Friday, October 25, 2024

Arrows 10/25/2024 The Israel Mandate & A Prayer Strategy Against Deceiving Influences from Acts 13

The Israel Mandate
& A Prayer strategy 
Against Deceiving influences from Acts 13

Brondon Mathis leads a 24/7 Prayer House in Columbus, Ohio called Yeshua Life Center. A friend sent me Brondon’s video recorded live in Jerusalem this week. I was so blessed by what Brondon had to say, I knew it had to go out far and wide among those who pray for Israel. 
Also I want to encourage you to get hold of Brondon’s just-released book, The Israel Mandate, detailing how  in Jerusalem for the Feasts, God began to speak to him through Nehemiah 6 on the day before Hamas attacked Israel. In this video Brondon says, "We need to be sure and secure about what God has spoken to us." Listen and be encouraged!
     Brondon says when he read his morning devotional from Nehemiah on October 6th 2023 in Jerusalem God began to speak to him about what was coming before he knew anything was coming. He wrote all during the next 17 days as Israel was plunged into war with Hamas and all flights in and out of Israel ceased. He wrote what God was showing him during that period which is the basis of his book, "The Israel Mandate: The Believers Role in Standing with Israel During the Time of Jacobs Trouble."
     In this 2024 video recorded this week again from Jerusalem, Brondon says of Nehemiah 6, "This is where God began to introduce to me the scenarios that would take place with both Israel and the prayer movement of those who pray for Israel.  In Nehemiah 6:3 he understood that God was encouraging him to be able to stand through all that would begin to come the following day. He understood verse 3 as prophetically for him. Others will relate to it too, just as I have.
     God was saying to him and to those who pray for Israel: "You are doing a good work. Don't come down — don't become discouraged and don’t feel like what you're doing doesn't

A Prayer strategy
Against Deceiving influences from Acts 13
by Donna Diorio

October 22: This exploded in my spirit this morning as I read from a prophetic Christian I follow on Facebook named Garris Elkins. He wrote, "Sometimes the main players in a scenario are not those in positions of visible power. Those who stand at their side and influence their decisions are the real power brokers. A situation in Paul’s life illustrates how this happens."
     Acts 13, picking up just after at God’s order Paul and Barnabas were set aside in Antioch to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles. The pair set off for what is now Syria to sail for Cyprus. There the principal city of the island Cyprus, Salamis, they “proclaimed the word of God in the Jewish synagogues.” They traveled the whole island as far as maritime city of Paphos “where they found a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus.”
     As proconsul, Serguis Paulus, was the highest authority of the island country — the Proconsul. With him was a false magi (sorcerer) and pseudoprophetes (false prophet) – a Jew who name was Barjesus (son of Jesus). An intelligent man, Paulus sent for Paul and Barnabas wanting to the word of God, but the Jewish sorcerer/false prophet “withstood them, seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith.”
     Verse 9-12: “Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, And said, “O child of the devil and enemy of all righteousness, you are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery! Will you never stop perverting the straight ways of the Lord? Now look, the hand of the Lord is against you, and for a time you will be blind and unable to see the light of the sun.’ Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was astonished at the teaching about the Lord.”
     Even intelligent men can be led astray by those who influence them.  I believe this is as true of intelligent believers as it is of intelligent secular leaders. 
     Garris Elkins wrapped up his comments on this by writing: “We may be spending too much time trying to convince people in power to do the right thing while aiming our efforts for change at the wrong target. Those who have attached themselves to the victims of their deceit need to be our primary focus. Only when these demonic attachments are broken will we see real change take place.”
     When I read that, I knew it was the right application for praying over all those Christians who have been deceived in thinking that they were doing the right thing to donate to the unsaved Israeli rabbis and organizations INSTEAD of those Israeli Ministries carrying the Gospel to their fellow countrymen.  If you see the wisdom in this let it guide you in praying for a breaking of the influences that are influencing all those who should be supporting the work of Yeshua’s ministry in Israel.
     I did note that Paul himself had been struck blind in order to turn him from his murderous, anti-Messiah mission chasing after believers who had fled to Damascus from religious persecution in Israel. Paul knew personally that God would strike someone temporarily blind to get their attention. There is probably something in your own past that God has used to get your attention and turn you around.  If you don’t quite have faith to speak temporary blindness, use what you have personally experience and have God will do to free the victims of the deceivers influencing them in the opposite way God desires to see them go.
     “You are doing a good work. Don't come down....don't become discouraged and don’t feel like what you're doing doesn't matter."           

