Friday, June 21, 2024

Arrows from Zion 2024 June 20 Israel is Still An Example for The Church

Arrows from Zion
June 20, 2024
Israel is Still an Example for The Church
(Cover Story in previous post)

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Chaim Malespin of the Aliyah Return Center ministry writes of how Israel is “Facing Existential Enemies” — It’s not just Hamas in Gaza where Chaim has personally been in tense battles, but “19,000 rockets have been fired into Israel from the northern border since the start of the invasion on October 7th.” That was as of 6/16 – many more since. Chaim points out, “Israel has been having to conduct a war unlike any other. For one, this war is in a mostly urban populated setting; secondly, laws of wars have been manipulated against Israel by Hamas. One example, it is against the laws of war to attack a hospital (except for some exceptions) … Hamas.…sets up their army bases within the hospitals. And note there are 36 hospitals and health centers in Gaza for a population of 2 million people. That is a lot! Many have been used as a cover for Hamas….did you know that there are no army bases in Gaza? All of their armories and bases are hidden in public places and in tunnels under the ground. I have seen with my own eyes the tunnels and weapons that have been hid in civilian areas. This is an unimaginable challenge for us, and not to mention hurts our hearts.
     Another evil tactic of the enemy is human sacrifice. The greater the death toll, the greater the international leaders heaps pressure on Israel to stop the war. And Hamas uses this as a strategy against Israel. It has worked in the past…. no one really knows the exact numbers and how many of those that deaths are a result of Hamas’s own fire power.
     Despite the challenges we are facing, we are praying that God would grant us victory. If Hamas is not utterly destroyed, this whole situation can repeat. I am praying that this will be the last war with Gaza. May there never be rockets shot into Israel from Gaza ever again.
     This is not the only front in this current battle. The situation in the North is growing more and more volatile.  Pray that we have the stamina, faith, courage, and strength to stand strong in these times. And we covet your prayers in this season. During World War 2, there was an intercessor named Rees Howell. He led the Bible College in faithful intercession against the evil forces of the Nazi regime. They stood in the gap for the nations who were fighting against the axis nations. We are doing this together.
      Watch Chaim’s video a call to fast and pray - Join the Altar of online Prayer watch 24/7 | Learn more about the many facets of ministry at the Aliyah Return Center website.

Joel Jelski of Fields of Wheat and Katzir Youth Camp – who also joined the fight serving in a tank unit in Gaza since Nov 6, writes: It's been such an intense year here, words can't begin to express the range of emotions and struggle that we have found ourselves in almost daily - Grief, anxiety, lack of clarity, uncertainty, lack of security and fear, disappointment, loss, anger...are some of the more negative emotions that we have felt. Of course, we have been able to find joy, happiness, forgiveness, in respites...but for much of the last 8 months, it's like there’s been a dark cloud hovering over Israel.  
[DD: That’s warfare so thick it descends like a dark, heavy weight on its targets]
     This was a personal, family update and Joel had a “Over the past few months, I have began contemplating getting a weapon (pistol) for self protection for me and my family. It would also serve me for when I'm traveling in Israel to bases and areas that are dangerous. What the past 9 months has shown me is we need to be able to defend ourselves if help isn't nearby. I've seen too many cases of families and individuals just hurt or killed in terror attacks in random places - on the road, on the way to vacation, on the way home from work. And many of those attacks were stopped by armed citizens. With what is happening and has happened in Israel, this is the right time for me to get armed. I got approved for my gun License, and the pistol (Glock 43x) and accessories cost 1800$. If you would like to help me purchase the firearm, you can give to our personal family support. Thank you for considering this!
Kehila News Israel / shares the similar thoughts from another Messianic IDF soldier who has been serving in the 551st Reserve Brigade, where he served in Battalion 697. He was among the first set of troops to enter Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack, and he served for 88 days straight…. M.'s brigade encountered a variety of unfamiliar situations and faced many new challenges, hardships and deaths. "My brigade suffered a number of losses and injuries, but we did a good job, and we’re very proud over what we accomplished,” he said....the IDF website published an update in December 2023 that the soldiers of the 551st Brigade had “located and destroyed operational tunnel shafts of the Hamas terrorist organization."
     In the article you can read here, 'Pray that the Lord will watch over us', “M” confessed he had expected to be traumatized by what happened – but somehow he evaded this, too. “I went in with an open mentality for anything I might see. I saw dead bodies, and things that might be catastrophic for others to see, but I had a mentality that was just ready to accept it and keep going. I had expected to be traumatized, but I wasn’t. I knew I needed to be at peace, accomplish our mission, and help my comrades. It’s not me alone, it’s the team, the comrades. We’re doing this together.”

