Sunday, July 21, 2024

Arrows 7/19/24 What is Intercession?


A New Dawn is Surely Coming: Healed & Restored

What is Intercession?
“O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still.

Psalm 83:1

by Chaim Malespin, ARC

Will you stand in the gap between the porch and the alter on behalf of Israel? We know that many of you have not ceased in praying for Israel. And we are so grateful for this! After nine months of war, the situation seems to have only grown more intense, especially with the barrage of rockets in the north and still some in the south of Israel.  
    We are at a tipping point right now. There is a deal with Hamas on the table and a possible all out war with Hezbollah in the north. So as we are in this crucial moment in our history, we ask for heightened intercession for Israel. We need all watchman to intercede for this land right now as it says in Isaiah 62:6-7: “I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”
     Intercession means someone who intervenes on behalf of another. There are several examples in scriptures of intercession.
   Abraham interceded on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah, asking for God to spare the righteous in the city. And God did that. He sent angels to rescue Lot and his family from being destroyed with the sinful and corrupt people. (Genesis 18:22-33)
     Moses interceded on behalf of Israel. When the children of Israel fell into worshipping the golden calf, God proposed to destroy them and carry on the seed through Moses. Moses stood in the gap for His people and pleaded for God to spare them from His wrath. (Exodus 32:9-14)
     Samuel also interceded on behalf of Israel. The children of Israel were under threat of the Philistines. He assembled people in Mizpeh to pray, fast and repent with him. And there Samuel interceded on behalf of Israel, that they would be delivered from the threat of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 7:5-9)
     Yeshua interceded on behalf of His disciples and the believers to follow. He prayed for unity, protection, and sanctification for His followers. (John 17)
      Do for you and me, how can we intercede effectively? For one, knowing the scriptures. We want to pray according to God’s will. The best way to know His will, is by knowing the Bible. *HERE* When you don’t know what to pray, simply wait and listen.
     Intercession comes from a relationship with God, knowing Him, and being sensitive to His voice. You can also read and declare scriptures that God puts on your heart. Intercession requires communion, obedience, and sacrifice.
     “Let the priests, who minister before the Lord, weep between the portico and the altar. Let them say, “Spare your people, Lord. Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, a byword among the nations. Why should they say among the peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” Joel 2:17

Donna: I would like to add to what Chaim wrote back on July 7th, especially the part "Intercession means someone who intervenes on behalf of another." Yes, intercession is first and foremost standing before God to appeal on behalf on someone else.
     Examples given: not to destroy the righteous with the sinners; to spare & restore the people of God who had fallen into sin; to rise up on behalf of His people when enemies threatened; for the body of the Lord to be sanctified, protected and in a unity only Heaven can bring us into.
      We speak to God these issues of life expecting Him to answer even for His own name's sake because we are known as the people of God. Why should the heathen believe they can do whatever they want to us without risking the ire of the Most High God?
     There is another form of intercession that is not prayer, it is also "intervening of behalf of another." There are also examples of this in scripture and we must not discount their practical intervention as non-spiritual. Our prayer intercession is often answered by these whose practical help become the answer of God sends us - a person to intervene by helping in a practical way.
     Those who intervene with funding the ministers of Yeshua in Israel to relieve the suffering going on right now is an example. There are those who are like Cyrus. Yes, I'm speaking of Donald Trump now, and despite the greatest opposition against him, God has seen fit to preserve Trump’s life for such a time as this. Also, Trump has chosen a Vice President in J.D. Vance who could not be more in the mold of a practical answer to carry forward USA support for Israel.
      It is not a political statement to bring this up. It is about those in places of power that God has moved on to support Israel at a critical time in history. Because they are not in our prayer meetings, do not discount the spiritual aspect of their role in intercession for Israel. 
     We too are to be practical intercessors who find ways to come alongside the Remnant ministries of Israel to alleviate the great needs among the Israeli people who are being shaken to the core. This is the time for Israelis to re-connect with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by faith through His Son.

     More from Chaim Malespin & Aliyah Return Center below.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

As Chaim’s word on what intercession meant struck me as the priority point to emphasize this week, so was the word from Sally Shiff of the HaMaayan congregation that arrived in email today. Her word is about the “psychological warfare” of Hamas that is called “gaslighting.” This is the same psychological warfare (gaslighting) that has become the #1 weapon of choice against people throughout the world. The battle always boils down to the battle over the truth.

