Friday, September 20, 2024

Arrows 9_20_2024 God's Enduring Plan

This just in 9:30 am Friday US Central Time:  IDF strikes Beirut * 150 rockets fired at north; residents told to limit movements | Special Update at 12:21 pm: IDF says it killed top Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, head of elite Radwan force, who was overseeing plan for October 7-style ’invasion of Galilee’ 

God’s Enduring plan
The Prophetic Parallel
      — Restoration of the Urim & Thummin
only in Yeshua

The High Priest, the Ephod & the restoration of the Prophetic to Israel

The Prophet Hosea’s Prophetic Life
by Donna Diorio

In the short book of the prophet Hosea, God instructed the prophet to live out a prophetic act. He was called to marry a prostitute and to remain faithful to her in marriage even as she continued her prostitution. This is but one of many examples in the Hebrew Scripture that God reveals His mysterious work and plan regarding Israel. Through Hosea’s prophetic life-act God is illustrating His own faithfulness and relentless love for His people Israel.
      Despite the adulteries of Hosea’s wife, God told him, “Go show love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites.” Hosea 3:1-2. So Hosea went and bought his wife back and told her, “You must live with me for many days; you must not be promiscuous or belong to another, and I will do the same for you.”
     Hosea 3:4 For the Israelites must live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or without pillar, and without ephod or teraphim. 5 Afterward, the people of Israel will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. (Matthew 1:1-17) They will come trembling to the LORD and to His goodness in the last days."
     God’s intention all along is to restore Israel:  Hosea 14:4 “I will heal their apostasy; I will freely love them, for My anger has turned away from them. I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like the lily and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.”  
     To get there, Israel must repent and receive His salvation by faith in Yeshua, our High Priest. (Hebrews 4:14-16) As Peter and John testified to their people, "Salvation exists in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
      All that was laying the biblical foundation, now here is my point:
      When I launched my ministry in August 2001 I named it - not because I am such a great prayer warrior, but because I wanted people to find out first hand from Israeli believers how to pray for Israel and to receive from the wisdom and spiritual insights that only Israeli believers have regarding Israel.
     There were — and still are — so many Israel-supporting Christians missing the mark of what Christians really need to be praying for: the Gospel going forth through the Israeli Messianic body of the Messiah and salvation increasing among Israelis. The #1 reason Israel-supporting Christians have missed this Divine priority is because they are aligning with to government representatives, unsaved rabbis and unsaved religious nationalists INSTEAD of Israeli ministries following Yeshua/Jesus. Many become too flattered to be received by high profile Israelis that they do not pursue connection with Yeshua’s spiritual family there – and they are dissuaded from connecting with the Messianic Jewish body of Messiah in Israel continuously. The unsaved call the saved Israeli Jews a cult, but can you imagine being a first century a Christian traveling to Jerusalem to align your church with leaders of the Sanhedrin and not James, Peter, Matthew and Paul?
     Recently I was surprised to see a Messianic Jew providing a news link to "prophetic orthodox Israeli Jews" and it truly shocked me. Israel 365 "prophets" are not qualified by faith in Yeshua/Jesus to carry prophetic office or gifting. Then there was the “mystical rabbi” the Jerusalem Post featured warning nations and leaders of Divine retribution for disrupting the state of Israel “signaling the beginning of the prophesied Gog and Magog war and the imminent arrival of the Messiah.” Israeli Kabbalah Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi may read Bible prophecy and recognize signs of the times, but he is NOT prophesying by the Spirit of the LORD any more than the Israeli 365 “prophets”! Why?  It is simple: they are not indwelt by the Spirit of the LORD.
     It is impossible for ANY unsaved Jews to be "prophetic." Unsaved Jews can be wise, knowing Scripture, even good or sometimes insightful, but they cannot exercise a spiritual gift and office that only comes by restoration to God by faith in Yeshua. To have a true Divine prophetic gift requires the person to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Being a Jew is not the qualification of the prophetic - it is the gift of the Holy Spirit by faith in Yeshua/Jesus.
     You might well ask, what about Romans 11:29 "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." God has called the Jewish people to be a light to the nations (Isaiah 49:6). He has given the  Jewish people many natural/intellectual gifts that are a blessing to mankind, for example like historic Hebraic jurisprudence drawn from God’s Word about law. Also in modern breakthroughs that make life better for humanity from a great many fields like medicine, science and technology. However, unsaved Jews are not blessed with spiritual gifts that belong only to those who have entered into faith through Yeshua/Jesus. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (of the whole body of the LORD)." (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)
     We can give our whole-hearted support to Israel and I encourage that, but don't take your eyes off of the spiritual reality that God is MORE interested in the salvation of Israel than in strengthening Israeli resistance to seeing their need to repent and come into faith by His Messiah.
     Many pro-Israel Christians do not have the understanding to differentiate between saved Israeli Jews and unsaved. It is important that we do understand Romans 11:27-28 "And this is My covenant with them WHEN I take away their sins. Regarding the gospel, they are enemies on your account; but regarding election, they are loved on account of the patriarchs."
     Until Jews come to faith, they do not have gifts of the Spirit. If they are speaking as prophets, it is NOT operating through the Holy Spirit or according to the will of God, or they would not still be enemies of the Gospel. Apparently even some Messianic Jews believe that encouraging the unsaved religious Jews as if they were true prophets, will lead them to come to faith. It will only increase the sense that they have no need to come to faith in Yeshua and receive the Holy Spirit. This is a tragedy for a Messianic Jew or an-Israel supporting Christian to believe.
      In Hosea 3:4 the prophetic declaration is that Israel will abide without a place of their own, without their own king, or prince/ governors, or sacrifice for sin, and without a pillar/altar, without ephod/breastplate of justice for the 12 tribes, or terephim (a healer).
     All these are lost to the Jews until they come to His provision of all these things in His Messiah. Here is why the prophetic DOES NOT OPERATE IN UNSAVED JEWS RELIGIOUS OR NOT. In the beginning God was the King and ruler over Israel until they demanded a king who was a man like all the other nations had. (1 Samuel 8:6). Each of the 12 tribes had princes. Aaron was the High Priest and made atonement-sacrifices for their sins was made every year. The pillar is the altar of God. Aaron wore the ephod, the breastplate of judgment with 12 stones representing every tribe. ("they shall be over Aaron's heart when he goes in before the Lord; and Aaron shall carry the judgment of the sons of Israel over his heart before the Lord continually." Exodus 28:29)
     Finally, placed IN the ephod were two stones called the "Urim (lights) and Thummim (perfections).” They were a means of revelation entrusted only to the High Priest.  Now every single thing mentioned in Hosea 3:4 are found only IN Yeshua. His Holy Spirit is the source of our "Urim" (lights) and Thummim (perfections). We can only receive revelation by the Holy Spirit and we can only be perfected (transformed) into the likeness of Yeshua by the work of the Holy Spirit.
     "For IN Him we live, and move, and have our being...For we are also His offspring."  Let us pray that the eyes of all who call on the name of the Lord, will be opened to the truth of these things. Acts 17:28

