Monday, June 10, 2024

An Ocean of Tears | June 6 2024 Arrows from Zion


“An Ocean of Tears”
by Donna Diorio

Last Sunday I was speaking to a local friend on the phone. We were just chatting about our mutual love of dogs and raising puppies. She is Messianic Jewish so in the conversation I told her about the Fields of Wheat email I received the day before from Eitan Shishkoff in Israel. He had written about the loss of their newborn granddaughter, born to Avraham and HilaOr. Eitan then went on to speak about the piling up of sorrows, grief and pain they have all be facing since the attack by Hamas on Oct 7, eight months ago.
     I found myself choking up from the beginning of trying to tell my friend about the emotions Eitan expressed so well - not only the Shishkoff's personal grief, but that of all the Israeli believers and that of the nation the minister to. Struggling not to just break out in deep sobbing, I told her about how acutely aware I am of the pain and sorrow the Israeli believers are dealing with. Everyone knows someone whose life has been cut short or changed forever in this attack. They are hurting for people they know - their relatives, congregational members, soldiers and even the death and harm unleashed on all their people.
     Eitan wrote, "An unthinkable eight months of war have followed one day of gut-wrenching horror after another. You don’t want to keep hearing about it. I don’t want to keep thinking about it. But priceless men and women have given up the treasure of life on the battlefields of Gaza and the border with Lebanon and the Palestinian territories of Judea and Samaria."
     "You don't want to keep hearing about it." That is generally true for so many who don't want to hear about the woes of others or appeals for donations to ease the woes. Those are two things I am committed to speak about to all of my ability. The level of pain among the Israelis—even the believers, and to the ministries’ need for funding to bring hope back to many in great suffering. This is what I have been trying to convey to my lists subscribers and to social media followers.
    My friend, Clarice said to me that she understood why I would suddenly be feeling the cumulative effect of all the grief and sorrow I have been exposed to week by week. She said most are hearing the pain and sorrow of 1 or 2 Israeli believers they are in contact with, but each week I am hearing from a great many. Each week I hear the pain and grief of 2 or 3 expressing their broken hearts honestly. Then the next week others share their own pain and grief because the truth is it is touching ALL of them.  ALL of them need to be able to express it to those who care enough to pray for them. Bottling it up these kinds of emotions internally and trying to keep an upbeat spiritual front disguising the pain and grief is not good for anyone. I also want them always to be REAL - it is necessary for any genuine relationship.
     I am saying this because in particular right now I believe there is also cumulative buildup on the Israeli body of bearing the grief and sorrows of the nation. This goes for the ministry leaders to the families in their congregations: they are so in need of prayers to uplift them. We cannot take all the hurt away, but we can pray over them Psalm 91:11-12, "For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up..." Even as they are going forth with the Light of Yeshua to their people, ministering to broken people, they do it in "the fellowship of His suffering," not as untested super saints of a hyper-Faith, but as people who are experiencing the same shock, pain, sorrow and grief as their neighbors.
    This they do with the daily roar of jets and rockets flying overhead, with a government torn asunder by irreconcilable differences, by power-seeking overthrow plots ever alive in the streets, and growing Jew-hatred from the nations pretending to believe the lies against Israel by their terrorist enemies. Unless you have stood in such a place, don't assume your faith to be any greater than theirs and challenged to the uttermost.
     I believe how we respond to the challenges of the Israeli body of Messiah right now is going to impact what we face in our nations in the days ahead. I will leave it there rather than get embroiled in another useless eschatology debate. No matter what you believe about the end times though, it is time to let your heart become aware of how great the pressure is upon the believers in Israel carrying the Word of the LORD to their people. Pray for them. Act for them. Support them. For our God has commanded us, "Comfort, you comfort My people,' says your God." Isaiah 40:1

