in the Story of Yeshua's Birth

Finding Unity in the Story of Yeshua's Birth
My cover story is uploaded separately here.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

What did Moses see as he stood atop Mt Nebo overlooking all the land God promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? That is what Chaim Malespin at the Aliyah Return Center asked recently. “From the mountaintop, he saw the Jordan River, Jericho, Gilead, Dan (where modern-day Tel Aviv is), the land of Ephraim and Manasseh (Judea and Samaria), all the land of Judah (including Jerusalem), Naphtali (Galilee), Zoar (the Dead Sea area), and all the way to the Western Sea (the Mediterranean). Perhaps he gasped, and his eyes welled up with tears as he took it all in. The Bible says his eyes were not dimmed at the age of 120. He truly saw it all! ….like Abraham, Moses never entered into the fullness of the promise…Both men are mentioned in Hebrews 11:17-19 as heroes of faith. In the verse above, it records Moses’ final words of blessing that he declared over the twelve tribes of Israel before his death: “A people saved by the Lord!” Through the many generations after and even to this day, it has been so. I wish the world—especially the true followers of Messiah—would understand that Israel is not just another state on the globe.
     “….Be part of the return and restoration of Israel by supporting those entering the Promised Land. Help us build our center and deepen our impact on the lives of the new Jewish immigrants who need a helping hand. Consider the ARCIsrael for end of year giving. Help us build the Lighthouse

Come, Let us go up! The Psalms of Ascent: Going up higher to Zion
  In late November, Chaim Malespin’s explanation that the Hebrew word for Aliyah, used to express Jewish immigration to Israel, was the same as the word “ascent” as in the Psalms of Ascent. That inspired me to begin on Dec 1st to look each day at the Psalms of Ascent (Ps 120-134) with new eyes. I sensed I would see what those particular psalms could mean for us today as we are making our final ascent to Zion as “one new man” in the faith of Yeshua – both Messianic Jew and Christians in all the nations. I have posted the whole series  on my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog. Click on the December 2024 menu and start reading with Psalm 120. They have to be read in ascending order because there is a progression.  It has been exciting to write and explore, and I believe it is not finished yet. I have been thinking it might end up something I self publish in electronic booklet form.

Howard Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance (Nachalat Yeshua) quotes 1 Tomothy 3:16 in his message to us of this 2024 as Christmas Day and Hanukkah occurs on the same day. His message and graphic could not be more in the Spirit of what I wrote in the opening.  
     Without Controversy | "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” (1Tim 3:16)
    And, despite controversy:  Have a very merry and holy celebration of the birth of the Lord: the King of the Jews at His birth; King of the Jews in His death on the cross; and King of the Jews in full display after His glorious return -- not only of the Jews, but also of all the nations, and of the whole Universe! (H&RB)
    May God bless each and all of you, and all of us together, with more of Messiah living in and through us throughout the unfolding new year of 2025. Your prayers and loving support and encouragements help us to keep up the long race and the good fight of faith. In the love of our amazing Father, Howard and Randi 

From Tikkun Global, Asher Intrater writes Born is the King of Israel. There are several theories as to the date of Yeshua’s birth, but there is no solid proof for any of them. In addition, there are many cultural aspects of the celebration of Christmas which are ungodly. Despite those problematic issues, the birth of Messiah into this earth is a watershed moment of human history and biblical revelation.
     The Son of God became flesh in a human body in a lowly stable. The King of Israel was born to a virgin maiden of the house of David. It is majestic, humbling and awe-inspiring. The name “Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14; 8:8, 10) means: “Im” – With; “Anu” – Us; “El” – God. “God with us” – God came to be with us in the form of a little baby.
     Also Tikkun Global Statement on Allegations Against Dr. Michael Brown

The report from Youval and Valerie Yanay and the Revive Israel Team is in thanks for those who gave to the ministry on the recent ‘Giving Tuesday’: “Your generosity enables us to fulfill our mission of growing disciples who bear fruit for God’s Kingdom. Together, we are equipping hearts to be transformed by Yeshua’s love and truth, preparing them to flourish even in the most challenging seasons of life.” Read the touching testimony of how their discipleship program is changing lives. “Your partnership has made it possible for people like this to deepen their faith, experience God’s transformative power, and flourish through life’s trials. Will you continue to be a refuge in the storm for Zion's sake? Your ongoing support ensures that more hearts can encounter the truth of God’s Word, be discipled in community, and bear fruit that remains—even in the hardest seasons. May God bless you abundantly for your faithfulness and compassion.”