     Sally writes, “Hamas is extremely good at psychological warfare. They paint a different picture than reality and the world believes them. Usually, how they report the news is the exact opposite of the truth. This is called "gaslighting". … "Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition…. I send out what is happening here in Israel from an "on the ground" perspective because I am afraid that the world does not know the truth. They don't see that Hamas is using their own people as human shields and then "gaslights" the world by saying how evil the IDF is killing "innocent" victims….
DONNA: Gaslighting is a worldwide issue. Everywhere we see violent chaos in the world, there is the strongest activity of this psychological abuse and manipulation operating full tilt. As Leon Mazin of Return to Zion in Haifa said last week, “It is not the wars, disasters, or epidemics that have existed throughout history that most concern me, but the unprecedented proliferation of lies. They are everywhere – in politics, the news, medicine, statistics, and even idle discussions about the climate. Everything is saturated with manipulation and deception. Lies are pouring out in staggering amounts, and we must seek the Lord's discernment to evaluate everything in its true light.”
     The battle has always been over the Truth that is why in the days we live, every true thing is fought so hard with lies, deceptions, gaslighting – to manipulate those who think they cannot be manipulated from the truth by deceptions.
Read more of the fast moving Divine developments at my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog.

Arni Klein of Emmaus Way writes after some of the investigation into why there was failure in the military to pay attention to warnings of the Hamas attack on October 7th saying, “. It feels like we are witnessing an exposure of an Israeli deep state. Given all the spiritual dynamics, prophetic words, Biblical promises, and the like, perhaps it’s a bit difficult to accept the reality that Israel is not only like all the other nations but has a central role in what’s unfolding globally. … But in the face of it all, life in Israel mostly goes on as usual. Is this due to the resilience of the Israeli spirit or a denial of oncoming disaster? It feels more like we are sticking our head in the sand and repeating the mantra, “It will be alright”. In the natural it’s just too much to take in....Though there be no end to the speculative rabbit trails before us, we think there is an end to our need to follow them. Starting with 9/11, to the corruption in the 2016 US election, to the insanity of the covid plandemic, to the events surrounding October 7th, we personally have seen enough to conclude that there is no human solution to the growing evil. We wonder that before we can move our focus to take hold of God’s solution we need to truly grasp the magnitude of what we are facing. . ...How do we turn our attentions from what is staring us in the face and screaming in our ears?
     The contraction of the uterus in childbirth is strong enough to lift 1000 pounds. It’s not something that can be easily ignored. In natural childbirth classes, the mothers are taught to put 100% of their focus on something else. As simple as it sounds, it enables them to get through the moment intact. The way we look at something basically determines the way we feel and what we do. Experiencing that degree of physical pressure and discomfort outside of childbirth, one would think that something is terribly wrong. Knowing that it is normal and okay, though very uncomfortable, enables the mind to be at rest. 

     There is so much more worthy that Arni wrote of, but here is this: “Beloved, our purpose in this discussion is not so much to uncover the basic root cause of our trouble, but to take us a step back from being consumed by what is happening and seek to understand where God is in it all and to ask what He is doing. The answer will determine how we see, what we think, how we feel, and ultimately what we’ll do. The matter of having a right perspective is critically important…. Our challenge, our battle, is in the arena of our soul. Will we truly believe His Word? Will we walk in faith regardless of how things look? Will we lift our gaze above the temporal sickness? Will we seek nothing but to abide in His Presence? Though the battle is the Lord’s we have a part to play. It is for us to prepare the way of the Lord. When He is free to be Himself in our midst, the light of His glory will push back the darkness of the enemy. 

Returning to Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center who wrote: This week in France, a far left government came into power, with a promise to recognize a “Palestinian state”. Sadly, already several European countries have done so. It boggles our minds how this can make sense. Hamas invades Israel and slaughters 1200 men, women, and children and then they are rewarded state recognition by western countries?  As a result of the elections in France, Member Knesset Liberman made a call to all of the Jews to immigrate to Israel. Anti semitism has skyrocketed in France, and with this new government, it could likely get worse. You can read the article
     …. The call for Jewish immigration to move to Israel, is an echo from the past. Theodor Herzl, founder of modern Zionism, also wrote in his book before the Holocaust for the Jewish people to immigrate to Israel. Despite the war in Israel, there are a few brave souls making Aliyah. The numbers are lower than past years, but the applications for Aliyah have increased. So we are here preparing a place to welcome the Jewish people home!
Consider helping us build the Lighthouse location.