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

The email I spoke of above from Eitan Shishkoff of Fields of Wheat, opened with “May I be honest? …. It’s partly because of my personal grief. This week, we laid our tiny, day-old granddaughter in a rugged earthen grave. Our younger son and his wife courageously acknowledged Sunny (a nickname given in gestation that became ironically apropos) as a gift from their Father Creator. An extra chromosome where it didn’t belong disorganized her insides and prevented her from the most basic task of breathing.      An Ocean of Tears…yet our tears are drops in the ocean of grief the families throughout Israel are going through. . . . Our own leader of Fields of Wheat, Joel, and my grandson, and my daughter’s husband, and many thousands of IDF reservists and enlisted soldiers have and are continuing, day and night, to search out terrorists and their tunnels and their booby traps and their rocket launchers and their weapons caches—often stashed in kindergartens, mosques, and hospitals.  I know I’m venting, beloved. But my heart is aching for people I don’t even know.”
     “. . . .      What does all of this heaviness have to do with you and with Fields of Wheat? Well, to walk with each other, we are called to share life both in joy and in sorrow. As these times intensify and the cost of serving King Messiah goes up, we will need each other more than ever. By pouring out my heart, I/we are also inviting you to allow us to participate in your life as well. If we only ask you to help us, pray for us, or send us financial support, that is a one-way relationship. Friends, I don’t believe in that.
     “. . . .HOW to PRAY: Please bring the following areas before the Throne of Grace for desperately needed breakthroughs. Sometimes, we feel that our country is breaking apart under the strain of this seemingly endless war and the collection of wicked forces arrayed against us. But God has promised to vanquish evil forever and to install His King (Psalm 2). So, in faith that is built on His word, we lift up….National Unity in Israel | The Israeli Government | The Israeli Defense Forces | The Hostages | The Families of October 7 victims and Fallen Soldiers | The Survivors of October 7 and all troops wounded in battle | The Gaza refugees, ripped from their homes by the cruelty of their Hamas overlords | The Youth and Young Adult disciples of Yeshua in Israel—for courage and equipping.
     Please pray for Fields of Wheat next “The timing of this summer’s Israeli Teen Summer Camp is critical for our young people. By the start of the camp (August 18-22)…. As our Fields of Wheat partners in Israel’s end-time-harvest, you’ve never let us down. On that note...There’s splendid news! We have just received a designated gift of $15,000 toward our $45,000 goal! Let’s contribute to this great head start.” Give HERE!

Sally Shiff from the HaMaayan congregation writes, “Israel is now defending her people on 7 fronts. (see video) It is an all out onslaught against our nation and only God can save us. This battle is much more spiritual rather than natural, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in pulling down strongholds...but we need your help. Just like Moses' arms being held up in Exodus 17…. I am asking you to keep lifting us up in prayer.  Our nation is weary, 644 of our soldiers have been killed during this war. They are our sons and daughters, husbands and wives. Those kidnapped were aged from 9 months to almost 90 years and now are either dead or so close to it that minutes or seconds count. The emotional toll that it takes on our nation is beyond words. . . .
     “Coupled with that is the countries that do not understand our national tragedy and for their own political purposes try to dictate what we are "supposed to do".  We have no other choice but to fulfill our goals for the sake of our nation. Benjamin Netanyahu said it best: “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel.” This war can end today, if Hamas surrenders. Pray for the strength for the body of Yeshua, both Jew and Arab, to continue to intercede and serve as God provides.
     Sally has been sending out short emails everyday with insight into the latest developments,videos and links to inform, like this: See video report of the inspiration Nick Vujicic speaking with IDF Soldiers at Sheba Medical Center.

