Monday, November 11, 2024

Failing the Jewish People is Not an Option


HEADLINE: King Willem-Alexander
Says Dutch Failed Jews in
Soccer Attack Just like in WWII

(Screen capture of Dutch Police Quelling an Anti-Israel riot)

For me, Failing the Jewish People is NOT an Option

Nov 11, 2024: Woke from a multi-period Holocaust dream again this morning. The first took place at the end of the 1948 Holocaust end. There was a young Jewish girl being asked questions by some media and I was standing there watching. The girl would not answer them. The reporters asked, Why won't she tell us what happened? I told them it is because she is not certain it is over yet. She fears it may be a trick.

Then I was in my own time and I was again standing with some reporters. One was a local audio broadcast reporter who had been doing a fairly good job talking about the signs of antisemitism that mirrors the beginnings of the Nazi party Holocaust. They were discussing how the national networks were doing reporting on it compared to this local reporter. 

I told them that I write to the national reporters to fill them in on what they don't know about the  dynamics they misinterpret in their reporting. The reporters all exchanged "knowing" looks, because that is how reporters think - that no one can possibly add to the conclusions they've come to because they are the "professionals." I saw what they were thinking and I said that I even wrote to the local broadcast reporter who was sitting there with us, to tell her what she was missing. Again they looked at each other with the "knowing" look. 

Then I told them that I decided 3 decades ago that I was not going to be one of those Christians like in Nazi Germany that sat quietly without objection when the SS rounded up Jews who had become Christians disappearing them from the Church even. I told them I made it my business ever since to know what the issues were in Nazi Germany and to know what pasts the Christian nations played, to to know what the issues were regarding the uproar of God restoring Israel, the Promise Land to the exiled Jews. That I made it my business to study the histories, the Histrionics, the lying narratives, the knowable facts of the opposition to God restoring Israel to His chosen people, the Jews. 

The reporters stood looking at me slack jawed. They only understand "university-taught" points of view versus "He said-She said" type views of the conflict. They do not realize it is possible to pull back from that and just follow the facts. That is not what universities are teaching anymore. They are teaching reporters to hold a "greater good" point of view as they advocate a position. The position will always be for them that it is better for Israel to disappear than it is for the nations to lose loyalties of those that cannot abide with Israel's existence in their own land.

I am not going to be the person that leaves that alone unchallenged. An early morning reminder of my fuller role as "salt" in our day. It is all part of my calling to stand by the Israeli Messianic Jews in their calling to the spiritual restoration of "all Israel."

Friday, November 8, 2024

Arrows from Zion 11/8/2024 Occupy until I come

Scroll down to read:
War & Holidays
by Avi & Hannah Tekle, Tents of Mercy leaders 

Occupy until I come
Israel is still an Example to Us of How to Do That

by Donna Diorio

Nov 5: It is Election Day in the US.
We are all waiting and watching. Even knowing how to build this week’s prayer summary was unclear because of it. We should have the victory today, but the enemy doesn't give up easily. There will be challenges but we must hold onto our peace, trusting in God for His mercy to prevail on our behalf.  We don’t know if this is a battle we will win or will lose.
     It is Israel's experience also right now: they are still fighting the battles with their enemies, but God is rising to give them victory after victory. I believe God is speaking to us all through their experience. They are our example not to lose hope because there are battles, but to keep fighting the spiritual battle to prevail in the natural too.
     * Nov 7: * Trump won in a landslide. The day before I kept hearing “landslide” in my spirit, and several times the Stevie Nicks song lyric, “the landslide will bring it down.”

     Before Yeshua/Jesus left the earth He told a parable concluding it this way:  "And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, ‘Occupy till I come’.”
    Many have said "occupy" is a military term, it is, but from the original language it simply means to be occupied with business. The business we are to be in is same business Yeshua was in – our Father’s business. That means no matter what battles are taking place in the natural, we “occupy” by continuing in His shalom to work in the harvest fields before us. 
     It doesn’t mean we ignore the physical battles, or that we think they have nothing of relevance to us. Clearly they do – it is just that the Father’s business is our first order of business EVEN as we are involved in fighting the physical battles. We are in the world, not other-worldly! We do life in both the physical and spiritual, but the spiritual reality dictates our actions, minds and hearts even in the physical warfare. Whether we are voting or as the Messianic IDF soldiers do, we bring our faith even in combat. 
     That’s what the Israeli Ministries are doing even in the midst of a 7-front literal war. In 1 Corinthians 10:11 we were told that what happened in Israel's past was written in God’s Word "as examples" —"as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come." 
    Just recently I have come to believe God is again speaking in “real time” to Christians through the unprecedented events unfolding in Israel today. They are an example to us in this present darkness too, not just as God said they were in their past.
     Since the horrific satanic attack on Israel one year ago by Hamas, God has arisen to Israel’s defense. They fight but He gives them the victories in battles and protection in counter attacks. Just as the days of old, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob is FOR the nation He restored after two thousand years of exile. He has purpose in this and part of that purpose is to speak to the nations that the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob lives and is faithful to His promises – for them and for us who are in Yeshua/Jesus. His restoration of Israel is not just for our benefit, but in this restored State of Israel, our God is revealing Israel’s Messiah, Yeshua to the Jews. Do we have eyes to see that?  If we can see it, we must pray into it and support the body of Messiah in Israel in every way possible. This goes for Messianic Jews in the nations too – not just international Christians.  
      From Yeshua’s parable, also the use of "ten" servants receiving "ten" pounds each: Ten is biblically significant as 10 "represents divine completion, fulfillment of God's law, periods of testing, and wholeness or unity.” It also represents “authority, completeness of order, and responsibility.” Some believe 10 represents a "union" or "collection."
     I believe we can draw from this that the 10 servants represent those disciples of Yeshua/Jesus who have drawn together in unity as one new man.  The 10 pounds He gave them represent their authority and responsibility to continue what He started in gathering souls to the kingdom of God in this hour. That is the Father's business Yeshua was doing on earth and what He left us to complete.
     “From the 10 Commandments to the 10 plagues to the 40 year test in the wilderness, God uses the number 10 repeatedly throughout Scripture.” No matter what disconcerting sights and events may unfold: we keep our eyes on what GOD is doing, not what the enemy is doing. We see what the enemy is doing, but we do not fear it. We expect God's help every step of the way forward from here. That is where Israel is at right now too. God is speaking to the whole earth but He is speaking to His own in Yeshua that He is with us and nothing by any means will keep us from all He has stored up for us. 

