Saturday, June 29, 2024

2024 Jun 28 Arrows - Israel Faces Almost Certain Imminent War


This area in central Israel is close to many of the homes and congregations of Israeli ministries. They are all acutely aware of the danger of attacks on their cities coming from the terrorists in Qalqilya, which could ignite the frenzy of other terrorists in PA-controlled Samaria/West Bank

Israel Faces almost certain imminent
war with Lebanon

But will Hamas in the west bank
force Israel to deal with
all the terrorists closer to home first?
by Donna Diorio

A couple of days ago I posted on Facebook about a West Bank (Samaria) town that is a Hamas stronghold - dangerous to many ministry friends who are located very near it. Reporting on the danger here since 2011, new alarms are arising because of the suspected extensive tunneling that has been done in Qalqilya. It could be a launch point for another attack like what took place October 7. Of course, Israel would not be caught off-guard this time.
     A terrorist car-jacking took place days ago in Qalqilya, killing a 78-year old Jewish man shopping for vegetables. He was left for dead on the side of the road. After the car-jacking and his murder, Israeli troops went into the town. That day two Islamic Jihad members were killed in West Bank raid, one was planning attack.
     A ministry friend in nearby Kfar Saba, Sally Shiff wrote: "Today. The war hit a little too close to home, some 4 miles away. And thankfully the terrorist attack was averted before it was carried out. ("Today Israeli special forces eliminated terrorists in Qalqilya who were on their way to carry out a big terrorist attack.") 
    She continued, “For those of you who have visited my city and our congregation, our roof looks out on Qalqilya only four miles away.  Qalqilya is a Hamas hold out and a walled city due to the terror attacks it has perpetrated to Israel (specifically Kfar Saba) in the past.  I am grateful to God's protection!”
     Also, our Tel Aviv ministry friends the Mizrachi's wrote:  “My family, and Avi and I live very close to Qalqilya. My daughter in a moshavim between Kefar Saba and Qalqilia...(Our daughter) has three small children and her husband away serving in the army. Prayers please.”   

     6/25 Times of Israel: IDF says 24 terror suspects arrested overnight in West Bank
To read the
Arrows from Zion reports on Hamas in Qalqilya from 2011 and 2014, find it on my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog where I have combined both 2011 and 2014
reports from an earlier blog

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center asks “What is courage?” and writes, “the dictionary definition of courage, it is: “the ability to do something that frightens one; and strength in the face of pain and grief.”  Chaim confides, “I have probably cried more than I have ever done so in my adult life this year. Thinking of the loss of my precious brothers that have fallen in battle has brought me to tears many times.” Chaim continues, “Even today, I was invited to speak to a group of widows. I wasn’t able to make it in the end because of some missions in Gaza. However, still… these dear women have suffered a giant loss in their lives and my heart goes out to them…. In speaking with a widow, she shared how forgiveness is a very important step in healing and being able to move forward. There are several steps of grief. Forgiveness needs to be part of the journey of healing she told me. It is important to forgiving yourself, your spouse, the external decision makers, God, etc… To make peace with everyone. This also takes tremendous courage. I wish you could witness the courage this tiny little country has…. In the face of fear, pain, and grief, we press on to victory. I know that God’s word has been my source of courage in these perilous times. My team will pray and recite scriptures before entering into Gaza together which gives us a boost in our spirits. Please continue to cover us in your prayers! We need them so much right now.”  Watch Chaim's daily videos from the frontlines of battle) @ ARC YouTube

Asher Intrater sends powerful videos including “Echad” and The One New Man “Asher takes a look at the Oneness of God and how His Oneness is reflected in the mystical union of male and female, Jew and Gentile (Eph 2), Yeshua and the Ekklesia (John 17), Israel and the Ekklesia (Rom 11). [DD: I did not see this before writing my own version of the same theme last SundayApostle Paul: This Mystery is Profound.” ]  ALSO from Tikkun Global  VIDEO of Asher in Munich, Germany next to the Olympic stadium where Jewish athletes were massacred in a terror attack in 1972 as Christians and Messianic Jews unite there. Pray for anti-semitism to be defeated. | Guy Cohen’s Neither Slumber nor Sleep
     PLUS A detailed Global Prayer Request: Israel at War in Rafah by Betty Intrater including: “The West Bank, territories under Israeli jurisdiction with partial self-rule, remains volatile. The IDF has been operating to dismantle terrorist cells there to prevent another “Gaza Strip” situation. Several European countries have declared a Palestinian State in the West Bank without cooperation from the Israeli government.”
     Last but certainly not least: 
Major New Facility in Jerusalem – read all about it here!