Evan Santoro of ShelanuTV writes about what Israel is facing too. “The war in Israel continues, and the end is not in sight. The world is pitted against us and seemingly drunk on the “injustice” of our cause. Everyone devours propaganda and false media and then turns around and declares that they understand the situation and that Israel is to blame. Truth is no longer of interest but rather jumping on the next social media craze and getting more likes and shares for one's channel. Here in Israel, we know we are fighting a righteous war against our enemies that have only one goal and that is to wipe us off the face of the earth.
     “….At Shelanu TV, we are presented with a unique opportunity to be an example of the light and life of Yeshua during this dark and stormy season. We are here to comfort those who mourn, help those in need, and wherever we can share the love of Jesus with a lost and dying world…. The darker the night, the brighter the light will shine. We believe that this is also true for the light of salvation that shines from Shelanu TV. Each phone, tablet, computer, or TV that views our content is a pinpoint of light in the darkness. We believe that these points of light will multiply and become stronger and brighter as Israelis increasingly view our content…. Please pray for the work we are doing at Shelanu TV.”
Evan notes the promotion of a New Testament book they promoted on social media accounts demonstrated that Hebrew speakers around the world are also accessing ShelanuTV, as they got orders not only from Israel but also from London, New York, Berlin, Belfast, the USA, and from Mexico. Another encouraging response was to the story of Haifa Arab Christian pastor Najeeb, who came from “an infamous crime family in Haifa…. destined to be the heir of the family’s affairs and continue this way of life.” But God intervened with salvation and “Najeeb’s story has touched our viewers so much!” Evan shared more encouraging news of how ShelanuTV is ministering to the Jewish people. If you would like to be part of helping please pray and donate.

If you combine the gift of hospitality + evangelism what you get is the ministry that Rachel & Gilad Netanel serve up in Ein Karim, outside of Jerusalem. Their house built into a cave is an attraction for tour groups who have learned it is a lovely place to bring groups to experience the hospitality of Rachel & Gilad – and they know, if they come, they are going to hear the testimonies of their hosts and have conversations over a meal that brings so many guests back to hear more. Rachel writes that last month they had over 100 guests attend different group meal events. She writes, “Gilad and I have been overwhelmed with visitors who have come to the house in Ein Kerem and also at Zukim.” The house in Zukim was bought several years back to reach an area that is closer to Gaza and where many new age Israelis live. In both houses they get a wide range of the Israeli population who visit from employees of businesses, to relatives bringing people to experience their hospitality events, and from religious to secular Israelis. Their visitors are always wowed by the festive meals and hearing the Gospel from a native Israeli whose own grandfather was a rather famous rabbi. It is Rachel that has such a gift of evangelism. Rachel's life story on GodTube Videos  | Write 
     How to pray for Rachel and Gilad: I do ask for your help with prayer and support.  We are delighted to invite so many Israelis to our home but it is taking a toll on us financially and physically. One event takes at least 15 hours of work (2 days) --- cleaning and preparing food ahead of time and cleaning up after the event.   My back is so sore some times that I can barely stand. It is not possible to have volunteers and paid help costs about 100 shekels per hourSo many people want to come but Gilad and I do need help. Please pray for this help and also for salvation for the Israelis who have heard the Gospel through our ministry. There is nothing more precious to us than to see them saved.


Cookie Schwaeber-Issan, who tells me she writes every day, has several commentaries that will be eye openers to many, including this one from the Jerusalem Post: In anticipation of a large influx of Jews from all over the world, a major change must be made in the administration of the Law of Return
 Also in Have we entered a new era where divine intervention will be commonplace?
 and The Mental Illness Component of Antisemitism, Plus This has nothing to do with Gaza but everything to do with Jew hatred

Marianna Gol, whose Streams in the Desert ministry in Omer, gives a great report on their Passover Hike for 2024: “we saw that the kids were refreshed, encouraged and challenged on the hike, with new relationships forming and others deepening. The kids were really longing for the connection with other believers, and we were very grateful that the hike was able to happen at all in light of the attack from Iran just a few days before. We thank God for your prayers and the host of angels sent to answer them and protect this hike! We felt a wonderful atmosphere of fun and friendship at the campsite…. One camp teaching highlighted ways to hear God better and how to test every thought against scripture and/or submit them to older, more mature believers. The kids then had some quiet time to listen to the Lord. Another sharing was a moving exercise of the kids forming a large circle and stepping forward each time they heard a statement that was true for them. Statements included neutral things like "I was born in Israel / I was born outside of Israel" and also more poignant things like: "There is divorce in my family." "I've been told I will never amount to much in life." The kids could see that they were not alone in their pain, and they were led to give all their hurt to the Father and look to Him alone for the solution.
    A testimony given by an Arab Palestinian believer, who came to support the camp, left the kids encouraged and challenged about their upcoming military service. He told a story about an IDF soldier who treated a family of Palestinians moving through Gaza so very kindly that the family was amazed and opened their hearts in a new way to their Israeli neighbors.
     We are looking forward to our annual Summer Camp at Mitzpeh Ramon | Please pray for full financial provision for the camp. Because of the war many universities had to start their Fall semester very late and have added a summer semester, some of our leaders won't be available to serve at the camp because of it. Please pray for provision in this as well. Please pray for the kids who were touched by God during the Passover Hike to come to camp this August. Support our Camp

