Friday, August 2, 2024

Parallels in Leadership & fast moving developments



Donald Trump, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ismail Haniyeh  

Parallels in leadership
& fast moving developments
by Donna Diorio

News events are so fast moving over the past few weeks, it is difficult to keep up with it all. First came an assassination attempt on the 45th President of the United States at a rally for his re-election to be the 47th President. Then Prime Minister Netanyahu came to the US to address the Congress. Bibi came speaking the truth on behalf of Israel’s just war against Hamas. Truth speakers have to have courage, but are always welcomed by truth seekers
     Like Trump, Netanyahu is despised by half his countrymen who see nothing but flaws in the man. A lot of the opinions are based on narratives, not the truth. Just because there is great opposition to the leadership of Trump and Netanyahu does not mean God’s anointing is not upon them to lead. My personal belief is like both men have been raised up by God for such a time as this juncture in history.

     I was struck by something Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher said last week about how Israel wanted a king even though the prophet Samuel warned there are down sides to being ruled by a man instead of by God. Also because it is mere men who lead us they are the ones we dishonor and judge when things go wrong in our nations.
     That rang true to me. In my own nation lying narratives are spun out fast and furious by media, political operatives, woke feds who have become little more than “the alphabet degenerates” of the FBI, CIA, DOJ, etc. No one alarms them more than Donald Trump, but Netanyahu runs a close second. Many have warned about the US political-opposition dollars and political opposition counsel helping to keep a continual stirring of Israeli street protests. Granted, the Israeli political system is not exactly the same as the US, like Netanyahu’s dependence on the far right religious zealots who present great challenges for political stability, but the weak knees of Netanyahu’s opposition is no answer for Israel either.
    To most of us who back Trump it is because we see our fight as one against good versus evil. Our nation hangs in the balance. Electing Trump is for the purpose of “restraining evil” so we have more time in the spiritual battle for the soul of our nation.  In Israel where the politic structures different, it is still a battle of restraining the weakness that promotes greater threats. Terrorism thrives on weakness taking advantage of leaders without the guts to act decisively against aggressors. 

     When Netanyahu came to speak to Congress about Israel’s just war against Hamas half of Congress –both Senate and House – Democrats boycotted the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech, including the Democrats next presidential nominee, Kamala Harris. Netanyahu was diplomatic about that, as all Israeli Prime Ministers have made a rule to be, but behind closed doors they know who favors Israel and who doesn't. It is foolish to ignore who really are your enemies.
     The truth is Democrats are courting the favor of America’s Islamic population and have several hardened Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood Islamist supporters holding seats in Congress. Without naming them, Netanyahu made the point that anti-civilization Islamists and their "useful idiot" allies were outside rioting in protest of his appearance in Washington, D.C.

     The truth is that Islamists in North America have been playing the long game. They have made unholy alliances with American protest groups like BLM, Code Pink, Eco-warriors, Feminists, LGBTQ, etc. They have infected all these groups with anti-Israel/anti-Jew hatred. They are the "useful idiots" that have allowed Islamist groups to maintain a low profile for most of the past dozen years. The useful idiots have been visible to the public, but the barbaric Islamists have been embedded among them all along, greatly influencing what they think and how they conduct themselves to oppose Israel and the USA, have been low profile. Islamism may not remain low profile for long: America is the proverbial boiling frog because of the influence of Islamism among us.

     As for Israel, I appreciate what an American Jewish man I follow on X had to say as news broke that the #1 leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in a rocket strike in Iran. He was there in the terrorist-sponsoring state to attend the swearing in ceremony of the new Iranian president.
     JewishWarrior # posted on X: “The psychological barricade of fear has finally broken in Israel, and what Israel should have done days after 10/7 they are finally doing now. Since 10/7 Bibi has faced significant opposition at home, an extremely hostile media that kept demoralizing the country, a hostile U.S. regime, a failed Israeli Secretary of Defense that kept fighting Bibi from the inside, and an IDF leadership that not just failed on 10/7, but acted like Israel is losing. But Bibi rose above it all and stirred Israel into a place where our enemies are now hiding in fear. You can criticize him all you want, but there isn't any leader in Israel today at his level.”

     I believe he is right and his thinking is in line with what I see from Guy Cohen also. As for Ismail Haniyeh, all I can say is he is the opposite of the leaders who are trying to do the best for their nations. Ismail Haniyeh is a terrorist leader who has lived in exile from Gaza in the lap of luxury on the billions mostly Western nations have poured into Gaza to help the Palestinian people. Instead of helping their people, they have used them as human shields for terrorists while they lined their own pockets with millions and spending the rest on weapons to attempt to annihilate all the Jews in Israel.
     God has something to say about plans like that, and I believe He gave Benjamin Netanyahu the guts to say, “Make the shot” when intel brought him the location in Iran of Hamas #1 man. Most of the leaders who stand against Netanyahu would have just stood down and not chanced it because of all the international pressure on Israel right now.

     That’s what I think anyway.  Should a broader war break out, that should MUTE the division inside Israel regarding Netanyahu…at least for a while.

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