Friday, August 9, 2024

Arrows 2024 Aug 9 War Footing

lord  יְהֹוָה  Yᵉhôvâh
   is a man of war:
Yᵉhôvâh is his name.
exodus 15:3

Read my opening cover story on War Footing:
The LORD is a man of War, Yehovah is His Name

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Howard Bass asks a question I often think about: What must it be like for those who don’t know the LORD? Or, Howard asks, those who have fallen away from faith. The times we live in are frightening, imagine how much worse for those who have no anchor in God’s Salvation.  I loved this confession: “I confess that in my flesh it is frightening, but in my spirit it is exciting; and I pray that the Lord will do what He has to do in me, in my wife, in our children and theirs, in the members of our congregation Yeshua's Inheritance, in the Body of Messiah -- that we will be useful and usable for His honor and glory as things move along.” May that be our desire for all our family members, and for all in the Body of the LORD.
     Howard writes about the choices nations are making regarding Israel vs. her aggressors. “It is a spiritual battle first of all, being played out on the ground through those who choose sides by their own spiritual "bent." He writes about the moral dilemma within Israel as to which is the main priority for Israel: “victory over the enemy as far as humanly possible” or is it obtaining the release of all hostages? He notes there is no unity even among the hostage families or among the soldiers & their families.
     He writes about the death of chief rabbi of Beer Sheva recently who led major organized protests and trespass against their congregation in 1998 and 2005. The rabbi was Deri, brother of the infamous Aryeh Deri, a leader of persecution against Messianic Jews primarily by holding the Interior Ministry which decides which Jews are allowed to live in Israel and which are put out. They are a religious family committed to persecution of the Messianic Remnant of faith in Israel. Now Howard writes, with no normal process or any authority, the deceased rabbi Deri’s son has been appointed to take his father’s place as chief rabbi. Currently the son lives in Ashdod and I do not doubt he is behind much of the persecution going on against the Beit Hallel congregation we have seen over past weeks. Pray about this situation. Pray for Deri the younger to have a Damascus Road encounter with Yeshua, and for the protection of our brothers and sisters in the region.
     Bass also writes about engagements, wedding and summer camps – life continues…and will continue as God has promised to arise on behalf of Israel in these days. But prayers please.

Sally Shiff from the HaMaayan congregation writes about people she has met from Iran while traveling who are pro-Israel and sends these videos that will help you to understand Iran and the Iranian people who are NOT caught up in the Islamic domination vision! CBN VIDEO Report on Iran: "Crown Prince of Iran Says Islamic Regime Weaker Than Ever, and the People Are Ready to Revolt"  |  Also this 3 part VIDEO series:  "Why Christianity is Booming in Iran (Even Under the Islamic Regime)  / Inside the Persecuted Church of Iran / The Gospel is in Iran (But Can Christians Survive)?  She writes, “Jesus calls us to pray for our enemies. In order to fully pray, we need to understand where they are coming from, and get God's heart for them.”
She writes on 8/6 about the threats of attack from Iran that is creating fear among Israelis: “Fear is gripping, causes you to go down roads that God never intended. Yeshua promises peace. That I could be at peace in the midst of war…. the best line of defense for me is trusting in God and His promises. Death could happen to any one of us in a moment or a second. The bigger question is how are we living life? Is your trust really in the Lord for even the smallest things? Do you see Him as real, intimate about your life and all that you love?  This is how I am dealing with this Middle East threat. Holding dear to His Word and grateful every morning that the sun rises again. The biggest prayer request is for Israel to trust in God who promises us that He will watch over us!”
On 8/7 Sally wrote about the projectiles from Hezballah in the Galilee and Golan Heights, fires started, what the IDF and IFA did about neutralizing the terrorists in the launch spaces.  And on 8/8 she wrote about the 9th of Av, a day of destruction when the first and second temple were destroyed. Many expect Iran to use that date to attack Israel now – August 12-13. She writes, “My hope is that IF Iran chooses to attack us on August 13, instead of catastrophe, God will intervene, and it will be a victory instead!