I have gained so much respect for Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center – he is not only a charismatic, engaging personality, but he carries deeply grounded faith and also love of his people not only as a minister of the Gospel but also a valiant IDF warrior. Watch Chaim’s presentation at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast  and follow his Daily Videos on YouTube (even while on the frontlines). Chaim writes compelling reports like “The War over the Temple Mount” where he wrote, “The forces of darkness seek to destroy God’s covenants, plans, and purposes of redemption. And we know that the enemy knows the word of God. He knows that Yeshua is coming again! Where? To Jerusalem. Pentecost is coming soon. I hope you join us online for a wonderful event or in person in the Galilee. … we see how the enemy is trying to maintain a stronghold on the very location that the Temple stood, where the manifest presence of God presided over the ark of the covenant! …. This is a key location!
     “….Did you know that the Hamas invasion on October 7th was called “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood”. Al Aqsa is the name of a mosque on the Temple Mount. Even though Jerusalem is not mentioned in the koran, they are fanatic about it. As God’s children, we need to make a stand and fight this battle…. Last May 2023, millions of Christians from around the world joined together in reading and praying Isaiah 62 over Israel. Would you continue to commit to pray Isaiah 62 over Israel daily? The world is tripping over themselves during this current war in Israel. Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis are just a few of the nations that are raging war against Israel right now. And right now Iran is prepping for nukes!  So as I am in the army on the physical battle grounds, I ask that you would stand as watchmen for Israel, and to not keep silent until He makes Jerusalem a praise in all of the earth! Despite the magnitude of our enemies, the biggest things on our hearts are our loved ones who are held in captivity under Hamas who are enduring a living nightmare. It is a war crime to take hostages!

News Note: 6/5 WED Religious Cabinet Minister Ben Gvir says it’s his policy to let Jews pray on the Temple Mount but Prime Minister Netanyahu says the status quo ‘has not changed’ | 6/6 Thurs Far-right violence, chants of ‘Death to Arabs,’ at Jerusalem Day Flag March in Old City: Extremist Jewish youths also chant ‘May your village burn’ on route through Muslim Quarter, while some assault journalists and Palestinian locals; 18 arrested | 6/5 Wed In a bid to bring down the Netanyahu government with US financial backing & strategies, Israeli protesters in 'March of Rage' in Tel Aviv calls for hostage deal and an end to fighting in Gaza. “March of Rage” – taking a page from the Palestinian playbook!! || NOTE of many fires that raged at the northern border from Hezballah, the Times of Israel reporting “Visiting north after fires, PM says Israel won’t ‘sit on its hands’ amid ongoing barrages; ‘suspicious aerial target’ intercepted over Metula; army gets OK for more troops for Gaza. Netanyahu warns: We’re ready with ‘extremely powerful’ response to Hezballah attacks. | IDF chief: Israel nearing decision on whether to launch war against Hezbollah.| Additional Reservists called up/Military readied for all-out war against Hezbollah

