Friday, August 2, 2024

Arrows Aug 1 2024 The Three Weeks & The Netanyahu Doctrine

 Notice: I misspoke last week when I said both my birthday and the birth of my Weekly Summary in 2001 both happened in the period of the Dire Straits. It was mid-August when I launched my first Israelprayer Summary. No doubt I was probably ‘pregnant’ with the idea in mid-July but it was not birthed until after the period of the Dire Straits. I remain assured it was birthed for such a time as these dire straits.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Reuven Doron’s latest stresses the urgency of the hour – and is pushing me to wrap this Arrows from Zion up earlier than planned in order to get it into the hands of intercessors before whatever is developing explodes into our sights. Read it in full on here, Spoils of War. Some highlights include-
     The Three Weeks (The Dire Straits) | In our weekly Prayer Reports we generally try to let the Word of God guide your prayers and direct your intercessions. We especially trust God to inspire your prayers as we move deeper into the dangerous season of “Be’in Hametzarim” that we previously wrote about. Israel and the Middle East are bracing for turbulent days.
     Israel’s enemies are plagued with confusion and fear due to our successful policy of (nearly miraculous) eliminations of senior terrorists, most recently in the very heart of Beirut and Tehran. They know that Israel’s long arm can reach anyone, anywhere.
     Hezbollah’s Chief of Staff was killed last week by Israeli precision missiles while he was visiting his lover in their secret apartment in Beirut. He is the man responsible for the massacre of the Israeli-Druze children from the Golan Heights last week, and for the murder of hundreds of American Marines in Beirut in 1983. Hamas’ leader, Ismail Haniyeh, was blown to smithereens (most probably) by a remotely operated explosive device which had been smuggled weeks ago into a top secret VIP Iranian hospitality apartment. How embarrassing for our enemies…
     Consequently, Iran and her “terror branches” (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and radical militias all over the Middle East) are surrounding little Israel with tens of thousands of missiles, rockets, and explosive drones. They are drunk with insanity, jealousy, and hatred, and are promising a harsh retaliation to save face. Some believe it may start tonight.
     What has been considered so far as a “limited war,” can change at any moment and erupt into a regional armed conflict where Israel may have to take strong and even extreme measures to push the enemy back. By the time you read these words, the situation on the ground may have shifted significantly, and we trust the Spirit of God to guide your intercessions accordingly.

     …. We are not looking forward to an all out war. We love life. However, when the time comes and danger rises from all sides, Israel must and will fight hard! There are times when our prayers should not focus on trying to AVOID the fight; but rather to emerge victorious FROM the fight through God’s strength and grace, for His name’s sake.  Continue to read all here

Asher Intrater addresses the US Congressional speech by Israeli PM Netanyahu saying “Netanyahu made several statements that reflected a worldview of Israel, the USA, and the Middle East. There were key policy, or philosophical statements that many may not have grasped their significance.
Read it in full at The Netanyahu Doctrine. Highlight lead with:
     Barbarism versus Civilization – history may be seen as a series of clashes between opposing civilizations. However, when dealing with Islamic extremism, terrorism, and global Jihadism, it would be wrong to see a clash between relatively equal civilizations. This is anti-civilization. This is evil barbarism.
 …. Lions of Judah – Netanyahu introduced several Israeli soldier heroes. Then he quoted from Numbers 23:24 – the people will rise like a roaring lion and be lifted up like a lion.  Quoting the Bible in this way is to restore an image of the Israeli people as courageous and heroic, particularly the soldiers. It is appealing to the biblical narrative, not only as ethos, but to encourage the Christian community in America to have a restored sense of bravery and purpose.
 ….Moral Clarity
– War is not won first on armaments but on being clear on values of what is right and wrong, good and evil. There is no moral equivalency with terrorists murdering, raping men and women, killing parents and children before one another's eyes, burning and mutilating bodies, etc. Terrorism must be eradicated.