BREAKING NEWS: Muslim & Arab Attack in Amsterdam against Tel Aviv Maccabi fans as police stand idly by. Plant Hope Israel’s Jennifer Guetta originally from Holland gives the update here on YouTube. King of the Netherlands says country failed Jews in the Holocaust ‘and last night we failed again.’

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Eitan Shishkoff who is the founder of the Fields of Wheat ministry devoted to Israeli youth in “Equipping for the Harvest” sends a ministry, that for the first time I can pass along the link so you can go read it in full online. This is such a big plus because there is always more I would like you all to be able to see from the ministry letters that I just don’t have room to share in this limited space. But now you don’t have to miss out a single word in the Fields of Wheat letter, Look at the Fields.  Read in full online
     Eitan shares the backstory of this ministry to the youth in Israel –directly from his own youthful call from God in 1974. It’s a story of a hippie who came to Yeshua that Israeli young people are always greatly interested to hear. (They never can imagine how we really were in our own youth! LOL)
     He also speaks to their need in Israel for our support in prayer and finances because the scale of the work is so great they must have our help. Take his words to heart, please: “This is a cooperative effort. It is a sacred, shared calling. Thank you for hearing his voice and heeding His call. That we are living in momentous times is no hyperbole. Yeshua said “…the harvest is the end of the age.” His prime concern is to reach lost sheep. I’m reminded that He once spoke of “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” While the Lord surely wants all to be saved, He will not return until He hears this cry from Jerusalem, “Baruch haBa baShem Adonai—Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:39).

Evan Levine of HaTikva is “Proclaiming the Year of the Lord’s Favor in Yeshua’s Name– getting this theme from Isaiah 40:2, “‘Comfort, O comfort My people,’ says your God. ‘Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed.’” The HaTikva Project has been “comforting Zion” since 2009. Evan writes that “This year, we have set a bold goal: To extend our reach even further and deepen our support for those who are hurting. Whether it’s a child who has been neglected and needs a loving home, a Holocaust survivor seeking essential dental care, or a struggling believer in need of practical help, we are determined to be Comforters of Zion, providing for and comforting every one of these precious lives.”
     Learn more about the humanitarian aid of HaTikva on the website, and follow HaTikva Project and HaTikva Families on Facebook. Evan writes, “We cannot do it without you. Join Comforters of Zion

 THERE ARE MANY CHRISTIAN AND TRADITIONAL JEWISH MINISTRIES THAT INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIANS DONATE FUNDS TO WITHOUT REALIZING THAT ONLY THE CITIZEN ISRAELI MESSIANIC JEWISH MINISTRIES WHO ARE ACTUALLY SHARING THE GOSPEL OF YESHUA. Arrows prayer summary has always been about sharing the work and contact information to Christians so they could not only give humanitarian aid, but also have a part in the spiritual harvest in Israel.  

Sally Shiff of the Kfar Saba congregation HaMayaan continues her daily short email reports of the news and emotional atmosphere in Israel since she began updating after the Hamas attack now over a year ago. A dual citizen, Sally also – like most Israelis – rejoiced over the election of Donald Trump in the United States. Sally, like many of us, see it as God’s mercies and so important to the US relationship with Israel. Sally writes, “Just to give you some insight on how Israel feels about the election and her selection of candidates, only 11% of the population is for Harris, the rest is for Trump.”
     Two major points across many days of major points from Sally: 1. “the most drastic effect of the war is the generation of warriors, our soldiers. The orphans and widows left behind, and the wounded soldiers and their families12,000 Wounded in Israel: Young Generation Under Fire …she writes that the nations of the world put misplaced pressure on Israel rather than Iran. 2. A new front is emerging, and that is the Religious opting out of IDF service making the rest of the population of conscripted men and women have to return every 4 months who are in reserves and extending service to 3 years instead of the 2.  This video is the Israeli news headlines expanding on this sensitive issue: Crisis Point: Reserve Duty & Budget Cuts Reshape Israeli Society
     Still receiving 75 rockets a day on average she wties, “Our IDF is the physical army, but YOU are the army of God upholding them (and us) in prayer.”  

WAR & HOLIDAYS | The beautiful sukkah pictured above was in the Tents of Mercy congregation in Kiryat Yam in northern Israel and led by Avi and Hannah Tekel. They write, “War does a strange thing to one’s perception of time. It feels as though time is going by quickly and yet also standing still. The days flow in an endless loop as we do our best to function normally despite the countless interruptions of the Homefront Command "app" warning us of incoming danger. Notifications are quickly followed by sirens calling us to take cover in our safe rooms. If it is a barrage of rockets we only need to shelter for 10 minutes. Most unnerving are the loud blasts of rockets being intercepted or falling uninterrupted to hit the ground (this happens a small percentage of the time). In the event that the sirens are warning of a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) the waiting time is longer and we don't always hear a blast confirming that the event is over, which is frustrating and scary.
     In the midst of it all, we did our best to serve our community and commemorate the holidays. The celebrations were absolutely overshadowed by the escalation of the war in our area and the fact that Sukkot/Simchat Torah marked a full biblical year since the beginning of the war. This made us understand in a new way, that celebrating can be something we do purely because it is commanded - even if our feelings don’t line up (Deuteronomy 16:14). And yet, as we celebrate the joy comes! We hope you will enjoy this short video summarizing our Rosh HaShana service.
     @tentsofmercy Follow us on Instagram as we post short clips from our meetings, weekly ministry activities and updates about what's happening in Israel.

