Friday, October 18, 2024

Arrows 10/18/24 We Are Family: One New Man

Laura Hackett-Park, one of IHOP-KC’s most powerfully anointed worship leaders, led the Million Women into the LORD’s Presence before communion at the Rise event held on the Mall in Washington, D.C., October 12th.  For me Laura’s worship was the high point of the event…even though I listen to Laura probably five days a week on the IHOP Global Prayer online feed. I cannot listen to her without tears streaming down my face and being ushered into God’s Presence.  I so relate to what she says in her 20:26 minute musical film The Secret Place featuring her worship music “Shalom,” “Yeshua Messiah,” “You Must Increase,” and “Anointed One.”

We are
“one new man”
Christians can only be grafted into
saved israel
’s olive tree
by Donna Diorio

This past weekend there was a big event was held on the Mall in Washington, D.C. called Million Women Rise called by Lou Engle, a man who has been rallying prayer for many years. The main purpose was for the believer women to come together to repent for the sins of Americans and to cry out for God to move in bringing His righteousness back to the United States. Many sincere hearts flooded the Mall grounds.
     There was a strong representation of Messianic Jewish believers at this event including prayers at the very beginning acknowledging our need to stand with Israel and to raise up a million Esther’s praying for Israel. Lou Engle encouraged the audience to become watchman on the wall by signing up with an organization of unsaved Jews to lead Christians to pray for Israel. These are Jews who have no intention of accepting Messianic Jews who believe in Jesus, and their prayers will never reflect that priority desire of God’s heart.  That is the exact opposite of what this email encourages: Prayer Requests from the Israeli Ministries who are reaching Israelis with the Gospel and welcoming them into Yeshua’s salvation.
     Then Michelle Bachman introduced a video from Yael Eckstein who made an appeal for Christians to give to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews to stand with the Jewish people . . . ignoring the reality that God wants salvation for Jews by faith in Yeshua/Jesus.  It is easy to listen to the appeals of Yael Eckstein and to forget completely that she is not a believer in Jesus . . .and she is in fact opposed to Jews coming to faith in the LORD.
     It was devastating to me to see her face come up in this event.  I didn’t watch it live, but fast-forwarding through later. Immediately after the IFCJ pitch for Christian donations, Lou Engle spoke about how it came to be that the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews funded the Million Women event.  Three months prior to the event they did not have money to fund it. That’s when Engle got a call from a man he knew in seminary who presented the IFCJ offer to fund the event. And why not? The million dollars given by IFCJ would be a seed-money investment that would bring millions in Christian donations into IFCJ coffers.  Afterwards at Ché Ahn’s church in Pasadena, CA, Engle must have told the story because a couple came forward to give a matching donation of a million dollars.
     Now, like Lou Engle thought, you might be thinking, ‘Well that proves it was of God, or they wouldn’t have received $2 million to do the event.’  I do not think that way. I think it was temptation testing: would he take funding from a source that opposes the Gospel to Jews in order to fund his event – a group that is frankly, stealing Christian donations that ought to be going to support the Israeli ministries who are sharing the Gospel, as well as significant humanitarian work throughout the land of Israel.
     In my view, there is no way that could be God’s will to steal from the body of Yeshua/Jesus in Israel the precious resources that help them help their people in the name of Israel’s Messiah.
I don’t care what anyone thinks about me saying this, it was wrong.  It was also wrong that I got an appeal email the very next morning from Lou Engle encouraging me again to contribute to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. I believe this is a disastrous mistake – disastrous for Israeli ministries at such a critical time when Israelis are searching for the answers & open to hear the Gospel.  
     It is past time for Christians to quit being so loosey-goosey about who we are spiritually related to in Israel. Our family line is in Israel are in the faith of Yeshua/Jesus. We advocate for Israel, but we financially support those who are carrying the Gospel to their fellow-Israelis, not those who Paul said are “enemies of the Gospel.”
     In one of the two Israel Mandate conferences I attended at the IHOP-Kansas City back in the early 2000’s, Asher Intrater made a point that I have never forgotten: He said that Christians were trying to be grafted into unsaved Israel. It is clear from Scripture that is as God sees it, the only way we are grafted into Israel is when we are grafted into the saved Remnant of Israel. God is uniting us because He is creating a spiritual family God. That is what Ephesians 2:15 is about. We are being brought together with each other in these last days because it is God’s vision to make His family by joining together “one new man” by faith in Yeshua/Jesus.
     The olive tree we are grafted into is made up only of individuals saved by faith in Yeshua. That is also why the “Israel Mandate” of ALL the body of Messianic Jewish citizens in Israel is to BE a witness and testimony to all the Jews God is bringing back to Israel for the clear purpose of spiritual restoration. Israel is not just about the physical restoration of the State of Israel; God wants to spiritually restore the Jews by faith to Israel’s Messiah Yeshua – Jesus, as Christians know Him.
     We are way past the time for Christians to be wise about how God wants them to support Israel so that “all Israel” shall be saved. Let’s make it our priority to pray for leaders like Lou Engle and many others who were on the platform that day (and many internationally that weren’t) to have a quickening understanding from God to know the difference in how we love and advocate for the Jewish people, without throwing the Jewish remnant of faith under the bus. Especially Israeli Messianic Jews need us to come alongside to fulfill their calling – and to fulfill our dream of the last days harvest, we need them.
     It is a major failure to believe God wants Christian donations sent to the Israeli enemies of the Gospel instead of Yeshua’s faithful Messianic believer ministries and congregations. 
I want to add one thing: in no way am I calling out Lou Engle trying to ostracize him, or to make light of his long significant contributions especially in generating prayers for the body. We ALL make mistakes in our journey with God. That is why Yeshua emphasized our forgiveness of each other. His parable in Matthew 18 gives a strong warning against the consequences to believers for unforgivness. But because this action of endorsing from an international platform the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews as a good place for Christians to plant financial seed in Israel, it is imperative that Lou Engle be called out publicly about it. This is not something that can be quietly spoken of behind closed doors because of all the Christians who took Engle’s word for it and will now fund the “enemies of the Gospel” in Israel. That must be turned around, so someone has to address it.  