I would like to make an appeal on behalf of donations to support my work. I have been filing each week for the past 23 years and believe it has always been a worthwhile and beneficial tool to bridge the gap between the Israeli Ministries and international Christians. If you can afford to do so, please pray about sending a special gift this month to me. Email me if you need donation information to ArrowsDDiorio at

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Guy Cohen, who leads the Harvest of Asher congregation in Acco, shares a good word about John 7 when Yeshua’s brothers provoked him to go up to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot with them. What Guy saw was the similarity to Joseph’s brothers and the trap they were preparing for Him. Guy questions how it was that his people saw the miracles, heard Yeshua’s teaching of God’s Word, but they could not recognize who He was. Guy writes that the religious leaders of that time had a “desire to control the people (that) was greater than their ability to see the truth. This spirit of stubbornness was blocking their eyes from seeing Messiah, our redeemer.” It is a warning once again to Christian and Messianic religious leaders today.
     Cohen, who comes from a family of traditional rabbinic Jews, writes, “In my spirit, I long to see my people - In the last day, that great day of the feast, rejoicing in streams of living water, giving glory to Yeshua.” Yeshua DID go up to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, and as “the pouring of water drawn from the Spring of Siloah over the altar in the temple was celebrated” Yeshua declared Himself the fulfillment of that prophetic symbol: ““If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38)
     Many Christians deny the significance of the God-given Feasts of the LORD that speak of Jesus. This is a wake up call for all of them.

There is also a powerful report from Reuven Doron on Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles. You can read in full here. But I want to highlight a few things included in this prayer letter that holds true for so many of the Messianic  Jewish ministers in Israel. One is how there are “Five fighting members of one family, and many more serving in the extended family.” Three of them were blessed by the IDF to attend Sukkot at home with the family. One who was recently deployed however was in close proximity to “the tragic hit of an explosive Hezbollah drone that blew up the roof of a Golani Brigade dining-hall during supper time. Four young soldiers were killed, and 64 were injured. Our relative had arrived at the Golani Brigade Camp right before the drone attack, and his command group was in the process of setting up camp by the outer parameters not far from the dining hall. He helped carry out the dead and the wounded. We all, along with his wife and children, gave thanks to the Lord for preserving his life. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…. Psalm 91:1-4. Thank you for praying with us for miracles.” If you are following Reuven’s reports here or through his mailing list, you will recognize that it was a son was referring to here.
    He also writes about how “dramatically quiet” Israel has been since Iran directly attacked Israel for a second time and how Israel was going to respond to that strike of 400 ballistic missiles on October 1. Reven wrote that the silence was “keeping the Iranian Mullahs locked in nervous suspense. The Day of Atonement, however, was burned into the minds of billions all around the world. God’s ways are not our ways, and He will fulfill His purpose in the most unusual ways. The Bible tells us that Israel’s miraculous restoration to the Land of Promise is intended to draw attention to God HIMSELF. It’s His way of awakening slumbering masses, and calling many to repent and return to HIM.
     “The Ekklesia Church was commissioned and empowered to bring the Good News of Messiah to all nations, but Israel is God’s demonstration of His power and sovereignty. What He accomplishes in and through Israel is intentional in order to get the world’s attention. In your prayers remember not only the harvest in Israel, but likewise throughout the world. 1 Cor 10:11
    There is great insight shared in the sections concerning the war fronts, including God exposing the UN for “the hideous role the UN has been playing in the Middle East. With its growing institutional unbridled hatred and rejection of Israel, we will not be surprised to see Israel walking away from this deceived and deceiving organization at some point.” And since America and many Western Nations have played a part in funding the evil doings against Israel, Reuven writes, “God only knows how many billions of dollars of international aid were used to build up Gaza’s Hamas terror army.
     Ignoring God’s laws, the West has been fooled and tricked by Islam, and the window of time to make corrections is closing daily. We pray for the coming US elections. A strong and principled America is essential to keeping the world sane.  Read more online at Facebook permanent link               