Sally Shiff, from the Kfar Saba congregation HaMaayan, sends daily short reports of the latest in Israel. She writes, This war is an ongoing story of ups and downs, great news and heart wrenching sorrowful news. Last week, we all rejoiced at the rescue of 4 hostages. Helmet Cam Footage from Operation ‘Arnon’  But yesterday 11 soldiers lost their lives. Our nation continues in grief to mourn the soldiers and cry with their families. I could go on how sickening this newest information will continue to fuel the hatred of Israel and the Jewish nation. How our enemies will "celebrate" the deaths, but you knew that. Instead, I came across a very interesting "speech" at the Jerusalem Prayer breakfast by Nick Vugicic.
     She writes, “Pray for us, visit us, share about us to others. You are on the front line. We, sadly but with full resolute will defend our nation at the cost of our brave men and women as it was yesterday. But we are asking you to join us in the fight with your prayers, your love and your voice to others. If the world saw what we do, what Hamas as it really is, what Iran as it really is (the regime, not the people), the satanic forces as they really are; this war would be over in a day.  But the satanic forces have blinded the eyes of the people, and shut the mouths of the others who know the truth, yet do not speak up for truth.  May God give us all a revelation of Him and His great love for our nation.
     In talking about the aggressive taunts of the enemy which is like the exchange between David and Goliath, Sally writes, “Words one to another is becoming much more aggressive…. This is a great prayer point as this war will affect hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens. Hezbollah has a direct line to Iran and much more freedom to receive from them very sophisticated weaponry. It is imperative to pray that our allies will supply us with the weapons to counter the attacks. Pray that the allies will not succumb to the loud voices that have aligned with Hamas/Hezbollah to with elections rather than stand in truth of what is really happening here in the Middle East.
     Also in the south she reports that food shortages in Gaza is a lie and plenty of food is crossing the borders daily (it is also a lying claim Hamas uses to get more international support). She recommends this video word from Netanyahu:  "Netanyahu: Israel, America's closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran" | Also this “wonderful video highlighting the true spirit of the Bedouin community towards Israel (very active in Israeli military)”

Ronit Bender opened her ministry letter with great joy over the heroic rescue mission that saved 4 hostages from Gaza, but added: Precious loved and valued prayer partners, writing newsletters since October 7th has been more difficult. I purposed in my heart not to write you about all the wrong things that are going on, as you can get those reports from other sources. I want to share about my life here, and the reason I am here and not in Australia.
     She writes about those she has been ministering to for a long while, the couple and their adult son, and also some new people she is reaching.  I pray the Lord to give me many Divine appointments with these dear people. They have been away from their homes for almost eight months. Not easy. Pray with me for their salvation.”
    She also writes of an encounter at the post office with a Filippino mom and her daughter. “The Lord nudged me to give the mom my white jacket I was wearing.  I called her over and told her I would love to give her my jacket. It fitted perfectly, and caused a bit of stir in the room. Only the Lord!  I am asking Him to give me another opportunity to meet her and share the love of God with her: the Gospel.”
     The love of the Lord thrives in Ronit’s heart and she is ready to pour it out on whomever the LORD shows her. 