Gil and Tamar Afrait of the Tel Aviv Tiferet Yeshua congregation write about “Doing His Works While it is Still Day: You Can Be a Part of Israel's Redemption Story.” As the Lord continues to write His story that began for us in the book of Genesis, this current chapter feels critical and momentous. We are experiencing the dramatic unfolding of history here in Israel—the place where God’s plan for global redemption began and where it will culminate. At Congregation Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv, we recognize the lateness of the hour and feel urgency to keep working as long as it is day. Watch this 4:22 minute video from the ministry team at Tiferet Yeshua speaking to the history of the modern State of Israel and how God Himself restored the State, and how He has been leading Israeli Messianic Jews in the spiritual restoration of their nation too. Every supporter of Tiferet Yeshua Congregation has a share in this work and the fruit it brings, helping write life stories of Israelis who find Messiah, grow in faith, get a hot meal and prayer, and so much more!  Please consider joining us with a year-end gift

Out of many prayer points for the week sent by the Aliyah Prayer Center on 11/3, these are the condensed version: Pray for the Lebanon front | Pray that this would be the last war with Hezbollah and that Lebanon (not Hezbollah) would be able to have the strength to continue the defeat Islamic jihadism in their state. | Pray for the Gaza front | Sadly several Israeli soldiers have been killed from booby traps this past week in Gaza. Please pray for the soldiers to stay alert and safe. Pray that Hamas would be defeated once and for all!...(pray for) a better future for Gaza, provide righteous leadership to oversee this, and that Gaza would be free from Islamic jihadism and terrorism. | Pray! Iran is once again threatening to attack us | So pray that all of the plans of the enemy will be thwarted and that God would once again cover Israel like a canopy from any attack from Iran. And if attacked, that the government and IDF would have the wisdom to know how to respond. | Pray for the economy | God promises blessing on the wine, olive oil, and livestock. Pray that it would be so. And we also think of those that have just made Aliyah (immigrated) to Israel, that they would find jobs that would cause them to flourish in the land.| Pray for the return of the hostages | Pray for the elections in the USA | The Presidential election in the USA has an effect on Israel and many countries around the world.| Pray for our Leadership and Government, and decision makers | The weight and responsibility on the shoulders of our leaders is not enviable.| Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!  This is the highest blessing! May the Prince of Peace rule and reign in our hearts and in this land! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PRAYERS IN THIS WAR SEASON!

Dov Bikas of the Aviv ministry to addicts in Tel Aviv and Evangelism, Rehab and Women’s Refuge in Beer Sheva (continues from last week) | “Thank you for your prayers for the situation in Israel! Beyond the military conflict, there has also been a sharp rise in terrorist attacks….a terrorist incident in our city, Beersheba, right at the central bus station. A 19-year old girl, a soldier, was killed, and many other people were injured.
     Ministry for Women | A few months ago, we launched a free dance class featuring Israeli and Messianic songs for women from our Shelter, as well as any other women interested in joining. This initiative is another way to share the Good News with local women, and the group is steadily growing, bringing joy through fellowship and dancing. Unbelievers have also begun to attend…. Please pray for the continued growth of this ministry and that all participants come to know the Lord!

Shlomy and Miriam Abramov I see daily on Facebook sharing their ministry activities, but rarely do they send an email report which is what I work from – (like many of the younger ministries who send much on Instagram or Signal but not much via email!). They write, “. The war rages on in the North, South and within the West Bank. God’s abundant mercy has been with Israel but we are losing many people in this war. Hearts are being prepared for Christ to return. |We finished our goal of handing out 1,000 books explaining Ezekiel 38-39. We had many encounters with Israelis telling them about the Scripture promises and they agreed to take the materials. Many are given a chance to receive Messiah in their hearts too on our outreaches.  Awake Israel has shared many goods again with the army, local schools and families. November a group came to join us as we gave the gospel message and blankets to a holocaust home and senior home. Awake Israel went to the local beaches and sang gospel songs with a team of 12. Many heard the message of hope and the name of which no other name may a man must be saved, Yeshua, Jesus.  In the midst of the darkness His light is going forth. How grateful we are for you helping us make this happen! Our car was fixed and we thank God for this as we are able to push forward in full force ahead for the kingdom of God in Israel. 

Yeshua’s Inheritance Howard Bass sent his monthly prayer letter, packed with great wisdom as I am used to seeing from him. “The country remains in multiple layers of trauma, yet as much as possible, life goes on. This has been a Jewish trait throughout the millennia, since the true and only worthy God has chosen them, and the nation of Israel, for His glory. He is drawing attention to Himself through the return of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland, which He promised, with an oath, to give them.  This war is spiritual in nature, having to do with these very things of the sovereign Creator of the Universe, and the glory of His holy name.  There is a supernatural element that can otherwise not be explained, as to how despite suffering in a unique way as a particular people and nation, yet they continue to persevere with a hope that, somehow, all will work out for the good. We know, that except for the goodness and grace of YHVH God, nothing will work out well for anyone in the day of judgment, which is often put aside in our thinking. Salvation is in no other name under Heaven than Yeshua the Messiah/Jesus Christ…. Only being born-again by the Holy Spirit, and becoming a new creation, can we overcome by our faith in who Jesus Christ really is, and what His shed blood of the cross accomplished to satisfy the Father's righteous love.  A big price to pay, and He will not allow it to be trivialized.
     Watch this video Howard put out mid-Oct about the potential widening of the war, Biblical thoughts about this war.
     He also shares about his and Randi’s recent trip to Bulgaria for a “festive Friday evening program, with a Sabbath evening meal for those who attended. The next day was a parade through the city, with heavy police presence. (Randi and I were accompanied by security guards wherever we went from the time that we arrived at our hotel on Thursday.) We paraded through the streets with flags from many nations, Hebrew songs and dance, getting to a large public park, where the organizers had constructed a large sukkah/booth. There was praise and worship, testimonies. People walking in the park were drawn by the Holy Spirit to see what was going on. I was given the opportunity to preach evangelistically in the park, as well as to exhort the believers who were part of the event.  On Sonday, we went to a church in Plovdiv (possibly Phillipi in the NT), and I taught and shared some of my testimony there.” He writes, “Bulgaria was the only nation that saved its Jews from being deported by the Nazis during that horrible period of the Holocaust.” This is especially noteworthy considering the attack against Jews today in Amsterdam!

