Saturday, May 25, 2024

2024 May 24 ARROWS: A Cup of Trembling & A Burdensome Stone


The Butcher of Tehren is Dead
& the International Criminal Court seeks arrest warrants
for Israeli Prime Minister and Defense Minister

They do not take Zechariah’s 12:2-3 prophecy from God about Israel to heart
by Donna Diorio

On Sunday news began to trickle in on X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter. News out of Iran was that a helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi had crashed in an unknown location in a mountainous northwestern region near the Azerbaijan border.
     It wasn’t long after that when an Iranian statement on X was reported by Sky News that the helicopter had been found. The post was quickly deleted. There was also a report by Russian WorldNews24 in the early going that two people on the helicopter had made contact after the crash, implying the crash was not that serious. Much speculation swirled online about the crash and who might have been responsible for it with several suspects, of course including Israel. Meanwhile in Iran, a great many Iranians celebrated the possibility that “the Butcher of Tehran” was dead.
     Several more hours passed before Iran posted officially that the copter had been found and all were dead. It is hard to believe that it took 22 more hours of search for the helicopter since it was traveling with two other copters at the time the copter carrying Raisi crashed into a mountain. Dead in the crash also was and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, along with seven others. Iranian officials claim it took almost 24 hours of searching before finding the wreckage.
     These types of events are always going to swirl with speculations of what nation might have been involved in taking the helicopter down. A review of X posts have shown accusations against, of course Israel, but also France, the United States and others. My pet theory is it could have been on the Aytollah’s orders because of the humiliation of the Iranian missile barrage against Israel that was an abject failure. President Raisi was not only responsible for the executions of thousands of Iranians but he was also expected to be the person most likely to succeed when the current Aytollah died. He was a great friend and ally of the current Aytollah. But the embarrassing failure of the attack on Israel may have been too much failure for the Aytollah to take.
     Whatever the reason for the death of President Raisi and his Foreign Minister, ultimately I believe it was God’s call in a fulfillment of Zechariah 12:2-3.
     Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”
     What it means to be a cup of trembling is that coming against Jerusalem will be like a drinking from a large goblet of alcohol that causes her enemies to reel as if in drunken intoxication. What it means to make Jerusalem – as the capital of Israel – a burdensome stone, is it that although in the natural it may look easy to remove Israel but she will be as a heavy stone, hard to lift. All who try to lift her out of her place shall be gashed, cut in pieces even though all the nations will be gathered together against it.
     For certain this is what has just happened to Iran’s Butcher of Tehran. It should also be a concern to the ICC, the International Criminal Court at the Hague, Netherlands. The ICC seeks to charge Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant with war crimes for defending itself against the real war criminals, Hamas. No matter if all nations agreed to this, God will have the last Word because He has made it clear He will protect Israel from all who attempt to destroy her.

Read more on this subject in this commentary from Israeli Cookie Schwaeber-Issan in All Israel News:
Was Raisi’s death a sovereign act of God?