There was much more in the ministry letter from Pastor Najeeb & Elisabeth Atteih in Haifa, which I will share next week. For now I want to pass along this testimony video shot by ShelanuTV which we hear has been received extremely well by Israelis. The Atteih’s write, “For the first time, Pastor Najeeb Johanan's testimony is recorded on video in Hebrew, with an English translation, after 31 years of faith. We pray that it will bring salvation to many, as the Lord Jesus Christ change us he can change others as well. To Him be all the glory.

Major Announcement from Tikkun Global | A very special project has quietly been underway here in Jerusalem for a few months now. We have anticipated the day that we could bring it to you, our partners, and that time has come! [Watch this 2 minute video from Asher Intrater]
     Over the last two years, our ministry center has been in the Havruta fellowship house, a small apartment in downtown Jerusalem. Some of you have fellowshipped and worshipped with us in this place, and it has served us well, but thank God, our needs have outgrown it! Real estate in Jerusalem is very expensive. However, we have prayed, and an opportunity has arisen to buy property right in the center of the city. We want to invite you to partner with us for this expanded ministry center and prayer room. (see pictures here where you can also read the whole announcement. )  
     Some partners have already been so moved by the vision of Tikkun Global owning permanent space in Jerusalem that they have given USD $762,000 towards the initial down payment. The overall cost for the project is $1.6 million. So we’re almost halfway there! ….We invite you to help establish this permanent home base in the heart of Jerusalem. Together, we are setting a stake in the ground for strategic kingdom alignment for Israel, the Church, and the end times. GIVE to establish Tikkun’s home in the heart of the Eternal City. For contributions toward this project, we kindly ask you to use Mail (if in the United States), bank transfers in the USA for tax-deductible receipts, or bank transfers to Israel (no US tax receipts provided). For all donation details, please click here.
     Our hearts are thrilled with the fulfillment of these prayers! We hope you are stirred, too.

 Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel congregation & Voice of Judah Ministries sends 3 important videos: Hope Reignited! Israeli Hostages Rescued! | Then answers the important question of Who does Jerusalem belong to? Searching out the ancient depths of Jerusalem | Lastly a report on the recent Shavuot evangelism event in Jerusalem: Witnesses to Prophecies Fulfilled - Shavuot Evangelism Spotlight!

Reuven Doron really struck a chord with me back in 1989-90 with his prayer letter Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. It 100% resonated with what I saw in scripture, plus he opened my eyes to the fact that there was a whole remnant of faith in Israel – with ministries and congregations leading Israelis to Yeshua. In 1991 his groundbreaking book “One New Man” and my understanding about Israel took another leap forward. Earlier this week Reuven put out a new article to his mailing list and on his Facebook page here.
     I had to read this through 3 times slowly as an editor would in order to absorb all Reuven was saying. What I found were answers to several questions that I have pondered for years chalking them up to the unknowable things of God, yet it seems they are not.  As his opening two verses indicate:  “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever …” (Deuteronomy 29:29). AND “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.”  (Proverbs 25:2)
     Reuven opens by addressing the elephant in the midst of our current spiritual circumstances:
Those who are standing in the place of intercession while pleading with God for “The Peace of Jerusalem,” may grow weary treading this difficult and long road. The boiling, ongoing conflict in and around Israel is hard to bear. In addition, the turbulence that the entire world is experiencing can also take its toll on the hearts of the intercessors, causing confusion and discouragement. Questions and doubts may arise: What is really going on? What is God doing in the midst of this turmoil? And above all, what does He want me to do about it? Today, we want to highlight an often unaddressed CENTRAL ISSUE, and bring to mind the BIGGER PICTURE apart from the shifting news-bites of the day that clamor for our attention.” I urge you to read this article and consider it carefully, as I believe it is another groundbreaking  work. He gave me permission to put it on my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog. Please read!

