Saturday, September 14, 2024

Arrows 9/13/2024 Revisiting Nehemiah 4


Revisiting Nehemiah 4
11 m
onths in
the war to Rebuild the wall
of Israel’s

Nehemiah 4:16-18
From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. But the man who sounded the trumpet stayed with me.

When you read the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries & Arrows from Zion I do so hope that you see them as I do, as Israeli Jews who are as if they stepped right out of the pages of your Bible. Their stories are the same as the stories we read in God’s Word. When you read your Bible, you should be able to see them standing in the same places their ancestors stood.

We look to God’s Word for examples for our own lives, how to walk out our faith like those faithful who are written in the Holy Scripture. Is that what we see when we look at the people of Israel – especially the brothers and sisters in the faith in Israel? They see themselves like the rest of us see ourselves, the people of God doing what we believe God is calling to us…with the same highs and lows we all experience. But there is something even greater to see here, because the Israeli people are the continuing example of to all of us about what God is doing among them and what He is doing among us.
     We have entered the month of Elul, a time of “drawing close to God and examining our hearts” as another Israeli Messianic, Chaim Malespin, also a minister and active duty IDF soldier wrote this week. That’s where Israel is prophetically too in the period before the God- appointed prophetic Fall Feasts begin next month. Every year the Feasts of the LORD are rehearsals for the unfolding of prophesied events many believe are unfolding now. There is no greater measure of that than what Israel is going through currently.
     If you read Nehemiah 4-6 you see the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem that had been broken down because of sins. The war that Israel stands in now is the same. Eleven months ago a devastating hell was unleashed on Israel in the October 7th attack by terrorists from Gaza. The defensive wall had become so broken down that the massacre rocked the Israeli people to the core. When Israel rose up to their own defense God has been with them in destroying their murderous enemies but also, just like in Nehemiah 4:7-9, the enemies of Israel rose up too. “But when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites and the people of Ashdod heard that the repairs to Jerusalem’s walls had gone ahead and that the gaps were being closed, they were very angry. They all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem and stir up trouble against it. But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.”
     Despite the opposition of enemies in the Middle East and in the high places of international leadership, Nehemiah’s wall was rebuilt with 52 days. Nehemiah 6:15 “So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days.” I am not saying the fight Israel is in will be over by September 28th, but the principle is there that God will give Israel victories over the surrounding nations. But it is not only about prevailing in the natural warfare, it is also about the work of these Messianic Israeli servants of the LORD who are rebuilding the walls of defense of the Israeli people spiritually. The promise of God to the Jews who were exiled in all the nations was to be restored to their homeland physically and then to be restored there spiritually to.
     This is not to put anyone on a pedestal, but when you look at the Body of Yeshua in Israel, you are seeing the People of the Book – living, breathing, the same as if they have just stepped out of the pages of the Bible before your eyes.  Like the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:11 "Now these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come." Restored to Israel, once again the living Remnant of faith are for examples, signs and warnings for us again. -
Donna Diorio