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Betty Intrater of Tikkun Global provides a STRONG prayer list for intercessorsUnity among government leaders, particularly those in the war cabinet responsible for crucial decisions.| Strength and renewal for these leaders as well as high level army and security officials who face constant criticism, blame and anger. | Anointed decisions as to correct war strategy, whose parameters are constantly changing.| Capture or assassination of top level Hamas leaders, particularly Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Sinwar, and Mohammed Deif, thought to be hiding in the tunnels under Gaza.| Release of hostages captured October 7! There are approximately 90 hostages still held in Gaza plus 40 bodies of those murdered on October 7th. Of the 90 it is not known how many are still alive.| Supernatural protection of IDF soldiers from enemy weapons and booby traps.| Supernatural wisdom to know where danger lurks.| Protection against friendly fire incidents and army accidents which comprise a percentage of the injuries and deaths.| Ability to fight against terrorists without harming civilians. This is difficult because Hamas purposely fights from within populated areas as well as mosques, schools and hospitals.| Adequate prison facilities and staff and correct treatment of detainees and captured terrorists. That Israel would act righteously including toward its enemies.| Ability to adequately distribute humanitarian aid and set up safe relocation centers with basic food and health accommodations. Hamas has repeatedly tried to block these efforts, stealing aid and attacking distribution personnel.| Healing of the wounded. The hospitals are filled with seriously wounded soldiers and others wounded in the October 7 attack who require long term rehabilitation. These include amputations, head/brain injuries, severe limb and inner organ injuries.| Over worked medical staff, finances for extra staff, equipment and expansion of facilities.| Wisdom how to deal with northern front against Hezbollah as well as West Bank, hot spot for terrorist activity.|Displaced citizens from northern and southern communities hanging in limbo, unable to continue with normal lifestyle, work and school.| Extreme financial burden on Israeli economy causing increased price hikes and inflation.| Against lies and fake news in West hiding under mask of pro-Palestinian sentiment, causing surge in antisemitism and hatred of Israel. Incredibly this phenomenon has produced a tie between liberal West and Muslim fundamentalism.| For a revolution in Iran, that a righteous government would overthrow the cruel extremist government whose president God has supernaturally removed!|Pray for all these issues to bring a hunger for God and revelation of Yeshua to Israelis as well as Palestinians and a sweep of revival and salvation to all the world!
     Also from Tikkun: 5/23 Global Broadcast video: This particular session is focused on the Body of Messiah in Israel | VIDEOS A Heavenly Government, The Samaritan Woman and ARTICLE True and False Peace Agreement all three by Asher Intrater | Plus by Leon Mazin: Update from Haifa |and the BOOK by Eitan Shishkoff What About Us? Answering a compelling question that many sincere Christians are asking when it comes to Israel.

Maoz Israel’s Kobi & Shani Ferguson have set the eyes on the need for trained believer counselors to deal with Restoring Mental Health in Israel. “The affect this trauma will have on the culture of our nation for decades to come is daunting. Therefore, the sooner we address this issue, the higher our chances in bringing healing and restoration to the people of our land—both Jewish and Arab.
     In all this, one cannot overstate the importance of addressing spiritual needs alongside psychological needs. And that is something we as believers can address. Access to trained believing counselors is currently limited in Israel, but we do have a number of such trained professionals and Maoz would like to get behind their efforts to reach and care for as many Israelis as possible. To learn more, listen to the article here and pray about investing into this desire to help trained professional believers being to minister to the many devastated souls in Israel.

DONNA: I don’t want to belabor this point, but I started this weekly prayer summary in August 2001 not only to raise prayers for the Messianic Jewish Ministries laboring in the spiritual harvest field of Israel. It was also to attempt to bring understanding to our “duty” to minister to their material needs in bringing this harvest in. Many misplaced beliefs block Christians from understanding our duty is not only to support Israel, but our duty is first to the Israeli household of faith who are bringing the Good News of Messiah to their countrymen.
     Especially since October 7th these weeks of publishing the needs that the Israeli Ministries have set themselves to in ministering to the people of their nation, I have asked myself the question, If Christians cannot see this need to fulfill in Israel through those Israeli citizens who bear the witness and testimony of Jesus in their own lives, when will Christians ever see it?
     The need to put financial resources into the hands of the Israeli Body of Messiah is like the blessing of the loaves and fishes which multiplied to fill the needs and more. In this case physical needs are met and the “more” is the spiritual discovery of who the Messiah is. Through allowing the body of Yeshua in Israel to carry both material and spiritual help to their fellow Israelis right now, it will do more than all Christian donations to every other humanitarian outreach to Israelis that has ever existed, or ever will exist. The Israeli believers have the anointing and calling from God to accomplish bringing in the harvest far beyond the benefits of any Christian humanitarian giving delivered over to unsaved distributors.

