Thursday, June 13, 2024

SPECIAL REPORT: From the Spiritual Eyes of Israeli Ministry Leaders

Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, Shlomi Ziv
(L-R)  (Photo: IDF)

 By far the most emails I received last week from June 8th forward were about the pure joy and excitement of the Israeli ministries over the rescue of four hostages taken into Gaza October 7th. I am going to piece the story together in this Special Report  drawing from the ministries who wrote, supplying their contact info at the same time.

“Daring Joint Operation between IDF, Shin Bet and Israel Police”

“This morning at 11 AM Israeli Special Forces conducted a complex hostage rescue mission and successfully rescued four of our hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza.” This was the opening statement from the official IDF announcement of the hostage rescue, a video that Sally Shiff of the HaMaayan congregation sent out and the first I heard on June 8th of the joy that rippled through all Israel at the news.
     AllIsraelNews reported that some time after the initial IDF announcement, came the announcement from the Israel Police that a police officer from Israel's national counter-terrorism unit, Yamam, Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora died from wounds sustained during the operation. A major gun battle erupted at the building where Meir Jan, Kozlov and Ziv were held. It has been reported in the Times of Israel that those holding the hostages have orders from Hamas to kill the hostages rather than let them be rescued.
     The three Israeli men were being held hostage in the home of an Al Jazeera journalist who was killedwhen special forces stormed his family home, according to the New York Post.  So much for the Liberal American support for Al Jazeera as a legitimate news voice. And, unfortunately, the Times of Israel reported that rescued hostage Almog Meir Jan's father died only hours before the successful rescue.
     “But today,” Ron Cantor wrote, “the whole country is rejoicing. There’s a video of a lifeguard (it’s 100°F here) telling the beachgoers about the rescue operation and praising the IDF as beachgoers scream and clap with joy." Cantor shared that the female Israeli rescued, Noa Argamani, was set free on her father’s birthday. Her mother, “dying of cancer, begged Hamas to release her so she would be able to see her before she passes.” reported that after 246 days in captivity, "The hostages rescued Saturday in the operation in Gaza’s Nuseirat reported to medical teams that during their captivity, they were subjected to what they described as 'brainwashing' and emotional abuse, with the terrorists forcing them to read the Quran and study Islamic rulings." It was also reported of Noa Argamani, "In early weeks of captivity, she learned Arabic and took on the role of ‘representative’ for hostages, often washing dishes and cooking; the rescued hostage expected to be released from hospital in coming days and is currently deeply involved in cancer-stricken mother's medical care.”
     Israeli police released an unprecedented and “heart-pounding” video, the footage at the moment of their rescue amid heavy gunfire:  ‘Hebrew, Hebrew, where is everyone?’ and 'We're here to rescue you, stay calm.’ Watch video of the rescue ‘The diamonds are in our hands.’
     Even the head-cam video is – at least in my opinion – not as exciting as hearing our own Messianic Jewish warrior, Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center, from his position in Rafah the day of the rescue telling us not only the details of the rescue, but also the spiritual answer to prayers!  Watch this daily video from Chaim on rescue day here.
     It was as Sally Shiff described it in her 6/9 email of the rescue mission “in broad daylight. What could have been a page out of a TV series or major movie was a real life capture that had been in the works of the IDF secret forces for weeks.” Sally also added this layer about the spiritual warfare the believers in Israel have been conducting before the Throne of God for the rescue of the hostages:  On Shabbat “At 11:00 am most of the Messianic congregations and Synagogues were meeting as usual, ours included.  Prayers at that time were going before God to save our hostages, bring them home safely.  Known only by a few highly secret military ops that at very moment an extremely dangerous operation was taking place to rescue 4 of our hostages.  I believe that those prayers throughout the land opened spiritual forces in the heavenlies that made this miraculous recovery take place! It was the shot in the arm we all needed! Again, the reason we are defying countries who are demanding we stop with our objectives of obliterating Hamas. Against all odds, The IDF brought back safe and sound 4 civilians, stolen from our land 8 months ago! . . . . It was truly a Divine moment that only God who watches over us and protects us could have orchestrated. And for me personally, ALL THE GLORY belongs to Him and the wisdom He gave to the military and government to carry this out!”
     That was exactly what Cookie Schwaeber-Issan thought in her commentary, “Entebbe —All over again!” Cookie writes, "After yesterday’s daring rescue mission, we have shown everyone to what great lengths we will go to save four precious lives. It’s not over yet, and with God’s help, perhaps we will succeed in returning all of the remaining hostages whose suffering needs to come to an end– a stark difference from the purposely prolonged suffering of those whose leaders simply don’t care about them!"