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Once again Reuven Doron where we are prophetically in The King is in the Field speaking of the time period just prior to the prophetic Fall Feasts of Israel – and indeed why would these times Israel (and all of us!) are standing in, not be prophetic also? Reuven writes that what is meant about this season of repentance and forgiveness is that except for this month of Elul, there was no other time that the laborers in the field had closer access to the King because He came out into the fields Himself – there was His Royal Presence among them in the fields of harvest.
      ‘But whenever  anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Cor 3:16-18 
     Reuven has written in several subheadings what is happening: Israel has entered a “season of war” in October 2023; a season which may not be over quickly or easily. We pray for peace, yet we prepare for war. This is an apocalyptic religious war with the powers of hell who openly state their intentions, and the outcome of this war will affect the whole world. The Spirit of God witnessed in our spirits on the first day of the war that Israel has entered the season of Zechariah 12:6, that great prophecy that prepares for the return of Messiah to earth with His Kingdom.
     …..including the Nuclear threat:  Facing aggressive and hate filled enemies assaulting us from seven fronts is one thing. Facing a nuclear threat is another. Israel is territorially too small and vulnerable to sustain a nuclear strike, and can therefore not allow sworn enemies to possess nuclear weapons. As some might remember, the Israeli Air Force bombed and destroyed two hostile nuclear facilities in past years; one in Iraq and the second in Syria. . . . Should the Iranian nuclear threat continue to materialize, Israel will strike that one as well. If you think that the globalists are mad at us today for defending ourselves from attacks generated from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Judea and Samaria, brace yourself for unprecedented levels of global hostility once Israel strikes the Iranian nuclear facilities. Apart from a marvelous political or spiritual breakthrough, this scenario is very real. We pray for peace but we prepare for war. Read the full article here.
Email us if you want to receive our “Ruth - Israel’s Prophetic Friend,” Bible study and email us if you want to join our mailing list. To learn how you can partner with our work and help provide for Israel’s security, humanitarian, and spiritual needs, email us at Thank you.

Quote of the Week comes from Arni Klein, Emmaus Way who writes: “It is virtually impossible to appropriately respond to situations and events outside of having an overall context. Without God’s eternal perspective, our interpretation mostly comes from a humanistic orientation.”
     “…In all that has happened over the past months, perhaps second only to the brutality of October 7th, the execution the six hostages has permeated the nation with sadness and grief. We pray that somehow this trauma and sorrow will cause some to seek the understanding and comfort that can come only from Israel’s Father and maker. We also pray that in the Land and in the nations, any who have eyes to see and ears to hear will acknowledge that there is no possibility of achieving any true settlement through negotiations, as would be the case in speaking with satan himself.”
     “There is no justification for the vile hatred we have experienced. It is demonic.
The world has chosen blindness to the evident realities. In His time and way God will exact a full and righteous judgment.”
We have set the following dates for Galilee Worship Gatherings: October 15 - 23 and November 24 - December 2. If you would like to join with us, whatever your mother tongue, please let us know. If you are not familiar with these gatherings you can go to for more information. 
     On a final note, relative to life in Israel, a call has gone out to the believers in our village (who account for about 20% of the residents) to gather before the Lord for an hour every day for the 40 days from Elul 1 (September 3) to Yom Kippur (October 12). We expect that this spiritual offering will have an effect in birthing a new wineskin to prepare the way for a much-needed manifestation of God’s Presence. “  | DD: I have broken this prayer letter into 2 parts and will publish the other half of Arnie’s letter next week

For Yeshua’s Inheritance in Beer Sheva, Howard Bass begins with “the conscience-less execution” of the six hostages by Hamas before they could be rescued. As Howard notes, “God recognizes ‘killing’ in war, but not ‘murder.’ The spiritual dynamic of this war is clear when the ‘whole world’ is turning not only on the chosen nation of Israel (despite still being ‘Jacob’ for now), but also on PM Benjamin Netanyahu.  This is also coming from within the fragmented Jewish people and leadership. The PM has much to answer for in his political maneuverings and handling of the war and negotiations. What I know is that I would not want to be found in the situation that he is in with respect to the persistent moral dilemma of winning decisively against a perpetual and determined enemy, and of bringing kidnapped and captive hostages back home at any cost.”
     “We do need the Lord's compassion, and we also need to let Him do what He has to do, and it is not always going to please us at the time. But if we give in to the devil's evil out of wrongful "loving our enemy," or out of personal temporary "saving of our life," we will never be able to stand when the day of evil comes. May the Holy Spirit fill us to enable us with the power of God to overcome by faith this present evil world.  Yeshua overcame the world, and we can, too, in Him. All I can do is pray for our Father's will to be done in this awful situation, that has no human solution by GOD's design!  If there were, there would be no reason for the Lord to return to restore YHVH God's Kingdom to Israel and over the nations
     “…. Israel is being "thrown under the bus," just as we threw Yeshua outside of His vineyard, and insisted that He be crucified.  This was, and is, part of God's sovereign love and plan and righteousness and wisdom so that salvation can come to "whomsoever" will repent and believe the good news.  For many Christianized nations and people, they are of a mind that "it is good for one country and people to be sacrificed rather than the whole Western world be destroyed." This was a false assumption by the Jewish leadership in Yeshua's day (even though it was necessary for God's purpose and the Scriptures to be fulfilled), and Rome did "destroy" the Jewish nation and land. But Islam is the BEAST that is exceedingly dreadful and unlike the other previous beasts.
     Two recent articles from Howard on "The Unchanging Word of the one True God" and "Some New Covenant Changes"

