Thursday, October 3, 2024

Arrows 2024 Oct 4 Feast of Trumpets

Photo is from 11 years ago at the annual gathering of Messianic Jews for a Feast of Trumpets picnic

 Yom Teruah

Feast of Trumpets

What’s it all about?
For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound,
who shall prepare himself to the battle?
by Donna Diorio
There are many uses of “the blowing of the trumpet” in Scripture, from announcing a new year, the new month, or to announce the year of Jubliee. It is not specifically referenced in the New Testament by name but most of us believe the 7 Trumpets blowing in Revelation are important. In the Hebrew Scriptures some of the uses are a trumpet blown to sound the alarm in Israel and also to call the people to assemble together. A trumpet is blown when making offerings and sacrifices, in praise and worship, and through different sounds made while blowing to convey a message. A trumpet is also blown to wage war and for the warriors to prepare for military battle.  These serve purposes in both the natural world and for spiritual purposes too. When the natural war is taking place in Israel, the whole spiritual body internationally should be hearing the spiritual “blowing of the trumpet.” 
     That is why I have connected what 1 Corinthians 14:8 means to this Feast of Trumpets 5785/2024 – “For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to the battle?”  Since Israel is God’s prophetic timepiece, I believe it is particularly significant for us this year on the Feast of Trumpets (October 4th) the war that Israel has been having great victories in.
     Attacked on October 7th 2023, most of the 11 months of trauma and despair experienced in Israel of being attacked and then going to war was without any sense of being truly victorious. Division became acute on how the war and rescuing hostages should be handled. What was the priority? Suddenly the spiritual tide changed because it was clear God was giving Israel the victory. Fighting in battles still required, but clearly God was leading Israeli leadership to press into the battle … to win, not just to disrupt just enough to buy more time of dealing with the sworn enemies of Israel’s existence.
     To say this is God’s battle is not just repeating something in a light way. We should REALLY BELIEVE because these enemies are more against what God has said than they are against Israel!  It is God’s battle and because there are many reasons for blowing the trumpet, I believe this Feast of Trumpets is a “trumpet” giving us a CERTAIN SOUND: As we see how God is right now in giving Israel victories, we are being called as Christians to prepare ourselves too.
     For every Christian in every nation, hear the blast of the 2024 trumpet! For it is a certain sound to prepare yourself for battle and to go forth, pressing in expecting God to give you the victory. What does that mean to you personally? It means we intercede for Israel but also we press in now in prayer for our unsaved loved ones. The battle for them all is NOW, and also for your nation. We will see terrible things in battles of the months and perhaps years ahead, but we enter it seeing how God is giving victory to Israel – let that encourage you that God is moving and will be with us to give us victory too. We are to partner with Him and with Israel in the battles for ultimate victory.
     This Feast of Trumpets is different. Do you hear it? It is a CERTAIN sound.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