 From David’s Tent in Beer Sheva, I have to say Avner Boskey is one of the most high quality writers I know. If he wasn’t Messianic he would be snapped up by any number of American or Israeli think tanks. His research and writing presentation are just that good. In Avner’s latest, “Hitler and Hamas – a tale of two sofas,” he compares the life and deaths of Hitlar and Sinwar. It is an expertly woven tale with many details of the minds and modes the two operated in.
     Avner's "research shows that both Hitler’s Nazism and Sinwar’s Hamas Islamism are based on highly motivated ideologies and strategies. Just as it would have seemed total madness for the Allies to have appealed to the Führer in 1944 for a ceasefire, so it is equally the height of folly for the US Administration, Western diplomats, Russia, China and the United Nations to champion the forcing of Israel into a ceasefire with the spiritual descendants of Hitler – Hamas, Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Yet POTUS Biden and VP Harris, White House spokesman John Kirby, French President Macron, German Chancellor Schotz, UN Chief Guterres, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and VP Borrell, Canada’s Trudeau and the UK’s Starmer are all turning the thumbscrews on the Jewish state, bullying them to throw in the towel and declare both a ceasefire with Hamas and a speedy withdrawal from Lebanon."  Read it in full online at Davidstent.

Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center has both zeal and the strength of a true warrior of God in Israel. He fights at the frontlines, produces a daily video from wherever he is and still has time to write about his spiritual insights as a minister of the Gospel in Israel. This letter from Oct 10th picked up the similarities in a Jewish wedding and the Feast of Tabernacles: “At a Jewish wedding, the couple are married under a ”huppa” which is very similar to a “sukkah”. Both are temporary coverings which represent divine protection and God’s holy presence. Also both a wedding and the Feast of Tabernacles is a time of joy and celebration. Both have very similar connotations.” He cites Isaiah 4:5-6 and writes, “This canopy connects again to both the Jewish wedding “huppa” and the Feast of Tabernacles “Sukkah”. This promised canopy and shelter possibly represents a renewed intimate covenant between God and His people. A promise of His protection and blessing. It makes me excited and hopeful!
Subscribe and follow Chaim’s daily videos (from the Front) on Youtube

You know there is often more than one application of truths in God’s Word that can be equally true? There is a primary meaning but there can be secondary meanings too. This is what I realized was going on when I listened to Tikkun Global’s Ariel Blumenthal’s video teaching Our Scapegoat, Sacrificed Outside the Camp. This is an exceptional understanding of the (scape)goat sent out into the wilderness, as Ariel notes, “This wilderness is where the demons of the Canaanites were worshipped; the same wilderness that Yeshua was sent into after He was immersed by John.”
     My understanding of the scapegoat – which I believe is a solid application of God’s Word too – is that the scapegoat represents unbelieving Israel, banished into exile to live in the wilderness of the nations according to what “all the people” cried out to Pilate in Matthew 27:25 “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.” In the almost 2,000 years in exile, this is what befell the Jewish people who became scapegoats in the wilderness . But God said that the nations/gentiles went beyond what He sanctioned. “Proclaim this word: This is what the LORD of Hosts says: ‘I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion, 15 but I am fiercely angry with the nations that are at ease. For I was a little angry, but they have added to the calamity.’ 16 Therefore this is what the LORD says: ‘I will return to Jerusalem with mercy, and there My house will be rebuilt, declares the LORD of Hosts...." Zechariah 1:14-15
     Also from Tikkun, Asher Intrater shows how bad the UNIFL failure really is in
UNIFL — Two Questions: Why? What? | Plus Guy Cohen brings the good news about The Father's Love: “There are over eight billion people in the world. Each one of us is unique and special. Each of us is known personally by God, and we are all connected by the need for love.”
     PLUS GREAT NEWS “We are thrilled to announce that we have the keys to Tikkun Global's new home!”
We Got the Keys!  Click to watch VIDEO by Asher Intrater  and from Ariel a sneak peek of the crew getting started on the demolition: Now It’s DEMO Time!