ShelanuTV station manager Evan Santoro writes about a blessed time in Finland with “a wonderful brother on our Shelanu board who is the Director of “El-Hayat,” a Media production company that produces evangelistic content, just like we do at Shelanu TV, but for the Arab-speaking world.” They had been invited up to make us of free studio time ShelanuTV content. “Not only have we been able to produce in three days what would have taken us months in Israel but even more amazing has been the time that we have had here. It has truly been a picture of the One New Man: ex-Muslims who are now filled with the Holy Spirit working with believing Jews from Israel and all in a studio owned and operated by Gentile believers.”
     “….As we make our way back to Israel, our hearts and minds turn towards the war situation we are faced with daily, and the uncertainty of it all seems without a solution. One thing that we do know is that God has made a promise to Israel. On this promise, we have built Shelanu TV and believe that the eyes of Israel are being opened to the truth of Yeshua, their Messiah.  Shelanu TV will faithfully continue to spread the Good News in the Hebrew language. We will continue to plant and water the seeds until the harvest is ready to be reaped.”  Eddie also included many good reports on Israelis who they have interacted with after being contacted for more information. ShelanuTV is bringing in the sheaves! Learn more at their English website and partner with them in prayers and by donating.

Michael Beener pastor of City of Life in Sderot writes From Horror to Courage: A Journey of Hope for Sderot’s Elders. “On October 7, during the fierce attack by Hamas on Israel, a group of armed terrorists stormed the city of Sderot, indiscriminately shooting at anyone in their path. They arrived at a bus stop on the main avenue, where a group of elderly people eagerly awaited the bus that would take them on a special trip to a spa at the Dead Sea. However, the terrorists had other plans. Upon seeing the elderly, they did not hesitate to shoot and kill them in cold blood. Their blood-covered bodies remained on the sidewalk for three days until they could finally be removed.  In honour of the memory of these murdered elders, we organized a trip with a new group of elderly people, who would spend a relaxing day at a spa in the Dead Sea.  Read in full online & Watch VIDEO          Under Threat of Regional War our ministry has launched an initiative to purchase and distribute emergency war kits to the families who need them most. Watch our VIDEO for full information about this project and how you can help.
     Please keep this ministry in prayer because despite all of the wonderful humanitarian outreach it does in Sderot, a city close to Gaza, it is also in an area where there is a high concentration of ultra-Orthodox. They are what the apostle Paul referred to in Romans 11:28 as “enemies of the Gospel” and they hold sway in the governing politics of Jerusalem, the Negev and the Galilee especially. Prayers must be made on behalf of the Israeli Messianic Jewish congregations and ministries who are targeted by these groups, so they not be overcome by all the bureaucratic red tape and bad acts these religious groups stir against the ministries.  

Guy Cohen in his birthplace and Harvest of Asher congregation in far northern city of Acco, Guy write of The Father’s Love. “There are over eight billion people in the world; each of them unique and special. Each one of them is known personally by God. There is one thing that connects us all; the need for love…. Yeshua's prayer before going to the cross was that the world would know that the same love He has for us and God for Him, the disciples would have for them as well. That, even today His followers would be one as Yeshua and the Father are one.  (John17: 18-23) We are called as Believer's in Yeshua - His disciples today, to walk in this same definition of love, where we know that we are a son / child of God whether in good or bad times. That our Father always accepts and protects us and that there is nothing we can or cannot do to receive this love. It is unconditional, He is always there for us.
     King David wrote, "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.”  (Psalm 27:10) David's soul was always crying out to Abba for His love because there is no greater love than the love of God. It is only when we are filled with the love of God that we can reflect the Father's love to a world of chaos. I pray that the eight billion people in the world will come to know the love of the Father through Yeshua the Messiah.”