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

From David’s Tent, READ AVNER BOSKEY’s REPORT on the EXPLODING HEZBALLAH  PAGERS in “For Whom  the Bell Tolls” | ….Nations talk to each other not only through diplomats at the United Nations. Right now, Israel has been having a bracing chat with both Lebanese Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guards of Iran.The Jewish state’s message is multi-pronged. . . .
     Everybody look what’s going down
| This latest ‘Operation Beeper’ is one more straw in an explosive volcano of events transpiring over the past two months. There have been major security blows landing on the heads of both Hezbollah and Hamas.. . . Read in full online including How To Pray

Sally Shiff, my intercessor friend in central Israel at HaMaayan congregation, sends out daily updates of what is happening in Israel. There is no way to pass along all the daily insights she sends out in her short email blasts, but the wisdom of Heaven rings out true from what she says. Here are just a few I am plucking out: “The world is talking about what happened in Lebanon yesterday. All except Israel government. Once again, she will not comment on the situation. This is a standard operating procedure for the state of Israel.…When you are surrounded by your enemies, with nowhere else to go, you find ways to overcome them. The ingenuity of our military is amazing!  I personally believe it is because of our prayers and God's divine protection over Israel!”
About a year ago at this time, the movie "Golda" came out recounting out Yom Kippur war and the behind the scenes of our government and how the government  failed to listen to the chatter of the upcoming war. It’s a wonderful movie. Just days after I saw it then Oct 7 happened. Last night I watched it again with our war almost a year old, and this time I heard the very same overtures of the American Government (via Kissinger) of how Israel should capitulate and have a cease fire…. As the rest of the world wants to get on with life, stores already preparing for Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas, daily our people are being murdered on the streets, at check points, hostages in tunnels. Daily misinformed "protesters" are chanting "death to the Jews" not understanding they are next.”
     One of the things that is normal for human behavior is when something is too difficult to comprehend, we put it aside because our human psyche cannot handle it. Or at least that is me.  But I think it is a tactic that the media uses to dull the reality of the war. They show you only what they want you to see in hopes that their reality is your truth.
     I want to share with you the reality here in Israel…. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32).  Please don’t be swayed by the fiction running rampant in the media! Test what they say, test what I share.  Your job is to be as informed as possible thus being able to properly pray!