Avi Mizrachi of the Dugit Messianic Outreach in Tel Aviv, Avi writes about the Feast of Tabernacles when hundreds of rocket and drone attacks and lone terrorist gunmen shattered the peace and joy of the holiday. “The days when we could safely gather without fear seem like a distant memory. Here in Israel, the threat of violence is constant, and it weighs heavily on the hearts of everyone—especially during what should be a time of peace and reflection. But we are not giving up hope. We are standing firm, trusting in the Lord's protection and provision. IN YESHUA WE TRUST—HE IS OUR HOPE OF GLORY! In the midst of these terrifying attacks, Dugit Outreach Ministries has not stopped serving the people of Israel—both physically and spiritually. Every day, we are handing out food and much-needed supplies from our Distribution Center to those affected and displaced by the violence. We are sharing the love of Yeshua with those seeking hope.
     “We need your help today to continue this vital work. Your prayers and support are essential as we reach out to the broken, the hurting, the displaced across Israel, and our war-torn soldiers.
Your BEST gift today will make a difference for families who have lost everything. Please help us provide food, shelter, and the hope of Yeshua to those in need.”

Leon Mazin who leads the Return to Zion Congregation in Haifa and is part of the Tikkun Israel ministries, writes, “On the first week of October our two Congregations – Return to Zion and Or Chai – together celebrated Rosh ha-Shana Feast (Jewish New Year Holiday). Our believers from the City of Nazareth unfortunately could not join us due to the tense situation in the country. In our Congregations we prefer to call this Feasts - “Hag ha-Trua”, which means the Feast of Trumpets. It was really a very joyful time. We praised the Lord together: we glorified Him with our songs; our children and adults danced together. The sharp sound of the shofar reminded us about God’s Shofar in the Heaven and about the time of His divine interference in the history of humanity to restore the Earth and to put everything in His perfect order. And, of course, we prayed for all of the Israeli soldiers.”
     “….During these days (Feast of Tabernacles) we are interceding for salvation of all the nations in the world and we invite you to join us in these prayers. The day afterwards is Shimhat Tora - the Joy of the Tora. We will read the last portion of the Tora and roll it to the beginning while praising God. Then we’ll start to read it all over again. May God bless you and your loved ones!  "Restoring & proclaiming the faith in Yeshua in Israel!"

Israel Pochtar pasturing the Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod writes and sends this video on Sukkot: For All Who Thirst —The Feast of Tabernacles in Light of the New Testament. “In the Gospel of John, we read that while Jesus’ disciples went ahead to the festival, Jesus chose a different path. He arrived in Jerusalem quietly, not seeking the spotlight. Yet, the anticipation for His presence was unmistakable. The religious leaders and the people alike were searching for Him, wondering where He was, expecting Him to take part in this sacred celebration as He always had...continue to read and Watch the video     
     Also read and watch this good report Bringing the Gospel to Jerusalem: Lives Transformed by the Power of YeshuaThe Gospel was preached boldly, and the response was overwhelming. During the altar call, more than 75% of those present stood to receive Yeshua as their Lord and Savior! It was a sacred moment—a glimpse of God’s transforming power at work, filling people with the hope, peace, and grace they desperately longed for.”