Cookie Schwaeber-Issan News Commentaries almost daily at   The divine call to return Jews to their homeland | Is Israel Really Prepared for a Hezbollah Confrontation? | The Deep Fake of Gazan Starvation  and  Jerusalem Post  Guterres, UN should redirect their warnings to Hezbollah
Available for Zoom Calls for your Israel-interested groups: EMAIL

From Reuven Doron: A Solemn Assembly | EXCERPTS: Pray with us for a NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER to be declared in Israel, and the sooner the better! …. We are entering a dangerous season that potentially can open up a “Pandora Box” of unimaginable hardships and devastation that could spread far and wide.....Do not confuse God’s discipline for His vengeance. He disciplines His children as a good and perfect parent does for their own well being because we love them. Yet, He takes vengeance upon His enemies…. The prophet (Joel) declared that the calamities will go far beyond Israel and become global. He upheld the same principle that the Apostle Paul applied when he taught that God “ … will render to each one according to his deeds (Romans 2:6-9). . . .Repentance works wonders. . . . It must be, however, a work of the heart, which is what God is looking for. . . .
     We Are In Serious Times | No normal person wants war. Our family, as many other families in Israel, “has skin in the game,” and every flippant political, ideological, or theological statement runs straight into the immovable rock of genuine concern for those near and dear to us. Consequently, when we make strong statements regarding the present struggle Israel must endure and overcome, we do so with a deep anchor in reality. We live in a multi-generational home alongside our children and grandchildren, so the little ones are here a lot…. With their Dad and uncles deployed in various IDF combat units, the kids know everything…. It’s personal for us, and we appreciate your prayers and support. Our main source of income for our household and ministry (which for years was our work with Christian Pilgrim Groups) came to an end since the war broke last October. We are thankful for those who share in our burden and labors during this season of war and harvest as we serve both Jew and Gentile according to God’s purposes. To learn how you can support our work in Israel or join our mailing list, email us at | Click to the permanent link Facebook post for the full article here, which is choked full of spiritual insight.   

What a blessing to hear from the heart of Fields of Wheat Christian Arab team member, Ruby Bishai, on his life journey serving since the Oct 7 terrorist attack on Israel. Ruby writes, “Our ministry has been serving to our utmost capacity, supporting IDF soldiers during these gut-wrenching times…. With Joel, our director, being called away for months at a time in his army reserve duty, more responsibility was added to my plate. I found myself on the road nonstop, delivering vital supplies to the troops who were suddenly fighting an all-out war we never wanted…. The war also forced us to scale back our activities for young adults—ice-breaking brunches, conferences, and seminars.”
     Then came an unexpected from another Israeli Messianic ministry for Ruby to temporarily join their “Lech Lecha” team as a counselor to young adult Messianic Israelis many of whom “had just come back from the battlefield” from “fighting an all-out war.” Ruby wrote, “The extreme stress of combat was just below the surface, and part of our job was to help them process that trauma with the healing of Yeshua. Serving these young men and women was an honor and privilege—requiring patient, compassionate conversations.  In all of this, the Lord was discipling me too. The deepest area He dealt with was humility….They're facing questions that will determine the rest of their lives! My heart went out to them.
     In a section Ruby called “Going Forward” he wrote, “I now understand the vital importance of creating a discipleship environment for young adults—both Jewish and Arab. As an Arab-Israeli, I see that it is more critical than ever to bring our people together. The freshly enflamed Israeli-Palestinian conflict pushes us apart. It creates suspicion, tragedy, and hatred….I've been delivering equipment to IDF soldiers throughout the war. So, I'm not speaking of a "moral equivalence." There is clear, diabolical evil in the warped fabric of Hamas that we must stand against resolutely. Yet among believers in Yeshua, we have to build a bridge to each other, not allowing the enemy to deprive us of manifesting His kingdom where the hurt is the greatest. To do this, we must step into new territory. This is my heart more than ever.
     Fields of Wheat national summer Katzir youth is coming up August 18-22 – the teens need it and “we ask for your prayers and financial support. The situation in Israel remains unstable, and your advocacy and generous contributions are vital for us to keep serving the next generation. Give HERE!

