Saturday, July 13, 2024

2024 Jul 12 ARROWS: One New Man


He became the blood sacrifice that paid for the transgressions of all mankind in order to bring both Jew & Gentile into salvation by faith: Eph 2:15: “He did this to create in Himself one new man out of two” 

Isaiah 40 “Comfort, Yes, Comfort My People” from Zeev Nevo, Israel Media Ministries:
“Sitting at the exact same place I was sitting exactly 9 months ago, on October 7th, and started to hear the shockingly horrible news… when suddenly God birthed this song in my heart.” Sung in Hebrew (with English subtitles)Donna: Please share with your friends. Also on Facebook
If this is not a Word for now, when is it for?

One New Man
by Reuven Doron

Shalom from embattled Israel. We thank God for you who stand in prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. The gifts of faith, hope and love that are poured upon the altar built without hands are holy unto the Lord and much appreciated. Those of you who have been tracking with us during recent months understand by now that (1) most things are not as they seem on the screens, and that (2) God’s plan and purpose are unfolding before our eyes in increasing speed and intensity. Many are being awakened from the slumber of spiritual malaise, and the House of God fills with hungry, thirsty souls who long for His nearness.

     The people and the land of Israel continue to endure this season of hardship, danger, and pain. Consequently, our continual prayer remains that this “wrestling match” will be as that of Jacob who wrestled with the Angel of the Lord (Jesus). May this generation likewise be humbled and transformed by the Lord who alone can make Jacob into Israel. In Hebrew, the term ISRAEL is actually an entire sentence meaning someone who “… struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.” (Genesis 32:28).

     A Mystery Unfolds | The apostle Paul taught the Ephesian disciples about their position and responsibilities in the emerging Body of Messiah when he introduced a brand-new definition of human relationships. He wrote: “For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself One New Man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. And He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father…” (Ephesians 2).

     This “One New Man” community that Paul addressed points toward a perfected family of saints who will be revealed at the end of this age. Though we see this promise of oneness clearly expressed in the words of the Lord and in the apostles’ teachings, we remember that God accomplishes His purposes over long periods of time. Jesus’ final words on the Cross were “It is finished.” Yet, we understand that our Heavenly Father designed the consummation of His finished and eternal work to span the entire Church age. According to the Hebrew prophets, this work of God will climax with intense prophetic fulfilment at the end of time.

     Paul, appealing to the Ephesian disciples and describing their glorious position in Messiah, placed a special emphasis on the newly mentioned term “One New Man.” The apostle first reminded the Gentile disciples of their pagan origin, stressing that “… you were at that time separate from Messiah, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world…” (Eph 2:12).

     Though these disciples did come from a hopeless, godless background, the apostle comforts them with the great truth that “Now in Messiah Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah.” (Eph 2:13). Paul continues to reveal to them (and to all who believe) that God, through the work of Messiah, abolished the enmity between Jew and Gentile, broke down the dividing wall, and made them into one body. It is at this turning point, at the birth of this new human identity, that the apostle introduces the new terminology in God's plan for mankind which is the “One New Man.” ( Eph 2:15).

     Only by the holy blood of Messiah can these two irreconcilable people groups, locked in animosity and conflict for thousands of years, now be formed into a one new body. So profound is the oneness of this new family of the redeemed that the scripture testifies that now, “through Him, we both [Jew and Gentile] have our access in one Spirit to the Father.” (Eph 2:18). In these inspired words the apostle establishes that (1) This unity is primarily spiritual in nature, and that (2) It serves as our access point, our key, to the very presence of our Heavenly Father.

     We understand that this miracle was brought about to fulfill a special and specific desire in the Father's heart. Our God longs not only to save souls from eternal damnation, but He does so in order to surround Himself with people of faith, vision, and passion who will live and worship in His presence forever! This newly acquired access to the Father by One Spirit is reserved for the One New Man company, as it serves the eternal purpose of God's household; His family; and His eternal dwelling place.

     As the scripture continues to convey this revelation, Paul's choice of words enters into a “construction mode.” This “Master-Builder” apostle now relates to this newly created humanity as “building material” drawn from both Jewish and Gentile lineage as they continue to grow together into the likeness of Messiah Himself. Addressing these same disciples, Paul encourages them that now that the “construction materials” are being prepared, “the whole building, being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.” (Ephesians 2:21).

