Saturday, September 7, 2024

Arrows 9 6 2024 Weep with those who Weep

 I want you to understand what I’m doing in these past several war issues from the Israeli ministries. There are two self-evident truths about humanity: one is “Out of sight, out of mind.” The second is that most people don’t want to hear the bad news, only the good news. As people of God we slip into both of those states too easily. We were made for such a time as this, when trouble is on every side and it is difficult to keep spiritual perspective while not turning a blind eye to evil stalking our lands.  To keep spiritual perspective we have to enter into the peace that bypasses our understanding —Yeshua’s peace which He gave us. We strike a balance with all the saints of God to not hide our eyes from reality yet remain in the peace of knowing that God has told us of these days beforehand, so we could trust His mysterious work will bring forth salvation and deliverance.
     That is why I have made recent weekly letters top-heavy with the realities our brothers and sisters in the faith are facing in Israel. They are one with us in faith in Yeshua, but also one with their fellow Jews in grief, pain and astonishment that the world hates Israel so much. “The grief is real” yet so is their trust in the LORD who is working through them as they share the love of Yeshua with their unsaved countrymen. We have rarely ministered from such a place of brokenness and theat. Please lift up their arms as Aaron and Hur did alongside Moses, so Israel would prevail in battle. Let us enter into this spiritual battle with understanding as many speak to in this prayer summary. And if possible, please sow finances to these ministries too…along with your tears and prayers for them.  - DDiorio   

Cover Story: 
“The grief is real”

Weep with those who weep

by Reuven Doron 
For spiritual context read Isaiah 25:7-9 and Revelation 7:17. Read the Full article here.