 ….Burning USA flags – In 1979, the Ayatollah regime took over Iran. Their first act was to attack the USA embassy. For these 45 years, their demonstrations have burnt both Israeli flags and US flags. This shows the intent of Ayatollism to destroy America and Israel.
  ….    Useful Idiots – this is term describes the bizarre phenomenon of academicians or radical leftist activists to endorse Islamic extremism that is totally against everything they believe in. Gays protesting for Islamic regimes who would execute them immediately and publicly.  Endorsing slogans like "from the river to the sea" which is an absurd claim, geographically and historically.
     Honestly: just do yourself a favor and click the link above to read in full and spend time absorbing what Asher is saying.

Sally Shiff, intercessor at the Kehilat (Congregation) HaMaayan writes about the great news that “Israel has struck 'crucial blows' to two 'evil' Islamist extremists | Within hours of each other, two major leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah were targeted and killed. While we are all relieved these murderers are gone, we are in trepidation of the retribution that Iran is threatening….She sends YouTube Hezbollah rocket kills 12 children, Druze community devastated. It is a great explanation of our current situation.”

She tells of waking up at the exact time Haniyeh was struck by a rocket and of a dream she had, “I was walking in the Nova massacre area. The memorial itself where the people were murdered had been bulldozed over. The flags and pictures were gone. Instead, what I did see was the ground with dried blood spots, where the people fell.  It was like the memorial made by man had been erased, but the blood that cries out for justice was evident. I don't know if there is a correlation from the two, but I do know that God is a just God. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Now, more than ever we can use your prayers of protection and faith. We hide under His wings. A great place to be!”
     Sally also included this important background information to all we are seeing right now as Israel fights back: Pay for slay explained the Palestinian Authority practice to pay terrorists or their families who kill Israeli Jews…. One thing this war has exposed, is the reality of Gaza

Howard Bass at the Beer Sheva Yeshua’s Inheritance congregation had irritation to get off of his chest over 2 recent incidents – the lack of condemnation over the Hezballah rocket attack on a Druze village in Israel – “without a peep of condemnation from the Palestinian Authority led by its president Abu Mazen; with Hezbollah denying its indiscriminate deadly attack; with the US telling Israel not to escalate the tensions.  As long as it is not the Jews or Israelis who are the "aggressor" the world has little sympathy for victims of atrocities, or for holding seriously accountable the perpetrators…. Despite the support of many Christian believers towards Israel and the Jewish people, it is my sense that most Christians are not clear about their support or why it matters (and I hope that I could very well be wrong). One does not have to be a believer either to take a position that is discerning.” Howard has so many excellent points throughout his comments of this, Netanyahu’s speech and the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris. Again noting that athletes and coaches did not distance themselves….” I would also like to hear Jewish leadership speak out against the offensive world-wide travesty. We so much want to have Christians, and others, stand up with us when we are grotesquely caricaturized or attacked. Where are our voices?” His story of how as a non-Jew he saw the 1979 movie “Life of Brian” and could see that it was a horrible thing to mock crucifixion: “by the grace of God, He used that blasphemous movie to give this Jew sympathy for the man, Jesus Christ, who suffered such a horrible death. Until then, I hadn't really given it much thought.”

Chaim Malespin
of the Aliyah Return Center also wrote about Netanyahu’s Congressional speech and his own incredulity that “While Netanyahu was giving his address, there was a mob of protestors in support of the terrorist organization of Hamas. They burned the USA flag!! Some may know what they are supporting, but few truly understand…. It is hard to see people rallying in support of terrorism. One brave fellow from the US, entered into Ramallah, a city under Palestinian jurisdiction, and he conducted some street interviews. Their response to his questions were shocking. WATCH HERE.
     …. We long and pray for God’s righteousness here on earth. “but deliver us from evil.” Please God! Thanks for always keeping me in prayer as these are definitely dangerous missions in Gaza. Stand Strong!   Help us build the Lighthouse here AND Emergency Aid Giving Options Here

Orna Grinman  of A Sign & Example gives a blog post on How Can You Pray for Us? | In all the present upheaval we are experiencing, and with everything that is going on, here are my main points of prayer for Israel these days. You are welcome to join me and “glean” in my field.