     The apostle goes on to confirm that the purpose of this One New Man community of faith is so that “in [Jesus] you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” (Eph 2:22). The Lord desires not only to come to His people in temporary visitations, but to ultimately dwell with us as EMANUEL (God with us) at the close of this age in a permanent habitation! He is preparing a permanent dwelling place for Himself among the sons and daughters of men, and He does so through the new humanity that is created in His image.

     This drawing together of both Jew and Gentile into the One New Man community is the harbinger of the age to come. It speaks of the consummation of the purposes of God who promised Father Abraham both physical and spiritual seed. He showed him by visions his future children coming forth as both grains of sand and celestial stars (Gen 13:16, 15:5), all descendants of Abraham, the Father of our Faith. And so, as the spiritual and physical seeds of God's elect become one in Messiah, so shall the spiritual and physical realms unite in an unhindered flow of divine life.

     How great and awesome is the God we serve who saves the best for the last. This House of the Lord; this dwelling of God in the Spirit will have as its building material the people of the One New Man, drawn from every tribe, language, and nation under heaven. This creation embodies God’s very nature and life through the mediation of Messiah; a life which is indestructible and incorruptible, unable to fail.

     Giving us probably the most foundational statement concerning the Jewish people and the Gospel, Paul wrote, “Concerning the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but concerning the election they are beloved for the sake of the fathers. For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. For as you were once disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their disobedience, even so these also have now been disobedient, that through the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy. For God has committed them all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all.” (Romans 11).

     As God’s purpose required both Jew and Gentile to join together in an unholy alliance to crucify the Lord, so it requires both Jew and Gentile to join together as the One New Man to see the full expression of His Resurrection Life on earth. For surely, “how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity... For there the Lord commanded the blessing, life forever.” (Ps 133:1,3). The word translated “unity” is YA’CHAD in the Hebrew text. YA’CHAD is a derivative of the Hebrew word E’CHAD, meaning ONE in Hebrew, speaking of a people who became ONE in spirit and in purpose before God. May we see this marvel in our days.
Read on its permanent link on Facebook.  Contact Reuven via email Doron     

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

In Jeremiah 32, on God’s instruction the prophet buys a parcel of land when Israel was in an active war zone. It was to be a symbol to the people that the Jews had a future in Israel regardless of the current circumstances. That is something I have been seeing in these past weeks with reports of the Israeli Messianic ministries who are securing new ministry properties and I believe they are acting on the LORD’s instruction to as a symbol to the entire Messianic body in Israel, to the whole international body of the LORD, and to all the people of Israel. Even as their greatest anti-Messianic opposition in Israel continue to gain power, and even though the nations around them and throughout the world rage, they are proclaiming their faith in God that the Messianic Body of Messiah has a big future in Israel. All these expanded, bettered facilities in the midst of war time is a huge step of faith into the promises of God for Israel’s salvations. 

Leading this week with the announcement that Tikkun Gobal  has already raised (as of June 26 announcement) $785,929.18 in commitments to the $1.6M goal they have set toward the purchase of a ministry center that overlooks the Mount of Olives. They see the place as for Jews, Arabs and internationals to gather together as a family to pray, worship, study and fellowship. This new ministry center home is also a gift to the believers in Yeshua here in the Land—a multi-purpose space that facilitates many needed gatherings and functions! As we labor together before the Lord to complete the funding for this new home, we again invite you to come together with covenant friends to establish a permanent Jerusalem home for Tikkun Global. GIVE to establish Tikkun’s home in the heart of the Eternal City.
     Also from Tikkun Global Who Are You, Prince of Persia by Leon Mazin | Prophecy and God's Timing by Ariel Blumenthal - The reactions from the nations against Israel are completely irrational…. What, or who, are they afraid of? Jewish “settlers?” Israeli “colonialism”? NO, the lies concerning Israel are demonically inspired, and there is one thing that Satan is afraid of—Yeshua, the King of the Jews, coming to re-settle, re-occupy, and re-colonize the earth. writes: After nearly 12 years of sending email updates of Kehila News Israel, we have decided to pause and focus on other aspects of the vision, which include launching a Hebrew version, and expanding the English directory of congregations and ministries. For Messianic/Christian related news in Israel, we encourage you to go to ALL ISRAEL NEWS ( which was co-founded by Joseph Magen and Joel Rosenberg. You may sign up for daily e-newsletters from AIN to get credible news from Israel along with coverage of newsworthy events in the Messianic Jewish community