Avi Mizrachi of Dugit shares, Since the war began, your partnership has allowed us to meet many urgent needs in Israel—especially the needs of our brave soldiers. Through the relationship we have built over the last 14 months, I recently received an exciting phone call from a General that we have built a relationship with….Nothing is wasted in the hands of our God—not even war. This General called to ask if Dugit would provide gifts for about 300 soldiers. Even more incredibly, I have been invited to speak to these soldiers and share that Yeshua is the Light of the season!
     We are preparing the gifts for these soldiers—Christmas goodies, candies, and other seasonal items. That part is easy, but they have also specifically requested toiletry bags. As these soldiers travel from place to place, protecting our people, these essentials are in high demand. Would you take a moment to prayerfully consider giving a special gift to help us meet the needs of these soldiers this Christmas season? Please do not wait—we need to gather these gifts quickly. Send Help Today

Leon Mazin of the Return to Zion Center (Shavei Tzion) writes giving thanks for the prayers and financial support as they continue to seek to minister to their communities – the Gospel and the practical help of those most impacted by the war. Leon then blesses with his message of “gratitude for our mothers” by giving us a new look at Rivka (Rebecca). He shows how instead of usurping  her husband’s wishes to place the firstborn blessing on Esau, Rebecca in fact honor the Father’s desire to place the blessing of the first born on Jacob. Leon writes: “To pick up from her faith and not make mistakes, to trust in the Lord in our own way, as revealed to us.
Have you ever noticed that God revealed His desire to Rivka, not to Isaac? I have not! Leon notes that after answering Isaac’s prayer for his wife, once pregnant the twins began to fight each other in the womb. Talk about active babies! Rebecca wanted to know why, the Bible says.  “… so she went to inquire of the Lord. The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.”
    Leon writes, “The main point of this story is that the ways of God are inexplicable. And God can use the human factor, or He can bypass it, but anyway the will of God will be realized. Jacob became that man who continued the spiritual lineage and anointing and calling of Abraham and Isaak. It was Jacob, who due to his “past life experience,” was able to dedicate all of his 12 sons to the Lord so that “Am Israel chai” – the Nation of Israel is alive today. This historical narrative is a story of gratitude to our mothers whom we probably did not honor with expressing our thankfulness for their love and willingness to sacrifice.” To bless the work of this pastor in Haifa, go to the congregational website.

From Israel Pochtar at Beit Hallel in Ashdod, VIDEO: The Good Hand of God: Lessons from Ezra's Journey  | Short VIDEO & ARTICLE: Our New Discipleship and Evangelism Center - Your Opportunity to Sow Into Revival in Israel! "When God gives a vision, it often surpasses anything we can imagine. Over two decades ago, the Lord revealed to Pastor Israel a prophetic vision for Ashdod, a city dear to His heart, and for how Beit Hallel would become a radiant beacon of light in Israel. From the beginning, this vision was never just about what Beit Hallel could do—it was about the journey God would lead us on, filled with challenges, growth, victories, and life-changing lessons..." | The Christmas that will Echo in Eternity  It’s Time for Light! Christmas and Hanukkah Evangelism in Jerusalem “This Christmas, Beit Hallel Congregation is organizing a very special evangelism event in Jerusalem, the city of the Great King.” Read more online | Also read Eleni’s Story: A Testimony of Hope and Salvation in Cyprus | A little fun: A Weekly Biblical Crossword Puzzle

Avner Boskey, Final Frontier Ministries (Israel really is the “Final Frontier”) and David’s Tent sends the last of his three part series. (Israel really is the “Final Frontier”) | Be sure to read  Dividing the baby - Part 1 of 3 | and Part 2 of 3 | and the latest: Part 3 - The God of Jacob uses the Middle East to divide people’s hearts.” Avner writes, “ Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.”