Rania Sayegh of House of Prayer & Exploits also had a dream about a dust storm in Lebanon as “a huge angel take a big sword and strike it into the heart of Lebanon. While this was taking place, I saw the ground beginning to shake.” Then the dust storm moved in like a whirlwind. “I sensed the Lord was saying to me that the winds of change and awakening are blowing over Lebanon. The sword of the Lord, His Word is going to come forth and be established. His Word and voice are thundering over Lebanon to bring freedom and deliverance. I sensed there is a dust storm coming to Lebanon not only in the spiritual sense but natural to bring blindness and confusion in the camps of the enemy.”

Dov Bikas of the Aviv Ministry to addicts in Tel Aviv shares how they have expanded to tell what they are doing. In addition to their Facebook page now they have a new YouTube channel and Instagram account. I encourage you to watch these first 3 YouTube videos are Andrey’s Transformation (This is a great informational video on the drug addictions epicenter in Tel Aviv!), Meeting Sasha at Aviv Center (A look inside the ministry in the Aviv Center where Messianic ministries from all around Israel come to ministers to the addicts) and the Food Distribution in the city of Ashkelon by the Aviv Ministry. Please watch, share with your friends and subscribe!

Ruby, the Arab Christian team member who is part of the leadership of Fields of Wheat, along with Eitan Shishkoff and Joel Jelksi, writes about his and Joel’s US tour but most of his focus is on the next Teen Camp. We don’t know where all that stands right now because of the raised tensions and expectation of retaliation strikes – but we know when the LORD says, Go! They will continue to put on the camp. It is especially needed to build up the young people during this time of war. Ruby wrote about the last camp they held at Passover: “I recall a quiet young boy in my small group. Throughout the camp, he barely spoke. On the last day, he shared a harrowing story: his brother, a soldier stationed near Gaza, had sent a text saying "I love you" before his phone went silent. The family endured agonizing hours, fearing the worst, until they learned he was injured but alive. This personal connection underscored the urgent need for these camps, offering a safe space for healing and hope.”
     The Summer camp is set for August 18-22. With all that is going on right now you might think twice about funding this camp with a donation – but don’t let that stop you! Whether the Summer Camp is able to be put on or not, I know that there will be another camp, and another, and another. Plant your seed in the good soil of those who are building up the Israeli youth with spiritual staying power. Give HERE

Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel in Ashdod and Voice of Judah ministries sends these videos and articles VIDEOs:  What Are Israel’s Young Believers Saying About Their Arab Neighbors? | Exploring the Significance of the New Jewish Month of "Av" and How It Impacts on You as a Believer | ARTICLES: A Mission of Love to Bless Israeli Children in Need: Back to School Project | We, as a community of believers in Jesus, are called to stand with Israel in a real way, to be a beacon of hope and love in these dark times....Read in full here
     Natalia's Story - Inspiring Faith in the Most Skeptical of Hearts! Read in full here

Youval Yanay of Revive Israel sends Embracing Suffering and Sanctification in Yeshua, Part 2. | Also they report “Some Israelis who do not yet believe in Yeshua are regularly coming to the farm. There are conversations about Yeshua and faith. Please pray with us that the veil will be removed! | Raphael is currently … in Texas for a week, participating in a project of support and renewal for Israeli believing soldiers. Please pray for the success of the project, for renewal, healing, and refreshment for our soldiers.| Youval continues to teach weekly in congregations and at conferences across the country. He would greatly appreciate your support and prayers.| We have not yet covered all the expenses of the "Camp Connections." If you feel led to join and support, you can Click Here.  May God bless you abundantly, and strengthen your faith.|  God Cares |A good word from Revive Israel on Instagram (don’t need to join instagram to access) 

