Sunday, January 7, 2024

Spiritually Countering the Principalities of the Age

 "There is a dangerous aspect of the Jezebel spirit that has seductive and even religious traits, therefore it disguises itself well. The Lord shall utterly destroy every effort of Jezebel to destroy His prophets and the prophetic move of God." - prayer of a woman blogger I found yesterday.

At the end of the age, prophetically two major principalities dominating humanity are revealed in the book of Revelation. They are the spirit of Jezebel and the Beast spirit. In the West the dominant spirit is Jezebel, in the East the dominant is the Beast spirit.
America has become ruled by the Jezebel spirit to the point that not even an enormous number of Christians can even recognize it and many, in fact, have been deceived to see it as justice and equality. Jezebel doesn't bring justice or equality to those she deceives and manipulates to do her will and give her hidden control over seats of power.
The Beast spirit is dominant in Beastly empires, who commit beastly atrocities against those they rule, and they desire their rule be over all. Islamists are a Beast spirit and so are oppressive nations like China. Islamists swarmed the European nations first. For years we have heard of the reports of areas that have come so fully under their control in European nations that they became known as "no go zones". Then came the rape domination of the women of those nations. Now it is the rabid rise of antiSemitism.
Islamists in North America were on a different approach, a strategy they laid out in 1993 of stealth gaining influence. They have been wildly successful in their plan. Like their brothers back in the lands they came from, like Hamas, they have a deep disdain for the "Big Satan" of America, but for their purposes of putting down deep roots in North America they are not above alliances with those deep under the control of the Jezebel spirit. In due course, when they determine their strength is great enough, and in a moment of American weakness and vulnerability, the Beast spirits will throw off the pretense of alliance with feminists, lgbtq and others they formed alliances with to increase their own influence and power.
Generations of North American Christians have been duped by these two spirits in alliance. Not everything that looks like the quest for justice is that.
That was the macro. Here is the micro: As relates to IHOPKC, my strong belief is that the sin involved was repented of before God over 20 years ago, and it was under the blood of Jesus, not repeated by the leader.
By the woman, it was never admitted until these 20+ years later in order to accuse, and the excuse herself from feeling terrible about her sin, not to actually be accountable herself.
We have seen this before. As the scripture says, First the natural, then the spiritual.
When our president was encircled by those intent on excluding him from a second term, many came forth with baseless lies...and they kept coming and are still trying to keep him from taking the reins of this nation. He was the natural, and in my view MB is the spiritual.
The spirit of Jezebel orchestrating the downfall and takeover of God's vineyard, raised for a purpose. It is a powerful deception, dividing spiritual friends, in major part a generational divide - same as in the natural with the former president.
My prayers continue to be for God to arise and the coup to overthrown, to expose the liars, usurpers and those that move KC in a way it should not go. Repentance and restoration for all involved.
God requires our forgiveness of each other, and He metes out justice that is righteous.

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