From Sderot Michael Beener expresses profound gratefulness for “unwavering support and continuous prayers.” These are not lightly felt. They know how blessed they are to have both financial and prayer support helping them to help their people at this critical time. Michael writes, “In Israel, the atmosphere of uncertainty and fear is palpable. Security alerts have intensified, and authorities have called on the population to be prepared for any scenario.” He writes that the government is recommending emergency kits in every household that can make the difference in life and death.  “This is why our ministry has decided to take action and we have launched an initiative to purchase and distribute these emergency kits to the families who need them most. Each set includes a battery-powered radio, two flashlights, a Power Bank, first aid medicines, and other essential items. Each emergency kit costs $100, and our goal is to support 1,000 families in Sderot and the communities on the border. To achieve this, we aim to raise $100,000, which will allow this project to be successfully carried out and ensure that all these families receive the vital resources they need.  WATCH OUR VIDEO FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PROJECT

From Tikkun Global a Prayer Request List that covers a lot of ground. Read online at  | Also Watch Dan Juster’s God’s Heart for Israel an in-depth teaching “Israel is an instrument of God’s sovereignty over the nations. The Church has a role to play in these events. Through the intercession and witness of the Church to the Jewish people, Israel will be prepared to receive their Messiah.” |Patty Juster’s book The Cry | “a prophetic intercessory cry that will corporately unite people with one voice-one cry.  God is preparing His intercessors first by teaching them The Cry of faith to release the grace of God in their own lives. Only then will the authority to use the learned knowledge for the sake of setting others free through releasing grace occur.” |  And Leon Mazin’s Jubilee | "Let’s focus on returning to the family and restoration of the family. How relevant and important that here in Leviticus God gives a command to prioritize for family. . . .Yeshua is God’s all-encompassing jubilee proclamation."

 Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center puts out A Call for the Jehoshaphat Army to Arise! He writes that the 2 Chronicles situation of the King of Judah Jehoshaphat is similar to what Israel is facing right now. Chaim is calling for people around the world to join with Israel in praying and fasting during the 9th of Av, August 12-13th. When Jehoshaphat called for fast and prayer, God answered, “ ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.”  He further revealed the battle plans. In response, all of those gathered together bow down and worship the Lord.”
     So please join us next week starting August 12th at sundown in Israel until sundown on August 13th in fasting, praying, and worshipping with us! You can assemble together with your congregations, small groups, family, and friends, and together let us lift up the Name that is above all Names! The 9th of Av starts sundown on August 12th and ends sundown on Aug 13th. You can join us on the Altar of Prayer for a special gathering at 4 PM - 6 PM Israel time (9:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST). Afterwards, you are welcome to join the different watches afterwards. We will also send out details soon for an online gathering time during the 9th of Av on the Altar of Prayer | GIVE
     NEW EPISODE of "The Real Israel" Podcast/YouTube Series! It is our goal to bring you the truth about Israel through stories and conversations. We are excited to begin this new venture. Please like, share the video and consider helping support us in making these videos and podcasts by GIVING

From David’s Tent Avner Boskey gives a great explanation of Israel’s strategically targeted assassinations in “Licensed to kill

 Leon Mazin of the Return to Zion/Shavei Tzion Ministry network that includes three Congregations: the first one in Haifa, another in the Krayot (a suburb of Haifa) and the third in Nof ha-Galil (the Upper Nazareth). Besides that, we run a lot of humanitarian and educational projects that make a BIG IMPACT thanks to you!  Leon writes a teaching about putting on the Armor of God that is needed for balance in how we take authority to cast out demons.  He writes that as a new believer he often heard prayers like, “Devil, you’ve been thrown down, we have a triumph over you.” We are not instructed in the Bible to “fight with the devil.” Instead, he writes, Yeshua provides us with explicit authority to cast out the demons....The Fall of man weakened mankind, and it enabled demons to influence humanity. The New Testament says that we will “cast out demons.”  In the New Testament we see a lot of such cases. Nowadays, sometimes we see the liberation of people during a prayer or a fast, or during the time of worshipping the Lord, although sometimes we see “imitation of deliverance”. 
    This is an excellent teaching – I wish I had room to include it all here. I will be looking for an English version I can give a link to all, but the bottom line is: When we stand in the Truth we understand what the Lord has done for us; when we witness about Him to non-believers, when we confront evil thoughts and attacks of this world or of the evil spirits attack on our mind, when we rely on the truth of God’s Word and live all these things out in our life, then, the Lord allows us to “OCCUPY THE SPIRITUAL NICHE (cleft of the Rock)”, and then, we show a good, pure and righteous way of life – praising the Creator and filling everything and even the skies with the fruit of Messiah’s works. . . . a strong position of faith in God’s righteousness given to us is in the Messiah’s absolute sacrifice.