Joel Jelski of Fields of Wheat writes this latest update from the road where he and Rubi Bishai are currently ministering in the US. Joel writes about the fires in northern Israel caused by rocket barrages from Hezballah – some fires raging very near the Jelski home and the Fields of Wheat ministry house. Joel writes, “Israel has, for the most part, “taken the blows” in the north for the sake of focusing on Gaza and not starting a second front in this war. But even if a deal is reached in Gaza, and even if Hezbollah is true to their word and stops firing - can Israel afford to ignore the danger Hezbollah poses to our nation? Even if we don’t deal with them today, we will have to deal with them later - whether that be a year or two, or four years down the line. Hezbollah has one mission - killing Jews and the elimination of the state of Israel. At some point, they will try to accomplish that mission…. Can Israel afford a reality where a terror group lays waste to our northern regions and causes them to become desolate once again? Isn’t this, in essence, a direct attack on God’s promises to plant his people in their land - and for them never to be uprooted again? ….this is a time to “watch and pray” for God’s will to be established.”
     While the storm of war swirls around us, Israel’s youth remain our focus. Upcoming Katzir youth camp - “Living Water” | We are well into preparations for our summer camp (August 18-22). “Living Water” is God's response to a time when many of us in the land are in need of a renewal of life and hope in our hearts and souls. The last nine months in Israel, since October 7th, have been emotionally and spiritually draining for so many….. PLEASE ask the Lord if He wants to use you in resourcing this life-impacting experience for the youth of Israel. They are the key to Yeshua's end-time harvest! Katzir Youth Camp Support!

Kobi & Shani Ferguson, Maoz Israel Ministries, write: “      You may have heard the term ‘Righteous Gentiles.’  It’s a name bestowed upon those who during WWII stood up for the righteous act of protecting Jews from slaughter. Righteous Gentiles put their own lives and livelihood at risk—and sometimes lost everything while saving Jewish lives. There are children and grandchildren who exist today because someone who didn’t have to—chose to protect the apple of God’s eye when destiny called. Today, you know that Israelis are fighting for their very existence within her borders. But even now the plight of Jews to exist anywhere is being fought worldwide. Thankfully, once again Gentiles and—especially Evangelicals—are choosing to stand up for Israel in a hostile world environment…. Many of you have contacted us to tell of the opportunities you’ve had to stand for Israel in your circles of influence! We are so proud of you!  Others among you have asked us to share ways to stand. Destiny is once again knocking. There is a task for everyone in every age and life status.  Read or Listen to the Article at this link.

Leon Mazin who leads the Return to Zion Center in Haifa writes from the heart of the matter: “Israel remains embroiled in war, affecting everyone and everything. Nerves are frayed. There are those who are unyielding, and others who are more pliable. We are unsure of our own capabilities and what we can endure. Sometimes, the outwardly strong need help, while those who appear delicate are remarkably resilient. I must admit that the pervasive atmosphere of war greatly influences me, leaving me feeling stressed. Although 90% of Israelis live in areas untouched by gunfire or threats, the awareness that war is ongoing fills the air and strikes our nerves.  I believe this situation in our land reflects the most profound spiritual confrontation. As a result, you may wake up feeling immediately fatigued. It's not just me – many people share this same experience of morning weariness. Yet, we continue to navigate this reality, seeking God's guidance and understanding that, no matter the difficulty, God has created us for this day and has plans for us. I ask you to pray for us, for me, and for our people to be filled with God's peace that surpasses all understanding.
     …. Summer brings the start of numerous projects, including the preparation of children's summer camps. It is a monumental task for the event planners to help the children experience God's Grace during this time of war. We are planning to run three camps for our children, some independently and others in partnership with our friends.
     Since 2015, Return to Zion has been running the Eagle Project for messianic soldiers-After the end of their service in the Israel Defense Forces. When young men and women finish their service in the IDF, we take them to Norway to restore and strengthen their faith. This year, the project will take place in Texas – with a large group of 30 soldiers, many of whom are dealing with post-trauma. Our aim is to provide them with rest, as well as physical, mental, and spiritual restoration. Your prayers are greatly needed! 