From David Silver at Out of Zion: Breaking News: Intense activity across the Israel - Lebanon border in both directions since early Friday morning. The army has closed many of the roads in the north. The situation is escalating.
     The Northern Border - Heavy rocket attack into northern Israel overnight Thursday - some injuries reported and more than 50 homes damaged. Israel struck 100 rocket launchers and other terror targets in Lebanon in retaliation. Up to 1000 rockets were also destroyed according to Israel. The Air Force is continuing to attack terror targets across southern Lebanon. | The situation in the north has intensified since Tuesday
     …. Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) - On Sunday morning, 23 Arab men, illegally inside Israel, were discovered hiding inside a garbage truck. They were arrested and taken in for questioning.| Israeli army forces continue to find and clash with terrorist cells in Jenin, Tulkarem, Nablus and other locations in Judea and Samaria. More terrorists have been neutralised or eliminated. Much more covered than I can share here on all the hotspots. To subscribe write David Silver

Cookie Schwaeber-Issan MUST READ commentaries: At AllisraelNews  9/19 The Courage Needed to Call Yourself a Zionist | 9/18 Will Jordan Turn on Israel   To visit or not to visit Israel, that is the question 9/13 | Literally wiping Israel off the map 9/11 | The 21st century Holocaust is happening in real time before our eyes 9/9 | Kamala’s too many Palestinians are dying claim 9/5 | The Iraqi Activist who is bitterly fighting the spread of Islam 9/1 | Meet the hate group within our lifetime 8/20 | At Jerusalem Post  9/17 When a South African Muslim leader declared, "I am Hamas," it set off a firestorm, reshaping South Africa's political landscape and what it means for Jews | 9/7 Jew-hatred and Hamas support: US anti-Semitism is becoming normalized |

Please notice the date this went out! WATCH Psalm 29: The Lord Breaks Apart the Cedars of Lebanon
Last week (8/25) Succat Hallel Director Rick Ridings shared a teaching about Lebanon. In Psalm 29, we see a general pattern of how God deals with the nations, breaking those in rebellion to His will in order to restore people to himself. This teaching talks about:  Our prayer against Hezbollah.| The news from Israel real-time defense.| How to pray into the current situation.
     He begins saying, "This is Sunday , and I’m coming to you right after Hezbollah intended a major missile barrage, with thousands of missiles and drones, but the IDF actually preempted it during the night. You can hear some of the calls to prayer from the mosques around us. It often tends to get louder at times that serious things are going on here. And today, it’s amazing what God did to protect Israel. .."

Aliyah Return Center’s Chaim Malespin asks Why Do They Hate Us? “For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and does not take a bribe.” Deuteronomy 10:17 | Why do Iran, Hezbollah, or any of their proxies want to destroy Israel? …. Much of this is rooted in its interpretation of Shiite Islamic ideology. Some believe that destroying Israel will lead to the rise of the Mahdi (the Guided One), an end-time leader who will rid the world of evil and injustice. And the way they view the Jewish people, in many ways is derogatory. Thus, their animosity against Israel is deeply rooted in their ideology and eschatology. To Give to Emergency Aid or Giving in general to the Aliyah Return Center click here.|  Call to Intercessors | Watch Chaim here from 9/16
     Chaim quoting MEMRI (translates Middle East media reporting) Famed Syrian-Druze journalist, Faisal Al-Qassem, who has millions of followers on social media, including a program on Al-Jazeera, wrote the following about the blow Hezbollah suffered today:  "What happened to Hezbollah today can be classified as the largest preemptive strike in modern history. It can be compared to Israel's preemptive strike on the Egyptian Air Force before the Six-Day War. Today, Hezbollah has thousands of paralyzed members among its senior leaders and operatives." | "If Hezbollah enters a war now, its wounded will not find a single available bed in Lebanon’s hospitals, as they are currently full of casualties. Worse yet, Hezbollah has lost its most important security and military communication devices. Checkmate."  |  MEMRI is also reporting “Following Hizbullah #PagerExplosions, Arabs On Social Media Slam The Organization And Celebrate Its Misfortune

From Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod & Voice of Judah ministries, VIDEO The Hidden Battle for Israel’s Heart: Unveiling Spiritual Warfare in the Land of IsraelThe hatred and demonic violence we’ve witnessed against the nation of Israel reveals that this conflict runs far deeper than the physical—it’s rooted in the spiritual realm. As believers in Yeshua, we are called to engage in this battle. Armed with the knowledge of God’s Word, we must stand firm, recognize the enemy, and put on the full armor of God. The authority we have in the name of Yeshua and the power of His blood equips us for mighty works, but discernment is key to understanding the spiritual forces at play...
     The Fall Feasts of Israel: Preparing for Glory! VIDEO The High Holy Days season in Israel is always a deeply significant time.|  9/13 VIDEO Inspiring Hope: Embracing the Ethiopian Jewish Community in Israel | 9/10 READ Blessing Israel’s Heartbeat - Standing with our Jerusalem Projects |WATCH Investing in Life: The Next Phase of Our Bomb Shelter Renovation | 9/6 VIDEO What Can Unite Jews and Arabs in Israel? The Answer is Yeshua!

Reuven Doron writes Ruth — Israel’s Only Friend | Read this in full online | EXCERPT: Pray for the Spirit to come from the four corners of the earth and revive Ezekiel’s Dry Bones. Pray for the Ecclesia Church to uphold Israel while she labors....The bride of Messiah will unite with her Heavenly Bridegroom as she serves her Naomi, gleaning in the fields of Bethlehem…. The line of demarcation is being drawn as the days go darker for Israel and for God’s elect. Global institutions, media, and godless governments are becoming more hostile by the day, and great wars are on the horizon. The stakes are high and the consequences are eternal…. To learn how you can partner with our work and help provide for Israel’s security, humanitarian, and spiritual needs, email us at Thank you.

Tikkun Global announced on 9/11 A Formal Investigation: Statement Regarding International House of Prayer Kansas City. Read in full online
     Asher & Betty’s eldest son Yeheskel inspired the VIDEO teaching We Need to Pray Urgently NOW with this note: "I've been burdened with some thoughts the last few days concerning the urgent need for prayer in the current war situation. Recently we've heard of several tragic situations which the IDF "almost succeeded." One was the attempt to prevent the murder of 6 hostages; and another was that they almost caught Sinwar but missed him by a matter of minutes. I feel a sense of conviction that we as the Body have a responsibility in prayer; we may have missed it here. We believe prayer influences operational successes. Thank God, there have been many: such as release of several hostages a few weeks ago and successfully taking out key wicked leaders from Hamas and Hezbollah.
     However, if we aren't praying as God wants us to, that can lead to disastrous results. This war is extremely spiritual. I'm not laying a guilt trip on anyone, and I'm not saying we should be praying and fasting out of some vain human effort. But I want to encourage people to stand strong in prayer and fasting as God may be leading, and to get in sync with the prayers He wants us to pray. That's what makes all the difference!  Specifically, I feel we need to focus on:  1. Taking out Sinwar (this is key!) 2. Release of hostages 3. Protection of soldiers  4. Solution for the Northern border 5. Spiritual redemption for Israelis
     Also from Tikkun: Covered by God by Guy Cohen  (The curse of Balaam: Israel then and now?) Read in full online |  #LoveArabsHateJihad by Asher Intrater  | BOOK The New Covenant Prophecy by Grant Berry