News you might have missed in the nations compiled the week of Sept 1-6 by David Silver, Out of Zion.
…. The Northern Border - Israeli ground, air and sea forces remain on full war readiness, on alert for advance indications that Hezbollah is getting ready to launch another major missile attack. Regular cross border rocket and drone attacks continue, but not at the level before the Israeli pre-emptive attack two weeks ago. …
     Gaza - A new report released in Israel this week, claims that more than 6000 Gazans, both terrorists and civilians, invaded Israel through 119 breaches of the border fence on October 7, while another 1000 terrorists fired about 5000 rockets from Gaza into Israel on that day. While cease-fire negotiations stagger along, Israeli forces are operating in many parts of Gaza, searching for hostages and terrorists, and destroying tunnels and stockpiles of weapons that are still being discovered. An organisation that represents the families of soldiers who have been killed since October 7 is encouraging counter-protests, demanding that the Gaza war continues until Hamas is defeated. The army is in the process of vaccinating soldiers who are serving inside Gaza against Polio, as the danger of a local outbreak of the disease increases.                                                                  
     Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) - West Bank social media is full of posters and graphics depicting a total invasion and takeover of all of Israel - from the River to the Sea. Perhaps *Operation Summer Camps which began last week was a pre-emptive move by Israel, knowing that terrorism was about to increase as Hamas calls for a new Intifada and an invasion like October 7. Anti-terror operations were ramped up around Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley, after 3 serious terror attacks were reported over last Friday night and Saturday.It appears that the Hamas order to increase terror against Israelis is being taken seriously. As the anti-terror campaign continues, a growing number of terrorists have been arrested or killed, and command centers and weapons have been destroyed. … Last week the Israeli cabinet voted 8 to 1 for the army to remain in control of the Philadelphi Corridor, in spite of Hamas demands to leave as part of the cease-fire and hostage release deal.

     DD: * Operation Summer Camps is the largest terror-nest demolition operation since the IDF conducted Operation Protective Shield in late 2001 through around May 2002. The operation was going on right after this Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests was launched in August 2001 to pray for Israel and more specifically for the Israeli Messianic Ministries who provided the prayer requests. Both of these IDF Ops were to go into Palestinian held areas to demolish terrorist nests where weapons and bomb making were going on. Operation Protective Shield  was launched in the midst of the 2nd Intifada when suicide bombs were going off routinely – and in the aftermath of the 9/11/2001 attack on the United States. Our little local prayer team learned so much in praying over that period as reports consistently came in from believers telling how God had spared many different ones from being in the very place a bomber exploded. We heard reports of unplanned delays – even one from a young man suddenly stumbling off a bus before his stop with a blinding migraine and the bomber blowing up the bus at the next stop. Also the IDF were setting Christian Arabs free from imprisonment by the terrorists.  Not only was Operation Summer Camps a necessary operation, but praying over the safety of the believers during this time God will definitely answer!  - DD

Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin writes, Why is the Philadelphia Corridor so important in this war? | This 14 km strip forms the southern border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Israel originally held the corridor. In 2005, when Israel pulled out all Israeli communities and the IDF from the Gaza Strip, the government handed control of the border to Egypt. They established an agreement called the Philadelphia Accord to ensure the strip would not become militarized. Under the agreement, a limited amount of military equipment was allowed to maintain security, and 750 Egyptian police were deployed to prevent smuggling. Since that time, Egypt has reportedly been destroying any smuggling tunnels they’ve found more by flooding some of them. However, since the incursion into Rafah, the IDF has discovered around 150 tunnel routes along the border! Some of these tunnels have been large enough for vehicles to drive through.
     Netanyahu has been adamant about holding onto the Philadelphia Corridor, as it has been a crucial source of military supplies for Hamas. It was through these routes that Hamas was able to arm itself and carry out the attack on October 7th, as well as the ongoing conflict. Returning control of the corridor to Hamas could lead to a situation where they rearm and attack Israel again. In the negotiations over a deal for the hostages’ release, Hamas is demanding that Israel return control of the Philadelphia Corridor to them. Doing so could mean another future war. As a result, the hostage deal is at a deadlock, leaving the hostages stranded. Additionally, they are being used as human shields, making it nearly impossible to rescue them. Pray for the IDF and the leadership, as we need strategies from heaven.
     Help us Build the Lighthouse | Emergency Aid & Giving Here | To learn about the various projects at the Aliyah Return Center go to this handy site link!

Youval Yanah leading the Revive Israel team writes of their heavy hearts for the murders of the 6 hostages & the grieving in Israel. “Please join us in praying for the families affected, the safe return of the hostages, and the salvation of all in this land. We believe only through Yeshua can there be true peace and reconciliation. Thank you for your prayers and support. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may He grant you peace.”
     God’s Faithfulness | by Tal Haroni | By Tal Haroni | Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the situation we’ve found ourselves in. Times are getting tougher. I find myself thinking and praying about what can equip and help us get through this period. We know that according to the Scriptures, the days will grow darker and darker....Read more |  Instagram message from the Revive Team – Stand with Israel

Carolyn and Richard Hyde sent highlights of their Canadian First Nations ministry trip: “…we had the privilege of ministering to a precious group of young adults. Their hunger for G-d and desire to know more about Israel was astounding and we were so pleased to see how they are learning to listen to each other and to the voice of Adonai! Lord, raise up more like these!”
     “During an interview by Roger Armbruster with First Nations (FN) Pastor McLean and me, we spoke of the "One New Man in Messiah." We rejoiced that many FN chiefs have had the same dreams I've had - that it's time for FN people to rise up and take their place as the spiritual artisan-warriors whom G-d has called them to be. In each reservation we shared the historical parallels between FN and Jews, which deeply resonated with them. After each meeting we asked people to wait on Adonai for a takeaway of what He wanted them to remember. To our surprise many FN people shared that they'd already had similar dreams of hiding Jews one day! One young man told us that he wouldn't hide Jews in his home because he has a wife and little children. Of course we understood! But during the takeaway, he heard G-d say, “You take of My family and I’ll take care of yours.” WOW!”

Avishalom & Hannah Tekle of Tents of Mercy write about The Business of Life in the Midst of War …. We are existing in a bizarre and impossible reality of ‘War Routine’ where every morning we wake to news of more soldiers who have died in battle, weekly terror attacks within the country claiming the lives of civilians and emergency personnel alike, the never-ending rockets from the North, tens of thousands of evacuees who have been displaced to every possible city (including ours), and most heart-breaking, the dwindling number of living hostages in Gaza. It is a routine that we have tragically gotten used to but which is awful and numbing. We had a few busy months as a community in May, June, and July: we celebrated our third bar-mitzvah of the year, held our quarterly men’s and women’s gatherings, grieved the loss of two grandmothers and a precious newborn and then somehow geared up for camp at the same time as we were preparing the building for large scale renovations in August. It was emotionally and physically exhausting, but the children’s camp miraculously came together and all 120+ campers, counselors and volunteers received much needed refreshing as God met us throughout that week.  Thank you for your faithful friendship and patience - standing with us in prayer during this difficult and desperate season, a season in which our hearts cry out to God for help and hope - even when we don’t know exactly how to pray.
     …. Fall Holiday Distribution | The coming weeks will be a busy and intense time of preparing once again for the annual Rosh Hashanah food-basket distribution. We are working towards reaching almost 1,000 families in our city. As always, we appreciate your prayers and ask you to consider partnering with us financially towards this goal. May God bless you and keep you.

