Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Ice Formations of the Heart


Ice Formations of the Heart
by Donna Diorio

It was a long time since I cried during worship, but when I started listening to #IHOPKC in March of 2023, I began to cry almost daily as I sat working at my computer tuned into the Global Prayer Room. The Holy Spirit was melting down the ice formations on my heart from many years of low expectation from the church.

The Isaiah 62 Fast & Prayer for a worldwide awakening among Christians of God's enduring love for Israel - specifically acknowledging the Remnant of faith in Yeshua in Israel bringing the Good News of His restoration and salvation of the Jewish people that is to be "so shall all Israel be saved" - was declared by Mike Bickle. He committed the whole IHOP to it and gathered the attentions of houses of prayer all over the world.

Now no one ever mentions the mighty thing that was done. It is as if Mike never did a good, righteous or decent thing in his life to listen to all the condemnation from those who never tire of condemning him, chewing him up and spitting him out with a sneer on their lips.

I continue to cry while working on my computer listening to the worship sets at IHOP. The anointing is still on it, despite the endless calls to shutter their doors, campaigns of peer pressure kneecapping them by making their worship singers and musicians feel like the worst Christians ever for remaining in that place.

Everyone, it seems feels safe to condemn everything about IHOP. Green with envy over the House of Prayer that was built in Kansas City to turn the prayers of the Church international to our brothers and sisters in Yeshua/Jesus in Israel - not to unsaved rabbis of Israel, or the political leadership, but to the FAMILY of our mutual Lord and Savior.

Now that no one ever mentions what Mike Bickle kicked off last March, I want to be one who acknowledges the good, the righteous & PROPHETIC work that God used Mike Bickle to break open across the globe.

I can never dismiss that great work he did, and I cry now that so many are willing to act like he is some slobbering, evil creature instead of a human being, saved by God, raised up to a high station to do the very thing my heart (and the hearts of the body of Messiah in Israel) has longed to see for decades.

Like the people who tore down the Berlin wall, Mike led intercessors worldwide to make the first real crack in the wall that has stood mostly intact separating Christians and Messianic Jews for 2,000 years. That was done during the Isaiah 62 Fast & Prayer for Israeli's salvation. It was the result of the "prophetic history" that even some American prophets have no trouble dismissing as valid. Never forget that it is a FACT that GOD used Mike Bickle to do exactly what the IHOPKC was raised up by God to do. That is something praiseworthy. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Ro 3:23 (and because ) Sin will be rampant everywhere, the love of many will grow cold. MT 12:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I said something about Mike Buckle, about the good, and about the Spirit of the Lord during worship I knew was genuine, and how he ministered. You would have thought I was defending Jeffrey Dahmer! I was attacked verbally by a friend!
Wounded people can refuse to heal, and the bitterness they carry is pure poison, ready to be dumped on anyone and everyone who has a different perspective!😭💔‼️