Israel Pochtar asks the pertinent question: How do We Stand as Watchmen on the Walls of Jerusalem? He cites Habakkuk 2:1 "I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what He will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint."…. The phrase "...I will look to see what he will say to me..." in Hebrew is "lir’ot ma yidaber bi" (…see what He will say inside of me). It’s a reminder that God speaks to us through our spirit, giving us answers in our hearts.
     He wrote on A New Battle Plan: A long-seeded division with seemingly no end has been the conflict going on between the Arabs and Jews. It began with two brothers, Ishmael and Isaac—one the son of a slave woman, Hagar and the other a Hebrew, Sarah. Through these two women, two nations were born, and a never-ending war began. However, through a supernatural love that can only come from God, a new battle plan had been drawn.
     Bringing Unity | When a Christian Pastor from Jordan began questioning why Israel was under such heavy attack, he decided that it was time Arab and Jewish Pastors united to bring these questions to God. He organized a conference in Cyprus where the two factions would study the Bible and prophecies, seeking what the Lord had to say in His Word. It was an incredibly powerful time with the Holy Spirit in the Word of God. One of the Arab brothers in Christ told how he was a very zealous and devoted leader of Islam. He hated Christians when he was young and almost killed a Christian boy once in his anger. But then he met Yeshua and his life was turned upside down. His once deeply rooted hate has turned into a deeper love for his Jewish brothers. Pastor Rafif, summed up this conflict in this way; “If I was Satan, what I would do if I wanted to prevent or to delay His return, I would attack Israel and I would attack the Jewish people. I would raise up antisemitism around the world.” That is exactly what Satan is doing!  …. Now is the time for all of God’s people to unite in our love for our brothers and sisters in Israel, both Arab and Jewish. We should be standing with Israel, not coming against them. Silence and tolerance are not an option, nor is remaining neutral. Now is the time to become unified.  Partner with Voice of Judah Israel to support and stand with the Israeli people. God is raising a standard for all His children. Will you answer the call?
     ALSO: Celebrating 19 Years of Beit Hallel Congregation! | Ashkelon Women's Conference | Challenges of the Israeli Summer …. Israeli summers are no joke, and without a properly operating AC system in place, it’s impossible to continue operating from that building until it is repaired Once repaired we can resume our projects, meetings and services that many are missing. HELP US here.

Pastor Najeeb & his wife Elizabeth sent a great ministry letter on 6/11 that I am finally getting to report on here – but first, if you have not watch Najeeb’s testimony that has gathered so much good attention in Israel – YOU MUST ShelanuTV Testimony of Pastor Najeeb. (Email Najeeb & Elizabeth)
     They write about Najeeb and Avi Mizrachi of Dugit (Najeeb is the newest Dugit ministry team member) recently baptizing an Arabic speaking colonel in the IDF. Pastor Najeeb has been discipling the high ranking IDF officer who is sharing his faith with great excitement. Also Najeeb & Elizabeth are serving in the Latrun Monastery where Elizabeth has been serving in the kitchen in Latrun, preparing meals for the community of brothers as well the guests. When they recently went to buy grocery supplies, they were able to strike up a conversation with a young woman “from a religious orthodox Jewish home. She left her family and the Orthodox community when she was eighteen and came to the decision that she did not believe in God anymore.” She was so intrigued with the Christian Arabs that she asked to visit them at Latrun….”she visited us at a time when there were other Messianic believers. We all sat, talked, and ate lunch together. She was touched to see the love between our group as Messianic Jewish and Arab believers. We have stayed in touch with her and continue to share God’s love with her.” Pray for her salvation. | Church growth | We are encouraged to see God growing our small church family. | Finally, we ask for prayer for the refugees in Jordan and the poor families in Armenia and Lebanon to whom we are connected.

Dov Bikas who heads the Tel Aviv humanitarian aid to the addicts from all over Israel who come to Tel Aviv, has a New Vision for an Arab Rehab Facility. There are “large number of addicts among Israeli Arabs and the fact that there are no Christian rehab centers for them in Israel – I mean centers specifically for Arabs, with their food, with Bible studies in Arabic, and with ministers who speak the language, understand Arab culture and therefore are able to work with these addicts more effectively.  At some point I called a friend, Jamil, who is an Arab pastor from Ramleh (a city with a mixed population of Jews and Arabs) and shared my thoughts with him. Jamil got very excited and confirmed that the need was great and that he was ready to actively participate in this project…..  Both Jamil and I have agreed that this project has got a very good potential, as it can establish connections with many Arab families and become a powerful testimony to them. It can also be a good example of practical cooperation between Jews and Arabs. Please pray for us as we continue working on the implementation of this idea. We want to follow God’s lead and need His wisdom at every step!
      Dov also catches us up on the good work going on in the Aviv Center as they are continuing to make a difference in the lives of addicts who are ready to make the move to get out of their addictions. Please pray for the volunteers and staff who come to minister to those everyone else has given up on. | Also there is a grateful letter to the donors who have made such a difference in a single mother’s life through the Ashkelon Food Distribution project.  
     PLUS: We would also like to share with you that “Stichting Aviv” (our fundraising organization in Holland) decided to publish a small book about our life and ministry, and it is now available both in a physical and digital version [ Donna: I have downloaded this 56-page booklet that tells the life story of Dov and Olga Bikas and what brought them to serve the LORD in ministering to addicts. Email me and I will send a PDF of it you.]  