Plant Hope Israel’s Jennifer Guetta sends these Prayer points for Israel | For the Israeli government: for God's wisdom and divine guidance in making decisions, for unity, and that they will be strong and not make a bad deal with the enemy. | For Israel to align with God’s word and the inheritance that God has given them.| For the hostages to be found and rescued in safety.| For the Lord's protection from all attacks. | For renewed strength for the army and for the Lord to lead them, protect them and help them. | For the Lord to renew the inner peace and strength of the civilians, to give them healing, rest and hope.| For a return to God, removal of idolatry, and repentance with their whole hearts and soul.| For the Holy Spirit to be poured out and for people to have encounters with the King of Kings: Yeshua.        

Aleksey Raikhstadt of the Beit Immanel congregation in Jaffa writes, “I am writing to you today with an urgent request regarding a pressing need within our congregation. For many years, we have relied on the vehicle provided by the Beit Immanuel guesthouse for our congregation’s transportation needs. Although the guesthouse's vehicle is primarily intended for its own operations, they have graciously allowed us to use it when available—for transporting congregational members to services, youth activities, delivering food and necessities to the elderly, assisting in the war effort, and more…. during our summer youth camp, the engine of the guesthouse car blew out…. the current situation in Israel has made acquiring a vehicle particularly challenging…. Despite these challenges, we have identified a few viable options for a vehicle that would meet our needs. However, the cost is approximately $70,000. This vehicle would not only serve our congregation but also play a crucial role in supporting the broader community in various outreach and ministry activities. We ask for your prayers that the Lord will provide the necessary funds for this purchase. If the Lord lays on your heart to give in any way, you can do so by donating by clicking one of the buttons : Give via PayPal or Give via Credit Card  Thank you for your continued partnership in our ministry. We trust that God will provide as He always has, and we are excited to see how He will work through this situation.

Two articles from Avner Boskey to read at David’s TentEgypt – a broken reed in the middle of the highway  and  Egypt’s Prophetic Future

Two articles from Maoz Israel Ministries, from Kobi & Shani Ferguson: Druze and Jews  You may have heard about the 12 [Druze] children killed by Hezbollah rocket fire while playing soccer this past month (Read or Listen to these articles, click titles) | The Mysterious Origin of the Druze | Their unique beliefs, including reincarnation with an emphasis of God’s oneness, set them apart in the Middle East.

Important word from the Kfar Saba congregation, HaMaayan, led by Tony & Orna Sperando, about children citing Psalm 8:2 – “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger".
     “The strength that our God in heaven has established on this earth is through the children and babies. The giving of life is silencing his enemies (in Hebrew the word used is "lehashbit” means to bring our enemies to a complete stop). Through our children, our God is expressing His character and witness to the whole world that life is more powerful than death and that the victory of the Kingdom of God will be revealed through the testimonies of children & babies. Our Lord had conquered death, and we can all partake of Eternal Life. Satan hates the children. He knows that to enter the kingdom of heaven we must become like them. Satan is working in destroying the “imago Dei “(image of God in our entire being) by stealing their innocence & exposing them to the tree of evil, staining them with fear, guilt, shame & rejection, self-hatred & bitterness.
     Summer Camp | Being in the midst of the war is extremely difficult physically, mentally & emotionally, especially for our children. Even hours before our summer camp was scheduled to start, Israel was engaged in a preemptive strike against Hezbollah, resulting in many saved lives as well as our airport closed & many business working on light staff. But through prayer, God prevailed!
     Instead of cancelling the opportunity, the families started coming, parents dropping off their kids for our camp that would eventually change their lives forever. We were 130 people in total. Satan tried to close our camp, BUT GOD gave us the best camp ever! Please click this link to go to the HaMaayan blog post where you can finish reading this encouraging ministry letter and enjoy the pictures and prayer requests posted there.

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