From Tikkun Global Dan Juster writes, The Purpose of the United States “I believe that the United States was divinely called to fulfill two great purposes: One, to demonstrate human rights and to spread human rights throughout the world; Two, to be a key missionary center to spread the Gospel to the nations. These two purposes are intertwined.” | In the weekly Global Broadcast watch Asher Intrater teaching on Zechariah 12:8-10 Asher digs deep into the events that are going to take place and encourages us to know who Yeshua really is, decide whose side we will be on when He returns, and how to walk in truth and revelation in these days. | From Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem, Jonathan Moore addresses the wrestling with God to receive blessing in I want the BLESSING! | Eitan Shishkoff of Fields of Wheat asks What Will It Take?I’m asking, what will it take to bring the great “latter rain” revival we see in the prophecies of Joel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and others? On our part, I mean. Certainly, it is in the hand of the Sovereign Lord to do the pouring.”

Rania Sayegh, a prophetic Christian intercessor in Nazareth of HOPE, is very much a “one new man” minded Israeli Arab. She always writes of Israel’s battles against the Islamic terrorists in identification with Israel, not the Palestinian terrorists. But Rania of course has a heart for the salvation of her Arab people too. This is a great demonstration of the work of God in Yeshua who in His sacrifice for sin abolished “the enmity” that put all gentiles at odds with the Jewish people. We have seen few enter into laying hold of that spiritual reality through the history of Christianity, but Rania has, and she has done it living in Israel in the very eye of the enmity! I salute this woman who is greatly beloved in Israel by the Messianic Jewish ministries.
     Rania shares on her most recent ministry trip to Norway, 22-28/05/2024 and Sweden, 28/05/2024-05/06/2024, as well as a link to a message I spoke in Arken Church, Sweden 02/06/2024 (Rania begins around the 2:19 mark). Finally, in case you did not have the chance to join us for the 24 Hours of Global Prayer and Worship during Pentecost, 18-19/05/2024, which HOPE Nazareth was a part of, we have also added a link to the replay.
     She also writes, Please, pray also for the upcoming Arab Deborahs Arising Conference, which is scheduled to take place from the 13th till the 14th of September. Pastor Linda Bergling from Sweden, as well as Lilo Keller from Switzerland have confirmed they will be joining us. Please, pray for each member of the international ministry team, whom God wants to be with us for this time and season, will have doors open and be able to come. (To sponsor a woman for the conference) | Thank you for sowing a seed into Nazareth! We are grateful for you standing with us, as we contend for God's promises for Israel and the nations!

     With Sally Shiff deep into a move from one home to a new one, I didn’t get the usual Word doc from her for the HaMaayan congregational ministry letter – but it is available online (I just can’t copy & paste it for here). Follow this link to read in full. Their opening paragraph is a GOOD REPORT:
     “In this time of war, we have witnessed revival in our midst. We launched our second ten-day Taglit-Hamaayan Discipleship program for Israelis above 35-years old. Many have come to us seeing frameworks for the study and growth of younger generations, asking “what about us?”  We were challenged offering to all those who could set aside work and family for 10 days to join a very radical discipleship program based on the theme “Return to Our Frist Love.” Click above to link to all the news within this congregation.

From Ariel and Shayla Hyde, Tree of Life Ministries, When people mention Israel and the Middle East, most people immediately start thinking about political and military issues. But there’s something far more important we should be focused on: “What is God’s heart and vision for the Middle East?” You might be surprised to hear what He says about it and what He’s already doing right now.
     Tree of Life Israel Podcast: God's Heart and Vision for the Middle East. Listen to our new podcast on your favorite audio platforms: On Apple, Spotify, and on Amazon. Watch it on Youtube and Facebook. And please share this video on all social media outlets!  WATCH and READ
     ….As important as it is to pray for good military and political decisions, the Jewish people repenting of their sins, receiving their Messiah – Jesus, Yeshua – and receiving eternal salvation is significantly more important! That’s what God’s heart is for them, and that’s what our heart should be, too!     Read in full online 