Gil and Tamar Afriat of the Tel Aviv Tiferet Yeshua congregation send this encouraging word that “Something profound is happening in Israel right now in the physical and the spiritual” in their article The Weapons of Our War | They also write about “Tiferet Yeshua leaders have been praying for years for the Lord to give us new songs that will bring us closer to Him, but also be the sound that accompanies the coming revival He promised to Israel.  We are now beginning to see the answers to these prayers, as several of our worship team members have already written songs we now sing regularly during our services – songs that are especially loved by our congregation, because they are a direct reflection of our heart towards God.  We believe that this is just the beginning! … We invite you to come and visit our services when you are in Israel and, of course, join our weekly Friday service live-streams from Tel Aviv at 4:pm Israel time.  And we invite you to be a part of the sound of this generation together with us through your prayers and support. Donate Today

David Silver, Out of Zion writes, “I am sending the Carmel Alert out on Thursday evening as there is a very real possibility that Israel will be attacked later this evening, and there is no guarantee that we will have electricity or internet by tomorrow. Please pray that this will not happen tonight or at any time in the future.” He writes about the “Dramatic Developments” surprising everyone as the head of the Hamas snake was cut off when Ismail Haniyeh was killed by a blast in Tehran as he slept. This is bigger news than most people think. David writes, “This news came just a few hours after the news that the senior military commander of the Hezbollah died in a missile attack on a building in Beirut. CNN and others are now reporting that the explosion in Tehran was caused by a bomb planted some months ago in a guesthouse where Haniyeh was known to stay at, and was set off by remote control. …the death of the 2 leaders has stirred up great anger in much of the Muslim Arab world, and threats of revenge against Israel  are coming from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Turkey and other Muslim nations. All of Israel is now on very high alert and bracing for a serious multi front attack in the next few days…. Please increase your prayer for Divine protection over all of Israel in the days and weeks ahead. David covered much more ground, which cannot be covered here for space considerations. Subscribe directly at Out of Zion website

Ron Cantor is in the US for an undetermined  time as his father has been taken seriously ill. The same applies to his wife Elana’s mother in Israel. “We love our parents and want to serve them, but the difficulty is compounded by this fact…. I would love to tell you that the people of Israel are resilient. And we have been for 76 years. But October 7 knocked the wind out of this country. I am praying that all this will push us to the point of desperation and cause us to cry out to God. I wish this report were rosier, but I’m trying to keep things real and honest.

     Prayer Requests | Please pray for me and Elana as we will be in two different countries for the next month. Pray that we can support each other from afar.| Please pray for our parents, most of all that they will find salvation in Yeshua. Please pray for their health as well.| Please pray for my trip to the US as I am hoping for an opportunity to share with my father. Over the years, this has proved difficult, even though our relationship gets better and better with the years.| Pray for the people of Israel. Pray that this difficult season will push us closer and closer to Yeshua.|

Parallels in leadership & fast moving developments
by Donna Diorio


Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ismail Haniyeh  

News events are so fast moving over the past few weeks, it is difficult to keep up with it all. First came an assassination attempt on the 45th President of the United States at a rally for his re-election to be the 47th President. Then Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the US to address the Congress. Bibi came speaking the truth on behalf of Israel’s just war against Hamas. Truth speakers have to have courage, but are always welcomed by truth seekers. 
     Like Trump, Netanyahu is despised by half his countrymen who see nothing but flaws in the man. A lot of the opinions are based on narratives, not the truth. Just because there is great opposition to the leadership of Trump and Netanyahu does not mean God’s anointing is not upon them to lead. My personal belief is like both men have been raised up by God for such a time as this juncture in history.
     I was struck by something Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher said last week about how Israel wanted a king even though the prophet Samuel warned there are down sides to being ruled by a man instead of by God. Also because it is mere men who lead us they are the ones we dishonor and judge when things go wrong in our nations.
     That rang true to me. In my own nation lying narratives are spun out fast and furious by media, political operatives, woke feds who have become little more than “the alphabet degenerates” of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. No one alarms them more than Donald Trump, but Netanyahu runs a close second. Many have warned about the US political-opposition dollars and political opposition counsel helping to keep a continual stirring of Israeli street protests. Granted, the Israeli political system is not exactly the same as the US, like Netanyahu’s dependence on the far right religious zealots who present great challenges for political stability, but the weak knees of Netanyahu’s opposition is no answer for Israel either.
    To most of us who back Trump it is because we see our fight as one against good versus evil. Our nation hangs in the balance. Electing Trump is for the purpose of “restraining evil” so we have more time in the spiritual battle for the soul of our nation.  In Israel where the politic structures different, it is still a battle of restraining the weakness that promotes greater threats. Terrorism thrives on weakness taking advantage of leaders without the guts to act decisively against aggressors. 