 Listen to Shani Ferguson read the Maoz Israel report Torah by Day, Iran by Night that explores the question How do you balance the celebration of God’s Word while mourning the losses of the past year and the ongoing war?

Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel and Voice of Judah Ministries give a report on how they are tackling the hidden war of poverty that has left many Israeli citizens struggling to endure. As pastor Israel notes, While the media remains hyper focused on the needs of the Palestinians, struggles of Israeli’s are overlooked and marginalized. Your gift to our Winter Relief Project can change the struggle for many needy Israeli families this winter.| VIDEO:  From Prayer to Purpose: A Pastor’s Journey of Faith and Love for Israel | A Timely Update from Israel as the Jewish Month of Cheshvan Commences - the first month after Israel’s series of feasts, the nation returns to daily life. Yet, Israel faces the ongoing challenges of a serious military threat—a reminder of the need for constant prayer and dependence on God. WATCH |
     Refuge in the Storm Women's Meeting | Many are struggling but “The women in our community especially bear a unique burden, as they strive to provide comfort to their families and strength to their loved ones.”  Read more online

 More great documentation and prophetic insight from Avner Boskey at David’s Tent, weighing in on the US election and the firing of Israeli Defense minister Yoav Gallant, in The Lord He also exalts - He removes kings and appoints kings. Avner writes, “Some careful observers have noted occasional parallels between political events in Israel and those in America. Similar events are often simultaneously mirrored in both countries: both countries have electorates sharply divided on both sides of the political spectrum; the media of both countries see their elections in intense and sometimes apocalyptic terms; and the majority of the mainstream media (MSM) in both countries are virulently opposed to the candidates representing the conservative wing. This newsletter focuses on the background behind why PM Netanyahu ended Gallant’s tenure. Though this background information is available on Israeli open sources, nearly all media outlets (including Evangelical and Messianic streams) are not presenting a comprehensive picture – either because of lack of awareness of Hebrew sources, or because of political leanings skewing their perceptions of events on the ground.  
     Also Avner’s previous article The Weight of Babylon connects the ancient Biblical histories of the strange bedfellows of Israel once and current enemies.

 ShelanuTV station manager, Evan Santoro, writes as so many of the Israeli ministries of the burdens imposed on Israel enagaged in a 7 front war. But Evan notes that the burden is not to destroy Israel, but to save her! Evan writes, “Just as this is true for us as individuals, it is also true for Israel as a nation. Israel has turned her back on God and has forsaken her first love. We live here in such a crucial time in the history of Israel. There is a remnant in the Land, and we are here declaring the truth. We are here sharing the salvation message of Jesus. We are reminding Israel of the truth of the Gospel and of the Messiah who was sent for the salvation of Israel and the world. At Shelanu TV, we endeavor to be a light shining in a dark place as we broadcast the message of Yeshua in Hebrew and believe that one by one, they will turn their eyes to the Lord and be saved. 
     Although Evan shares many testimonies of those significant contacts with Israelis last month for Shelanu, my space is limited here. I will just stress to you that although the link above to the station is for English speakers – the real thrust of ShelanuTV is its Hebrew speaking station where they are reaching Israelis daily. This is a great ministry to support because many Israeli ministries are putting their messages online at Shelanu and many who have never heard the message of Yeshua are getting it in their own language. Evan writes, “Your prayers and support are helping to bring the nation of Israel closer and closer to that day when they will lift their eyes and look upon Yeshua, their Messiah, and cry out in repentance for salvation.  He will answer with a mighty roar as He reaches out His hand and saves the nation of Israel from her enemies once more and for all eternity!

Avi Mirachi writes about the tragic Hezballah attack that took the life of a young female solider as 150 rockets came down on Northern Israel and Ben Gurion Airport. He writes, “We are living through a relentless wave of terror. This suffering has brought many to our doors.” Dugit’s humanitarian aid is reaching many people in great need – and they could reach so many more in the name of Yeshua with our Christian help in the nations. Avi writes, “In these critical moments, the people of Israel need the support of friends like you. You can donate here to help us continue to relieve and bless.”

Ariel Blumenthal continues his series with a video teaching on A Cup of Reeling for the Nations. .. a major shift that has happened in just the past 10 days in Israel. This shift is significant in relationship to Zechariah 8-14 and the fulfillment of prophecies leading up to the Second Coming.  (Also continue reading) |  Plus Director of Communications here at Tikkun Global Felipe Hasegawa writes From Remnant to Remnant. He is with Asher & Betty in Brazil for several ministry appointments hosted by JesusCopy and Tikkun Brazil. One is “Covenant Relationships” at work....continues here including info of two live sessions of Asher speaking on Saturday Nov 9th 7:35am EST and 5:45pm EST LINK HERE

     Jonathan Moore of Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem, shares Kingdom Math on the reality of joy in dark days: “Arise, shine, for your light has come! The glory of the LORD has risen on you. For behold, darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness the peoples. But the LORD will arise upon you, and His glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, kings to the brilliance of your rising.” 


Friday, November 1, 2024

Arrows 11/1/2024 This is Zion

 This is Zion

Christians Comfort
My people Israel
One New Man
& Harvest is released

Arni Klein of Emmaus Way writes, “Last week, while hosting a group from the nations during the feast of Succoth, we erected a tabernacle overlooking the Sea of Galilee for two nights and a day.
     An impression came to bring this place of His Presence to the very site of the Nova music festival massacre last October 7th. After the second night in the village, we and a wonderful team of helpers packed it all into the storage compartment of a tour bus and transported it to the Nova massacre site, just a few meters from the fence of Gaza. A group of twenty-one worshippers accompanied the tabernacle, that the Spirit of the God of life might be manifest in the midst of this place of national mourning.”