As in the natural, so in the spiritual
Read Cookie Schwaeber-Issan’s Jerusalem Post 10/18/2024
Western naiveté is undermining Israel's fight for survival

Arrows from Zion                                                         
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Arni Klein of Emmaus Way writes about the “familiar part of our sanctification process” quoting from Luke 21:31-32, “And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail.…’” He sees that when we are sifted, it feels like it is merely demonic attack when really “We are in a season of sifting.”
     We don’t imagine most of you are or have gone through what all of Israel is going through. Words alone cannot truly convey the experience. First comes the natural and then the spiritual. Sifting is designed to separate the precious from the worthless. When God passes our life through the Holy Spirit’s strainer, things become visible we didn’t realize were there, bringing a measure of grief, sorrow, possibly shame, conviction, and hopefully repentance. It’s very uncomfortable and absolutely necessary. (We need to note that friends from the Ukraine are here whose experience, in the natural, is well beyond ours. They have not had running water for two years and their city is still being bombed. Yet in the midst of it all, they continue to serve the Lord and lead a thriving congregation.)
     Satan asked permission to sift Peter. The Lord said yes. He didn’t have to. While Satan’s desire was to destroy Peter’s faith, Yeshua’s purpose was other. … The enemy sought to make Peter feel unfit to continue as an emissary of the Lord. In light of this, Yeshua made a point to let Peter know that He had prayed for him. In effect, it let him know that despite all the personal failings he was about to behold, Peter was still accepted and valued by God. It was a needed measure of grace for what he was about to confront in himself…. Without despising the nature of our old man, there will be no death to self and thereby no true resurrection life.
     “Many consider that the Laodicean Church represents where we are today. They were deceived concerning their true state of being. They truly truly had no clue as to where they were. Yeshua’s words to them were scathing…. As much as we recoil from being rebuked and chastened, it is one of the more dramatic demonstrations of God’s love. Yeshua said, “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten” (Rev.3:19). David knew this and wrote how he loved God’s judgments (Ps.19:9-10). Encounters like this are a critical part of our preparation for what lies ahead, that we might say with Yeshua, “The ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me” (Jn.14:30).
     “As we pray for God to open the eyes of unbelieving Israel and the nations, we need be aware that the removal of Israel’s blindness is connected to, if not dependent on, the awakening of the believing Church (see Rom.11:25).” 