With Hezballah threatening a war against Israel without rules, Howard Bass of the Yeshua’s Inheritance congregation in Beer Sheva writes something quite profound: “Those who have some understanding of the times understand that now is not the time for Israel to be brought "to the point of death" .... Yeshua/Jesus was obedient to death, even the death of the cross.  The Jewish people, not obedient, will be brought to the point of death, like Isaac, in whom Abraham's seed will be called:  life from the dead!  Abraham believed in God's faithfulness and power to raise up the beloved chosen son from death had he actually killed him as a sacrifice:  Isaac was brought to the point of death, and he somehow allowed himself to go through it!  Without faith we cannot please God. (DD: Remember when Jesus’ ministry first began, the hometown people tried to thrust Yeshua off a high cliff but they couldn’t because it was not His time to be brought to the point of death either!)
     Howard goes on the highly recommend a former Muslim, now redeemed believer, he heard at a conference in Cypress “including former Muslims from N. Africa, Christian Arab pastors from Israel, Messianic Jewish pastors from Israel, Jordanians, Egyptians, and a sizeable group from Taiwan, mostly intercessors. The theme of the conference and seminars was "Why is Israel important for the Kingdom of God?" Howard writes, “The most informative teachings for me were given by Yassir Eric, a Sudanese who was brought up in fanatical Islam (now living in Germany, and his grandfather was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan). Some of you may have seen or heard his testimony, and the story of him hating and almost killing a Christian name Zecharia….I fully recommend looking Yassir up on the internet and learning from him about Islam.  He has a humble spirit, but he is very strong in his denouncement of the political religion that is Islam, and that it fundamentally cannot co-exist with any other religion, or with Jews and Christians.  It demands submission (which is what Islam means), and cannot accept peace with anyone other than with other fanatical Muslims -- "good" Muslims…. Yassir believes that Christians today have no excuse not to understand this. I believe that it is becoming more apparent that the fourth beast and kingdom described in the book of Daniel the Prophet, and in Revelation, is Islam.  Read about it characteristics and acts in those books, and consider it yourselves….. There were a couple of pastors that I am aware of at the conference that are still not firm in their understanding about how important Israel really is. It seems that only those who are uncertain about whether Jesus/Yeshua is coming again personally to rule and reign for 1000 years have a problem, or waver, regarding Israel's significance to God's Kingdom, to the church, and for the nations, for the entire creation. (Jer 31:35-37; 33:17-26). 

Youval & Valerie Yanay who are the leaders of the discipling community just outside Jerusalem, Revive Israel, quoted Psalm 127:3-4 in their opening this week and I got an instantaneous new revelation just reading the words, Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.”
    They were making the final prep for the trip to France with “26 teenagers from all over the country for a time of renewal, reconciliation, and drawing near to God. It will be a unique time filled with sweet fellowship with believers from France who are their own age. We thank you for your prayers, and if you feel led to contribute to this journey, you can do so here.” The Revive community seeks to bless young people and you can read more about it in Seeds of Hope: Guiding the Next Generation to be Rooted in Yeshua (and watch the video too. They write, “During Memorial Day commemorations for our soldiers, many of the youth realized that their turn to serve would come sooner than they thought. We do not live in easy times, with the rise of antisemitism making their future even more uncertain in a world often hostile to their nation and their people.”

From Leon Mazin of the Return to Zion Center in Haifa, this: “Although we are believers in Yeshua, many of us still grapple with the wounds and hurts from our past, which can sometimes lead to feelings of bitterness and pain, even in the present situation.  However, we were filled with hope and gratitude when volunteers from Israel and the USA conducted two workshops (on psychology through the eyes of God and past wounds) and ministered to the Congregation members. We have witnessed much-needed healing and relief, and we praise and thank our Heavenly Father for His love and care. As we continually serve the Holocaust survivors and new immigrants, we organized two events for them as well. We celebrated Jerusalem Day with a group of Holocaust survivors and Shavuot - Feast of Weeks with a group of new immigrants. On the 12th of June, our Congregation members and guests gathered to celebrate Shavuot. . . .After a long period of sadness and grief, we were able to truly rejoice together. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your love and continuous prayers for us and for the whole of Israel. "Restoring & proclaiming the faith in Yeshua in Israel!" VISIT US ONLINE