Jackie Santoro of Zion’s Glory and Ahavat Yeshua congregation in Jerusalem writes eloquently of Israel’s Memorial Day and “the high price we have paid for our existence. . . . This year is the first year in the history of this country that Memorial Day and Independence Day are occurring while we are fighting a war.  It is so clear as we walk through these days as a nation that Israelis love life and grieve death. So different from the evil Hamas spirit which emulates death and cares nothing for life. May the world see the truth! . . . . all of Israel was overwhelmed with disbelief by President Biden's statement that much needed arms were being held back in order to discourage the government from continuing its plans to enter Rafah. Sanctioning arms to Israel by the USA has never happened in our history and no Israeli ever imagined it could or would happen. . . . PM Netanyahu issued a response … that the war would continue until we achieve our objectives, even if we have to go it alone and fight "with our fingernails".  . . . The work of the enemy seems so clear to us but most are blind to it. Before our very eyes, the whole world is turning against us just as the Bible has foretold. Deception is like a mist covering the eyes and hearts of people and nations. The rise in antisemitism around the world and the pro-Hamas demonstrations are painful for us to watch. Good is being portrayed as evil and evil as good - even to the degree that even those who should know better are getting confused.  May the terrorist spirit be exposed and may the demonic blindness on the young people who are aligning with Hamas be dissipated. May Truth prevail. . . . For those of us who live here, we can see the DNA of God himself in the fabric of this place. From this nation came the Messiah, and to this nation He will return. And so as the time draws near, the attacks intensify.”
     “. . . . In the midst of these days, though it is hard to leave. I am planning a trip to New York and Florida. I will be traveling with my son, Evan (station manager of ShelanuTV) and we trust that we will be a light shining in a dark place and hope to be a witness wherever we go proclaiming the truth of all that is going on. We would appreciate so very much your prayers for our safe travel, divine appointments and that we would be a blessing to friends and family and all those we meet along the way. Pray that we would return refreshed and strengthened as we continue to fight the good fight of faith in our personal lives, and for this nation and its people that we love so deeply. Thank you so much for your support and encouragement as we press on in these difficult days of birth pains. 

More new Divine Appointments from Ronit Bender, whose daily life is surrendered to the LORD as a personal evangelist in northern Israel. Born in Israel, Ronit moves easily in her life with Jews, Arabs, Druze, Internationals – listening closely to the instruction of the Holy Spirit with the people she meets. Her faith is bold to befriend, to give, to pray, to be a love letter from Yeshua to the people who cross her path. This letter she writes of praying for an Arab woman from Nazareth who came into a nail salon in terrible pain. After Ronit asked if she could pray for her and did, the woman screamed out, "What did you do to me?" The Lord had healed her on the spot. Another day at the nail salon, a Druze lady walks in and the Spirit spoke to Ronit. She approached the woman, told her “that God ~ my God ~ has spoken to me about her. Her eyes opened wide and all the ears of the women in the nail salon leaned in to hear what came next!  I told her I would like to take her to my hairdresser and God would pay for it. She burst out crying. I found out she was recently divorced, left with 3 young children, and only the night before she prayed to God and asked Him how will she ever be able to go to a hairdresser with so little money she has as a manicurist?  …. A is an elderly lady I met at the hair salon. She does not believe in God, "too brainy" as she called it. I gave her my testimony on YouTube. She was glued to it. Before she left, she told me she needs to think it through. Let's pray she does not take too long, as she is in her 80's. Pray for her salvation. . . . On my first day to the pool yesterday I met M. She was mean at first, but after swimming she sat next to me and we talked. I did a lot of listening, which is ok. The next day, I brought her a new bathing suit and some nice clothes. Pray with me she and other members of the kibbutz will have open hearts and get saved. I never stop being amazed at how many Divine appointments a day the Lord provides for us.”  Donna: If these things do not inspire you, you might be un-inspirable! [To contribute to support this "personal evangelist" in Israel email her or direct into her PayPal account: ] I hope you understand this is how evangelism is done so effectively in Israel, people being touched by other Israelis filled with the Spirit.

