Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Confession of Sins Urged


Putting Feminist #MeToo Ideology ABOVE
the Secret Place of Prayer & Worship before God

Yesterday a group of prophets put out a statement about the rash of ministry leaders who have been exposed for sexual failings, naming only Bickle in their comments. They also recommended a prophecy from April linked to their statement. The point I took from their statement was that anyone with hidden sin needed to confess. It seemed to me they were saying that those who do not accept all the accusations made against Mike Bickle even including "the misuse of prophetic words through what was framed as the Prophetic History of IHOPKC" do not have legitimate concerns about those accusations. I found it odd that prophets rejected the idea of IHOPKC have received prophetic words over many years that they considered their prophetic history. Strange this rejection of prophetic history by prophets.
They also write "those who label leaders who bring correction to such toxic behavior as abusive. This blindness can lead those with an unteachable spirit into deception....all of us need to judge ourselves so that others will not need to do so. When the church does not judge ourselves, God will allow others to do so to expose sin." They have not investigated both sides, yet feel qualified to just accept the accusers. They continue:
"Another admonition was given to us through the word released on April 24th, 2024. There was a clear word given to openly confess past sins. You can read it on generals.org."

I am not going to re-address the reasons I do not hold all the accusations made against Mike Bickle as assuredly true. I've already laid out the many reasons for my thinking, but will clarify a couple of things:
I have nothing to confess, nothing that would cause me to protect others accused of a sexual sin because I am in the same sin and only 'covering' for them. There is no mixture here. I have experienced several sexual abuse and harassment incidents in my life, but I do not see myself as a victim of any of those incidents counted on 2 hands. Also, I do not hold to the belief that "touch not my anointed" gives ministry leaders license to do anything and everything they want. It is a warning though of touching God's anointed by false accusation, persecution caused by envy, or malice.
I also know this: Jezebel operates in false accusation. We better watch out what we line up behind and how it operates in our current society. What concerns young people SHOULD concern us, but we also should have the wisdom to discern how they have been fully indoctrinated to believe things contrary to the Word of God. God's judgment and justice is far higher than that taught by social justice warriors, although they presume to be more just than God.
In the recommended word given on April, 19th, these same prophets give a statement I agree with. It is a partial understanding of the significance of Israel, and how purposeful indoctrination has handicapped many younger generations by the false narratives they have been taught: "Do not think that the people who are protesting and calling for a Palestinian State are just protesting on behalf of Palestine. Whether they understand or not, there is an insurrection forming that is like unto the Communist takeover in Russia for the downfall of the Tzars. Only this time, they are aiming for the nations of Canada, the United States, and other nations of the world. Among the other nations, Europe is especially their target.
"This is a planned takeover, not only ideologically, but nationally. It has infiltrated our militaries and is gaining strength. At the moment, they are quietly planning. There are proxies on the streets in protest. This is not only about bringing a Palestinian state to the Middle East but an Islamic State to North America and other nations. They are subversive and even use misguided students. However, the movement at large is on a much bigger and more pervasive scale."

That statement does not go far enough. The protests of pro-Hamas false narratives across the United States is tip of the iceberg in the indoctrination of young people goes MUCH deeper. It permeates how they look at the world, considering a biblical view to be a bad interpretation of old people not as righteously-oriented as they are. This holds true regarding Israel vs. Hamas, LGBTQ, Feminism and many other issues we deal with in the devil's assault on Western society. Like Eve believing the serpent's lie, that they can be more just than the Words of that mean old covenant God. Youthful zeal produces an overwhelming drive to 'right the wrongs' by ignoring the seasoned views of who God is and what He wants from us. In skipping over restoration and healing, overcoming victim mindset, they glorify victimhood. Their errors take no account of how we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, or how mercy triumphs over judgement every time! They do not care what happens to the multiplied thousands of believers as they campaign to tear down to the ground the most Messianic Israel inclined Christian organizations in the US. God sees that. Young people are carrying ideas of God's justice that are NOT from the Word of God, but from social justice ideologies. God's justice can be deployed over ANY ministry situation but to launch a scorch the earth wildfire over a ministry will scatter the sheep. It is the difference between a work of God and a work of the devil.
Yes, we all need to examine ourselves, including the prophets who signed that statement without ever giving Mike Bickle due process which is a God-principle. "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I, the LORD, search the heart; I examine the mind to reward a man according to his way, by what his deeds deserve."

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