Evan Santoro of ShelanuTV writes about the intense level of challenges all believers in Israel are being challenged with daily… The ground that once was solid has turned into quicksand that is pulling us down at a rapid pace. "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19 It is exactly in these times of desperation that we must stand firm in our faith! We must strengthen our resolve and hold tightly to the promises of God! I know what keeps me moving forward is the knowledge that Yeshua has a specific plan and purpose for each one of us. Through the current chaos that will surely increase, we can stand firm on the Rock of our Salvation and continue to “lift up a standard against the enemy".
     Evan shares 4 testimonies of Israelis who have responded to the Gospel they are seeing on ShelanuTV that are very encouraging and also the fruit of the ShelanuTV dedication: our desire-that the people of Israel would look at our content on the internet and see something different. Instead of death, they will see life. Instead of despair, they will see joy.
They will see a Body of people in the Land who despite all the negative external circumstances are filled with joy, love, and most importantly confidence and faith. We will continue to broadcast the lifesaving truth of Yeshua and believe that it will reach fertile ground and, in the end, bear much fruit!
     Do not discount how important the online resources are in Israel – far more important than anywhere else on earth, because, like Nicodemus, a religious leader of the Jews who came to Yeshua in the darkness of night to honestly question Him about the kingdom of God, so also do many in Israel religious or not come in the privacy of the internet to learn more about Yeshua. These are extremely important first contacts that are followed up seriously with much prayer and human connection to the seeker. These are good soils to plant in.

From the leadership team at Carmel Congregation, led by Dani & LuAnne Sayag, they are “Declaring His Name in the Midst of War.” I truly appreciate the transparency of the Israeli ministries, who acknowledge the real challenges in an incredible amount of increased pressures they are living in within Israel. “During these trying times, we have many questions, and many things that we do not understand. However, one thing is abundantly clear. No matter what our situation, God wants us to lift up His name and His praise right where we are on Mt. Carmel. We are praying that God will give us boldness and the words we need to glorify His name in our everyday situations. Our sister Hadassah was glorifying Him as she witnessed about Him in the waiting room with other frightened women who were being checked for cancer. Renee and Dalia tell of His name when they make deliveries to soldiers in the army. Susan and Louise tell of His love as they visit Holocaust survivors. Ariel and Eliel tell of His name through the many videos they make of Him. We are also trying to tell of His name through our various congregational activities.
     Here below are some of our recent outreaches that have been going on around here lately (Photos enclosed in the letter could not be shared here because of space considerations: Hadar HaCarmel has launched an Art Café, where people can experience an evening of art, light refreshments, and conversations about the Lord.| Shavuot Outreach at Ma'ayan Simcha | Shavuot Outreach at Hadar HaCarmel | Outreach to Holocaust Survivors | God has blessed us by bringing us many groups of interested Israelis to come and hear about our faith in Yeshua. | We lift up His name as we cook meals for new immigrants in the kitchen of Beit Yedidia.| At Hadar HaCarmel, we continue to supply diapers, toilet paper and other dry goods and foods to those in need in the Haifa area.
     Please join us as we continue to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our midst.  Weekly Services posted on the Kehilat HaCarmel YouTube channel

From the Kehilat Nachalat Yeshua (Yeshua’s Inheritance) Congregation in Beer Sheva, Howard Bass gives honor to Olavi Syvanto, the humble man of God whom the Lord used to start the beginnings 65 years ago of what is today Yeshua's Inheritance Congregation/Kehilat Nachalat Yeshua, died at home on July 1 at the age of 89. .. Olavi was an example of a life lived well, to the glory of God. Even unbelievers who knew him recognized that he was a godly man in the true sense.
Olavi was the first person whom I spoke with when Randi and I first visited Beer Sheva (he was the Bible House manager then, and for 40 years altogether); Olavi drove Randi and me to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for the birth of three of our children (only Evan was actually born in Beer Sheva); and our youngest son, Tal, married the granddaughter of Olavi's sister, and his nephew, Daniel Ronen.  Only God could come up with something like this!