Today is a hard day in Israel.
     Six bodies of the October 7th hostages were rescued from a Hamas tunnel in Rapha, Gaza, and brought to burial in Israel today. In addition to this devastating news, three Israeli warriors were slain in a terror attack in Judea today.
     One of the three who were killed by Islamic terror today next to the City of Hebron was the father of a daughter who had been murdered 11 months earlier during the Hamas massacre as she defended the 
Police Station in the southern town of Sh’derot. Please pray for the Shkuri family who lost both father and daughter to Islamic terror in less than one year. 
     The six hostages (one of them an American citizen) were shot dead at point blank by their Hamas captors. The IDF rescue unit fighting to save them was minutes away from their location deep in the Hamas tunnel. In fact, our soldiers’ electronic equipment picked up the sound of the shooting as they were being shot dead. Weep with those who weep…
     Israel is grieving as the torment goes on, and difficult questions plague many hearts. Why did our captives have to endure 11 months of hellish and cruel captivity only to be murdered moments before their rescue? Have our leaders erred in not succumbing to Hamas’ (insane) demands in order to get our captives out alive earlier? Are our government and military chiefs capable of leading Israel through these troubled times after failing to access the dangers and act differently in past years?
     Personally, we do not see any simple answers to the above questions. Without divine intervention and wisdom we are as lost as any other people group on earth; only with the distinction of being in the devil’s cross-hairs. However, as people of faith who believe in the biblical promises for Israel and for the nations of the world, we have no option but to TRUST the Word of God and WAIT on Him. We are to PRAY to Him who alone can fulfill His promises; and we are to LABOR as if the miracle depends on us. The same is true for every intercessor in every nation under heaven.
     A fresh and heavy wave of sorrow, anger, and depression has covered our nation. Most restaurants and places of entertainment have spontaneously shut down to honor the grieving families and to share in the national mourning. Apart from emergency services, most businesses and schools will be on strike tomorrow. Many are advocating and pleading with the government to take whatever actions are needed to secure the release of the remaining hostages. And though some of this turmoil is politically motivated, the grief is real. No one really knows who among our hostages is still alive. We especially appreciate your prayers now….
     Don’t think it strange that Israel continues to tread this difficult path of an existential war and national suffering. The “shadow of the cross” and the call of sacrifice continues to loom over our people ever since Father Abraham was called to offer Isaac on the altar. The same call is shared by every soul that is born again in Messiah and has been grafted into the ancient Olive Tree of God.
     Thank you for upholding our people and our family in your prayers. We are grateful for those who inquire about our wellbeing, and for those of you who are able to share in our labors during this season of war and harvest. The needs in Israel are substantial, as are the opportunities to serve God’s purposes. To learn how you can partner with our work and help provide for Israel’s security, humanitarian, and spiritual needs, email us at  | Speaking Truth in Love
     Tactics versus Strategy | Israel’s governing authorities have some excellent people, but our parliament and government are also burdened with corruption and compromise as are most of the other governments in our fallen world. Our national political and security leadership has either missed or ignored the “handwriting on the wall.” Many predicted and warned about the looming danger long before the October 7th massacre. Our political and security echelons failed in taking seriously the dangerous reality facing Israel before the war; and then failed again in shaping a new reality after the war. Instead of mobilizing the tremendous national passion and drive which were ignited on October the 7th into a fast and total victory, our leaders talked too much and did too little. The IDF is an amazing army, but superb tactics cannot substitute for a winning strategy.
     Sheep Without a Shepherd | Many in Israel blame Netanyahu’s government for this disastrous year, and hope that a newly elected government will bring change and lead the region into calmer days. The fact is that this present government, as well as those before it, all failed the people. None of our recent governments, right or left, made it their priority to strengthen the resilience of Israel, but were mostly occupied with political survival and damage control.
     However, Israelis are beginning to understand that no matter what government will replace this one, Israel will live under the constant threat of an existential war for years to come. The circumstantial handwriting is so clear on the wall that most end-time teachers and preachers vouch that the Antichrist and his false “Peace Covenant” with Israel are right around the corner. 
     This means that Israel will need stronger security policies, a larger battle ready army, and greater independence from foreign manipulation and weapon embargoes. It also means that our economy will be pressed hard because the State will pay a lot more for security and for war damages. A long process of rebuilding the North and the South will require resources and leadership, all while fighting a long and difficult war. Do we have such leaders? God’s will be done, and prayer is the key.
     Back to 1948 | The demonic “genie” that was released on the 7th of October 2023 will not go back into the bottle. Israeli mindsets have changed, even for the most peace-loving folks among us, and there are no more illusions about “peace with our neighbors” through compromise or wishful thinking. True biblical Zionism is pragmatic and practical, and whoever wants peace in the Middle East must be strong.
     The leadership Israel needs in the coming days will be one that is very clear and resolute about our enemies. It will not give up an inch of land. It will be ruthless towards the enemy, exact a heavy price for any offensive action against its people, and severely punish the nations that shelter and support our enemies. This leadership will strengthen Jewish settlement in the southern Negev, the northern Galilee, and the Jordan Valley. It will be a leadership that is determined to destroy Hamas rather than to just end the war.
     This kind of leadership, should the Lord grant it, will be able to lead Israel forward in relative safety toward the coming of the Lord. A compromised and politically motivated leadership will keep Israel weak and hesitant, embolden our enemies, and prolong the wars. God will show the way, and He knows how to bring His children home.
     Early in the war the Spirit spoke to our hearts that “Israel is back to 1948.” She is fighting powerful enemies who are openly seeking her destruction; she is settling the land; she is absorbing new waves of immigration; she is protecting the homeland God gave us by covenant; and she is increasingly lonely in a hostile world. There is nothing new under the heavens, save the glorious friendship that the Spirit of God is forming between the true Christian Church and the ancient Hebraic Olive Tree.
     “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity … so as to create in Himself ONE NEW MAN from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross ... And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.” (Ephesians 2).
     Thank you for praying for the Peace of Jerusalem during our hour of travail. The coming days will be difficult as we draw near to the Fall Feasts of the Lord. We pray that Israel may enter into a surprising season of calm as we come to the end of this “Year of War.” May it stop as suddenly as it had begun.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Jackie Santoro, Zion’s Glory/Ahavat Yeshua, has stepped into the anointing her late husband carried for communicating the spiritual impacts of news developments in Israel – and I thought Eddie was one of the best. Jackie is now running with that torch. She writes about one month away from the anniversary of the Hamas invasion and massacre, after “a year of grief, trauma and emotional overload” Israelis were rocked anew with the 9/1 murder of 6 hostages on the verge of rescue. The “people responded with an outpouring of anger, sadness, and more heartbreak as they took to the streets in huge numbers…(to) cry out for an immediate ceasefire agreement and a hostage release. . . . Israel's heart is ripped and bleeding. The same spirit of division that gripped the nation two years ago and was briefly stopped when the war began has returned in fury once again…. The atmosphere is charged with fear, distrust and rage…. and they blame Netanyahu….it seems like there is a mist of deception that is falling and covering a significant portion of the nation. Instead of blaming and directing their rage at Hamas, PM Netanyahu is the object of their hatred…. Although this is hard to hear, we can feel the deep despair. . . . Pray for PM Netanyahu especially as he is enduring pressure from within and without- more than anyone can naturally endure. Although he is far from perfect and no doubt has made mistakes, he is the one leading the government and holds the final responsibility for policy and decisions. Please pray that his ears are tuned to the counsel of heaven to direct him in all these matters. He must stand strong in the face of incredible opposition. He looks very, very worn out and is being criticized without a break. Only God can sustain him.
     Pray that the people will see evil as evil and not call good evil. Pray for a dismantling of Hamas and elimination of Sinwar and that Hamas's strategy and psychological warfare will be made very clear to everyone. Pray that the remaining hostages will be rescued alive. May God release an abundance of His mercy. Pray for supernatural strategy for the military as they deal with a multi front war- Gaza, Hezbollah and the West Bank. We are surrounded by a vast number of demons of terror. The enemy is determined to crush us in any way possible. As long as Netanyahu is being blamed, the strategy of Hamas is working. May God arise and scatter His enemies!
     …. We continue to have very blessed meetings as a congregation. It is so uplifting to worship together and to pray as a congregation for the purposes of God. We hear reports of this one and that one coming to faith. Please continue to pray that hearts will increasingly be turned to God during this time of upheaval and uncertainty. Salvation is the true victory over the enemy. Thank you for your perseverance and love to stand with us in the truth. God is on our side and He is the light shining in a dark place and victory is His. 