One of spiritual mothers in Israel, Jackie Santoro, who spiritually mentored so many of Israel’s young leaders today alongside her husband Eddie, writes, “The Lion is roaring! Those were the words I heard so loudly in my spirit when the news broke of the assassination of Nasrallah and the 20 other terrorists that were with him in the bunker deep underground.”  Before Eddie passed into glory a few years ago, he was my go-to for giving the news of Israel with great spiritual insight. Since his passing Jackie has stepped into those big shoes, and God has surely given her the same anointing to pick up on things others have not communicated.
     Jackie continues, “Heaven intervened with its victorious power. Here in Israel, it felt as if the whole atmosphere changed in that moment- something lifted. The heaviness was released and the heavens opened. The Lion had roared.  The events leading up to this event were the stuff of movie thrillers. We woke up to the news of an agreement between Israel and the USA of a probable ceasefire within a few hours. This news was met with surprise and was not well received here overall and the PM was out of touch in a plane heading to New York. Upon landing, he declared that there was no ceasefire agreement, to the surprise and confusion of the US government. The next morning, he gave his speech at the UN declaring forcefully that Israel will never stop going after its enemies. Unbeknownst to the world, the attack was happening just as he was speaking…. The whole ceasefire agreement was a ploy to encourage Hezbollah to let down their guard. And more incredible, because of the "beeper" attacks which took the world and Hezbollah by surprise and wonder, it forced Nasrallah to go in person to his meeting in the bunker because their communication system was devastated and what remained intact was suspect. The stage was set and God's hand of favor rested upon the Air Force as 8 planes executed a perfect and highly complex maneuver, dropping 82 tons of explosives on the gathering from hell.
     The whole event was obviously supernaturally designed and Israel in its true form was bold and courageous, doing mighty exploits in the spirit of King David and his valiant fighting men! This tiny country with its relatively small army is taking on the forces of evil around the world which no one has done before.  Whether on the battle field or in the office developing advanced technology of the highest level, our soldiers are committed, devoted and determined. The level of intelligence that Israel has been able to amass is nothing short of miraculous. There is definitely no army like the Israeli army and no doubt this war is causing even greater respect and esteem to rise up through all the armies of the world.
     The Lion rose up and roared, and is still roaring. Israel is attacking and demolishing Hezbollah along with the Houthis in Yemen and in Syria and the promise is that there is no place in the world they won't go to fight to destroy those who want us destroyed. The dismantling of terrorist control means freedom for the captives in Syria, Iran, Lebanon and Yemen. The citizens of these countries who are not terrorists are cheering for Israel and yearn to be able to live peaceful lives with Israel as a friend.
     There is still so much more to go and although we are inflicting much damage on Hezbollah, they are still able to send off rockets and missiles non-stop to Israel
     Jackie writes that we must remain vigilant in prayer – Hamas leader Sinwar remains at large, surrounding himself with Israeli hostages as human shields to protect him (“Israel had a chance to assassinate him a short while ago but had to cancel the operation because of the danger to the hostages.”)  Also “Israel must have the strategy that comes from God” for the rescue of the hostages.
She writes that the economic situation is extremely difficult straining the whole country; and “in another spiritual attack, all flights to Israel have been cancelled by order of the European Union.”
     Many other things she has written about her congregation in Jerusalem, Ahavat Yeshua, and the “Third Season” group she leads of seniors “So many of the group are the real pioneers of the Body here in Israel and have weathered many wars and storms of all kinds throughout their years here.”
     Contact Jackie for her wonderful ministry letters at Zion’s Glory.

Avner Boskey’s War in Lebanon deconstructs the war Israel is fighting — Iran: by proxies.  “The Islamic Republic of Iran has been preparing for jihadi war against Israel and the West for many years. It has structured a Shi’ite crescent of terror, all facing the Jewish state and strategizing for its destruction.”
The nations should be rejoicing but instead they are criticizing and accusing Israel:  “Over these past six weeks, Israel has eliminated as many terrorists on the US list of wanted terrorists as America has managed to do in the last 20 years. But both the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the POTUS have expressed extreme displeasure publicly or privately with Israel’s stunning successes here. French President Macron condemned Israel for taking out arch-terrorist Ibrahim Aqil, responsible for murdering over 60 French paratroopers in 1983’s Beirut. We live in bracing days.”
     Then “On Wednesday September 25, Hezbollah fired a heavy missile at Israel’s intelligence center, where both the Mossad and SIGINT Unit 8200 are located. This was the equivalent of Osama bin-Laden’s 9/11 attack on the US Pentagon. Other jihad rockets began to rain down on civilian areas of Haifa and even further south.  Israeli escalation was soon coming. Within two days, Hassan Nasrallah and his High Command were no more. And a new stage in the war was now on its way. Read in full online, Click Title |  Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.”

Plant Hope Israel’s Jennifer Guetta writes, “Sound the alarm from My Holy Mountain…. We are praising God for the victories that He has given to Israel in the last 2 weeks. He has done so many miracles and defeated so many of our enemies. At the same time we are also waiting in anticipation for a possible escalation and the fulfillment of the next chapters of the Bible. History is unfolding in front our eyes! Many armies are coming against Israel, but we hold on to God's promises and pray He will continue to protect us and restore Israel's inheritance.  In the midst of it all, God's feasts are His appointed times and they are still so important.” Click here for Jennifer Guetta and her husband Eliahu give an update about the situation in Northern Israel, and give a Rosh HaShana/Feast of Trumpets greeting. |  Also click here for Jennifer's video teaching on Why the Biblical Feasts are important for you.