From HaCarmel congregation, LuAnne Sayag writes, from Jeremiah 33:10-11 “Yet again there will be heard in this place...” She writes, “As happens so often in Israel, a land of many contrasts, alongside the voice of impending doom, can be heard sounds of joy. While our nation prepared for war on Sunday night, we had the very special opportunity to celebrate the marriage of two wonderfully committed Israeli Arab Christians. It was truly a “one new man” event, with hundreds of Arab and Jewish believers in attendance. The one thing we all had in common was our Messiah.” This is most assuredly the witness of unity our Father desires to see from us across the board. 

     Also this beautiful expression after the recent Hezballah rocket fire that took the lives of so many Druze children and teens:  “Kehilat HaCarmel worship center and Or HaCarmel are located in a Druze village, so when 14 children were killed in the Druze village of Madjal Shams, we immediately put out this sign to stand with the community. It reads: "To our Druze brothers, our hearts and our prayers are with you. From the Kehilat HaCarmel family."
     Among their prayer requests: In this time of escalation, more and more Israelis are seeking God. Please pray that as they call out to Him, He will reveal Himself as their Messiah whom they have been waiting for.| The tension in the atmosphere is tangible. Please pray that we in the body of Messiah will also draw ever closer to the Lord, cultivating an unshakable and contagious faith.

Widows and orphans ministry, Afikim BaNegev/Streams in the desert, leader Marianna Gol  writes of their Summer Camp Prayer needs. YES! All the summer camps are aware their ability to put on a camp could be over-turned in a second by war developments, but they know we cannot stop living because a threat is hanging heavy overhead. They know how much the kids and teens need these spiritually refreshing camps so that it the priority – if at all possible, the camp with go on! Marianne writes, “We are keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord, staying flexible and ready to adapt our camp plans to the rapidly changing reality around us. I would like to invite you to pray with us for the upcoming camp.
     One of their challenges is how flights have been cancelled that would have brought in some of their volunteers. “We need to think of how to keep our program running with reduced …. I am sure the Lord will provide, but please pray for wisdom, endurance and creativity for our team. | 2. Many of the teens have been waiting for this camp for many months, if not the whole year. Please pray for all of them to be able to come. | 3. Please pray for our amazing team of young leaders (camp counselors). If military activity intensifies in the Land, some of them may be called to active duty. Please pray for full provision for the camp to run smoothly and effectively. | 4. Pray for Orna, our camp speaker, as she delivers her very important message on forgiveness this year. | 5. Please cover Oxana, Anna and Marianna as they run the camp administration, for Timor and his logistics team, for Sandi and the prayer team, for Doung Koo and his international One New Man worship team, and for Eddi and Liron, who are in charge of all the fun activities that make our camps so special. | If you want to support our youth program financially, please visit our website for details. Giving  

From Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel/Voice of Judah comes A Call to Support in Times of War. “the Israeli government has issued a warning to the Israeli population, urging us all to be prepared and ready for any upcoming major attacks. Which means having sufficient bottled water, dry/canned food, generators and medical supplies near our shelters. The threat is real and imminent. We need to be prepared and help others in our communities to be prepared” Read more & watch the VIDEO
     READ Praise Report: Blessing Jewish Immigrant Families in Israel | ALSO READ & WATCH The New Wave of Aliyah: Why Are Jewish People Immigrating to Israel? The reason is biblical. God promised a day will come when He will restore His nation and bring them back to their ancient homeland....| Also:   Ashkelon Air Conditioner Praise Report: Refreshed with Gratitude