Reuven Doron writes HUMILIATION  | “Look, the day of the LORD is coming — cruel, with fury and burning anger — to make the earth a desolation and to destroy its sinners. Indeed, the stars of the sky and its constellations will not give their light. The sun will be dark when it rises, and the moon will not shine. I will punish the world for its evil, and wicked people for their iniquities. I will put an end to the pride of the arrogant and humiliate the insolence of tyrants.” (Isaiah 13) Read in full, click title
      A picture is worth a thousand words:  Left behind by Bashar’s fleeing army, a Syrian tank turned into a vegetable stand in the streets of Damascus…     
     To partner with us, please visit  or email us at for more information and other giving possibilities.

 Messianic columnist in Israel, Cookie Schwaeber-Issan sends these opinion pieces published recently: 12/19/24 Humanity is Outing Itself | 12/17/24  Exposing the Religious Rot | 12/15 Show me the Jewish Homeland and I'll Find you the Crime | 12/12 Part 2: Walking into the Unknown with Syria | 12/10 The Fall of Assad - Good or Bad for Israel? |  12/8/24 The Worst Attempt Ever at Genocide | 12/5 Israel, the Convenient Excuse for Collective Jewish Guilt   

From HaCarmel congregation, the leadership team under Dani & LuAnn Sagag write about the almost staggering reality change in Israel in 2024. War changed everything and now we are “about the enter the new year 2025.” They are looking back at the enemies who have tried to do Israel in the past year – all gone now, as in the Shakespearean quote from Hamlet, having “shuffled off the mortal coil.” (coil as in a snake.) This is how God answered threatened Israel, and the HaCarmel team are grateful for how international believers responded too: “Throughout this past year, we have been continuously blessed by your prayers, your notes of encouragement, your financial gifts, and your participation with us online. Truly you have helped to keep us going during this year of trials. With your support, not only did we survive, but we thrived. The world around us is shifting, but our vision remains the same. We are still committed to the charge upon us from Isaiah 58 to care for the poor and needy, and to pursuing the unity of the “one new man” of Ephesians 2:14-15.” Above all, we pray and work toward the fulfillment of Romans 11:26-27: “And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: ‘The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob; For this is My covenant with them, When I take away their sins.’”
    We are heading into 2025 with confidence, knowing that our God is God, and that He is good.  We enter into 2025 with you, our family in the nations, lifting each other up in prayer. Our hearts are overflowing with deep gratitude for all your love and support. At this special holiday season may the Lord pour out His richest blessings upon you.”  Join their weekly service (with English translation) on YouTube Kehilat HaCarmel YouTube channel

 Tree of Life Ministries Israel, led by Ariel & Shayla Hyde sent notice of the new Live Zoom Prayer Meetings they are doing on Thursdays – so far, too late to benefit any of my subscribers because it occurred before my mailings go out. So I want you to know so you can get in on this in the future by signing up for the meetings (or writing them for more info). Tree of Life Ministries Israel are now doing LIVE ZOOM PRAYER MEETINGS? You will need to sign up prior to the Thursday meeting (4-5 pm Israel time (UTC+2) / 9-10 am Eastern Time. You can sign up here and ask to be notified in the next Zoom. They have “powerful testimonies, insights from Scripture, key prayer points.”  This is a dynamic, evangelistic ministry of young family team members who engage online and on the streets. Learn more online.

Jennifer Guetta, the biblical archeologist who was set free from the dark spirits of Kabbalah whose amazing story is in her book, Awestruck by Glory, looks back on all they were able to accomplish in 2024 with the help of the prayers and gifts from international believers. She is also looking forward to pressing ahead even more in 2025. You should go to the website to discover all that they are doing and planning for. I don’t have room to detail that here, but there is a lot going on and Jennifer is doing a lot of information sharing on social media too – including weekly Israel updates on YouTube and as needed texts via Telegram. Email for more information
     In addition to special events, Shabbat and worship nights from the Galilee, a Prayer for Israel group, they also are working towards Project Zion in the city of David. Jennifer writes, “Impact!  I want to challenge you today to reach out and touch people’s hearts and impact the world by shining His light. God is doing amazing things in Israel right now and you can be part of it. Please also pray for us and prayerfully consider making a year-end gift  (or become a partner) to help us shine the light of Messiah here in Israel. Help ignite faith in atheists, new agers, and the religious. Be part of the Revival.”

