Friday, August 16, 2024

Arrows 8/16/24 Not by our courage, but by our trust

 The Cover Story Daniel in the Lion's Den is published separately from these prayer requests from Israeli Ministries this week:

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Keeping it going with Youval Yanay at Revive Israel which is focused on being a discipleship community, with a farm that is used in the discipling principle of serving, and brings non-believers into its weekly market days for fresh produce & interacting with the Messianic village at Yad Hashmonah.  
     The Revive Team is also focused on strengthening the Body, so members so out to minister in other places – like Naveen did to her church in Tur'an (an Israeli Arab village) ministering to a children’s camp held for 90 children some from non-believing families in the surrounding area. Revive writes, “Part of our vision at Revive Israel is to see all believers in Yeshua strengthened in faith, regardless of their background, whether Jewish, Arab, or Christian. As a One New Man community, Neveen’s service to her church is significant and meaningful, especially during these challenging times we are experiencing as a nation.”
Also others served in various children’s & youth camps: Last week, Tal taught at the camp for 7th and 8th graders while Valerie taught this week at the camp for 1st and 2nd graders. Alona, Youval and Valerie’s eldest daughter also served as a counselor at both of these camps.”  Revive Team member Raphael was in Texas ministering to Messianic soldiers recently released from active duty. It was part of the Eagle Project, of Leon Mazin’s Return to Zion in Haifa. Youval taught last week at the Yad Hashmona congregation and will be teaching this week at Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv.
     READ Embracing Suffering and Sanctification in Yeshua, Part 3 by Youval Yanay

Reuven Doron’s “Words, Words, Word” is yet another insightful, balanced and well laid out piece dealing with “the recent obsession of various “talking heads, experts, and commentators” feverishly discussing and interpreting every bit of current events to support their version of biblical prophecy. Dazzling audiences and sowing fear through alarming rumors and pseudo interpretations of dates and events serves no purpose at all, other than possibly fundraising.” …. How do we position ourselves to stay focused during such times? The Weapon of Rest… The battle plan here is to sit and wait, by faith, UNTIL God reveals and demonstrates our enemies’ defeat…. We must learn to SIT, to TRUST, and to REST under the shadow of the Almighty. While “fight or flight” are often the instinctive response in times of stress; resting in God’s love and trusting in His care are the higher call…. As Israel continues to tread this path of suffering, humility, and ultimate victory, we thank you for upholding our people and our land in your prayers. Whatever is coming in the future, we are confident that our God is faithful to bring to conclusion what He has begun among us. May this blessing of REST and TRUST be yours as well.”
     Then Reuven kicks in with striking clarity of view the current situation as Israelis wait for the threatened Iranian response to the assassinations of 2 of the highest terrorist leaders, 1 in Lebanon & the other right in midst of Iranian ‘inner sanctum’ or so they thought! Reuven writes: “Iran is Trapped Like a cat struggling to find its way down from a treetop, Iran’s Jihadi regime finds itself in the dilemma as to what to do next…. Iran’s leaders have miscalculated Israel’s resolve and willingness to fight as did their proxies Hamas and Hezbollah. … If they attack they will lose, since they know that it will trigger a chain of events that will be the end of Iran’s regional and global ambitions. If they do not attack, it will be considered a surrender to Israel’s regional dominance and a submission to the creation of a formidable American/Israeli/Saudi alliance in the Middle East. These dynamics, plus the prospects of the coming Trump administration, scare the Mullahs who now find themselves cornered and in a tight spot of their own making…. Iran knows that any wrong move can bring it to its total demise. 
You are going to want to read the full article, which you can at Reuven’s Facebook OneNewManCall

ANNIVERSARY! MID-AUGUST 2001 – 23 YEARS AGO I LAUNCHED THE WEEKLY SUMMARY OF PRAYER REQUESTS FROM ISRAELI MINISTRIES.  I have Reuven Doron to thank for opening my eyes to the fact that there were a great many believers in Israel, including congregations and ministries. At first I didn’t realize how significant the discovery was, but I would start realizing they were at the very center of what God was going to do not only in Israel, but throughout the international Church and the Final Harvest of souls on earth. Honor to whom honor is due. Reuven planted a seed in his Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem newsletter and God has worked it mightily in my life ever since.    