Plant Hope Israel’s Jennifer Guetta, the Biblical archaeologist, delivered from Kaballah, saved and anointed as a prophet in Israel writes, “As the battle intensifies, people are desperately calling out to God for help... and this is needed. For our trust must not be in weapons or in armies, but only in God and in Yeshua. As people call out to Him the veil is removed and people come to know the Messiah Yeshua. Therefore revival often comes in the midst of the darkness. Many people all over the world are praying for revival during this time. But the question is: are we ready for revival when it comes? This week, the Lord showed me we should also pray for the body of Messiah, in Israel and abroad, to prepare their hearts. . . . revival often comes together with persecution. When God's Spirit is poured out, every demon gets upset and starts reacting. In the spirit realm, it causes a major clash between the Kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. Demons inside people start to react and try to stop it from happening, religious spirits come against it, and every one finds out about it. During revival it is impossible to stay hidden because Gods Spirit naturally attracts people and demons start to flee and get upset. In the last generations, many believers in Yeshua have been living hidden lives, safely building their lives in the world. . . . n these end times, I believe the Lord is going to pour out His Spirit in the midst of the storm. But it will mean that we will no longer be hidden, and persecution comes along side of it. So please pray for the body of Messiah, especially in Israel, that they will be ready for the revival when it comes.
     Project Water to Wine | Plant Hope Israel helps facilitate movements of the Holy Spirit and the Presence of God in Israel. Israel is a dry country but God has made many promises for this land, that He will pour out His Spirit again and let the Living Water of Yeshua flow (Joel 2:28). Plant Hope Israel Ministries longs to see the Holy Spirit released in the lives of people so many people can be set free. Click Here for more info about our project Water to Wine.
     Sponsor Jennifer’s testimony book, Awestruck by Glory in Hebrew. Learn more here. | ALSO Testimonies from Israel| Every Wednesday night 7pm Israel time we are interviewing new believers in Israel about their testimony to show you that God is doing great miracles in Israel. Come join us for an incredible time of faith building and hope. Zoom Meeting ID: 3293756307 Passcode: 283902 | AND
Watcher on the walls: Pray! | If you want to pray for Israel, you can join us every day between 7-9PM Israel time on Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 3293756307 Passcode: 283902  

From the Hamaayan Congregation led by Tony & Orna Sperandeo, excerpt from the special commemoration of Israel’s Independence in the congregation, written by congregants Dany and Tamy, “. . . . We were called to be a light to the nations. We can see with our own eyes how dark the world is in which we live, and the greater the hand of the devil and the powers of darkness are, so must our light shine brighter and stronger, like a lamp shining in the dark. . . .Do we not see prophecy coming true in front of our eyes? One of the signs given to us that Yeshua is soon to return is that all nations will turn against Jerusalem. Is that not what is happening now? Is this the beginning of those prophecies coming true? Even our friends are threatening us. . . . If so, what reason have we to celebrate? We have reason! We are in the hands of the Lord, Who said: “I will not leave you nor forsake you… I shall be with you… be strong and of good courage” (Joshua 1:5-9), and we are more than conquerors because we, the children of the Lord, know the responsibility the Lord has designated for us and we certainly do have a future and a hope, not like our people, who do not know the Light. We see the Light anew every morning, not just the light at the end of the tunnel. . . . Let us also stick to our principles, the principles of the Messiah and the perfect plans of the Lord for the people of Israel. Our independence is in the Lord and our citizenship is in heaven. Therefore we are allowed to celebrate our independence as the Lord blessed us and we cry out from the depths of our hearts to our beloved country: “‘Then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood I said to you, “Live!” (Ezekiel 15:6). During this very difficult time, we appreciate your prayers 