Avi Mizrachi of Dugit writes a heartfelt plea: “It was nearly a year ago, on October 7, that heavily armed terrorists invaded the land of Israel, brutally murdering more than 1,200 civilians, wounding 5,600 others, and kidnapping 240 people as hostages—including elderly people and mothers with their babies in their arms. The days that followed the attack were heartbreaking and chaotic…. Suddenly all these people had no homes, no belongings, and their businesses were closed. We started doing what we could to provide them with urgent necessities to meet their immediate needs. We learned that soldiers were sleeping on the cold hard ground in the desert. We bought them mats. They needed coats   and socks. They needed food—and they needed coolers to store the food. We rushed to do all we could. From the beginning of the war until now, we have had 23,000 missiles fired into Israel and more than 15,000 injured. It will soon be a year that the nation of Israel has been at war with Hamas in the South and Hizballah in the North. And still, the future is uncertain. These days our Distribution Center has never been busier…. Will you please give a special October 7 offering today—to fuel our mission to see all Israel saved?.... Mourning the tragic events of October 7 serves to remind us again of the uncertainty of life and the urgency of our calling to bring the Good News of Messiah to the Jewish people. Your generosity and God’s great faithfulness to His promises make all that we do possible. Be a part of what God is doing in Israel.

My friend in central Israel, Sally Shiff, daily writing short updates to inform intercessors in the nations connecting to her (she is with HaMaayan congregation) write that for the first time in months she had to run to the bomb shelter and after emerging discovered a rocket had come down on the street not 750 yards from her home! Grateful that for the first time in 12 years she had a bomb shelter to run to. She writes about  “Operation “Northern Arrows” The IDF is continuing to operate to achieve the goals of the war and is doing everything necessary to defend the citizens of Israel and return the citizens of northern Israel to their homes. Grateful to be under His wings.”
     Several days before Sally wrote,” My reason for sending out these updates is both informative and cathartic. I want to make sure those I love know the truth here in Israel. My ulterior motive is for you to know how to pray for us correctly rather than what you are hearing from the news agencies where you live.  Cathartic for me because you are my "captive" audience that allows me to share my heart and feelings throughout this year.
     Then reporting on 9/28 about the death of Nasrallah: “Our nation is rejoicing in a very subtle way as we still have hostages and displaced families. BUT the … amazing events of the past two weeks gives us great relief. The amazing part about last night is the timing...right after Netanyahu's speech to the entire world.  Shutting the mouths of lions (aka other countries who want us to have a cease fire or a pause) the ingenuity and strength came through. Personally, I think it was because of the prayers. There will be retaliations, however, we will be prepared. Raised in Tucson, I know that in order to kill a snake, you must cut off the head first. The body will continue for a while, but it will eventually die as well. Israel's tactic is killing the head of the snake, the rest will follow. Sinwar has not been heard of in a few weeks, hoping he is the next news.  Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil. 

From Avi & Hannah Tekel at Tents of Mercy in Kiryat Yam “Watch this holiday greeting from Avi and see how we pack up 900 bags of food and give them out.” The day prior Avi wrote: “Requesting Continued Prayer Cover | The Iranian attack of over 150 ballistic missiles this evening adds yet another intense element to this already threatening war. We thank God for His protection through our military and allies today and every day, but we also want to cry out to the Lord for a supernatural intervention that will transform Israel and the surrounding region in a way that will bring Him glory!” (Quoting Isaiah 62:6-7) and saying “Thank you for standing as watchmen together with us and faithfully covering Israel in prayer!”
     On 9/25 Avi wrote of the quiet broken in the Haifa Bay region when a barrage of Hezballah rockets kept them in bomb shelters for 3 days. While shopping after an afternoon of distributing food bags, Avi writes, “Seeing a few of the workers heading to a bomb shelter, I joined them. As we waited out the siren, I heard a loud yet different noise. At first I was alarmed, but then I realized I was hearing the sound of salvation! The strong and precise Iron Dome missiles make an intense hissing sound as they shoot out of their barrels. With each blast my heart was quieted and comforted.
     In all the uncertainty and stress of this year it is an even bigger blessing than normal to be able to give out the 900 beautiful food bags that we prepared with love.” We thank you for your faithful friendship, prayer and financial support. We wish you a sweet and blessed New Year!