The Katzir (Harvest) Summer Youth camp is about to start: August 17-22. Please pray for this important event because it is not just the adults in Israel who have fears and worries over their current situation surrounding by enemies threatening to wipe them out. Think of how children, teens and even young adults are dealing with this. What do they need in prayers? Here’s what Eitan Shishkoff sent:
     WHAT to PRAY? | That the plans of the Enemy to destroy Israel will boomerang. As the above psalm states clearly, it is God who can make wars cease and punishes those seeking our destruction. That wider war will not break out and our “Living Water” youth camp will be unhindered. | That our military and political leaders will turn to the God of Israel in humble prayer to be united in the clearest, wisest, most effective strategy in this multi-front conflict. That our troops and their high-tech support will be supernaturally guided and protected.
         REFRESHING from HEAVEN… The Katzir (harvest) Summer Camp for teens is scheduled for August 17-22. What every young person (and those not so young) needs is the re-invigorating flow of Living Water—the Spirit of God…. For the heart of every young person who will participate in the Katzir camp to be 100% receptive to the activity of God’s Spirit before, during, and after camp. During the worship sessions that the poignant presence of Yeshua will penetrate their hearts with His personal love. For a spirit of tender repentance bringing deep cleansing and renewal | For the Katzir leadership team and all of the young adult counselors. The team is investing hours and hours in preparation for the camp. Daily devotions are written to guide the youth in focused Bible study, helping them to fall in love with God’s word and to instill His transforming truth, building a spiritual habit for life. For each counselor to be overflowing with Yeshua’s love for their group, to have soul-searching conversations, to have fun, and to have wisdom and creativity in guiding their small group discussions. | For the safety and health of every participant: teens, counselors, & leadership team. For excellent relationships with the facility staff and administration. We’ll be working with them from orientation time (Friday evening, August 16) until the teens head home (Thursday, August 22). CAMP BUDGET REACHED!!! By the grace of God and your visionary generosity, we have hit the goal of $45,000 to finance the “Living Water” Camp. We are deeply grateful and encourage you to keep giving toward our winter camp and ongoing expenses. With love and lasting gratitude for each of you.

Norma in Jerusalem writes for her blog From this Mountain: “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all of my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in. (The Last Battle, The Chronicles of Narnia. CS Lewis) This quote has been strong on my heart since the Ayatolla in Iran began making very real threats against Israel in the last week. Although this quote is about heaven; on another level it speaks to me now about the very real threats Israel is facing today. I must go 'further up, further in' with the God of Israel and His Word. That Word needs to be louder in my heart than words from news media. That Word must be stronger than any fears arising in me. That Word must be The Truth that I carry with me day in and day out... Continues on Norma's blog

Evan Santoro, son of Messianic leaders, Eddie & Jackie Santoro, who mentored so many of the young people who now stand in leadership roles in various congregations and ministries, is also a product of their wonderful parenting. Evan is the station manager of ShelanuTV., bringing the Gospel 24/7 streaming on the internet. Evan also emphasizes trusting God no matter how overwhelming the situation seems: “ Truly, as we dwell in Him and make Him increasingly the focus of our lives, the deeper our revelation will be of His great love for us. Our faith that He is in control and that He is indeed our refuge and fortress will become a profound reality in our lives. As believers in the Land, we look not only to political peace but to the peace that surpasses understanding that only He can give as we abide in Him….The Lord has chosen the nation of Israel for such a time as this! “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved.” (Romans  11:25-26) There is no doubt that the salvation of Israel is the divine plan of the Lord. The Jewish people will return to Yeshua, their Messiah in these end times. It seems impossible in the natural, but we serve a supernatural God and His promises are “Yes and Amen.”  This is our mission at Shelanu TV- to bring the truth of the Gospel to God’s chosen and beloved nation for a time such as this! We are reaching out 24/7 via the internet with the message of Yeshua the Messiah. We are mailing out New Testaments all over the country upon request. We are in contact via WhatsApp, phone conversations, and personal meetings with Israelis who desire to know more about Yeshua.  The Lord is using Shelanu TV every day to reach the people of Israel with the Salvation message and we are very excited! We believe that this is just the beginning and that the Lord is preparing to shake this nation with a mighty move of His Spirit. Nothing will ever be as it once was! We thank you for your prayers and support and may we continue to work together so that all Israel will be saved!”
     Evan supplied several great testimonies of those who have reached out because of what they saw on Shelanu – wish I had room to share it all.
To make contact and To Donate