     Writing of the many ways that Israeli believers are being challenged along with all Israel Howard writes, “all these together are surely God the Father is using to shake and wake His people to consider their own ways, and return back to Him who has not spoken in vain, or acts in the darkness.  Evangelism continues throughout the country.  In our congregation we have had four recent baptisms, and others are being fished and brought in for cleaning.
     He also writes of how there is “
clearly the beginning of a transition in Yeshua's Inheritance to a younger generation, and to give the load of services to others. Of course, the transition includes the future leadership of the congregation, for which we have been praying already.  It clearly needs to be of the Lord, and in His way and timing.  Please join us in that praying.”
     Howard has also written an important article that I recommend you follow up to read either at
Streams in the Negev site or also at All It is called Children of Jacob/Israel, Where Is Your Heart?"

Israel Pochtar of the Beit Hallel congregation writes about the latest round of persecution the congregation has come under (and they have come under MANY over past years, probably because of the evangelistic anointing that is on this pastor)  Growing in Adversity: Beit Hallel Flourishing despite Persecution  | Watch Israel Pochtar in a 5 minute video: As we have continued to grow, both as a congregation and as a ministry that reaches thousands of Israelis with the gospel, we have also seen the forces of darkness rising against us to try and stop the Lord’s work through Beit Hallel. The enemy will always fiercely resist growth and breakthrough.| Jesus told us that persecution will be part of our lives as believers and that we should find encouragement in the fact that we are targeted – It means we are on the right path. Through the years we have faced physical persecution, as well as demonic attacks, with curses hurled at us, to try and tie us up from continuing to serve Yeshua in our city. God’s divine protection over us is what kept us safe through it all.
     …. These attacks always come backed by spiritual warfare.| We know for a fact there is witchcraft and curses released into the spiritual world against our ministry. The devil doesn’t intimidate us. There’s no place in our hearts for fear because it is filled with Jesus. However, I can testify to how difficult it feels to face these spiritual attacks, the heaviness that we all feel, as well as the mental and emotional pressure we experience. Our entire team has been dealing with these demonic attacks on some level. There is, however, one solution: prayer. …. If there was ever a time we needed your intercessory prayers, it is now.

Fields of Wheat founder Eitan Shishkoff wrote at the end of June about how “The enmity between Abraham’s sons, Isaac and Ishmael, and Isaac’s sons, Jacob and Esau, is still being played out in our time. Conflict in the Middle East is dominating headlines worldwide. The cost of human life, property, and displaced families is mounting daily. Our own nation, Israel, is the target of a vicious multi-national conspiracy bent on erasing us from this narrow strip of land and from history. Therefore, every incidence of restored brotherhood among Abraham’s descendants is all the more meaningful and hopeful.”
      That is why in their ministry there is a Jew and an Arab who work side by side as a witness to the power of Yeshua. “On our own small Fields of Wheat staff, this restored brotherhood is being walked out by Joel and Ruby, a Jew and an Arab. They’ve been working together for years, side by side—to equip Israeli teens, to build relationships between young adult Arab and Jewish Jesus followers, and to bring supplies needed by IDF combat troops…. Joel and Ruby’s friendship and partnership points to a better future. And in that, our hope can be renewed. Thanks for praying that these two men will draw attention to their Lord, Yeshua, and the need among Israeli youth and young adults, both Jewish and Arab, for equipping.
     Living Water: Summer Teen Camp 2024
. . . .
What’s essential to know is that we are inviting you to take part in this camp. For our entire 24 year history, the financial gifts of God’s people have made these camps possible. Young Israelis have experienced lasting change. Many of today’s leaders in Israeli congregations and ministries were touched as teens at Katzir camps. …Please GIVE HERE

DONNA: Just to let you know – I’m hopelessly behind in being able to process all of the ministry letters I’m getting in. Just know that I am trying to spread it around, to include everyone, and also prioritizing what I see as the messages that speak on behalf of all the ministries are facing right now. Thanks for understanding.

Lastly: We are in times we have never seen before, treading paths we have never tread before.
     Last night I received a Telegram message from a prophetic sister in the Galilee. It was the middle of the night for her. Jennifer Guetta, Plant Hope Israel, a biblical archaeologist who was delivered of demonic spirits attached to Kaballah. She couldn't sleep because of a single word she got from God during the day, "Tomorrow." It caused an uneasy feeling in her and so she had been praying all night.
     Please access my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog post for more on this and what Proverbs 27:18 promises

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