Many of the following were Written before God’s Mighty Victories for Israel

Ronit Bender in Haifa just turned 74, “Outside we hear the falling of the missiles, it is surreal!  Haifa is now a target too, we have been mostly spared until now. When thinking about writing my newsletter, I realized my heart is not in it this month. The situation with this ongoing war….
     I (Donna) have not wanted to hide the reality of so many greatly discouraged hearts in Israel, even among the believers, because it is a reality – AND because I expect in many nations coming things will bring many to the same brink of great discouragement in the days ahead. It is important to realize such heart discouragement is not abnormal. Human beings can handle only take so much sorrow and pain, even believers! – but even more so, it is important to see in Israel right now how it can be overturned in a moment as God arises like a LION to give the victory. Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5
     Ronit wrote, “
There is a feeling of hopelessness on the streetsI know you are thinking: What about Yeshua [Jesus]?  I love Him with my whole heart, but right now, I feel overwhelmed.”  This is why God is bringing Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah into “one new man” – that we can encourage each other. None of us can do it all by ourselves. Ronit writes, “Here is how you can pray: Pray for wisdom for government leaders, both Israel's and yours.| Pray that the 100+ hostages will miraculously be found / released - alive. And pray for their families who waiting for them.| Pray for Israelis who, like me, are feeling overwhelmed. This is the longest war since the War of Independence. Israelis don't know their God and need to call out to Him.”
Please also pray for Ronit’s health also. She is dealing with two major health issues which doctors cannot help. Let God arise and Ronit’s health issue be banished in Yeshua’s name!

Watch Tiferet Yeshua pastor Gil Afriat’s Video Message from the last week of September not only gives a true indicator of the point of weariness bordering on hopelessness that was common among Israelis after a year of non-stop war, loss, pain and division. But he also declares the hope and looking for the promise of God given in a word of the LORD one of their congregants received in the summer months. What a turnaround in what Gil Afrait was saying – and what a miraculous turnaround among Israelis from that day to this as God arose mightily with victories for Israel! Listen to this…you will be glad you did. It will give you courage for the things your own nations will go through in the coming days.

     Pastor Gil writes: “We wanted to give you a specific update about what is happening, how the many challenges are affecting Israelis, and how to understand what is happening from a spiritual perspective. Also, we want you to know how you can stand with us in prayer. Thank you for your prayers at this crucial time!”

What a blessing to read the brief sent by Ruby Bishai, the Arab Christian team member who serves on the Fields of Wheat team along Eitan Shishkoff and Joel Jelski. As you probably know, Joel has been serving in the IDF which has shifted many of Joel’s usual activities over to Ruby including Delivering Equipment to IDF Soldiers. Ruby writes, “I was alone and felt a sense of hesitation.  As an Arab believer in Jesus, I didn’t know how I’d be received by soldiers fresh from the battlefield. I remember praying, asking God if I should even reveal my background. Would this Jewish soldier, traumatized by the war against Arab enemies, accept an Arab offering help?
     The answer from God was clear: be open, trust Him, and let Him take care of the rest. When I arrived at the Gaza border, the soldier I met looked skeptical and immediately started questioning me. “Who are you?” “Where are you from?” I could feel the tension. But I took a deep breath and told him, “I’m an Arab who believes in Yeshua. I know you’re fighting Hamas right now, but I’m here to bless you. And not just me—believers from all over the world, especially from the U.S., have come together to provide this equipment. For a moment, he just stood there in silence. Then, he stepped forward and hugged me tightly. What was supposed to be a brief encounter turned into hours of conversation. By the end of the night, we shared a meal—Israeli MREs (meal-ready-to-eat, not exactly gourmet!)—and I gave him a copy of the New Testament. He looked at me and said, “Ruby, I don’t believe in God. But if I did, I’d be a Messianic believer.”