Read Identifying with the Biblical Deborah & my other writings on Fruit of the Fig Tree blog


The Hasdey Yeshua congregation writes about the battles for our children (the couple in their congregation who child was diagnosed en utero with a hole in her heart was born – healed!) and for the souls of the people of Israel: “The people of Israel in these days are tense, fearful, discouraged and weary of what seems to be endless war. In addition, there’s the prospect of even more serious war with Hezbollah in the near future….The father mentioned above is a teacher in the congregation who encouraged us not to be fearful but know that God is fully in control and has a purpose for everything He does. With that knowledge and the resulting peace of God in our hearts, we should boldly share our faith with neighbors and friends. Please pray for boldness for us, and that the current crisis will produce much fruit for the Kingdom.
     Reading the plight of just 4 of the women that Sara in her ministry to Bedouin women has been doing should put every spoiled Western Feminist to shame. The circumstances of these women is devastating – they have nothing and are considered less than nothing! God bless Sara Barnaba for her ministry to them. 

At Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv, they bid blessing an farewell to David & Victoria Trubeck who are “realizing a long-term dream to do ministry in Japan, and, as hard as it is to see them go, we have faith for God’s perfect plan in their lives to use them as a blessing and witness wherever they go! Changes are often painful, but God uses them to bring about new beginnings and increased growth…. God has provided amazing new team members who are bringing with them gifts and talents which are already blessing us as a ministry and congregation. At the same time, we are seeing new members who joined Tiferet Yeshua in the past couple of years rise up to serve with young adults, worship, and women’s ministry, bringing with them new ideas and initiatives that we are excited about!
     Pastor Gil Afrait writes, Israel: On the Verge of a Wider War, Victory and Revival? | PLUS “God continues to bless our congregation as we remain faithful to His word and calling, reaching out with the Good News to our city and growing and nurturing a healthy body of believers in Messiah Yeshua.  When you support Tiferet Yeshua, you are partnering in the fulfillment of God's promises to Israel - to restore her both physically and spiritually!”    

From Out of Zion in Mt Carmel, David and Josie Silver send David’s 7/2/2024 Midweek update|  Plus the Out of Zion Prayer for Israel Zoom meeting every Tuesday 9 pm Israel time - 7 pm UK - 2 pm EST - 6 am NZ | Go here (Passcode: 146188)
     ALSO David’s commentary this week:  “Because of the blatant lies and greatly exaggerated statistics of Hamas and the media in Gaza, which are picked up by the international media and reported as fact before the facts are investigated, most of the people in the world think Israeli soldiers and pilots are worse than the terrorists and are committing genocide in Gaza. One example is the Hamas claim that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza killing more than 500 people inside. Truth was that about 50 people were killed and it was a Islamic Jihad missile that misfired and hit the hospital car park…. This is why so many normally decent people around the world have aligned themselves with the Muslim protesters who are supporting and praising one of the most barbaric terror organisations in the world. Hamas, (and Hezbollah & the others), was created to bring about the destruction of Israel, and only Muslim occupation on the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Videos of the horrendous acts of murder, decapitation, barbaric rape and burning of many of their victims, including infants and children, recorded by the terrorists have been made public and testify to the demonic cruelty of Hamas and the other terror groups in Gaza. Where are the loud public protests or criminal charges for these savage crimes against humanity?
     On the other hand, the men and women of the Israeli military are not blood thirsty monsters who joined the army to kill people, but to defend the nation.

      David had more to say but here is the sum of the matter: "As so many people have the wrong perspective of 99% of Israeli soldiers, I am sure that many curses are being spoken out over them, even calling for their death. Please pray and break all curses spoken over our soldiers and pilots, and pronounce blessings of protection and successful missions over them."

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