This is Zion                                                       
God’s Plan is Much Simpler Than We Make It Look
by Donna Diorio

I won’t belabor this. It is my consistent message that one of the most significant things God is doing among His people these days is the fulfillment of the promise in Ephesians 2:15-16 “to create in Himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace and reconciling both of them to God in one body through the cross, by which He extinguished their hostility.”
     We all know that the fulfillment of that ultimate goal is only partially, even beginning stages of partially, fulfilled right now. How few are those Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians who have truly relinquished their hostilities to each other. Even the introductory verse (Eph 2:14) is a point of hostility that Christians and Messianic Jews have not laid hold of in a way that banishes their hostility toward each other over what it means that Yeshua/Jesus “has torn down the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing in His flesh the law of commandments and decrees.”
      How many hostile debates have I read on this point from both sides? Each side letting it justify their lack of open arms to each other in this ultimate goal of Yeshua/Jesus to be one family in Him. That’s why He went to the Cross, to pay for our sins, so we didn’t treat each other like untouchables, but so we could treat each other will the full embrace of His own welcoming love of both Jew and Gentile into the faith of the great things He has done for us.
     I am not trying to present some new argument about the Law, knowing that if we are His, we are not free to live lawlessly and still be able to enjoy His presence in our lives. But I am saying that those Messianic Jews who welcome Christians to come alongside them in their ministry efforts in Israel, and those Christians who have awakened to what God is actually up to using Christians in Israel to facilitate the body of Messiah carry the Gospel to their people – these are the FEW who have entered into the Ephesians 2:15-16 peace and reconciliation that Yeshua/Jesus is creating “in Himself one new man out of the two.”
     There may be many questions that remain unanswered, but nothing that can override our understanding of how we need one another, and God’s expectation that we help one another because that is the only way we are going to get what we really desire to see unfold in our nations. Christians want to see the promised abundant last days harvest of souls internationally and Israel’s Messianic Jews want to see “all Israel” saved like Paul said in Romans 11:26. We only get what we want by embracing one another.
     What most Christians don’t know it is a bit like dominoes in a row triggering the chain reaction of all the dominoes to fall one after the other. When Christians realize that it is not just loving on unsaved Israel that will trigger the chain reaction, but it is coming alongside our spiritual family in Israel, the Messianic Jews, so they can do what God has assigned them:  to be the witness, the feet of Yeshua on the ground in Israel, bringing in the spiritual restoration and harvest of Jews in Israel. 
     That is happening now, and as more and Christians awaken to their call in that matter, it will happen even in greater numbers. That domino will trigger the other dominoes of the last days harvest to fall in the nations exponentially. It has to be the choice of even Jews to put faith in Yeshua. It has to be our choice to help Messianic Israel bring the message of the Gospel to their nation.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Emmaus Way Arni Klein talks about how what God spoke to himself and wife Yonit 27-years ago appears to be at the fulfillment point right now. It has to do with “tabernacle tent” pictured above – able to pick up and go to wherever the Spirit leads to go with the prayer and worship teams from the nations to “prepare a place for His Presence.” Arni writes of a recent from the nations that they hosted in their Galilee Worship Gathering that seeks only to minister to the LORD, seeking His Presence. They took the tent out setting it up during Sukkot near the Sea of Galilee for two nights and a day. Then sensed the LORD would have them move it to the sight of Oct 7th massacre at the Nova music festival. Arnie writes, “By Biblical definition, intercession is to close a hole in the fence through which the enemy has entrance. The sense of the Hebrew is that the break was created by our having broken relationship with God and His ways. The scripture in Ezekiel 22:30 relates (in Hebrew) that God sought for someone that would close the hole by becoming part of the fence…. So we went in the opposite spirit and honored the Presence of the Lord in the place where the physical fence had been broken through…. It is our hope and prayer that this act of obedience will have an effect in opening the heavens over the generation of Israelis that was so brutally struck down, that they might be able to see the glory of our Father in the face of Yeshua. We sense that Father will be showing us other places in the Land He would like to visit in this special way.”
     “….At the time of this writing we are packing our bags to travel to Germany to present the vision for Outposts of Heaven as we did in the UK last April. . . . Emmaus Way is about living in the Presence of God. Our goal is to give Him a place on earth...while on the way to be with Him in Heaven.

 Reuven Doron writes Only God quoting Psalm 124 “If it had not been YHWH who was on our side, when men rose up against us, then they would have swallowed us alive…” | Reuven writes, “Many of us in Israel are battling exhaustion as the non-stop stress of the war is taking its toll. Everyone’s foundations are being tested, and many hearts fail from the endless sorrow and pain that touch every household. Faith and hope make all the difference between despair and perseverance as we daily bury our dead, comfort our grieving, and cry out for more than 100 hostages still missing. Thank you for your prayers.
     Watch: The video teaching provides a biblical perspective on the season we are passing through. It is my last Sunday’s message at Christ Church in Jerusalem. Enjoy it, and please pass it on to people of prayer. 
      …. Pay no attention to the different “Ceasefire Negotiations” floating through various media outlets, nor set your hearts upon them. Most of these are hollow and impotent efforts to gain some faint public recognition before the coming American elections. Besides, most of those promoting and heralding these ceasefire deals will soon be fired. We pray for peace, but not for the false, treacherous, temporary “quiet” that our politicians were content with in recent decades. It was that “quiet” which produced the massacre of October 7 in the south, and a near worse one on our northern border.
     The new Israel that is emerging from the abyss is not interested in “QUIET” any longer, nor trusts a word our enemies spew out in efforts to stop our advances. This war will last as long as it needs to in order to rearrange the Middle East’s balance of power in favor of the nations that uphold personal, societal, and economic freedoms. Those who pray for peace should be willing to pay the price to achieve it.   Partner with us.