     Tears come to my eyes as I lift this passage from Ruby’s email. He writes that “We are Living in a Pivotal Moment” – hearts are open and hungry – But here’s the reality: it could go one of two ways. Some will turn to Orthodox Judaism for comfort, as many have, seeking answers in the only faith that seems available for a Jewish person. But my prayer, and I know that it’s yours too, is that they will turn to Yeshua—Israel’s Messiah--the true source of peace, hope, and salvation. We are living in a pivotal moment, and what we do right now matters. Our work here is not easy. Ministry in the middle of a war zone brings challenges I never imagined facing. . . . The harvest here in Israel is ready. But we need your help to bring it in!

     Here’s How You Can Help: 1. Pray with Us: Please lift these young believers in prayer. Pray that they will stay strong, rooted in the Word of God, and not be swayed by the pressures around them. Pray that more hearts will open to the truth of Yeshua. 2. Partner with Us Financially: If you feel led, please consider supporting us. Your financial gifts allow us to continue hosting camps, supplying soldiers, and reaching the lost with the message of salvation. 3. Share Our Story: If our work here has touched your heart, please share this newsletter with your friends, your congregation, or anyone who might feel called to support the next generation of believers in Israel. Together, we can spread the gospel farther than ever before. (Update your sign-up info: CLICK HERE)

Aliyah Return Center sends this update on Northern Arrows | The war with Hezbollah has reached new levels! Watch as Chaim unpacks this in this video | See all of Chaim’s daily video updates …. The Israeli government has promised to restore the security of the northern border of Israel, so the evacuee families could return home in peace. And sadly, due to the ideology of Hezbollah, where they would rather die than to make peace with Israel, there is no pretty way to make this happen…. As much as we would want a break from this chaos, and dream and pray for peace and security to return in our citizens to return home, this could only be a way for Hezbollah to regroup and become stronger in this fight. Please pray for us as we continue to press on. Pray that this would be the last war with Lebanon. Through it all we’re here to stand in the Gap and bless!

Read this Revive Israel article by its leader Youval Yanay He Who Has Ears, Let Him HearPrayer is not just about asking for things; it’s about creating a space for God’s voice, for His guidance and comfort. In prayer, we find security, encouragement, and the love of God. It’s an intimate connection that brings us closer to Him, transforming our lives and deepening our understanding of who we are in Him. Read in full online, Click Title
     Also: “In this time of deep spiritual searching, we invite you to join us in prayer for the following:  For those seeking God: Pray that God will reveal Himself in His love and salvation through Yeshua, allowing people to discover true forgiveness and genuine repentance—not just as a Jewish religious practice, but as a heartfelt transformation.| For the hearts of our people: Pray that our hearts remain soft amidst the many challenges and attacks we face. It is easy to fall into a desire for revenge, but as the scriptures say, "Vengeance is mine, declares the Lord." Let us pray for hearts that seek God and remain tender before Him.| For our leaders: Let us ask for wisdom and reverence for God to guide all those in positions of decision-making, whether in government or other areas of leadership.| For our soldiers: We ask for prayers of protection over all those serving, especially those who are called into battle or stationed in dangerous areas on our northern front and in the Gaza Strip. May God shield them and guide them.| Return of the hostages: As we approach one year since the horrendous attacks on Oct. 7th pray with us for the safe return of the remaining hostages.