Joel Jelski at Fields of Wheat writes an update after the additional 48 days of reserve duty he just came back from. “For now, we were told we won’t be called up again until 2025 for further reserve duty unless war breaks out in Lebanon; in this case, we would be called up once again.” Joel tells about his experience as part of a tank team stationed outside of Ashkelon guarding the border that there be no further incursions by terrorists into Israel. One of the highlights he shares is how “from the outbreak of war on October 7 until I went back to the reserves, Fields of Wheat continuously supplied believing soldiers (and sometimes their entire units) with urgently needed equipment. The lion’s share of this hard work was done by our staff member, Ruby. Over the next few weeks, we will supply more fireproof uniforms (which are life-saving!), and other material help for Messianic soldiers. My own unit was blessed by our ministry, which helped provide a fireproof uniform for each soldier. The uniforms are $500 a piece! So, the timely generosity of God’s people provided these hi-tech uniforms for my entire unit to the tune of $25,000. This equipment is not cheap, but it saves lives. This has been proven repeatedly in other units that have survived attacks by RPGs or mines/explosives. Since I joined my unit, the army has had a hard time providing reserve soldiers like me with these uniforms. They are required for tank duty. I had a uniform for months that didn’t actually fit me and another one that was torn. Many of my fellow soldiers were in similar situations. You made it possible for me to equip my unit with practical, immediately needed equipment.”
Joel also reports, “During this demanding time of serving in our country’s defense force, I have been able to have many long conversations about my faith in Messiah. And the best part - I didn’t initiate any of them. . . . Please pray for our friends who are in Gaza right now. Pray for wisdom and protection and for them to be a light to their fellow soldiers.| Pray for our ministry as we resume the vital work of equipping Israel’s youth and young adults to respond to the growing spiritual hunger in this society.| Both Ruby and I (with my wife, Teresa, and our two boys) are potentially headed to the States over the summer. We don’t have any details yet, but we will update as things come together. For me, it will depend on what happens with Lebanon, so any plans I make cannot be set in stone. Please pray for clarity for us — how to plan the next few months. I need wisdom to plan and balance family and ministry If we are to travel and what that will look like. | Our teen summer camp is already just 3 months away. . . . Support Katzir Youth Camp! Help our youth experience the change of a lifetime! Your contribution to these national youth camps not only changes lives but it also enables these Israeli teens to become workers in Yeshua's final harvest! Give HERE!

Avner Boskey, David’s Tent, They Make Shrewd Plans Against Your People | ....Yom HaZikaron in Hebrew, its official name in English is the Memorial Day for Israel’s Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts. . . .As the nation mourns, Psalm 83 is usually read aloud. This psalm of Asaph recounts how Middle Eastern enemies have sought our annihilation for over 3,000 years. The Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad are new names for ancient foes. . . .These  Middle Eastern enemies, like their fellow-travelers (the rioting students on Western campuses), are wise in their own eyes and see themselves as cunning in their conspiracies. Their cries “to wipe Israel out as a nation, so that its name will be no longer be remembered” have been modernized – morphed – into “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Jew-free.” The God of Jacob notes that, in attacking the Jewish people and the Jewish state, they are also conspiring together against YHVH the Warrior God (see Exodus 15:3). And the Psalmist calls on the Power of Deep Heaven to “terrify them with Your storm, and fill their faces with dishonor . . .” Read in full online

Restoration from Zion – a quick Health Update from Dan Juster | Two weeks ago on Friday morning I experienced a medical emergency. … I arose from my chair to get the laundry. … felt myself getting dizzy …. stepped into the hall … steadied myself by the shoe case in the hall. Patty …heard me fall and came running. … saw me laying on the floor unresponsive with my eyes open, she thought that I had had a heart attack. She screamed upstairs where Simcha and Jonathan live, and they came running … Simcha was able to rouse me while Johnathan called the emergency service. The next thing I knew I was waking up with the EMT looking over me. … said I needed to take the ambulance to the hospital to be checked out further. Simcha drove to meet me there. The EKG, chest x-ray and other tests were normal however the brain CT scan showed a slight brain bleed. Apparently, I received a concussion when my head hit the shoe case and the floor. The hospital staff and a cardiologist friend said it was due to my already having a slow pulse and low blood pressure and then taking a beta blocker for A-fib which I started having after Covid. This made my heart slower. I also took another medication that had as one of the side effects dizziness. I was told by several of my Facebook friends that they had had similar experiences. So now I make sure that I get up slowly and wait before launching out. The second CT was done early Saturday morning and there was no more bleeding. I was released the next day after being in the hospital 49 hours. The incident could have been so much worse, so we are praising God for his mercy. However, the incident left me weak, and the doctors had me cancel my trip to Rome.  Hopefully I will be able to travel to the States for our summer itinerary. Thank you for your prayers.  UPDATED 5/19 Good news. Today I had a new CT scan. It should almost all of the blood bleed in the brain resolved. The neurosurgeon read the scan and cleared me to fly to the United States tonight. He also cleared me to return to the gym to lift weights.  I felt the best today of any day in two weeks and no headache all day. So we are looking forward to the summer itinerary. Thank you so so much all of you who prayed or me. It was a scare especially for Patty and my daughter Simcha. We are so, so deeply in love that the thought of living without the other is just too hard to contemplate though we are not spring chickens anymore. 