     When Netanyahu came to speak to Congress about Israel’s just war against Hamas half of Congress –both Senate and House – Democrats boycotted the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech, including the Democrats next presidential nominee, Kamala Harris. Netanyahu was diplomatic about that, as all Israeli Prime Ministers have made a rule to be, but behind closed doors they know who favors Israel and who doesn't. It is foolish to ignore who really are your enemies.
     The truth is Democrats are courting the favor of America’s Islamic population and have several hardened Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Islamist supporters holding seats in Congress. Without naming them, Netanyahu made the point that anti-civilization Islamists and their "useful idiot" allies were outside rioting in protest of his appearance in Washington, D.C.
     The truth is that Islamists in North America have been playing the long game. They have made unholy alliances with American protest groups like BLM, Code Pink, Eco-warriors, Feminists, LGBTQ, etc. They have infected all these groups with anti-Israel/anti-Jew hatred. They are the "useful idiots" that have allowed Islamist groups to maintain a low profile for most of the past dozen years. The useful idiots have been visible to the public, but the barbaric Islamists have been embedded among them all along, greatly influencing what they think and how they conduct themselves to oppose Israel and the USA, have been low profile. Islamism may not remain low profile for long: America is the proverbial boiling frog because of the influence of Islamism among us. 

     As for Israel, I appreciate what an American Jewish man I follow on X had to say today as news broke that the #1 leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in a rocket strike in Iran. He was there in the terrorist-sponsoring state to attend the swearing in ceremony of the new Iranian president. 
     JewishWarrior # posted on X: “The psychological barricade of fear has finally broken in Israel, and what Israel should have done days after 10/7 they are finally doing now. Since 10/7 Bibi has faced significant opposition at home, an extremely hostile media that kept demoralizing the country, a hostile U.S. regime, a failed Israeli Secretary of Defense that kept fighting Bibi from the inside, and an IDF leadership that not just failed on 10/7, but acted like Israel is losing. But Bibi rose above it all and stirred Israel into a place where our enemies are now hiding in fear. You can criticize him all you want, but there isn't any leader in Israel today at his level.”
     I believe he is right and his thinking is in line with what I see from Guy Cohen also. As for Ismail Haniyeh, all I can say is he is the opposite of the leaders who are trying to do the best for their nations. Ismail Haniyeh is a terrorist leader who has lived in exile from Gaza in the lap of luxury on the billions mostly Western nations have poured into Gaza to help the Palestinian people. Instead of helping their people, they have used them as human shields for terrorists while they lined their own pockets with millions and spending the rest on weapons to attempt to annihilate all the Jews in Israel. 
     God has something to say about plans like that, and I believe He gave Benjamin Netanyahu the guts to say, “Make the shot” when intel brought him the location in Iran of Hamas #1 man. Most of the leaders who stand against Netanyahu would have just stood down and not chanced it because of all the international pressure on Israel right now. That’s what I think anyway.  Should a broader war break out, that should MUTE the division inside Israel regarding Netanyahu…at least for a while. 

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