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center (and IDF Reserve tank unit) writes How to say “Heal” in Hebrew…. The Hebrew word for healing is רפא “rapha”. The root meaning of this word is “to restore” or “to mend”. It is used in the Bible encompassing physical healing, emotional restoration, restoring relationships, and spiritual renewal. And healing can be included for both someone personally and for a whole nation.
     In Exodus 15:26, it says, “I am the LORD who heals you.” Healing and restoration are integral qualities of our Heavenly Father…. As we continue to battle for over a year, we ask that you would pray for the healing and restoration for Israel. Families have been broken from loss, soldiers and civilians wounded by attacks, home and properties destroyed, and trauma, anxiety, and PTSD has inflicted many people across this nation. Please pray for healing and restoration from above as we pick up the broken pieces and put them back together.  “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3 and “Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” Jeremiah 33:6 

Guy Cohen of Acco Katzir Asher congregation writes, “I find in these days that many of the Israeli people are mentally and spiritually exhausted. Since October 7, 2023, we are continually experiencing emotional ups and downs as a result of national trauma and abuse…. Isaiah speaks of comforting my people, which for me as a Believer I am called to stand in. How can I stand in the place of comforting God's people if I have fear, confusion or lack of faith? That's why I must find my calling in this season. I must look beyond the battle taking place in the natural and look instead into the spiritual realm where the real battle is taking place. I realize this is the enemy's strategy in order to paralyze the Believers so they cannot stand firm.
     My prayer request to you, is that the Believers in Israel will put on the Spirit of God - walking in the battle knowing they belong to Him. In this way we can bring comfort to those around us who are weary, in pain and mourning - not focusing on our pain but on God's Glory here on earth.
     Prayer Requests | Please continue praying for Israel, the land and the people during this time of battle. Pray for God's wisdom to guide our leaders in all decisions in the way we should go as they lead and defend the nation. God's divine intervention and protection for our soldiers. Comfort to His people during this time of trauma and loss. Prayer for the mothers, wives, children and families of those soldiers from HOA currently in the field. Prayer for all the individuals in the congregation who are suffering from physical and spiritual illnesses, including Guy's mother who is still in hospital in serious condition.”

Youval Yanay who leads Revive Israel writes in The Cross is the Throne, “At Revive Israel, we believe that Jerusalem is not just a city but the spiritual epicenter of God’s plan for the world. The Bible tells us that Jerusalem is where Yeshua was crucified, where He will return, and where His throne will be established…. As we move forward in our mission, we recognize that the cross of Yeshua is the central message we must proclaim. The cross is not just a symbol of suffering and sacrifice; it is the throne from which Yeshua rules. Click title to read in full online
     We ask that you continue to pray for our upcoming winter program. In just two weeks, we will welcome a group of young people who are eager to draw closer to Yeshua, deepen their prayer life, and grow in their understanding of God’s Word. . . . We ask that you also continue to pray for Raphael who has been called up once again on reserve duty. He is a vital part of our team and will be greatly missed. Continue to cover his wife Liel in your prayers who will be home alone with three small children.

One thing I know about Avner Boskey (David’s Tent):  He knows where the proverbial “bodies are buried” and if he doesn’t, he knows where to investigate to find out! This is a critical element of international prophetic, in my view, because Israel is steeped in history and the enemies of today correlate to the historical enemies.
     This past week Avner contributed Haman’s edict and God’s signet ring about the “demonic prince of Persia” still at the center of serious threat to Israel and the Western nations. | Also Avner sets his eyes on “Parthians, Medes and Elamites (Acts 2:9) (Much important info here including clear eyed analysis of what Israel achieved in the last bombing in Iran – FROM Iranian analysts! | and just hours ago: Gold rings, pig snouts and election year promises

Tikkun Global releases VIDEO Part 3 of Ariel Blumenthal’s The Fullness Formula: God’s Call to Israel and the Nations Together | READ Mosab Yousef Addresses the European Union Parliament by Asher Intrater. (In case you don’t know, Mosab Yosef is the son of the spiritual founder of Hamas, who first became an Israeli informer to stop Hamas attacks on Israelis, then later on, also became a Christian.) | READ Trust Drives Out Fear | by Leon Mazin, leader of Trust Drives Out Fear | Shavei Tzyon/Return to Zion Congregation in Haifa |  BOOK Covenant Relationships | by Asher Intrater | Even though the topic of relationships is popular, few individuals ever reach the point of building lasting and meaningful bonds with others….the Biblical blueprint of what covenant relationships are intended to look like.
     The new Tikkun Global Ministry Center is already becoming a reality. The goal now is to raise the $600,000 remodeling for the site between now and Dec 31st. The center is in Jerusalem and will be used to host visitors, and times of strategic intercession, worship, and teaching about Israel, the church, and the end times. The “tent” of Tikkun Global is expanding to include increased global impact in teaching about the Kingdom of God, and strengthened collaboration between Arab and Jewish believers in Israel. PARTNER WITH US

Israel Pochtar of the Ashdod Beit Hallel and Voice of Judah network sends this VIDEO & ARTICLE The Prophetic Significance of Events Unfolding in Israel (“Today Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts…. God promised in Deuteronomy 28:7 — “The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.”)
He also wisely says: Israel isn’t only fighting to defend itself, but sacrificing everything in order to weaken and bring terrorism to its knees, the same one that also threatens Europe and U.S. from within. Click title to read online
     Being Homefront GuardiansThis is where we, as a faith community, step in as the “home-front guardians” God has called us to be.” | You are Israel’s Prayer Army: A Call to Intercession and Action in a Time of War….this is a critical time for Christians to stand with Israel—both in prayer and action. | ALSO Nelly’s Testimony: A Journey of Healing and Freedom | The Amazing Connection between Sukkot and Yeshua's Living Water

Read or Listen to Shani Ferguson read the articles Maoz Ministries send out, like this one “Where is Yeshua in the Hebrew Bible?” This is a fun feature with the emails from Maoz. In this one they are telling about the book project they are doing with the Israel Bible Society “to demonstrate through the Hebrew scriptures that Yeshua is the prophesied Messiah to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles. This project is already a year in the works and will take an additional two years to complete. It is budgeted to cost $278,000 and $38,000 has already been raised.” It is a great follow up to a previous book project they did together to present Israelis with a “Hebrew Narrated Bible in Chronological Order to give Israelis a Bible that uses all of the acknowledged ancient texts yet reads like a story. What’s more, it includes a dictionary that explains hard-to-understand ancient Hebrew words on each page. That Bible has circulated widely among congregations and non-believers all over Israel and has already been reprinted. It has given Israelis the opportunity to understand their own history with God in the order as it unfolded.”  These are powerful tools that will be key to the harvest in Israel in the coming years! Give to Messianic Bible.