From David’s Tent, Avner Boskey is busy fighting the information war that is targeting so many Christians about Israel. It is not just the nations that this psychological warfare is leveled at, Christians are being sucked into the false narratives too. In Seducing the dragon Avner exposes the devil’s dirty work being done by “Those modern superpowers who are taking the lead in getting Israel to commit geo-political suicide, are trying to depict jihadi armies as soldiers of peace and justice.” But Avner concludes: “As we watch demonic deception and satanic anti-Semitism increase and spread like wildfire across the face of the globe, we draw strength, knowing with full certainty that the deceiver and all the mighty nations which follow him will be crushed, but that Messiah Yeshua will reign over the entire planet from Jerusalem, the Jewish capital, and all nations will embrace the fullness of His reign….” Psalm 2:6-12
     In Déjà vu all over again, Avner writes, “This newsletter is an attempt to set the record straight, and to help intercessors for Israel and lovers of Zion to get an accurate grasp on fast-moving current events.” He shows how the Oct 7th Hamas attack followed “a pogrom” script. If you don’t know what that means and why it is so significant to Jews, it is time you learned. Quoting a former Israeli Justice on the “pogrom tactics” used by Hamas: ““There was something medieval about it, barbaric in a way that is not even from our time – beheading, sexual violence . . . It’s a pogrom…. You enter the village, burn it down and rape the women.” Avner writes,The trauma and destruction caused by the jihadi attacks generated a gut-level and fear-based response not only among Israeli Jews, but also among Jewish people across the planet.”

Leon Mazin of the Return to Zion congregation in Haifa writes, “.   In recent weeks the words of the Apostle Paul often come to my mind: “Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us…” 2 Cor. 1:9. Apostle Paul writes about the danger of persecution for those who proclaim the Name of Yeshua….and “the “death sentence” that he humbled himself and did not rely on himself but on the Lord’s help…. Today a lot of people in Israel are in the same situation. Fear of danger is very real. Many have heard the horrors of military actions. But when zealous acts of some Islamic movements are inscribed in these military actions and there is a desire to kill for the sake of assassination of a huge number of non-Muslims every sober-minded person is filled with fear. But like Paul, you seek hope in the Lord in a difficult situation. And God who saved us before, SAVES US AGAIN!
     “As for our Congregation, we continue to function in our usual mode because it is important to encourage people and to lift their spirits…. We kindly ask you to keep praying for us to be God’s mouth and to receive from Him support and ability to empower and encourage other people and to be His witnesses for our fellow countrymen, the Israelis. Thank you again for your prayers and financial support. With prayer for God’s protection for each of you and with love. Video about our ministry

Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel in Ashdod and Voice of Judah Ministries writes of their pressing need in Preparing for War: Join Our Bomb-Shelter Renovation Project (watch the video) | Also videos for See How Your Support Helped Israeli Children Prepare for the New School Year and Israeli Youth Discipleship: Raising and Equipping the Next Generation at Camp in the Galilee |
     The Shalom of the Lord from the Sea of Galilee For the past few months, Israel’s northern communities have been under non-stop rocket fire and attacks from Lebanon. A day hasn’t gone by without alarms sounding, alerting us to missiles, rockets, and drones fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon, targeting the Galilee and Golan Heights. In times of war, you truly understand the remarkable power of prayer. We can never underestimate the tremendous power prayer holds, because when we pray, miracles happen.
     There was a powerful report from their youth camp held in the Galilee when the Spirit fell and “, four young people boldly stood up, ready to receive. As our team prayed over the group, the Holy Spirit descended, and they began to speak in tongues …. One young man had an especially profound experience…. His legs were trembling, and he was covered in goosebumps. Seeing his reaction, everyone could tell how deeply he was moved by God's presence. It was a moment of awe and wonder, a clear sign that Yeshua was doing something extraordinary in our midst. The meeting had begun at 8:30 PM and continued until around midnight…. Thank you for seeing the vision and being a part of this amazing move of God in the hearts of young people of Israel. Please continue to pray for the members of our team and the young lives they touch.  Donations will be matched 5x over for a limited time Click here

Sally Shiff, a prayer warrior at the Kfar Saba HaMaayan, has been sending daily emails with the news of the day to her supporters and I find it extremely difficult to choose from what she sends because she expresses so well what the experience is in Israel right now for both the believers and those yet to come to faith. She has an intercessor’s eye for the pressing prayer issues, and in her 9/5 she once again zeroed in on the same issue the Israeli prophets this week singled out: the psychological warfare against Israel. Sally writes how Hamas spins & the nations pressure – a double whammy witchcraft! Sally writes, “October 7 was different. Hamas and Islamic Jihad had been planning this attack for years, and we did not pay attention to the warning signs given to us by observant soldiers assigned at the border. And we continue to play into the psychological hands of Hamas and Iran by having internal unrest. . . . Israel turned a blind eye all these years when Hamas was building up her cache of weapons, training of soldiers and developing her psychological gas-lighting. So it’s quite understandable why this war is taking so long. Spiritually, we allowed our boundaries to be broken because we have allowed abortions, prided ourselves on inviting all types of sexual perversion into our nation even teaching it to our children in the school system. The walls are broken and need to be repaired, but not with humanism which we have done, but with God's guidance and righteous standards.  (BTW, if your country can relate, I would suggest you learn from us what could happen...It will take time and persistence to complete what God wants to accomplish to eradicate the enemy. Strength to stand against the countries and their leaders pressuring us to capitulate. (Read Eph 6:11-18). Last night, Netanyahu addressed the foreign press, actually the world, on our current situation. It's a great news conference. On YouTube.
     IDF forces found a Hamas document in Gaza which gives detailed instructions on how Hamas conducts psychological warfare against us by exerting pressure on us. The document says:
    Distribute pictures and videos of the hostages, due to the psychological pressure they create.” | “Do everything possible to increase psychological pressure on Gallant.” | “Keep spreading the message that Netanyahu is responsible for what has happened” | “Damage the Israeli narrative that claims that the ground offensive helps secure the return of hostages.”
     Sally also gave a synopsis of the recent war efforts and counterterrorism activities the IDF are conducting the past few days. The details are very revealing of how well it is actually going by keeping the military pressure up on Hamas. No good thing can come from relenting. “May God give us the endurance to complete what He has set out for us to do.”