 From Rick Ridings at Succat Hallel 24/7 House of Prayer in Jerusalem (the first one raised up I believe): “Our youth ministry, Dor Haba (Rising Generation), has a new music video out today! Filmed at our Dor Haba 2024 Youth Conference, with young Jewish and Arab believers.  Even in this difficult season in Israel, young people are coming together to worship our One True Lord! And they are standing together for true peace in the region, which comes only from the Prince of Peace, Yeshua.
     Click here to watch: “The One” Music Video. Please watch and share with others. We appreciate your prayers as these youth continue to gather at the Succat Hallel house of prayer to pray and worship. They're believing their Abba Father for breakthrough and revival in this land and in their generation. In His Peace, Tal and the Dor Haba Team, Succat Hallel in Jerusalem, Israel

Hasdey Yeshua (Mercy of Yeshua) has an uplifting report “The Battle is the Lord’s” and makes a connection that I have not latched onto before – that the Christian Arab four brothers known for their beautiful worship music as The Sakhnini Brothers, are the sons of the ministers to the Bedouin that the Hasdey Yeshua congregation is always reporting on! Praise the LORD! A family busy with our Abba’s business of ministry! The brothers recently led worship in the Hasdey congregation, “During the worship time, one of the brothers looked around the room and became teary-eyed as he saw people from so many different backgrounds praising God together. In the photo you’ll see native born Israelis as well as people from Russia, Romania, Brazil, Hungary, Peru, Canada, and even one Bedouin believer (not in view) who was in full Bedouin garb. What an incredible illustration of what Yeshua prayed for those who would believe in Him through the ages: “that they all may be one as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” John 17:21 Please pray that, as Yeshua said, the people of Arad might know that He is truly our Messiah.  Listen to Arabic praise: This is a song called “Dwelling Place.” You’ll see all four brothers in a traditional setting and with Middle Eastern instruments.”
     Also they relate how the Sakhnini mother, Sara, recently prayed for a Bedouin woman whose mother-in-law told Sara has been married to her son for 11 years without being able to become pregnant. Sara called for the young wife, speaking to her about how Abraham’s wife Sara had a baby to 89 after God saying she would bear a child. The young women then said, “Then suddenly Amira added…‘and there was Mary. She was a virgin, really a virgin, but she gave birth to Yeshua!I saw faith in her eyes, and for me that was huge. So as I was praying, again I was explaining that God would answer in His way and in His time. When I finished she said, ‘Amen!’ and when I opened my eyes I saw her eyes were full of tears. Please pray for Amira to become pregnant and also to come to know the true God.” PLEASE everyone stop right now and ask God to grant “Amira” a child, even a son which would be a double blessing. That her story would create great faith in that Bedouin community and many salvations.

David Silver of Out of Zion writes to say that because of his “health situation that I am still struggling with” he is finding the pressure to monitor and compile the news “very stressful and not good” for his current health status. Doing similar work, I totally get what David is saying. Please pray for healing for David, and for continued support for the ministry during his time needed to lower the pressures of work for healing sake. You can PARTNER with David & Josie,  Out of Zion - please go to our website to find the donation details for your country.| Or Click Here  to  make a support donation by PAYPAL | For a full list of resource and products available please see the ORDER page on the Out of Zion Website | Check out our videos & teaching articles on the Out of Zion Website | You can email us at

From Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel congregation and Voice of Judah Ministries: The Prophetic Significance of the Feast of Trumpets | The Feast of Trumpets, known as Rosh Hashanah, holds deep significance in both Jewish and Christian traditions. It’s a time of remembrance and prophetic expectation. Join Pastor Israel on the Mount of Olives, a key place in biblical prophecy, as he reflects on this powerful and symbolic feast. The Bible instructs in Leviticus 23:24 that it is a "memorial of blowing of trumpets," a command given without much explanation. Yet, hidden within this celebration is a profound mystery that points to the future return of Jesus....Watch Now

From Michael Beener at the Sderot City of Life congregation:
Hope During the Biblical Autumn Holidays | In these times of need, our “City of Life” team is committed to standing by the most affected families organizing a large distribution of special food baskets and supermarket vouchers to bless the most needy in our region, including young families in poverty, widows, immigrants, single parents, and Holocaust survivors. Our goal is to bring them comfort and encouragement amidst their difficult circumstances, reminding them that they are not alone.....You too can be part of this effort. With a donation of just $50 per food basket, you can bless a needy family in Sderot, bringing them comfort and relief during these special days. DONATE here.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

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