Israel Pochtar, pastor of Beit Hallel in Ashdod and Voice of Judah ministries has a great series on Understanding the Power of Pentecost – Blessing to Be a Blessing, Part 3, Part 2 & Part 1 | also his Shavuot Evangelism: “To the Jew First” | Contantine’s Testimony: Letting Go | Evangelism work is so complex and nuanced. It requires a great deal of sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, as well as great logistics in place to ensure that when our evangelism outreach events end, people’s journey with Jesus only begins.| WATCH VIDEO The Harvest is ReadyShavuot is coming up in June and God is calling us to share the good news just as the Disciples did after faithfully waiting those 50 days. While we await the return of the Messiah, we are called to share the same Good News with those who yearn to know Him. We know God will use our Shavuot evangelism event to draw even more to Him! Consider investing in Israel’s salvation in this historic and prophetic time by supporting our evangelism work. Your giving will make an eternal difference!  Donation information
     How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! – Romans 10:14

David Silver of Out of Zion Ministries gives some figures of the price Israelis have paid for their 76 Years of existence as the Modern State of Israel in his article you can read in full here. “| Last Monday was Memorial Day in Israel as the nation remembered more than 25,000 soldiers who lost their lives in wars, including the current war with Hamas, and 5100 civilians who have died in terror attacks since the rebirth of Israel on May 14th 1948. This year thousands more Israelis mourned their personal loss of families members, neighbors and friends who died on October 7, or during the 7 months of war since that tragic day. . . . Because the majority of Jewish Israelis serve in the military, almost everyone knows a family that has lost at least one loved one, or lost a close friend, neighbor or co-worker. . . .     Apart from Messianic Jews and perhaps some of the religious Jews, most of the other Israelis who celebrate lndependence Day every year are missing the most important aspect of the day - that we are celebrating one of the greatest miracles of all time. Read in full at the link above, which also includes prayer points.

Cookie Schwaeber-Issan in the Jerusalem Post 5/23/24 | Unpacking  the ICC’as absurdity | Why did the ICC take seven months to publicly state that Israel’s prime minister and defense minister were retroactively guilty of crimes against humanity?

Donna: Last week at the last minute before sending out these lists, I received information on Facebook from a Messianic Jew I knew of previously requesting prayers fora massive hostage rescue operation going on right now.His information was accurate, even though it was not yet picked up by Israeli news media. I made a judgment call to report it and ask for the “urgent prayers” he was pleaded for over a classified brigade who he said had found hostages and were “fighting neck to neck victory in getting hostages alive.”
We now know that fight was taking place in the Gaza town of Jabaliya and there were seven hostage bodies recovered who were killed Oct 7th.
The IDF has retrieved 16 hostage bodies from Gaza, and “125 Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip, of whom 40 have already been declared deceased by Israeli authorities,” according to AllIsraelNews. That means there are up to 85 hostages, whether dead or alive is unknown, remaining in captivity by the brutal Hamas captors. Pray for the IDF to continue to get accurate intel on the places Israeli hostages are being held, and given Divine strategies for rescue and recovery of them all, in Yeshua’s name & the Father’s great compassion on Israel.

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