David’s Tent, Avner Boskey writes, When the sons of Adam put God on trial quoting C.S. Lewis is his observation, ““The ancient man approached God (or even the gods) as the accused person approaches his judge. For the modern man, the roles are quite reversed. He is the judge; God is in the dock….”
     In a second article only 2 days later Avner sent The elephant and the flea and nobody does it better documenting history and providing prophetic insight that impacts TODAY. He writes that history gives enough example that could grant wisdom: “…the present superpower machinations and intrigue surrounding the Middle East – with the focus here on jihadi forces versus Israel – have some sobering lessons to impart, for those who have eyes to see.

Howard Bass, Yeshua’s Inheritance congregation in Beer Sheva writes, “It is so strange in realizing the too many 'believers' (God knows) who are so detached from all that is happening around them and beyond, which is all in accord with the many prophetic words in the Scriptures regarding the end-times. May the Holy Spirit shake us awake!”
     He then writes about being part of a group that was give access to some of the sites connected with the Oct 7 invasion and massacre, through an ICEJ planned tour. They were granted permission to enter some areas not yet opened to the general public, as well as local guides – “Israelis directly affected by the destruction and loss of so much of their lives and friends on the kibbutzes. They gave us an account of what took place that dreadful Shabbat morning, and rest of the day, and of how even Gazan children and women were among those who came in to take part in looking for residents for the terrorists to do whatever they chose to do. Most of the people were horribly murdered…. The ordeal was traumatic even just to hear about what took place, and the terror of it all, and to see the charred burned out homes and dining halls; buildings and homes riddled with bullet and rpg holes.    
     “….We did also hear what for us were "miraculous accounts" that we thank God for, but which for these 'guides' were just another 'proof' for them that there is no God, at least not the One who "could prevent" such atrocities and suffering, at least for His own chosen people.   We pray believing that despite all the unbelief the Holy Spirit will bring conviction of the people's separation from the true God and Savior, and draw many of these people -- Jews, Arabs, others -- to become open to the love of the truth that is the gospel, and to the righteousness of YHVH God, who has not been silent. He knows what pain and suffering are, and is there for all who open their hearts and minds towards Him. The healing of body, soul, and spirit that so many need can come only from the Source of Living Water, and through those to whom He has especially gifted to help -- potentially any of us. A very sobering experience, and a time to let our Father know that we are thankful for His mercies towards us, and we are not wavering in our love and trust in Him, who sent His beloved and only begotten Son to suffer and die on the cross for sinners, for enemies, for the unrighteous. This is His answer to all of those who hate Him without a cause, which I once was.

Shani & Kobi Ferguson of Maoz Israel  ask: Have you ever wondered about the deep connection between your faith and the freedoms you enjoy? Dive into powerful scriptures in this month’s Maoz Israel Report that contrast with images from around the world that oppose these very scriptures…Read or Listen to the article here.
     Check out the new music video with scenes from Nazareth in the Sakhnini Brothers’ new Arabic worship release “Ya Azim” (Oh Great One!)

Guy Cohen of the Harvest of Asher congregation in Acco writes, “As a Believer here in Israel, even though there is continual death and the threat of death all around us, I know that He is my protector. No matter what happens to my physical body here in this life, I believe those who believe in Yeshua will be resurrected with Him. Death as the world knows it is the end, the period at the end of the sentence. Death as we know it is a comma, a pause between this world and eternity.
     Prayer Requests include:
 Pray that the Believers here in the land will walk by faith and not by sight as we are challenged daily by Israel's enemies | Pray for safety as fighting on our Northern border escalates. The line is moving south and more and more communities are being damaged and threatened. Pray for Israel's protection against the accusations against her people and her leaders.| Wisdom for our leaders in the government and military - all decision makers.| Protection and peace for soldiers and their families.