 From Michel Beener who leads the City of Life congregation in Sderot (city closest to Gaza) : Families in Sderot Endured the High Holidays in the Shadow of War “….. Families and children were confronted with the emotional toll of frequent alerts and attacks, which made the holidays a bittersweet experience.
     In response, our "City of Life" ministry actively supported affected communities by distributing essential food sacks and supermarket vouchers to those most in need, including young families, widows, immigrants, single parents, and Holocaust survivors. To help residents find moments of comfort and joy, we also organized an event that offered brief relief, allowing families to step away from the pressures of living under constant threat. As the situation remains fluid and the threat of further escalation looms, the people of Sderot and other border towns continue to face enormous challenges.” Learn more & please donate to help us help them.

 Ronit Bender in Isfiya located on Mt Carmel, is a living letter of love from Israel’s Messiah to her people. It has been a little difficult to get out much because of all the rockets from Hezballah, but Ronit says when she does get out “in my coffees and various visits, I hear Israelis wondering aloud when soldiers and civilians die, when the 7th of October, 2023's disaster happened, many are wondering where God is in all this?” They don’t know the answer, but Ronit does: she trust the Bible telling her of God’s love and care – and this is what Ronit shares.  She wrote, “One day, I was caught in a taxi when the siren sounded. The driver, a Druze man from the village of Isfiya, shared with me that they still speak about Tom and I and the youth club we ran years ago. His son was coached by Tom and we were a blessing to the locals. I felt the Lord wanted to encourage me that day about the many seeds that have been sown over the years.
     Please pray for Ronit and all the people she reaches out to in her neighborhood – often over many years. Ronit herself needs prayers as she lives in pain from her hip and her heart. Both are inoperable, untreatable. Pray the LORD will give Ronit the health miracles she needs and extends her life to continue bringing the testimony of Yeshua to all she meets. 

Arab Prophetic Intercessor Rania Sayegh writes that despite the continual rocket fire from Hezballah in the north, the Nazareth House of Prayer & Exploits were able to put on their Arab Deborahs Arising Women's Conference as scheduled in Nazareth from 13-14/09/2024. They had “178 people attending, the highest number of participants ever, and it truly was an amazing conference!... The ministry team consisted of 15 locals (Arabs and Messianic Jews) and international Christians, who had chosen to come to Israel for such a time as this to be a blessing and encouragement to the Arab women.”
     Rania gives a great run down of all the speakers messages but a great highlight took place “On Saturday morning, we had another very powerful moment when the Messianic Jews who were present were called forth to share their hearts in the middle of the war situation. Many tears were shared, and we broke bread together after releasing forgiveness in the middle of the crisis of the war. The session ended with a release of powerful worship and dance together in Hebrew and Arabic, as the Arab and Jewish women were hugging and sharing their love for each other. We felt a fresh outpouring of the love of God by the Holy Spirit melting away and removing much pain over the land.”
     Rania also makes an appeal “Would you sow a seed into Nazareth and help us reach our goal? Please prayerfully consider giving a donation through "Fire For The Nations" in the USA, by clicking the following link, Donate (, and choosing "HOPE Building Operations" from the list, or through our Israeli non-profit organization with the following PayPal link, or through our website

I was very touched by the testimony Dov Bikas shared from the Tel Aviv Outreach Center that ministers to addicts & the sexually abused on the ‘mean streets’ where they gravitate to from all over Israel. It was the story of Yuliy – not his real name – who was once in the faith, but had fallen and was deeply ashamed of his fall and addiction struggles. Yuliy’s story is told by Leonid who is a volunteer at the Aviv Center. Volunteers from the Messianic congregations all over Israel come to serve the homeless and helpless to save themselves on these streets. Pray for them to come to Yeshua and in all the rehab ministries they go to after that, that they find freedom forever from addictions.
     Yuliy’s story touched me deeply – and you can read it on Facebook here. Thank you to the Aviv Center for ministering Yeshua the least of these.
     ALSO: Here also another video from Aviv Center, featuring one of our volunteers, Steve. May God bless you all and thank you very much for your prayers and support! from Dov and Olga Bikas and Aviv Ministry team


NEW on my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog
Smashing Ishtar for Real
Also read the latest Weekly Arrows from Zion there filed every Saturday


Smashing Ishtar for Real


Carolyn Hyde of Ministry in the Galilee

An Israeli prophetic/intercessor/worshipper friend, jposted this morning that Israel just smashed the altars of Baal and Astarte (Ishtar). I was light of recent smashing of the 'Ishtar' altar in Washington, D.C.  (See Flights of Fancy below this article.)

So I checked the news to find out what she was referring to. It was the IDF smashing the Lebanon town of Baalbek after 2 days of warning residents to flee the area. The Israeli strikes targeted Baalbek because it is a political stonghold of Hezbollah, the Shi'ite Muslim group which is backed by Iran.

Baalbek also happens to be a "World Heritage Site" because of the 3,000-year-old Roman ruins there. This is why almost every news article is pushing the historical "treasure" of the site, rather than what murderous evil is launched from the city against Israel. 

We see the same principle at work when Palestinian terror groups in Gaza and West Bank hide their munitions and themselves behind locations the Israelis have been forced to make hard choices (because of world outrage) about destroying. 
It is because these terrorists nests are purposely set up in hospitals, children's schools - any place that if Israel takes care of the threat, there are going to be deaths and casualties of the most vulnerable citizens. Because even though Israel will give prior warning for residents to flee, the terrorists will try to make their own people stay in place. Their deaths will cause world outrage at Israel. You see, Israel values the lives of these people far more than the terrorists who use them a human shields. 

So in the IDF striking of Baalbek we see the same terrorist m.o. of hiding among World Heritage ancient ruins because the world will be outraged over any damage to the sites of false gods far more than the Israeli lives that are lost if the area remains untouched by Israel. 

The Lebanese city of Baalbek was named after "Baal," which means deity, and "Bek/Bekaa," which refers to the Bekaa Valley, a name which has shown up for years related to terrorist activities. It is where Hezbollah arms depots are located and is 30 km east of Beruit. 

