Friday, July 19, 2024

The Battle is for the Truth


Computer animation of the 3 rapid fire bullets that whizzed past Trump's head. 
It was only 1 inch turn of the head
that kept him from being assassinated before our eyes.
That was God's hand.

As my Israeli friend, Sally Shiff wrote last week: the “psychological warfare” of Hamas that is called “gaslighting.” This is the same psychological warfare (gaslighting) that has become the #1 weapon of choice against people throughout the world. The battle always boils down to the battle over the truth.

Sally writes, “Hamas is extremely good at psychological warfare. They paint a different picture than reality and the world believes them. Usually, how they report the news is the exact opposite of the truth. This is called "gaslighting". … "Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition…. I send out what is happening here in Israel from an "on the ground" perspective because I am afraid that the world does not know the truth. They don't see that Hamas is using their own people as human shields and then "gaslights" the world by saying how evil the IDF is killing "innocent" victims….Don't be gaslighted rather join us on our knees for the sake of our nation and for yours.

DONNA: Gaslighting is a worldwide issue. Everywhere we see violent chaos in the world, there is the strongest activity of this psychological abuse and manipulation operating full tilt. As Leon Mazin of Return to Zion in Haifa said last week, “It is not the wars, disasters, or epidemics that have existed throughout history that most concern me, but the unprecedented proliferation of lies. They are everywhere – in politics, the news, medicine, statistics, and even idle discussions about the climate. Everything is saturated with manipulation and deception. Lies are pouring out in staggering amounts, and we must seek the Lord's discernment to evaluate everything in its true light.”

The battle has always been over the Truth that is why in the days we live, every true thing is fought so hard with lies, deceptions, gaslighting – to manipulate those who think they cannot be manipulated from the truth by deceptions. In 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Paul warns us, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound instruction, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves instructors to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths."

As one who has followed US news events closely with a heart toward discerning where God is in what has happened and is happening, I believe that as much as the world and many Christians have been gaslighted about Hamas, so have they been gaslighted about Donald Trump.

With the astounding events days ago when an assassination attempt came close to a kill shot in the brain, I am crying out for the prayers of the people of God to shake off the non-stop gaslighting you have been getting about Trump for many years running.
Donald Trump is not our “savior” but he is a man like David, chosen for such a time as this.

I will not be gaslighted on this point.
It is not political. It is not making Trump an idol. It is about having sought the truth and facts wherever they lead, and understanding that what we just witnessed in God’s hand preserving his life is a true miracle. There are a great MANY things that have not been revealed about the assassination attempt and one of the most startling to me is shown in a computer animation I saw many times on X and captured on Sky News Australia FB page. It shows not only how the slightest of turns to Trump’s head caused three rapid fired bullets to whiz by Trump’s head rather than entering directly into his right temple!  

Truth gets suppressed in our world, and lies travel at the speed of light – disguised as light! I believe as a meme
Reuven Doron
passed along on Facebook says, “Looks like the one who recognized Jerusalem was saved by the One who created Jerusalem.”

We are in times we have never seen before, treading paths we have never tread before.

     Last night I received a Telegram message from a prophetic sister in the Galilee. It was the middle of the night for her. Jennifer Guetta, Plant Hope Israel, a biblical archaeologist who was delivered of demonic spirits attached to Kaballah. She couldn't sleep because of a single word she got from God during the day, "Tomorrow." It caused an uneasy feeling in her and so she had been praying all night.

She wrote, "The spirit of Jezebel is upset in the White House this weekend and this can cause great tensions in Israel because this spirit takes out her anger on Israel. She wrote about two other sources of tension: The International Court of Justice in the Hague set to make a law dividing Israel; and Hezballah retaliating against the targeted assassination of a Hezballah terrorist leader yesterday.

Donna: This morning my email is filled with the reports of drone attacks from Yemen in Tel Aviv which has left 1 dead and 8 wounded. After the drone attack military leader Gallant says Israel will ‘settle the score’ with all who attack it.
We pray, but we also must fight. Evil must be fought.

This spirit of Jezebel seeking global control and the Beast spirit, which is manifest in both terrorist Islamic groups and any number of brutal regimes in the world from China to North Korea, from Iran to Russia, are the two spirits spoken of in John's vision on Patmos. Be aware that these are spiritual battles seeking to defeat God's plans, and be settled in your own heart and mind that there is none who can defeat the Most High God. Whatever we see in the weeks and months and years to come, Yeshua will be with us in the fires and the floods.