In Arad, from the elders of the Hasdey Yeshua congregation, they write: “This year’s (youth) camps were held under the shadow of threats from Iran and Hezbollah. Praise God, with much prayer, all the camps were completed as planned. About one hundred children attended each one, including youngsters from our congregation….On the last night of the first camp there was a very strong message. After the evening program was finished, half the young people stayed. Many cried, requested prayer and asked very serious questions. The same thing happened at the second camp, which was a different age group. Again, there was crying and deep prayer. One morning there was a powerful message about the importance of forgiving one another.” An incident happened and the response “showed that the lesson had really sunk into their hearts. There was no ’getting even’ that day.” Please pray for lasting fruit from these camps.”
     Eternal Fruit From Summer Camps | When children respond to the messages they hear at camp, is it simply on an emotional level or is there a real change that the Holy Spirit works in their hearts? We had a very touching example of that very thing one Shabbat morning at our service. Yosef, whom we wrote about in last month’s newsletter, stood up to give a testimony: “I felt so alone in the world until Moshe Ben Chaim reached out to me and taught me about Yeshua. Now I’ve found this congregation and I’m so thankful for the open door and the love and fellowship here.” Moshe, who was sitting close to Yosef, turned to Yo-Yakim Figueras and said, “When I was twelve years old, Yakim was my counselor at a Messianic summer camp. He was the one who was instrumental in helping me find the way.” … Please pray for Yosef and his wife, Ariella, to grow in their new faith and have years of fruitful service to Yeshua.
     The tender loving kindness of ministry among the nearby Bedouin women continues through Sara who is helping where she can, praying for the Bedouin women in her visits that show her loving concern for them. Wrapping up a recent visit with two of the women, Sara writes, “So I prayed that God would bless her and support her and her kids, that He would open doors for them, help them know the truth and help them to know God. After I had finished, both ladies said amen. When I got to the door, I told Nura, ‘I’ll see you soon.’ and she got up off her chair and flew over to me like a butterfly. Then she hugged me with all her heart. That had never happened to me before, and I said to her, ‘Nura, I love you!’ And she replied, ‘I love you, too!’ Her attitude had utterly changed.  It was evidence of the Holy Spirit working in her.” To contact Sara directly, please send an email to:

Mariana Gol of Streams in the Desert writes, “This year’s camp was another very blessed and successful undertaking. Though the threat of Iranian attack reduced the number of campers to 42, it’s very likely those 42 left the camp forever changed. For at this camp, they learned how to escape the torment and prison of unforgiveness…. Orna Grinman and team prepared a visual, theatrical and hands-on teaching on forgiveness, focusing on the parable of the unforgiving servant (Mt. 18) and the verses from Rev. 3:19-20 which tell us that the Lord rebukes and disciplines those he loves - the Hebrew word being more like “torment”. In very creative ways, the kids saw how thorns can enter our hearts when offense comes…. The kids learned to gauge forgiveness by answering this question: Can I bless those who wounded me to never, ever experience the same wound themselves? More than once the kids showed how well they understood these concepts by reframing them in their group skits.”
     …. Besides the effective teaching, the worship times led by Doung Koo and his international team were anointed and wonderful. The prayer team gelled quickly and prayed over the special troubles some campers experienced, as well as offering individual prayer sessions for all leaders who so desired…. Last but certainly not least, when Marianna made the invitation, 13 kids came forward to ask Yeshua to be Lord and King of their lives! Father, protect and grow all these campers to be strong in Your Power and Might - these whom you are raising up as a voice in the desert crying out: Prepare the way for the Lord!

From Tree of Life Ministries Ariel & Shayla Hyde sending an exciting praise report,  Bound for 9 Years, Set Free by Jesus in a Moment  An Israeli man paralyzed with fear was isolated in his home for nine years, but Jesus, Yeshua, set him free!  ||  Also, even during this war, God is stirring Israelis to order over 10 times more New Testaments and evangelistic materials!  Read in full online and Watch the VIDEO

From Revive Israel, Youval and Valerie Yanay write: “As we navigate these challenging times, we are reminded of the strength that comes from standing together in prayer and faith. This week, we have several urgent and heartfelt needs to lift up before the Lord, and we invite you to join us in prayer in these specific areas:  For the situation in Israel and the safety of all our loved ones, whether they are serving in the military, at home, or on the borders. Pray for wisdom and the fear of God for the leadership of Israel and neighboring countries (1 Timothy 2:1-2), as well as for a breakthrough in the negotiations to bring the hostages home, especially those who are still alive.
     Winter Discipleship Program: We are getting ready for our Winter discipleship program, which will begin in November. … Please lift up our dear Liel in prayer. Over the past four years, Liel has been fully dedicated to her studies to become a registered nurse, and this month she will take the government exam to get her license….ALSO Raphel Almeida Peeling Back the Illusion | Escaping reality can occur in everyday life and through seemingly small actions.| AND Short video exhoration from Youval Yanay, Delayed Satisfaction