From Tikkun Global ministries, much needed teaching from Ariel Blumenthal’s VIDEO study of The Full Gospel of Romans: He outlines 3 major paradigms of this prophetic fulfillment, and it is vital that these remain our guide to understanding Scripture: the chosen remnant; the One New Man ecclesia of Jew and Gentile; and Ultimate Fullness of all of God’s promises—leading up to and being fulfilled at Yeshua’s 2nd Coming.  The Fullness Formula: God’s Word to Israel and the Nations TogetherNOT ALL ISRAEL IS ISRAEL  Part 2 “the fulfillment of His covenant promises can always be found among a remnant within physical Israel.  And second, His glorious plan to include a remnant from every tribe, tongue and nation on equal footing with the Jewish believers”
     Article by Asher Intrater on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech at the United Nations:  Netanyahu’s “Blessing and Curse” Challenge
    VIDEO Sukkot and the Ekklesia | Also Asher Intrater writes a summary view of what God is picturing in the Sukkot Feast of the Tabernacles – namely joining together Messianic Jews and Christian who are IN Yeshua/Jesus as “one new man” – God’s own family. 
     Israelis Seeking God | by Kosta Bikesh | “...fear, isolation and trauma are forcing Israelis to look for answers to existential questions; and many are looking to the New Testament. Here at Tiferet Yeshua, seekers and new believers reach out to us regularly.
     BOOK: RISE by Brigitte Gabriel

Avner Boskey, David’s Tent –another well-documented education on international politics impacting Israel and the spiritual forces behind it in Military Witchcraft. “….“. . . .The Hebrew prophet Daniel was granted prophetic insight into the inner spiritual machinations behind superpower struggles in his day. The angel Gabriel informed him in Daniel 10:10-21 that a demonic principality, the Prince of the kingdom of Persia, was actively seeking the destruction of the Jewish people – as seen in that Prince’s mortal combat with the Archangel Michael (who bears the Jewish portfolio in the angelic realm; see Daniel 12:1), as well as in Haman’s genocidal attempt to wipe out Mordecai and his people.
     This demonic prince still exists, influencing the thoughts and the political and military strategies of the Islamic Republic of Iran…. The gnarled arm of the Prince of Persia has reached out across the oceans, seducing American Presidents and diplomats with its malevolent spiritual influence. Former POTUS Obama was waylaid by these deceptions, re-aligning American policy to make diplomatic compromises with Iran by developing strategic links with the Shi’ite terror dictatorship. Barak Obama was determined to avoid full-scale confrontation with Iran, and instead granted it a political-military truce through practical immunity for Iran’s nuclear weapons program. America’s diplomatic addiction to bribing and appeasing Iran is now manifest to the entire planet.”
     The current administration “are continually leaking to the press that the US Administration is forbidding Israel from striking at Iran’s nuclear weapons installations – which are an existential threat to both the Jewish state and to pro-Western Gulf Arabs…. Tragically, American diplomacy and its military leadership are wholeheartedly devoted to the goal of not threatening Tehran…. Spiritual warfare in the Middle East has caused ugly cataracts to form on the American eagle’s formerly razor-sharp eyes.” Read more online click title

Always a delight to hear from Rachel Netanel, who combines breaking natural bread and spiritual bread in her home has made it a magnet for Israeli groups to visit – “In the last 3 weeks only, we had 190 non-believers enter our home. Many come from cities like, Haifa, Ashkelon and Tel Aviv. At my age, I don’t go to share the Gospel on the streets anymore, but God performs miracles and brings them to my door.”
People come, are treated to great hospitality over a meal, then she shares her testimony, answers questions, and engages her visitors to plant seed in them of the Gospel. Many ask if they can come back to talk more, many bring their tour groups (Israelis) or fellow soldiers – young and old, religious or secular are finding an unusual friend who professes Yeshua. This report Rachel tells of an 80-year old politician and professor that she has been a witness to for the last 20 years. When he visited her this time, she challenged him that at 80 he still needed “the day of salvation.” He agreed with her and with tears in his eyes he prayed with her for salvation by faith in Yeshua. Praise the LORD. He exclaimed, Today I was born anew!”  Hallelujah!  This is but one of the encounters she related. Always uplifting to read. 

Evan Santoro, station manager of ShelanuTV (see English site), which is streaming the Gospel from Israeli Ministries 24/7 in Hebrew, writes about how the Israeli Messianic ministries are well aware that what is happening in Israel has “Biblical significance and Israel’s role in the end times is huge. In fact, as believers, we know this is the reason so much of the world is coming against us. God has a perfect plan that will come to fruition in His perfect timing, but Satan also has a plan. His plan is to postpone the return of Yeshua the Messiah….. In order to postpone his ultimate demise, Satan is throwing all that he has at Israel.  As Satan tries his best to snatch the souls of the Jewish nation, we at Shelanu TV are here to stand as a beacon of light during these perilous times…. At Shelanu TV, we will continue to shine this light to the nation of Israel! As we reach out across the web, our message is being heard! The numbers of views, responses, and requests for New Testaments continue to grow monthly. We are excited!  We thank you all for all your prayers and support. Your help comes at an extremely urgent time for this nation.
     Among just 3 of the testimonies Evan shares this month, one is of an ongoing interaction with a religious Jerusalemite who serves in the IDF and is “very interested in Yeshua.” The man has been drawn by the testimonies he has viewed on ShelanuTV and wants to feel God and know He is real as he has heard some testify! This is a powerful thing he said that is drawing him to the Truth of Yeshua. Pray for him and for Yeshua to show Himself real to this man. There are other encouraging things happening at Shelanu …things you can be a part of investing in  Donate here.  View English website To make contact:

Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel (Ashdod congregation) and Voice of Judah outreach ministry writes “There’s an unmistakable sense of urgency in the air right now here in Israel. With everything going on, the war expanding and Israel fighting enemies on every front, we are witnessing history in the making, as well as biblical prophecies coming to pass before our very eyes. The time to bring the message of salvation to the people of Israel is now.” Read more in Not Ashamed of the Gospel - Sukkot Evangelism Outreach | Also WATCH as Pastor Israel explains what Sukkot means: Yeshua’s Kingdom on Earth | Plus VIDEO & Article Bringing Relief to Families on Israel’s Northern Border | Read a Ukranian immigrant’s incredible story of God’s protection over his life as he made the decision to leave for Israel ONE DAY BEFORE the war started.

Sally Shiff writing from Kfar Saba, intercessor with the HaMaayan congregation, writes on Sukkot “Did you know YOU are supposed to be a part of this wonderful Feast???  "And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain."  (Zechariah 14:16-17).
    Then came Sally’s email later:  SINWAR IS DEAD The body suspected to be the architect of the October 7 massacre, and chief nazi of Hamas, was transferred to the Israeli forensics lab and tested for DNA. . . .The body was found to have on its possession large amounts of cash and several fake passports, as did the other 2 men eliminated in the strike. It is possible that the Hamas leader was in the Rafah area in an attempt to get to Egypt through an undiscovered tunnel by our forces. THIS is why Israel must control the border area (Philadelphia corridor), and why the US, Egypt and global powers did everything they could to keep the IDF away from Rafah and the border area…. there was no intelligence on his location and no planned strike. There was a faithful warrior of the Israel Defense Forces who identified 3 nazis and eliminated them with one strike. 
     Netanyahu has instructed the IDF to reassure the families of hostages that there were no hostages in the area of the strike.

Claude & Michelle Ezagouri of the Morning Star Fellowship in Tiberias write about the many rockets being fired in their area making life more difficult in their area: “Thousands of inhabitants do not have a secure space in their house and in most cases the nearest shelter is too far to get to in case of an attack. We have only 30 seconds to get under cover. Two weeks ago we had to cancel the Sabbath physical meeting so we met by Zoom for prayer. On the whole we are trying to keep our regular meetings on schedule but it is not always easy. Of course we are encouraged in the Lord and this is a test of faith for the whole Body of Messiah in the land.” Asking especially forprayers for the teenagers in the fellowship. … They need fellowshipping together and we are somehow limited right now because of the rocket attacks. Please pray that they will continue in the faith and that contact with them will not be severed. Pray for our teens’ leader Versavia.” To try to make it easier for the teens to meet together they are considering purchasing a room adjacent to their building – but due to blocking by anti-Messianic influences, ask for prayer that they reach a decision based on God’s perfect will.

 Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center writes about an amazing thing that happened on their Yom Kippur  Altar of Prayer  Zoom call when “some Lebanese Christians join us, and they told us how they have been praying for the IDF, and they hope that they would help set them free from the tyranny of Hezbollah in their region. ALSO, he said that this war is causing some Hezbollah fighters to question if the God of Israel is the true God!! We truly only see a glimpse of what is going on, as God sees the bigger picture. As such, please pray that God would bless the Lebanese Christian communities and for their safety, protection, wisdom, and discernment in this season of war.
     10/17 Chaim also offered what to read during the Feast of Tabernacles: There are some beautiful key scriptures that will be read this week, such as Psalms 113 - 118. These are Psalms of rejoicing and thanksgiving that will be often read daily. Also the book of Ecclesiastes is read on the shabbat that falls within the 7 days of Sukkot….as it is a reminder of how life on earth is fleeting and how earthly pleasure and possessions never last.

