Monday, November 11, 2024

Failing the Jewish People is Not an Option


HEADLINE: King Willem-Alexander
Says Dutch Failed Jews in
Soccer Attack Just like in WWII

(Screen capture of Dutch Police Quelling an Anti-Israel riot)

For me, Failing the Jewish People is NOT an Option

Nov 11, 2024: Woke from a multi-period Holocaust dream again this morning. The first took place at the end of the 1948 Holocaust end. There was a young Jewish girl being asked questions by some media and I was standing there watching. The girl would not answer them. The reporters asked, Why won't she tell us what happened? I told them it is because she is not certain it is over yet. She fears it may be a trick.

Then I was in my own time and I was again standing with some reporters. One was a local audio broadcast reporter who had been doing a fairly good job talking about the signs of antisemitism that mirrors the beginnings of the Nazi party Holocaust. They were discussing how the national networks were doing reporting on it compared to this local reporter. 

I told them that I write to the national reporters to fill them in on what they don't know about the  dynamics they misinterpret in their reporting. The reporters all exchanged "knowing" looks, because that is how reporters think - that no one can possibly add to the conclusions they've come to because they are the "professionals." I saw what they were thinking and I said that I even wrote to the local broadcast reporter who was sitting there with us, to tell her what she was missing. Again they looked at each other with the "knowing" look. 

Then I told them that I decided 3 decades ago that I was not going to be one of those Christians like in Nazi Germany that sat quietly without objection when the SS rounded up Jews who had become Christians disappearing them from the Church even. I told them I made it my business ever since to know what the issues were in Nazi Germany and to know what pasts the Christian nations played, to to know what the issues were regarding the uproar of God restoring Israel, the Promise Land to the exiled Jews. That I made it my business to study the histories, the Histrionics, the lying narratives, the knowable facts of the opposition to God restoring Israel to His chosen people, the Jews. 

The reporters stood looking at me slack jawed. They only understand "university-taught" points of view versus "He said-She said" type views of the conflict. They do not realize it is possible to pull back from that and just follow the facts. That is not what universities are teaching anymore. They are teaching reporters to hold a "greater good" point of view as they advocate a position. The position will always be for them that it is better for Israel to disappear than it is for the nations to lose loyalties of those that cannot abide with Israel's existence in their own land.

I am not going to be the person that leaves that alone unchallenged. An early morning reminder of my fuller role as "salt" in our day. It is all part of my calling to stand by the Israeli Messianic Jews in their calling to the spiritual restoration of "all Israel."

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