Ron Cantor of Messiah’s Mandate and ShelanuTV writes, “I don’t have any doubt that the intelligence departments within the Israeli Defense Forces know where some of the hostages are being held. We have elite forces who are fluent in Arabic and are posing as Gazans. If you ever saw the series Fauda, then you know what I’m talking about. The Mista’arvim (Undercover) units assimilate into local Arab communities to gather intelligence.
     “Undercover Israeli spies — including women dressed in black dresses and hijabs — rented a house in the Gaza neighborhood where four hostages were stashed, and lived there for days to gain intelligence ahead of the military’s dramatic rescue mission on Saturday, according to a report.” —NYPost
     That means more rescue operations are probably being planned as we speak. We have to pray…. If ever there was a time when Israel needed Christians praying for her, it is now.
     VIDEO Ron talks Fauda, the hostage rescue, spies and the indoctrination of Islamists in hatred for Israelis.       

Michael Beener shares about the Summer Project of the City of Life congregation in Sderot – a fan distribution to beat the severe heat that poses “posing significant risks to the health and well-being of many, especially the elderly who are more susceptible to the effects of extreme heat.” Learn for by clicking title.
     Watch Michael’s teaching video from the field of harvest in The Biblical Meaning of Shavuot & Pentecost. And he asks, “Could you take a moment to subscribe to our YouTube channel and drop a comment on the video? Your involvement plays a crucial role in expanding our outreach and advancing our ministry in this digital space. Additionally, sharing the video with friends who share a passion for supporting Israel would be immensely appreciated. Let's work together to create a meaningful impact!”

The couple who lead Revive Israel,  Youval and Valerie Yanah, write, “, we concluded our 40-day discipleship program just before the holiday of Shavuot, emphasizing the start of a new journey for each participant as they prepare to incorporate all they learned into everyday life. We ask for your prayers for the participants as they embark on this new phase. Looking ahead, we are eagerly anticipating the Camp Connexion youth conference in France. Our group, consisting of both Arab and Jewish participants who have suffered from the war, is very excited. We ask for your prayers for the conference, for protection against attacks, and for a soft and open heart to receive healing and reconciliation with the Lord and with each other…. If the Lord lays on your heart to partner with us and sow into the lives of teens in this unique project,, you can do so here.
     Also read Shavuot and the Holy Spirit: A Divine Connection

First off, Richard and Carolyn Hyde are celebrating 2 new babies: their 18th grandchild, Azaryah Nadiv and Carolyn’s brand new music video Isaiah 19 Highway.
     Carolyn also writes, “I received a surprise call to minister at the first ever Aboriginal Women's Conference in the Outback of Australia. My first impression was to say NO, as four days of flying for a five day conference made no sense. But Adonai said, "Don't say NO, but wait on Me. I have a message for you to give them and they'll cover everything." Sure enough, all costs were covered and Adonai gave me a message for these beautiful women after I arrived - Hallelujah! …. On my first day at the conference, I taught these precious women MAYIM, an Israeli folk dance, which we jokingly call a Jewish rain dance. The next day Adonai sent a downpour in the desert that caused streams in the wilderness, so we celebrated with a flash mob of worship at the local mall! During this journey, I understood why G-d has recently given so many words and dreams about First Nations Peoples. They've been despised as outcasts like us, but I truly believe it's their time to rise up and move into their callings, especially their role in helping fulfill and facilitate the final Aliyah of the Jewish people...

 These are articles by Cookie Schwaeber-Issan:   The rumor that war with Hezbollah is imminent | A tale of three Jewish-American politicians and their mistakes regarding Israel - JPost Predictably, as political players, leaders have chosen to put party considerations before the welfare of the Jewish homeland| Israel's enemies have no incentive to end the war - JPost: Israel’s enemies share no common values of freedom, civil rights, or humane principles. Thus, they don’t have the incentive to cooperate.

David Silver’s VIDEO Updates from the news that impacts Israel and the body of Messiah in 
Israel for the  6/18/2024 Midweek update|  Plus David & Josie lead the Out of Zion Prayer for Israel Zoom meeting every Tuesday 9 pm Israel time - 7 pm UK - 2 pm EST - 6 am NZ | email David for passcode

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