From the Revive Israel community led by Youval & Valerie Yanay, read this good word:
Let Us Make Here Three Tabernacles | by Tal Haroni |The beautiful festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) reminds us of a profound truth: We have no permanent home here on this earth.
     Also Watch
The Temporary here.
     The Yanay’s speak of their time together with the Revive families and some who are not yet believers during Succot, the Feast of Tabernacles. “We ask for your prayers that these moments will strengthen our relationships and enable us to shine the light of the Messiah to those closest to us. This is a crucial time for our nation. Our people are filled with so many mixed emotions as Israel is still at war. We need the hand of God to guide our leaders, to make God-honoring decisions, and not for personal gain. Continue to pray for the protection of our soldiers, residents all throughout the north who receive barrages of rockets on a daily basis. Just this last week four soldiers were killed when a drone hit their base. And, please don’t cease praying for the safe return of all of the hostages. Our prayer this Sukkot is for the hearts of our people to turn back to God and find salvation in Yeshua. . . .
     “We would also like to thank you for fervently praying for our winter program! The Lord has truly answered and has brought us a solid group of people.  We thank the Lord for this grace and the special calling to equip the younger generation to follow God and draw closer to Him. We are in a challenging time, and these young people are blessed to root themselves in their faith and find strength in the Lord. Please continue to pray for us….” | 

Aleksey Raikhstadt who leads the
Beit Immanuel Congregation in Jaffa sends greetings and thanks for your “your faithful prayers, and may God’s hand move mightily in our nation and among His people.” He writes, “Today, more than ever, Jerusalem and all of Israel need your prayers for healing, wisdom, and strength. Lift up the nation of Israel in your prayers. Pray for our leaders, our soldiers, grieving families, and Israeli civilians, especially those under continual rocket fire. Our hearts especially cry out for the safe return of all hostages still being held captive. Every life is precious to God, and we believe in His power to restore and redeem even in the most hopeless situations. “

Sally Shiff, intercessor at HaMaayan in Kfar Saba writes of the wonderful times together with the congregation during Sukkot, and “Friday night I enjoyed shabbat dinner with my family down south in Zikim, 1 mile from Gaza. From that distance you can see [the destruction in] Gaza. I don't think Sinwar fully thought through his plan when he attacked us on October 7. Now he is dead, most of his terrorists are dead, his weapons cache is obliterated, and Gaza is in rubble.  All thanks to the Lord! Hezbollah is still sending us rockets and UAV's with at least 50 a day. Yesterday, they tried to assassinate Netanyahu by targeting his house. Thankfully he was not there, and the house is still intact....Hamas (whoever is in charge, it's rumored its Sinwar's brother) is still holding on, not returning the hostages. We need to pray for total and complete capitulation and hostages found by us, safe and alive: all of them. (except the ones we know are dead, and we want them returned too)

From Gil & Tamar Afriat who lead the Tiferet Yeshua congregation write: “We feel it is important to share with you this special update: with all the information flooding the media about what is happening in Israel, and with events unfolding so quickly and dramatically, it is easy to miss the larger picture of what is happening here right now: it is no exaggeration to say these events are prophetic and historic.”
          ". . . .in August (2023), Oren, a teacher from Tiferet Yeshua, shared a prophetic word with the congregation leadership. Last year, Oren gave an amazingly accurate word before the October 7th massacre: it was a great help and comfort to us when we were reeling in fear and confusion after the attack." Read in full online
     As we write this, we know that Israel is planning a major strike against Iran. According to the encouraging word we have received, please pray with us that: God would grant us a decisive and miraculous victory over Iran just as He has done with Hezbollah | He would bring a swift and decisive resolution to the wars in Gaza and Lebanon | All the hostages held in Gaza would be released…. At the same time, our soldiers are still engaged in fierce battles in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon, and every week there are losses. We all have friends and loved ones who are on the front lines risking their lives daily to win this war: please pray with us.