Daniel & Shirya Yahav in Tiberias lead the Peniel Fellowship and, naturally write about the war(s) Israel faces from her enemies: “Israel cannot in any scenario, afford our enemies to think that terror pays them. That would be a disaster.” They write about increasing concerns in the north as many “have been evacuated from their homes for over 8 months now, living in hotels or in different temporal solutions. This puts a lot of pressure on many of these families, who don’t even have any expected date for returning to their homes, not to mention that some of the towns and villages like Metulla and Margaliot in upper Galilee, have suffered major damages to many of the houses and facilities. Thankfully, in our area around Tiberias and the lower Galilee we have had quiet.”
    They write about some amazing testimonies from among them who are serving in the IDF in Gaza witnessing miraculous incidents where he and this fellow soldiers lives were saved in quite harrowing incidents. This soldier is a medic and has even seen one he has treated return after being considered beyond survival, or even if he did survive from being paralyzed for life. “This same soldier he had treated came to him all smiling and happy, thanking S. for treating him, telling him that he is well. The shrapnel had reached one millimeter away from his spine, not causing him permanent damage. S. answered him that God loves him, and that he is praying for him. This Messiani soldier is praying over each wounded man he treats in the field.”
     Continue praying for favor in their hearing for the license for their school – “our representative had the opportunity to explain in detail why we began this school in the first place, when children from messianic families were beaten and harassed in school with no protection. Now we are waiting for their decision. Please pray with us that they will finally grant us this license…. Continue to pray also for our kindergarten. Although we were given the license and it is operating, the city hall is now demanding that we make a parking lot for the disabled on the kindergarten ground,

Avi Mizrachi makes this great announcement: As you can imagine, the terrorist invasion on October 7th and the war that has followed have given birth to much tension and turmoil between Jewish and Arab people these last nine months. There is much reconciliation that needs to happen in our land. But I believe God has called Dugit Outreach Ministries for such a time as this. Today, I would like to introduce you to my good friend and the newest member of the Dugit Ministries team, Pastor Najeeb. We believe God has sent Pastor Najeeb to coordinate our efforts toward bringing this urgently needed reconciliation to all the people of Israel. Pastor Najeeb is an Arab-Israeli who was born in Haifa to an Aram (Syrian) mafia crime family from Lebanon. He grew up in the “family business”—which led him into a lifestyle of drugs, crime, and violence—and as a young man, he was respected and feared by those who knew him….But when Najeeb was born, his mother had dedicated him to God. Years later, when Najeeb was in his early twenties, he had an unexpected encounter with God. He locked himself in his room for several days to pray—and when he came out, he was a changed man.
     You play a crucial role in reaching the people of Israel with the Good News of Messiah. We cannot do what God has called us to do without the generous and ongoing financial support of friends like you. May I ask that you consider giving a special gift today to help bring hope and reconciliation to Israel? We need more testimonies like Pastor Najeeb.  The good news must be proclaimed across all Israel, the hurting must find hope, the hungry must be fed, and urgent needs must be met.

From Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel and Voice of Judah Ministries: Hannah's Remarkable Story: The Israeli Voices of Tomorrow Revealed  This series of podcasts were born out of the desire to show the young faces of our nation, community and congregation…. Hannah’s testimony is one of remarkable strength and resilience in the face of a devastating task she and her IDF unit were entrusted with the day the war broke out on October 7th.  Watch her testimony today!     
     Also VIDEO Joy in Times of War: Celebrate your Festivals, Tribe of Judah! And read God's Army of Comforters