The Arad Hebrew congregation writes about their interactions with seekers like the man they first started writing about last August. They call him “Yosef” to protect his identity and keep him safe. He emailed them wanting to speak with someone with some of the questions he had. He found found traditional Judaism too judgmental so he had started reading the Bible – both Old and New Testaments. One of their teachers contacted him and kept in touch, until he finally started attending the congregation even bringing his wife with him. Lately he has begun to attend prayer meetings and has committed to begin discipleship lessons. They don’t believe he has committed yet to salvation, so be praying for this man and his wife to take the leap of our Faith.  Another person, a women also contacted by email to speak with someone who could answer her questions. She is expected to attend services in the next few weeks. Pray for her also.
     I loved this application of scripture as they wrote, “We know the day will come when all Israel will be saved! Although we haven’t yet reached the promised day of massive Jewish revival, the prophet Isaiah described the times in which we are now living: “And you will be gathered one by one, O you children of Israel” Isaiah 27:12

     DD: Personally I don’t believe “all Israel” will be saved in one day, as some interpret “can a nation be born in a day.” I believe that refers to the birth of the State of Israel that came forth in one day, but as for the salvation of Israel, seeing for the last 23 years how the Messianic Remnant of faith in Israel is leading Israelis to Yeshua “one by one” that is also how I believe “all Israel shall be saved” – happening NOW, not in one gigantic crowd recognizing Yeshua at one time. This is why I think so many Christians overlook the significance of the body of Messiah in Israel, thinking their efforts are inconsequential to when God (they think) gives “all Israel” recognition of Jesus in one fell swoop. Is that a really a choice if individuals do not have to wrestle over their own salvation? My 2¢

Ronit Bender gives an account of her past month of encounters with people as a witness of Yeshua’s love. As I read it I thought about asking you all, Do you live your life like this? I know I don’t. I so admire the personal witness that Ronit is in her regular life. Whether it is at the pool she goes to get her exercise, or the coffee shop, or the hair salon, or the cab ride or the neighbor upstairs – everyone is going to catch sight of a little of Yeshua’s love through Ronit. It doesn’t matter if they are Jewish, Druze, Arab, international, Ronit is all about being sensitive to the nudge of God to make the encounter one that will let that person know they have encountered someone who is different in the way only a person full of the Spirit of Yeshua can be. This is something of a challenge to most of us, I think – or at least for me – being wrapped up in the commonness of life while out in the world doing our chores. It takes eyes to see what God sees in the people we come across. It takes a bit of guts to step out and be an unexpected blessing to a total stranger. Ronit shows me each month how worth it is to walk in the world like that. Email her and ask her to send you her latest prayer letter.

Jennifer Guetta of Plant Hope Israel has really stepped up her outreach in the nations to draw Christians into live prayer times, live videos in updates from various parts of the country. She is even promising to have 24/7 prayer from her bomb shelter in the Galilee when the war breaks out – and as long as the electricity is still on! She writes, “It feels like a battle of Biblical proportions is about to take place.” And that “The situation looks almost impossible. But we put our trust in God. For God is our Defense (Psalm 71:10). He is “God of the Impossible”.
PRAY With us DURING the attack online Live from the Galilee at all hours! Join us LIVE every day from the Galilee between 7-9PM Israel time on Zoom. In case of an attack on Israel, and an emergency, then you can join 24/7! You will also have personal contact with Jennifer and a wonderful team of intercessors. ZOOM LINK:   Zoom Meeting ID: 3293756307   Passcode: 283902
     . Subscribe HERE to her Live Israel Updates on her YouTube channel.  |  ALSO “If you are interested to help support prayer in Zion, the City of David, please click here. Make sure to mention it is for Zion. Or if you have questions, please send us an email. 
     "You will arise and have compassion on Zion; For it is Time to be gracious to her, For the appointed time has come. Surely Your servants find pleasure in her stones. And feel pity for her dust. So the nations will fear the name of the Lord. And all the kings of the earth Your glory. When the Lord shall build up Zion, he shall appear in his glory." Psalm 102:13-16

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