Taking more from Arni Klein’s Emmaus Way letter last week, Arni explores that when God said in Genesis 2:18 that “It is not good that man should be alone” — the only created life that He said that about — since we are created in His likeness, that maybe it is because His own heart’s longing. We were created for fellowship with Him. Arni always asks lots of questions and this is the conclusion he came to: “ Understanding this aspect of Father’s and Yeshua’s being will no doubt have an effect on our intimacy. Given the pressures and demands of day-to-day life in our terribly darkened world, the matter of how God feels cannot be overly stressed. Surely in the face of the last fifty years of our corporate religious norm, many have a visceral experience of not being understood and somewhat alone. Our ministry focus was established nearly forty years ago when we were given to understand that Father felt neglected as a result of our (His children’s) primary interaction with Him being mostly in the context of fulfilling some temporal need or other. May we all press in to lay hold of this insight until it lays hold of us.”
On the subject of Israel: God’s plan is in fact as clear as it is brilliant. Concerning the place of Israel and the nations, Romans 11 is the quintessential road map. Beginning from the end, what is greater than life from the dead?  According to verses 12-15, this comes as a direct result of Israel’s state of being. Consequently the opening of Israel’s eyes is top priority. Verse 25 tells us how that will come about: “…blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the gentiles (Gk. ethnos) has come in.”  There is nothing to wonder about here. It is straight cause and effect. Israel’s awakening follows an unfolding among the gentiles. To close the loop, we need to understand the meaning of “the fullness of the gentiles.”  The fullness of an individual comes from understanding how God made us (personally speaking), knowing our unique calling and purpose, and entering into it with our whole being. The same dynamic is true for the gentile nations. Their fullness is being who they were made to be and doing what they are called to do. Here again, by way of verse 11, God leaves us no need to wonder. Paul wrote, “To provoke them to jealousy, salvation has come to the gentiles.”  In other words, salvation and all its benefits has been given to the gentiles so that they would minister to Israel.
DD: It seems there is a need to push yet a third portion of this letter over to next week.

Youval Yanay of Revive Israel reminds us of something we ALL need to remember in these days: "So shall my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  - Isaiah 55:11
     They are reporting many great things happening even in the midst of this war as new people come to their Friday Market and “people who may never have encountered the Gospel otherwise! Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for another group this week, asking that the seeds planted in their hearts will take root and bear lasting fruit.” Two of their teens from the group that went to France with them have requested to be baptized, Youval taught at a soldier’s conference, and they are preparing for their Winter Program. They ask prayers for a transformative season.
     Also read the teaching from Youval When We Feel Overwhelmed and watch his short message His Ways Are Higher

Michael Beener of Sderot congregation City of Life – Please pray for this congregation dealing with forms of anti-Messianic persecution – also for their continued ability to bless the people who need so much in this poor town so close to Gaza. One of their humanitarian projects is to help the needy children in their city with school supplies & backpacks. “Just a few months ago, these children endured one of the most brutal attacks in the town’s history, as rockets rained down, and armed terrorists infiltrated their homes. Many were forced to hide for hours, and in some cases, days, without electricity, cut off from the outside world, as they waited for the Israeli army to reclaim the city. The emotional scars left behind by this traumatic experience run deep, and as the new school year begins, these children are still grappling with the horrifying memories of those dark days. For many of these young students, their return to school is a fragile attempt to restore normalcy…. In the face of these challenges, our ministry, City of Life, has been working tirelessly to provide comfort and support to the children and families of Sderot….Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. They are the future of this land, and together, we stand firm in the belief that Sderot will continue to be a City of Life. WATCH our VIDEO about this story.

Jennifer Guetta of Plant Hope Israel writes, “I am writing you from the mountains around the Sea of Galilee. The incredible beauty of the Galilee is a strange paradox with the alarms, rockets and threats all around us. Yesterday Israel was hit by a hypersonic missile from Yemen and at the same time, things are heating up here in the north. Israel had sounded the alarm and told the army to get ready for an intense battle in the north. Israel is in a multifront war and defending itself against enemies that seek its destruction. But we put our trust in the Lord God of Israel and know the end from the beginning.”
     “Sound the Alarm! | I believe we are living in the end times and all eyes are on the north of Israel. This is the month before the Feast of Trumpets (2nd Oct) and Biblically this is the time to get wake up out of our slumber, and get ourselves ready for the King of Kings. 
     Planting Hope in Dark Times | All around us the times are getting darker. Israel needs hope now more than ever. They need to know their God is real and that He breaks the laws of science and break through in any situation. As a scientist I came to know the Lord through a supernatural experience and dreams. I discovered that God can do the impossible. He saved me out of witchcraft, kabbalah and new age and now I am His witness, to tell about the great things Jesus is doing….     Our ministry is called Plant Hope Israel. The name comes from a dream that I had in 2015 when Jesus stretched out His hand to me and said: "Go Plant Hope in the hearts of men."… We plant hope by publishing my testimony, teaching about Jesus and leading outreaches, exposing the darkness, organizing events, worship nights, conferences, the biblical feasts and workshops. We are publishing Israel updates and teachings on Youtube, holding every day prayer meetings for Israel, and sending out newsletters across the world.
     The Feast of Trumpets in Jerusalem | Click to watch video invite) This year we again organizing the Feast of Trumpets at Succat Hall in Jerusalem. See information about our project Restoring the Biblical Feasts.