The ministry team at HaCarmel congregation on Mt Carmel in Isifya, write: “Earlier this month, we were blessed to have Pastor Carter Conlon share on a Shabbat morning (click to watch the full meeting). God had given him a strong message for us on unity…. Unity is not easy. It is not a feeling. It is a decision. A choice. There is power in unity, but that power is lost when we choose to break our unity. As Yeshua said in Matthew 12: 25, “every house divided against itself cannot stand.” Our unity is a testimony to the reality of God.
….Pastor Carter went on to say, “As the day of Messiah approaches, I believe we will hear more and more voices calling us back to unity. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. . . I feel that the latter day outpouring of the Holy Spirit will have something to do with Jews and Gentiles coming back together in Yeshua. One voice, one heart. If there are differences, they won’t matter anymore. We are related by blood. The blood of Yeshua relates us.” They write, “….If we are going to see true revival come to Israel, we, who are followers of Yeshua must be in “one accord”-- in genuine unity with one another. The call goes out from our Land to the worldwide body of believers—Jew and Gentile—to stand together
     We are deeply grateful to all our friends for standing with us and our nation through these difficult days.  May the Lord bless and keep you and your families. from the Kehilat HaCarmel Leadership Team  The June messages given by Pastors Dani, Peter and Vladimir will also bless and encourage you. Here are the links:  The Gospel is the Power - June 8 - Dani Sayag | The Black Box - June 15 - Peter Tsukahira | God's Covenant- June 22 - Vladimir Tsapar
     JULY 7th join us online for the Rosh Chodesh Celebration at Kehilat HaCarmel, Isifya. Live Worship 7/7 at 19:00-20:30 Israel Time or catch the rerun on our YouTube channel .

From Avner Boskey this:  Open your doors, O Lebanon, that fire may destroy your cedars! Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 Claims by Hamas or the Palestinian Authority to Gaza or to the West Bank, and claims by Hezbollah to southern Lebanon – these flagrantly violate YHVH’s word regarding the biblical borders of the Promised Land.  These are the vain imaginings of the nations that Psalm 2:1 mentions, and they run roughshod over God’s prophetic promises to His Jewish people

From Out of Zion Ministries, David & Josie Silver send David’s commentary on “Israel is Facing a Major War with Hezbollah” writing “…life on Mt. Carmel has been very different and challenging for Josie and myself, as it has for everyone in Israel. The city of Haifa, which sits on Mt. Carmel, has not suffered any damage from rockets so far, but we have lived with the prospect of that changing at any time. We have heard many explosions which were rockets and drones being intercepted in the air, some distant and a few much closer, judging by the sound level. The number of rockets, mortars, anti-tank shells and drones that have been launched against Israel since the war began is now over 20,000, the majority in the north. About 80,000 residents of the north have been evacuated, living in hotels for months now, and an increasing number of their homes have been severely damaged. Many businesses have had to close down and the economy in the north is ruined…. Hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah have steadily intensified over the last few weeks to the point that a full scale war could be initiated by either side at any time…. We are being warned to prepare supplies of food, water and medical items. Underground car parks are being prepared as emergency medical centers and safety shelters for residents, if war with Hezbollah breaks out and the north is hit by thousands of missiles…. Many more soldiers may be injured and killed as they do their best to protect the country and attack the enemy.
     In addition to all of the above, is the deep concern and heartfelt pain most Israelis feel for everyone who has lost loved ones or friends, for the seriously wounded soldiers and of course the remaining 120 hostages. The overall scenario for the days and weeks ahead is not good without supernatural intervention. The future of Israel and her people is in the hands of GOD, and in great need of His mercy. Your prayer support for us in the north and for all of Israel is imperative at this time, and greatly appreciated.
     ALSO David Silver’s VIDEO Updates from the news that impacts Israel and the body of Messiah in Israel for the  6/25/2024 Midweek update| Plus the Out of Zion Prayer for Israel Zoom meeting every Tuesday 9 pm Israel time - 7 pm UK - 2 pm EST - 6 am NZ | Contact David for link information via email.

Michael Beener, City of Life in Sderot writes: Civilian Emergency Kit For Wartime | Having an emergency kit can make the difference between life and death. This is why our ministry has decided to take action and we have launched an initiative to purchase and distribute these emergency kits to the families who need them most. Each set includes a battery-powered radio, two flashlights, a Power Bank, first aid medicines, and other essential items. Each emergency kit costs $100, and our goal is to support 1,000 families in Sderot and the communities on the border….we aim to raise $100,000, which will allow this project to be successfully carried out and ensure that all these families receive the vital resources they need. Learn more & watch VIDEO

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