From the Tel Aviv Tiferet Yeshua congregation led by Gil & Tamar Afrait, their awareness that now is the time to be Doing His Works while it is still day …. The darkness is gathering around us, just like the Bible foretells would happen before Yeshua’s return. Until that time, Yeshua admonished His followers to continue to work while there is still light. Reaching our people with the Gospel, building the body of Messiah in Tel Aviv and helping the needy in our city has always been the focus of Tiferet Yeshua Congregation, but our desire to do His work has only intensified this last year, as we feel the time of Yeshua’s return quickly approaching… Read More online | You have a critical part in God’s plan of salvation for the Jewish people – salvation that will bring “life from the dead” for the world according to the Apostle Paul. Your partnership, prayers and support allow us to labor while it is still day – labor that we cannot do on our own. … Yeshua is coming back, and we have work to do! Will you join us in this important task? Donate Today

From Youval & Valerie Yanay of Revive Israel they write since Oct 7, 2023, “We have been at war ever since, and our hearts are heavy. We ask that you lift up our people in your prayers – that their hearts would be softened and turn towards God during this difficult time. In the midst of this, we are also seeing the fruits of your prayers. We are excited to share that we have a new participant registered for our winter program, with two others currently considering joining.
Are you God's Shofar? | by Tal Haroni |  The shofar is a powerful metaphor for our spiritual journey as believers. God takes us when we are “full of ourselves”—filled with pride, ego, and selfish desires—and leads us through a process of emptying ourselves. Like the hollowed horn, we must empty ourselves of fleshly desires so that God can breathe His Spirit into us. Only then can we be His shofar, His voice on earth, proclaiming His message of salvation and hope...Read more online
Blowing the Shofar | 10/18 Let Us Make Three Tabernacles | by Tal Haroni | The beautiful festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) reminds us of a profound truth: We have no permanent home here on this earth.

From  Kobi and Shani Ferguson of Maoz ministries send this powerful message:
Sinwar and his human sacrifices | Have you ever had a special holiday ruined by a life altering event and wondered how you would ever be able to celebrate on that day again? …. This year, as Sukkot rolled around again … many Israelis struggled emotionally when building their sukkah (temporary structure) as it brought back so many difficult memories. The question was, would we ever come to this last day of celebration and feel anything but fear and pain? Was God’s Feast forever tainted in our minds? Then yesterday, on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles - Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader and mastermind of the October 7th attacks was eliminated.
There was no intelligence of his location, no special forces present. No man planned the event. In fact, the soldiers (who were in the middle of a training course) who fired the deadly shots didn’t find out until the next day that of the three terrorists they targeted in a building in Rafah, one was the murderous head of Hamas…. the timing felt symbolic as we will come full circle to the last day of this week-long holiday with our sworn enemy no longer able to hurt us.
     Among the challenges of eliminating Sinwar this past year were the rumors that he surrounded himself with hostages for his protection. But this strategy wasn’t new. Before Sinwar had 250 hostages at his disposal, he always kept children near him when he was in public….
     You’ve likely heard of the term "human shields" in discussions about Hamas’ tactics of avoiding attacks from Israel? However, this term doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what is really happening. Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t just using their civilians for protectionthey are intentionally using their deaths as a weapon  [DD – a weapon with great propaganda value with international politics and even among Christians naïve about the depth of evil in these terror groups]
     As the war against Israel and the West rages on, understanding this ingenious strategy is crucial. Stay informed, and let’s look together beyond the headlines.
     DD: There is MUCH MORE to this article online: Read or listen to this month's Maoz Israel Report!

From the Galilee Plant Hope Israel ministry, Jennifer Guetta minds us that Sukkot/ The Feast of Tabernacles we celebrate the great harvest and God’s goodness and it is also a reminder of Psalm 23 where it says He will set a table before us in the middle of our enemies. Though 7 enemies are coming against Israel from all sides, we put our trust in Him and He will take care of Israel. 
     Succoth and Prophecy | Succoth is also the feast where we celebrate the wedding feast of the Messiah and prophetically it symbolizes His kingdom on earth. And one day all the nations will come and celebrate Succoth in Jerusalem (Zachariah 14) and the Lord's Spirit will be poured out like rivers of living water, making the desert bloom.
     Succoth: The Coming Harvest | Succoth is also the feast of the last harvest. This year Plant Hope Israel sowed into Israel by publishing and distributing our testimony throughout the land. We are praying for a great harvest of souls to come to a personal relationship with Yeshua! Please pray for a great revival in Israel. Israel needs the light and hope of Messiah now more than ever. And may there be a great harvest this year!
     Succoth Offering | During this special time, we want to ask you to help us bring in the harvest and be a light for Israel. Times are hard, and we have many expenses for the ministry and therefore we ask for a special Succoth harvest donation from the nations for Israel. . . the most important thing right now is to give the people hope and let them know that their God is real and that Yeshua is alive and has a plan for Israel. Can you help us bring in the harvest? donation info page

Thank you for
supporting my work each week bringing these important prayer requests from our brothers & sisters ministering in Israel.  —Donna Diorio

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