Just now as I am entering this portion into my blog I got an update from Jennifer on the Hague decision that has indeed ruled that all Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are against international law. Netanyahu responded: The Jewish people are not occupying their own land -not in our eternal capital Jerusalem, nor in the land of our ancestors in Judea and Samaria. No false decision in The Hague will distort this historical truth and likewise the legality of Israeli settlement in all the territories of our homeland cannot be contested.

7/19 There is a close correlation with the events taking place in the United States and in Israel. Last night watching the final night of the Republican National Convention there were many God messages I saw in it. For those who harp on believers not being political, let me say once again, this is not about political affiliations, this is about my Heavenly affiliation. We are in the greatest battles of history in the righteous resistance of evil seeking to triumph over God's plans. That is what guides my remarks here.

The United States was founded on the Rock of faith in Jesus, Israel's Messiah. Our purpose is entwined in the purpose of God for Israel. Last night I witnessed things that only reinforced my faith in God's hand on America and Israel. Earlier this morning I began to write what I saw: 

A Divine miracle within a miracle. Many of us recognized the hand of God that came down to protect Donald Trump from being shot in the head before our eyes. The miracle we didn't realize, but the one Trump spoke about last night was that with bullets whizzing by his head and into the crowd where they found three Americans, killing one and severely injuring two others, the crowd DID NOT DO what crowds UNDER FIRE from sniper fire always do: panic and scatter.
Trump marveled that the crowd stood their ground and did not stampede trying to escape the unknown source of sniper's bullets. They all stood transfixed on their leader, who rose up into their view and made sure they knew he was alive and had not been taken down in that traumatic scene that unfolded before our eyes. How much more would we as a nation be traumatized if God had not intervened? But He did and not only delivering a miracle for Donald Trump, but He delivered a miracle for that crowd sparing many from great injuries or even more deaths trying to escape the gunfire.
I believe God not only delivered a miracle within a miracle, but a message for Trump and for us within those miracles. The message to Trump, he has clearly received: God is for him, not against him. God is real and has a His hand of protection on him. The message for us is that when the bullets are flying, we are not to panic and flee, but to stand in faith that God is for us and not against us. He has prepared a leader, much like King David was, "after His own heart." And that is a leader who recognizes that his own life is held in the hand of God for safekeeping and for the good of the people he is leading.
Years ago prophet Kim Clement prophesied that Donald Trump would be a changed man - changed into a God-oriented man. We have just witnessed the reality of that prophecy. We do not worship Trump as a god, we worship the God who intervened to preserve the life of the man the United States of America needs to step into the office of the presidency for such a time as we are heading into.
Who else besides me felt the power of God all over Tucker Carlson's ending statement last night, "God is among us right now!"
My arms went automatically into the air to praise God...honestly sensed a tingling in my arms as I repeatedly cried out "whoop!" (or something! I don't remember exactly - it was a spontaneous exclamation). I raised my arms to God 3 or 4 times crying out in marveling at such an unexpected statement out of Tucker's mouth.
The tingling I felt in my arms was as if God were saying to me, 'Is there anything to hard for me? I can reach the ones you least expect to respond to Me.'
I never expected Tucker Carlson to say such a thing. I never expected some of the young people in my Facebook feed to begin to speak about how Trump never moved them, but He moved them after the assassination attempt because all his attention was on reassuring the crowd that all is well. The fact is, Trump does love America and Americans. Someone last night - maybe it was Tucker - spoke about how that is the qualifying point that makes Trump a true leader - which is not a title but has to come from the heart. 

Afterwards last night as I was falling asleep I began to speak to God silently: 
I fell asleep telling the LORD that I didn't know all the things that were coming, or how we could even prepare for so many of the things that seem inevitable to me, but that I didn't want to waste my time worrying about them, or trying to figure out how to provide for the lack I suspect is coming to all of us. All I wanted to do, I told the Lord was lean into the fact that He is able to provide all our needs and to stay in His peace. Psalm 37: 22-24 Surely those He blesses will inherit the land, but the cursed will be destroyed. The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, for the LORD is holding his hand.

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