Valerie Yanay of Revive Israel writes, “Uniting Hearts: A Vision for Healing and Renewal | by Valerie Yanay | At the deepest level of our being as humans or as a people, we have this thread of hope called faith. It connects us to the Father and allows us to see His goodness. We pray that the people lift their heads and see hope despite the difficulties around them. This week has been especially difficult, with the discovery of the bodies of seven hostages found deep within Hamas’ tunnels.” Read in full online, click title
     This week has been filled with amazing things that God has done. As we finish preparing our field for summer, we see God's hand at work. Valerie taught a group of young believing girls who are seeking God. It's wonderful to see this generation grow in the Lord. At the same time, as we near the end of our discipleship program, our students are facing various struggles and challenges. In these last two weeks, we want to see His power in full force, and we believe it will happen. Please pray, and also for “our trip to France where we will be taking Israeli youth, both Arabs and Jews to meet with French teens.”

David & Josie Silver, Out of Zion in Haifa, Midweek Update Video - June 4th  2024 | Update to the news video:  It was announced on Monday night that 4 more male hostages have been confirmed dead in Gaza. - 3 older men who were seen alive in a video released by Hamas several months ago and 1 man, aged 51. It is thought they died together in Khan Yunis some weeks ago. The circumstances of how they died is still under investigation.  Hamas claims they were killed by an Israeli air strike near where they were being held. | Out of Zion Prayer for Israel Zoom meeting every Tuesday 9 pm Israel time - 7 pm UK - 2 pm EST - 6 am NZ | Go here (Passcode: 146188)

Reuven Doron, on Facebook OneNewManCall, writes “Not IF, but WHEN | “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land…” Click title to read in full

Avner Boskey, David’s Tent, History repeats itself – The ten spies and their bad report |. . . . The bad report of The Ten – rebellion against God and fear of the enemy Click title to read in full

Voice of Judah’s Israel Pochtar, evangelistic gifted pastor of Beit Hallel in Ashdod writes, Cycles of Joy in the Midst of Sorrow - The Jewish New Month of Sivan Unveiled and Jerusalem Outreach Spotlight: When God tied Jerusalem’s Peace to our Wellbeing | Also watch Prayer Fulfilled: Solomon's Life-Changing Encounter with God!

Due to fly out of Israel for a UK conference on the very night that reports of a massive air attack on the way from Iran, Arni Klein writes that they had little hope of making the flight since all the flights had been cancelled. ..”but God!” They made a flight out and continued on to the conference where, “The brethren gathered were a wonderful, prepared, open, receptive and grateful group. The freedom of the Spirit was all we could have hoped for. God’s anointing was everywhere. I was able to present four messages laying out what we have received concerning the call to establish dwelling places for the Lord. Here is the link for the UK messages. “ Much of what Arni wrote about is covered in these 4 messages, he says “in great detail.” For the sake of brevity I refer you to them: “The premise is that God is not really the center of the Church…His Body.  . . .Brethren everywhere are hearing the call to a new wineskin. It’s more than a message. It’s a movement towards God’s heart. ... If you are being stirred, we’d encourage you to be in touch that perhaps we might facilitate connecting brethren of like mind according to geographic location.

Tikkun Global sends this video with Ariel Blumenthal speaking on Baalam and The Blessing – putting in context of “a parable of our situation today.” He says, “Ever since October 7 the situation around Israel and the world is forcing people into a tight place, much like Balaam and his donkey: can we see Yeshua, the captain of the armies of heaven standing in front of us? (Joshua 5:13-15) Are we choosing to see His plan for Israel and the nations from the “high place” of the prophecies of Scripture? Or are we allowing the news, and our personal or national self-interest, to influence how we see things?”

Donna: Many Christians resent being verbally separated - linguistically separated - from Israel by the terms "gentiles" or "goy/goyim". In that separation they see an implication that Christians are lesser than Jews as a people God has chosen. The reality is that gentiles/goy/goyim carry one meaning: people of the nations. God went to elaborate means to gather in the people of the nations - outside of the Covenant He made with Israel - not lesser, but distinctly not the same either. Lately the truth of Christians being made a part of Israel without being Israel has become so significant to me. The truth is that all Christians are included into Israel as "the commonwealth of Israel."

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