Again Howard Bass of the Beer Sheva Yeshua’s Inheritance congregation is overflowing with wisdom very difficult for me to edit down to essence: “Clearly the peace that the world proposes is no peace of mind at all, not to mention the cessation of hatred and greed which leads to violence and wars of every kind All this adding to the heaviness of the burden of sin which continues to plague the world at large, and Israel in particular. “There is no peace for the wicked!" the prophet Isaiah writes of YHVH's declaration. (Is 48:22) We all have fallen under the sway of the evil one who hates and lies about the goodness and faithfulness of our Creator, who also has come as our Redeemer and Savior. Except for the grace and mercies of God to save us, we would all be susceptible to the deceptions of the devil to take us his side against our loving and righteous Father. Without the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, we would not have the power to persevere in the faith until the end, nor to withstand the onslaught of the "wisdom" from below.  (Ja 3:13-18)
     “…. the state of the world, and of those "of" the world:  they do not want the evil to fully put away for good, but to allow it to continue to exist and do its thing. We do not know what life without evil lurking around is like, and find it nearly impossible, if not absolutely impossible, to imagine it…. And we usually bring in our worldly and carnal delights of this creation into whatever thoughts and imaginations we may try out.  God does not intend to allow any evil and its sinful ramifications to exist, ever again in His eternal Kingdom.  Nor is He going to "eventually" save everyone, including even Satan. If so, for what reason did Jesus have to come and suffer such a horrible death on the cross?!....When Israel is constantly being held back from winning by defeating its mortal enemy, they are in effect being told to allow the evil to remain, and let them keep trying to accomplish their explicitly stated goal of eradicating Israel and the Jewish people everywhereThey can defeat you at some point, but we will not allow you to defeat them.”
     “The accuser of the brethren who believe in Yeshua, is also the accuser against Israel and Jews. The whole Bible is an open book for this. It is very easy to judge who they are.  In the New Testament we are told if you are a believer to examine and judge yourself, so that God does not need to. And we are told to first get the log out of our own eye in order to maybe help a brother with the speck in his. These self-judgments apply to Gentile Christians judging the Jews for not believing in Yeshua/Jesus; and they also apply to Jewish believers (Messianic Jews) for judging unrighteously the Gentile believers for not "doing it right".  We Jews did not do it right first, and we had the covenants, the Torah, and the promises. Heretics accuse and project onto the "straights" of what they themselves do. No one can stand against what are easily and legalistically judged things, but we have an Advocate with the Father, and it is Messiah who died for us, so there is no condemnation (perhaps there is guilt, which is why we walk humbly and ask for forgiveness, thanking God for His ready willingness to do so) for those in Christ Jesus. 
     “….most of the month of October will be filled up by the three weeks of the mo'edim - appointed times of YHVH to Israel -- the Memorial of Blowing of Trumpets, the Day of Atonements, the Feast of Booths/Tabernacles. Most of that time the schools will be out, beginning again in earnest afterwards.  Then Hanukkah and Christmas come just two months later. Israel's life flow centers around these mo'edim, which all lay out the redemptive plan of God, fulfilled in Yeshua”

Lastly a request for prayer over their video project next week from Ariel & Shayla Hyde and the team at Tree of Life Ministries as they are shooting 3 new evangelistic videos. (If war conditions in the north allow it!) They write: “Every time that you all have joined us in prayer during filming, we’ve always seen God answer in tremendous ways both on those days and then afterwards in the beautiful fruit that remains!”

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