Ronit Bender, a example of personal evangelism, is with the HaCarmel and its daughter Kerem-El congregation in northern Israel. Ronit writes, “When you do not write 'political' updates, so to speak, it is not easy to share, as everything is influenced by what is happening here, and the condition Israel has found itself in.  I would like to begin by thanking those of you who have written to check on me. Although Haifa is in the north of Israel, by God's mercy, we have had very few rocket attacks on our city. Nonetheless, there is a tension in the air, and every Israeli feels it. In the midst of the dramas all around me, I get to share the Gospel either in word or deed, and these are spots of Light in other's lives that I can share with you. It's water to my soul.
     Do you want God's blessing? "He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor." Pro 22:9 This is a key in Ronit’s daily practice of blessing the people she crosses paths with in her life – sometimes in small ways, other times in big ways, and at the prompting of the Holy Spirit what to give that will bless someone in way that they are often flabbergasted at Ronit’s care and notice of them. I wish I could share the personal encounters Ronit has in each each – there is not enough room in these letters to do so. But if you would like to be inspired at how Ronit reaches people subscribe to her monthly letter here.  Ronit writes, “The situation in Israel is tough to say the least, but having the comfort of the HOLY SPIRIT carries us through these times. I cherish your prayers and financial support and believe to see more Israelis coming to faith in Yeshua because you and I are walking together. It's about unity. This brings blessings. I've said this previously, but it is a true statement for me about YOU!  You are God's goodness in my life and I am enjoying going Home with you by my side. Thank you. Much love from Mount Carmel

Chaim Malespin, in active IDF duty yet still putting out daily videos from the front, and his team at the Aliyah Return Center file this encouraging word: “Guess how many people made Aliyah since October 7th? | After October 7th happened, the Aliyah numbers plummeted. However, despite all odds, and the fact that the war has continued for 10 months already, 29,000 people have made “Aliyah” to Israel since that fateful day. These numbers are from the World Zionist Organization. Some analysts are saying that the push for making aliyah is a result of the wave of antisemitism that has risen throughout Europe, North America, and other places. I will never forget the day my family and I fulfilled the dream of the prophets, and our dream for many many years… and made Aliyah from the USA to Israel. However, We had never been to Israel before, including my parents. You can say we felt very lost in the beginning of our Aliyah journey…. The difficult time my family had transitioning into a new country, helped fuel me to do what I do. I want people to feel the love of the community, especially those that are really struggling in their Absorbtion. People need a helping hand, community, encouragement, help with the language and learning the culture, and so much more. All of these things are important for building a new life in Israel. DONATE to Help us build the Lighthouse and Donations for 🚨 EMERGENCY AID  & General Giving

Asher Intrater of Tikkun Global gives the last word for this week in his video teaching Multitudes in the Valley of Decision. It is not just Israel that is being test in these days, but all the nations: “God has a plan for all the nations of the world. That global plan is progressing toward a harvest at the end of the age. Individuals need to personally repent and receive the atoning work of Yeshua in preparation. But, God also deals with nations. Nations have to choose which side they will be on in that day. That choice involves how the individual nations respond to the nation of Israel. It is a MORAL TEST before God brings His judgment to the earth. In His Sovereignty He uses the evil situations in the world to confront the nations and requires them to make a decision for righteousness in the face of moral depravity.
     We are facing this crisis today. The depravity of evil being unleashed against Israel is unprecedented and includes psychological warfare designed specifically to destroy Israel from within and turn the people against themselves.  How will the nations respond to this moral test? WATCH TODAY as Asher shares a message from his heart on the importance of having moral clarity on this issue and praying for nations to have eyes to see what is really at stake.
     Close to Completing Purchase on Jerusalem Ministry Center + Prayer Room | We continue to be amazed at the provision of the Lord to purchase a home for Tikkun Global in the heart of Jerusalem! From all over the globe, so many of you have joined your hearts and offerings to see “faith become sight” for this space. We delivered the down payment, and the date for the final payment of the real estate purchase is set for October 4th!  …. We invite you to join us if you still desire an opportunity to contribute.  GIVE to the Purchase of Tikkun Global’s Jerusalem Home
     Together, we are setting a stake in the ground. Jerusalem is the Eternal City of Yeshua. He has walked these roads, and He will walk them again. Until then, we joyfully live, work, and worship in His earthly home, longing for His return. You are waiting with us, part of our family and part of this place.  More info


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