Carolyn & Richard Hyde, Heart of G-d Ministries begin with “
An Excellent Question – ‘What brings you hope?’ "  …. Lately as we asked other Israelis "What brings you hope?" most answered either, "Being with my family and friends" or "Nothing - I have no hope." Many Israelis view the nations raging and the enemy surrounding us on all sides with hopeless despair. Most have no idea that Adonai has already made His plans to give us a future and a hope.
     “Recently when Richard picked up his new shoes, he asked a similar question of the shop owner, a young man who's also been serving in Gaza and admitted he's got PTSD. Richard sat with him and after hearing him pour out his broken heart, Richard ministered to him. Praise G-d for many opportunities to share Yeshua's love during this season of war.... During a prayer walk in a mall in Karmiel, I asked a young woman in a shop if she witnessed the murder of the soldier to whom this memorial is dedicated. She saw it all and was traumatized by it. As we spoke, I was able to pray for her in Yeshua's name and bless her boyfriend who's currently in Gaza with a Psalm 91 bandana. Suddenly with gratitude and joy, she grabbed my hands and with joy gave me a huge hug!”
     “Prayer Walking at the Gates of Zion | We've been prayer walking through Zion with a team of Israelis and a growing team of intercessors from abroad to possess the gates of our enemies. On July 30 we had the privilege to open portals of blessings over a highly strategic region in Israel. The next day an arch enemy who'd just boasted of our destruction was eliminated. Prayer works! If this resonates with you, please let me know.”

From Maoz Israel: Making Israel Great Again with Volunteers! “Maoz volunteers have experienced blend of hard work and moments of joy - everything from sirens and rockets to cleaning kindergartens and planting trees to a water balloon fight with soldiers that went viral on social media. Read or listen to the story of several volunteers making a difference near Gaza in this month's Maoz Israel Report.      Can I Volunteer?  | Give to Support Israel.
     Also Maoz Israel is NOW on Daystar TV! | Catch us on Daystar TV or Daystar online:  Monday: 1:30pm (ET) and Thursday: 6:30pm (ET) / Or if you prefer Spanish - Daystar Español: Sunday: 1:30pm and 7:30pm (CT) Watch the Show 

Avi Mizrachi of Dugit writes that “Israel Is Bracing for Impact….In these uncertain times, our spiritual enemy seeks to instill fear. But I know, as you do, that we serve a God that reigns Supreme. We trust Him and His plans. But because there are still so many in Israel who do not know Yeshua as their Lord, my heart is heavily burdened for their souls. With each loss of life, the urgency to reach all of Israel with the Good News grows! From every family that comes to our distribution center looking for physical food and to every person who comes for coffee at HaOgen Outreach Center—we believe that the Lord has sent them because it is an opportunity to share the HOPE that is found in Yeshua! And when the next attack comes, we must be ready to spring into action…. may I ask you to pray about what the Lord might ask you to do at such a time as this? When you give, you are bringing food, supplies, and the love of Yeshua to the many lost and suffering in Israel. Every donation counts. Every gift will make a difference. 

Gil & Tamar Afrait of Tiferet Yeshua being an important reminder that is much less emphasized in news outside of Israel and that is, “Israel is also in a de-facto war with Hezbollah on our northern border, with tens of thousands of civilians still evacuated. Daily barrages of missiles and drones are killing civilians and wreaking havoc in our beautiful Northern Galilee and Golan Heights. Hezbollah claims that they will continue this daily bombing in the north as long Israel is engaged in battle against Hamas in the Gaza Strip…. In Israel there is no panic, yet Israelis are on edge with tensions high while people must carry on with their everyday lives in this surreal reality. The army is ready, and the government says it will update us as soon as there is a concrete indication of an attack. As much as we are all trying to be prepared and alert, we know that our help comes from the Lord, and we are trusting in His name and not in our chariots and horses, however high-tech they may be. In light of this extremely tense and dangerous situation, we humbly ask that you dedicate some time to pray for Israel.”
Among many prayer requests for leaders, soldiers and all Israel, they ask you declare over Israel this passage from Isaiah 41:8-16: “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, you descendants of Abraham my friend, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you
and have not rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  “All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff. You will winnow them, the wind will pick them up, and a gale will blow them away. But you will rejoice in the Lord and glory in the Holy One of Israel.”  