Israeli Messianic commentator Cookie Schwaeber-Issan is published every day of the week in Israel and well worth paying attention to her columns. Some recent ones: Kamala Harris said what? | There is a price to pay for a terror-free world | A Middle East Makeover: Let’s start with Ayatollah Khamenei | Warning to America: Your days of freedom are numbered | Most Americans are completely unaware of what is happening right under their nose, especially if they live in a quiet, country setting where not much has changed over the last 30 years. The thought that thousands of well-placed Palestinians who, seemingly came to live on their shores for a better life, but who, in reality, are plotting a takeover, seems like the stuff of conspiracy theories. Continue reading online AND PLEASE take the time to read the comments as well!
Donna:  Let me encourage you to also read A New York Post article that nicely dovetails what Cookie’s Warning above tells Americans: Published 10/22/2024 How Iran-Hamas’ deadly alliance was born — in America by Lorenzo Vidino and Lara Burns. Let me tell you, Lara Burns knows of what she writes in this piece. I had many hours of watching Special Agent Lara Burns as the chief government witness to enter FBI documentation of the networked development of Hamas representatives across the United States. Burns was the chief govt witness in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation trial that ended in mistrial when it was shown there was a false tally reported to the judge of how the jury voting. When the government re-tried the case in 2008 – despite all of the “experts” saying they wouldn’t be able to get convictions so why bother? — all five of the HLF defendants were convicted on all remaining counts and imprisoned in Super Max prisons.

God listens to what we tell Him we want out of our walk
By Donna Diorio 

October 21, 2024: Somewhere around 1990 I spent a year doing a personal study of why Christians failed the Jews during and as the Nazi's were rising in Germany. I just started reading books at my library, and let them springboard me into other books I could order. That went on for a literal 12-month period. I was also in a Jewish discussion group out of Georgetown University where I also was able to talk with some on the subject and get other recommended reading. That is how I found Eberhard Bethge's biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.     A "beast" of a book at 993 pages, at many points I remember lying in my bed reading it with adrenaline pumping. It had me on the edge of my seat reading about how desperately he tried to awaken the Christian world what has happening with Hitler and the Nazi party. No one wanted to listen. They preferred their peaceable endeavors. Bonhoeffer, respected as he was, but considered overwrought in his warnings. 
     God listens to what we tell Him we want out of our walk apparently, because at that time I told God if the time ever came in my life time as it had in Bonhoeffer's that I wanted to be a Bonhoeffer. I didn’t want to be a Christian asleep to the dangers that were afoot and #1 especially not a Christian who was deceived about the Jewish people - failing them and even worse I believe, failing the Jews in the faith of Jesus.
     I had just in the remaining years of the 1980's learned that there were many Messianic Jews in existence. I knew them mostly online, from the internet of the day, Bulletin Boards and groups like I was involved in with the Georgetown university discussion groups.
     Those were critical learning years for me, and then with the discovery of 'real live' Messianic Jews in my town, I began on the learning curve of what is Messianic Judaism. It is a steep learning curve and many Christians get lost down 'rabbi trails' but for me, I discovered Israeli Messianic Jews and suddenly my focus narrowed to them and what it means to be "one new man" in Messiah. 
     The first real revelation God showed me about them was from the apostle Paul’s teaching that it was the Christians’ DUTY to minister to the financial/material support of Messianic Jews in Israel. Romans 15:27 Paul tells the Christians in Rome that “Macedonia and Achaia” were making a SPECIFIC contribution for the poor (financially distress) saints (holy believers) which are at Jerusalem.
     Ro 15:27 It pleased them truly; and their DEBTORS they are. For if the Gentiles/Christians have been made partakers of their Messianic Jewish spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal/material, financial needs.
     Paul did NOT teach Christians that they needed to fund the Sanhedrin, the rabbis of traditional Judaism, the rabbinic schools or any other group who were NOT IN THE FAITH OF JESUS among those living in Israel.
     God has mightily used Christian goodwill toward the entire Jewish people and the nation of Israel - but now Christians have no discernment whatsoever about who to financially support in Israel. It has NEVER changed from the days Paul was teaching the Gentile churches to send donations to the BELIEVERS in Israel. That is exactly why Paul had to go to Jerusalem that last time, even knowing he was going to be arrested if he did. He had a mission from God to set the example of Christian donations to the BELIEVERS in Israel.
     I have devoted the last 25 years of my life to the same cause, no matter what it has cost me along the way or will cost me in the future. God listens to what we want our lives to be about, and I'm positive He heard my heart cry at the end of reading Dietrich Bonhoeffer's story.

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