Baalbek was a Phoenician city that became one of the most celebrated sanctuaries of the ancient world with pilgrims flocking to the city to worship at the temples of Jupiter, Bacchus and Venus, known under the name of the Romanized Triad of Heliopolis.

Now terrorists have made the city and region its stronghold even as Jupiter, Bacchus, Venus and the rest of the ancient false gods are no longer worshiped on the earth. 

The terrorists have cynically made the ancient "World Heritage" site its home because it offered them covering - a safety zone Israel would be hard pressed to bomb. 
That day is over. Israel is doing what it has to. The nations will still raise uproar about the ancient ruins of false gods, but REAL IDOLS must be smashed. 

Also, you have to see that ISRAEL WAS SMASHING REAL ALTARS OF IDOLATRY and this is a spiritual lesson to us, not to be satisfied with purely symbolic altars to idolatry. We have to get to the real altars in our hearts and minds.  

I do believe that it's fine to prophetically smash symbolic altars as long as we have a firm grip on the REAL IDOLS in our lives and in our nations. Our focus cannot be on some mythical 'god' or 'goddess" we have to see in modern days what our true idolatry is and how we are demonically influenced to DO sins, not by non-existent 'spirits' of false gods, but by real demons targeting us with evil thinking and acting.  We must smash the real demonic influences in our minds and hearts.

Earlier comments on the Washington, D.C. symbolic smashing of the altar of Ishtar (Astarte):

Oct 24 2024: Last night we were plunged into darkness. There was an electric outage in our small housing division that started right after 5pm and lasted until 2am. There were a few hours of sunlight left in the day so I finally picked up the book that is so popular among Christians and many Messianics who are thrilled to have a genuinely popular Messianic Jew that so many Christians listen to. 

I've had the book for many days that I wanted to give read through even though the premise of it did not sit well with me when it became center stage in American Christiandom a few weeks ago. It didn't sit well with me because of the scriptures that clearly rebuffs any spiritual power in idols. The book, which has an intriguing title, has been out a couple of years,but I was never drawn to read it. When I saw the traction is was getting among American intercessors, I knew I had to read to know for sure if it was solid material or not.

Last night with nothing else I could do but read a book, I finally picked it up and starting reading. I will say that the author is a greatly entertaining writer, but what I found was a fertile imagination. Even though the premise of the book is based on factual information of ancient myths and idolatry, it leaps out of what God's Word says about idols and demons. I could not find the biblical basis for the assertion that mythical gods and goddesses were actually demonic spiritual powers. 

What could it hurt to believe the ancient idols actually were inhabited by demonic spirits? A lot when it contradicts God's Word. The demons that have plagued mankind throughout human history, even as worshiping idols on a altar who went away for a couple of thousand years, never stopped. Demonic 'gods' and 'goddesses' are returning; they've always been here active. 

I fully believe in the reality of demonic spirits at work in people, but what I read in God's Word is stated clearly that the ancient idols are "nothing." Paul tells the Corinthians that exact thing in 1 Cor 8:4 "We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 

He continues to explain in verse 7, "But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled."

The prophet of Isaiah lays it out brilliantly (44:9-15) "All makers of idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Their witnesses fail to see or comprehend, so they are put to shame. 10 Who fashions a god or casts an idol which profits him nothing? 11 Behold, all his companions will be put to shame, for the craftsmen themselves are only human. . . .12 The blacksmith takes a tool and labors over the coals; he fashions an idol with hammers and forges it with his strong arms. Yet he grows hungry and loses his strength; he fails to drink water and grows faint. 13 The woodworker extends a measuring line; he marks it out with a stylus; he shapes it with chisels and outlines it with a compass. He fashions it in the likeness of man, like man in all his glory, that it may dwell in a shrine.14 He cuts down cedars or retrieves a cypress or oak. He lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest. He plants a laurel, and the rain makes it grow. 15 It serves as fuel for man. He takes some of it to warm himself, and he kindles a fire and bakes his bread; he even fashions it into a god and worships it; he makes an idol and bows down to it."

Isaiah had a lot to say about idols in various books and it is worth following up to get yourself settled in biblical truth rather than vain imaginations.

Psalm 115:4-8 also clearly laid out how all idols on altars were strictly man made - no spirit with any power animating them in the least. "Their idols are silver and gold, made by the hands of men. …5 They have mouths, but cannot speak; they have eyes, but cannot see; 6they have ears, but cannot hear; they have noses, but cannot smell; 7 they have hands, but cannot feel; they have feet, but cannot walk; they cannot even clear their throats. 8 Those who make them become like them, as do all who trust in them."

Paul exhorted Timothy (2 Tim 4:2-4) "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."

Keep with the word. It is a fault in American Christian circles to want to be on top of the latest spiritual understanding and revelation. That desire leads many away from the truth of the Word of God into following flights of fancy. One example is desiring to know the latest new name of a demonic spirit. Suddenly the Jezebel spirit is "just a woman" but the mythical goddess Ishtar is a real demonic spirit. Now according the God's Word. The book of Revelation is pretty clear about the two major principality demonic spirits we are up against are the Jezebel and Beast spirits. No false gods and goddesses named at all. 

In 2 Cor 2:17, Paul told the Corinthians, "For we are not like so many others, who peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Messiah we speak before God with sincerity, as men sent from God." 

And in 2 Cor 4:2 he said,  "Instead, we have renounced secret and shameful ways. We do not practice deceit, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by open proclamation of the truth, we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God."

Lastly, Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:32-34 continuing in 11:1-2 
10:32 "Do not become a stumbling block, whether to Jews or Greeks or the church of God— 33 as I also try to please everyone in all I do. FOR I AM NOT SEEKING MY OWN GOOD, BUT THE GOOD OF MANY, THAT THEY MAY BE SAVED. 11:1-2 "YOU ARE TO IMITATE ME, JUST AS I IMITATE MESSIAH/CHRIST. 2 Now I commend you for remembering me in everything and for maintaining the traditions, just as I passed them on to you.

I do not seek to harm anyone, but we need to be sober and stick to what the Word of God points us to.