Out of Zion’s David Silver sends a news report, but I will skip to their Pray with Thanksgiving section: Thank the LORD for a miracle victory over Hamas, as He did for Israel in the Six Day War of 1967 and in the days of ancient Israel. Thank the LORD for wisdom from above for the Cabinet and military leaders as they plan and direct the war to defeat Hamas, and to somehow bring home the hostages. Thank the LORD that PM Netanyahu and the other leaders will not make decisions based on manipulation or threats by international leaders, or pressure from inside Israel. Thank the LORD for Divine protection over all of the IDF officers, soldiers and pilots operating inside Gaza, at the northern border and those operating in the West Bank. Thank the LORD for the miraculous healing for all of the wounded soldiers and that there will be no more accidents or friendly fire incidents or accidental killing of hostages. Thank the LORD that all of the top level leaders of Hamas and the other Gaza terror organizations who are still alive, will be captured by Israel very soon. Thank the LORD that all of the tunnels and stockpiles of weapons in Gaza, on the northern border and in the West Bank will be exposed and destroyed. Thank the LORD for angelic protection over all the borders with Gaza - Lebanon - Syria - the West Bank and Jordan, that every attempt to infiltrate and attack Israelis will be foiled. Thank the LORD for the physical and emotional health, and the miraculous release of the hostages who are alive, and supernatural healing for the hostages who have been released. Thank the LORD for the Shalom of GOD over all those who have lost loved ones, or whose loved ones are still in Gaza - fate unknown, and for every Israeli affected by this war. Thank the LORD for the many Messianic soldiers who are in the army, that they are fully protected and that they would be salt and light to their comrades. Thank the LORD for supernatural protection over all Israeli civilians, and the same for the truly innocent people in Gaza, the West Bank towns and villages and in Lebanon and Syria. Thank the LORD for a safe and peaceful weekend for all of Israel over the Sabbath and the week ahead.

Tikkun Global’s contribution to biblical understanding in these VIDEO The Full Gospel of Romans with Ariel Blumenthal | Article by Slavik Miller, Tents of Mercy: I Will Lift Up My Eyes | Jonah's Two Prophecies by Asher Intrater | Asher’s BOOK From Iraq to Armageddon
     Also good news about the fundraising for the new Jerusalem Ministry Center which has 60% of the funding commitments needed to purchase and renovate the facility. Now only “$698,270!  Tikkun Global Partners worldwide — individuals and even other ministries — have responded with exuberant, generous joy to the vision of establishing our home in the heart of the Eternal City. This truly feels like a global community project. Yeshua’s One New Man, the family of God. Lord willing, we will fellowship, worship, and pray together there. We are coming together to make a home for Tikkun Global. As the Lord leads and gives you seed to sow, we invite you to join this beautiful project. Let’s finish the funding! Giving here

We finish with Emmaus Way’s Arni Klein who also reminds us of the exhaustion and discouragement of many in the Israeli military (many suffering from PTSD) but also bearing witness of the truth of Isaiah 40:29-31 – even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who wait upon the LORD.  Arni writes, “….we are confronted with the need to ask God how things look from His perspective. . . . In the lives of people and nations there come moments of a last call. There is a time known to God, when the cup of iniquity will reach full measure, and what’s been sown will be poured out and reaped. As that day draws nearer, we fully expect that Father will intensify His efforts to awaken and prepare us, His Body, for what lies ahead.” Arni continues, “If it ends up that no major conflict arises at this time, we earnestly pray that the believing community will not revert to our last “normal” but realize that this respite is for a reason and may not be long in duration. You might remember that it was on the Ninth of Av that the 12 spies returned, and the people decided not to enter the Land as the Lord had told them. That instruction was the very heart of why they were created and brought out of Egyptian bondage. Their refusal to enter the Land was a rejection of the very purpose for which they were created.” [There is much more here to consider…write for a subscription, or for this issue)
     On their personal homefront & ministry house all remains unchanged. Our landlady wants to sell, and we are praying for the funds to buy. Since she first shared her intention to sell, we’ve never had a sense from the Lord that He was planning for us to move. …The need we feel is to stay as we are. We remain deeply committed to the weekly local gatherings and periodic 10-day times with brethren from the nations. Especially now with looking to develop the vision for Outposts (webpage in the works). Our ability to host groups and expose them to the dynamic for some days has never been more important. Not to mention the energy and focus needed in launching a global initiative….moving would consume our energies for a minimum of three months. From where we sit, things are so critical and moving so fast, having to move would be a hardship in the spirit even more than the natural. We are not as young as we once were. There is something to we all can pray into….May the Lord bless you from Zion!

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