Rachel Netanel, who beautiful ministry is quite unusual to Western minds, but just works in Israel, is one that combines hospitality with personal testimony. Their home is known and used even by tour guides who bring Jewish people to enjoy the group hospitality of Rachel and her husband Gilad with a meal, conversation of Rachel sharing as the Lord leads her in different aspects of her testimony. People flock to their home in Ein Kerem and in also a house used for the same purpose in the south. Jewish people come to enjoy the whole atmosphere and many seeds are planted in hearts. There is also response to the LORD’s invitation. I do wish I had room to tell of some of the recent things she had to share.
     Rachel writes, “Beloved, I strongly believe that it is the love that draws people to want to hear more about our faith and about the Lord. His love is what brings them to Him. This is especially true with Israelis but I know that this will transcend to other cultures as well. Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” I Peter 4:8-9 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Thank you beloved friends for your prayers and support. May the Lord richly reward you with His peace and salvation for all of your loved ones. With the undying love of our Messiah, Yeshua”

Michael Beener writes from the City of Life (Ir HaHaim) in Sderot as he raises funds to bless the Civilians on the Frontlines: Defending Sderot Together. “Following the devastating Hamas attack on October 7, their mission has become more vital than ever. These volunteers maintain constant vigilance at the city’s entrances and within its streets, ensuring safety and preparing for any threats…. Our ministry, City of Life, has launched a special project to support these brave individuals. To maintain the checkpoints at the entrances of Sderot and prepare them for the cold and rainy winter, we are delivering essential supplies: tents, professional generators, pillar gas heaters, and flashlights. These resources will improve their response capabilities and help them continue fulfilling their voluntary duties. WATCH THIS VIDEO ABOUT OUR PROJECT

This is only a “seed” of the ministry letter from
Evan Thomas of Beit Asaph in Netanya. The rest of the report will be shared when I come back in the New Year 2025 with the first issue of these prayer requests from Israel.

     Evan writes, “There are days here in Israel that we have a sense of standing at the center of profound change, of history in the making! The battle for truth and righteousness is accelerating and the geo-political world is in upheaval. As followers of the Messiah, we have a unique calling and a message to bring to this world, wherever we are. Ours is here in Israel at the Epicenter (a favorite term of Joel Rosenbergs.) Thank you dear family for standing alongside us and being our "Joshuas and Calebs" by supporting our arms while the battle rages in the valleys below! You are so deeply appreciated! Evan

DONNA:  Please remember the Israeli ministries you see in these pages as the time comes for Year End Giving. That is a more relevant consideration for the tax break in the US, but the US has been so dominant in giving, that it is an important time for Israeli Ministries to raise funding for their budgets in the coming year.
     Some may believe that times are so hard for us in our country, why place such a priority on the Israeli ministries?  It is expedient for us, as the Apostle Paul would tell you.
That is because in the last days, as Israelis are coming to faith in Yeshua in greater numbers, their blessing of salvation returns in God’s own blessing upon those giving to help the Israeli Messianic Jewish ministries who are bringing in the spiritual harvest.
Why do you think the enemy fights so hard against the Church recognizing how pivotal the unity between the Church and the Israeli Messianic Jews truly is.
     Some might also ask: how is that 'bless to be blessed' working out for you personally? First, that is wrong, we are blessed so we can bless. In this I am blessed with the ability to make some difference in Christians become more aware of the existence and significance of the Israeli Body of Messiah. God has blessed me to write well enough to do these prayer summaries and to share the insights and revelations of the His love of the Jewish people, His vision for the spiritual restoration of "all Israel" by faith in Messiah Yeshua, His intentions to bring Christians and Messianic Jews together in a mighty unity - like that of a husband and wife under the headship of Messiah Yeshua, the Anointed Jesus. "For such a time as this."
     As for financial blessing, this work of Arrows from Zion and the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries has never been dependent upon being able to make a living of it. I accepted that most of the Israeli Ministries live sacrificially to minister the love of Yeshua to their countrymen. That was a major motivation for taking up the elist - to change that by informing the Church of the situation. I count myself as so tied to them, the Israeli ministries, that I realize it means being in the same financial boat that inhibits them. But God's blessing is much greater than just monetary, and ultimately it is His call when breakthroughs come. It's all for love. It's all Him. 


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