A meme posted by Chaya Mizrachi of Dugit Ministries on Facebook captured the tears of joy, but also the picture of the brave young police officer/counter-terrorism Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora who died from wounds in the gun battle. In this too there is the reminder of the hostage rescue raid on Entebbe, Ugranda when commander Yonatan Netanyahu was also the sole rescuer to lose his life carrying out the successful rescue of Jews being held by Islamist terrorists.
     Reuven Doron wrote, "During the writing of our (6/8) Prayer Report today, four of our abductees were rescued during a daring IDF special forces operation in central Gaza....Thanks be to God and to our brave warriors. Rejoice with us and continue to pray for more miraculous and victorious breakthroughs like this. This was an intricate and valiant operation that left behind hundreds of enemy terrorist casualties. The sooner Israel brings Hamas to its knees, the sooner this terrible war will be over. The same is true on our northern front with Hezbollah. Remember that according to the “Cease Fire Negotiations” proposed earlier, Israel was supposed to “pay ransom” for each hostage by releasing hundreds (!!!) of terrorists from Israeli prisons."
     The Tel Aviv Tiferet Yeshua congregation also weighed in on how “all Israel erupted with joy at the news that four hostages were successfully rescued from Hamas captivity. . . . This was a moment of joy for a country in mourning and at war: the news was announced publicly on beaches in Tel Aviv which erupted in cheers, and joyful celebrations broke out in streets across the country and even abroad. This comes at a time when Israelis feel broken, weary and disillusioned by their political and high brass military leaders in what many see as the failed management of this war in the wake of the horrific October 7th attack. . . . This wonderful news renews our hope and strengthens us to continue praying! Please stand together with us to intercede with faith that the Keeper of Israel who neither slumbers nor sleeps will give us victory over our enemies and return all the captives home.”
     Israel Pochtar of Voice of Judah ministries/Beit Hallel Congregation, sends this short video speaking of the joy and laughter that has returned to the streets of Jerusalem since the rescue (not release!) of the Israeli captives in Gaza. He ends by encouraging your prayers that more hostages will be rescued – nothing is too hard for God.
     Giving Sally Shiff the (almost) last word on this synopsis, because even with the joy that spread over all Israel, how can we not mention the perverse reaction from the nations of the world? On 6/10 Sally wrote: “My grief comes that with international news (reporting the rescue) also comes international condemnation of how many terrorists were killed in the extraction.  As if we shouldn't have gone after our own to bring them home!  It's called gaslighting without understanding the entire picture. . . .Eight months of captivity! Almog Meir's father died the day he was released AND NEVER GOT TO SEE HIS SON FREED.  He died of a heart attack; he was desperate to see his son. His friends said he looked ill.  He said, "The day that my son will be back, will be the day that I will die". That is what happened, but he never saw his son. The hostages were not soldiers, but civilians kidnapped with the sole purpose of exchanging them for terrorists with blood on their hands, and trying to manipulate the entire world to the terrorist cause.  The very day that these hostages were rescued, a pro-palestinian demonstration was held around the White House. I wonder if the people demonstrating really understand what is going on here in Israel, or have they just bought into the next cause with no understanding?” Important question.
     Howard Bass of Yeshua’s Inheritance congregation in Beer Sheva also speaks to an issue that goes directly to the question of who can we forgive, and who is beyond our forgiveness? I know of a few terrorists who have come to faith, but I will never be among those who stand before God and pray that the Holy Spirit will sweep through the Gaza terrorists camps to cause them all to repent and be saved. I find it naïve about the nature of evil that is involved.
     Howard Bass writes along a similar vein and from the standpoint of God separating the sheep from the goats and the chaff from the wheat, I believe we should consider his words carefully: "The Apostle Paul tells us to strive to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.... It is admittedly difficult to feel "united" with other believers who actually think that Hamas is justified in its Oct 7 attack and atrocities, and that Israel is guilty of existing. Since I am speaking of believers who think and feel this way, we are dealing with deep issues of the heart that is in opposition to normal discernment between good and evil, and in opposition to the Holy Spirit to God's righteousness for His own holy name's sake: He will save the nation that He exclusively chose to be His witnesses in the world to bring glory and praise to YHVH God the Father and His Son. (Is 43) For Gentile Christians, the holy day of Shavuot/Pentecost, as the Bible gives us to understand, you have been brought into God's plan for Israel, which is for blessing and salvation of the world, through Jesus Christ/Yeshua the Messiah, born an Israeli Jew.  

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