Saturday, April 27, 2024

"Do Not Be Afraid To Be Different"


Jerusalem, 2005 Was a pivotal 2nd visit to Israel for me.
It is part of my "prophetic history"

This morning I was writing to a friend who is in ministry in Israel currently in the United States. We were to meet but the chaos of these past few weeks in my household with caring for Tony as he is doing tests that may lead to his 4th spine surgery kept that from happening. Then over the past 24-hours exchanging some mutual experience with a friend of a friend on Facebook, it occurred to me that there are many even among the Israeli Ministries who don't really know much about me. I thought parts of the conversation I was having with both of these folks would be good to assemble together to let anyone who cares to know what my story is. 

Even though I believe I share in the spiritual warfare of the body in Israel, it is in the ways the attacks happen here in the US, not in Israel. So far. I believe that is about to change. I have always looked at Christians who seemed not to have the kind of spiritual wrestling that I have most of the time. Part of that is God working Egypt out of me, but I also do see it as part of the territory for standing with Israeli ministries as I do. I have pretty much identified with being over-looked and under-estimated in my 40-year walk and it's a combination of my wilderness experience and my choice to align with God's plans for the salvation of Israel.

On Facebook I was having a conversation with one of Dan Juster's friends in Virginia about the campus antisemitism origins. What I shared also explains some of my history.

When I was in Israel in 2005, part of Eitan Shishkoff's Baruch Haba tour, I attended a morning prayer session at Asher Intrater's house just outside of Jerusalem. In that meeting I received two important prophecies. One was from Asher who spoke that my words would be like "arrows from Zion" and when I returned to Dallas, I expanded my Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries to a 2nd elist called Arrows from Zion, a shorter version of the Weekly Summary. As time has gone on I have put Arrows mostly in my own words, adding things I know about the Israeli ministries that give my subscribers a more in-depth understanding of who they are, what their ministries are about and other things that should impact with greater understanding of what they are all about.

Martha & David Stern, Jerusalem 2005

The second prophecy I got in that meeting at Asher's was from Martha, the wife of David Stern. It was the first time I had met her, but I David Stern was the first Messianic Jew I had ever met. It was back in the late 1980's (maybe early 1990's) when I saw he would be speaking at Christ for the Nations. I had to meet him and made arrangements to do so. Where David was a quiet introverted person, his wife Martha is the opposite. She is outgoing and vivacious. They were a great match. Anyway, Martha also prophesied over me in that 2005 meeting at Asher's. It was a prophecy that I have also cherished because she spoke to me in the name of the Lord, "Do not be afraid to be different." It was right on and honestly, it still is right on because I have had a hard time finding out where I fit. Asher once told me not to worry about that because I fit with them. I took that to heart. I fit with the Israeli ministries even though I am far away from them.

One of the things that makes me different from many of my fellow Christian Israel-supporters is that pretty much from the beginning of seeking out the Lord drawing me to first Israel, then the Israeli believer ministries, I was drawn to know more about the forces of Islamic terrorism that was such an important impact on Israel. That seeking began to grow in me from 1993 on.  

I worked for Zola Levitt the year before 9/11 and Zola and I were both hot on the local Hamas chapter who were intimidating a local reporter at the Dallas Morning News because he alerted on them and went all the way to Israel to get the linkage to Hamas that they had. Very threatening stuff which the newspaper bowed to with all kinds of sensitivity training b.s. So Zola and I had several meetings with the Editorial Board & other higher ups at the paper, but we could never convince them what the real issue was. Then the ministry decided I would be better off just opening donations and not being involved with Zola on any actual real projects that were in my wheelhouse. So I gave my resignation and immediately started my Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries. That was mid-August 2001. Weeks later 9/11. and the Bush administration finally moved in on the Hamas group that Zola and I had been trying to enlighten DMN about.

In 2007 and 2008 I attended both 8-week trials held for the Holy Land Foundation Five and the evidence informed me well about where this campus antisemitism has been cultivated from by Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in North America.

Earlier someone posted a definition of "cult" writing that "Cult, which shares an origin with culture and cultivate, comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from "tilling, cultivation" to "training or education" to "adoration."

My response: The cultivate and culture really speaks to me. No matter what anyone else has concluded campus antisemitism stems from, they are wrong. It has been carefully cultivated in American culture.

 In 2007 and 2008 I attended the Holy Land Foundation trials in Dallas.  That is where I first learned about how the Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood in North America planned in the Fall of 1993 how to cultivate first 
CAMPUS ANTISEMITISM in the US and how they would also cultivate it in political and media circles at the same time. This strategy meeting charted the course for everything we are seeing today.

HLF were fronting as a charity but raising funds for Hamas to be able to buy the allegiance of citizens on the street - supplying them with things, and schools where they indoctrinated even the kindergarten children with hatred of Jews and Israel. This freed up more of their money for paying for terrorism and stockpiling weapons.

Part of the evidence presented were FBI recordings of the North American Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood strategy meetings in Fall of 1993 on how to flip the United States (and North America) from support of Israel to support of Palestinians - even the Hamas terrorists. They discussed how they would connect on campuses with others who had a beef against the US, like Black groups whose chant, 'No justice no peace' was specifically mentioned in the transcripts.

They played the long game, and now here we are, in the fulfillment of their strategies. They are a cult and they have cultivated culture to cheer murderers and rapists and terrorists. Copies of the FBI transcripts entered into evidence in those trials are online...and also buried in the HLF trial evidence on the Dallas Federal Court website.

....within a week after 9/11 there was a Muslim student's night on the campus of UT at Arlington that I went to. The building was filled with hostile Islamists and two of the speakers were from a town across from the Pentagon who regaled the crowd with going to the roof of their building to see the Pentagon burning and how they celebrated. It was so bold. They kept talking about FBI people there to spy on them but it didn't tamp down their bold hatred of us spilling out anyway.

There are so many useful idiots in the D.C. political power. Even when George W Bush pushed forward the HLF pursuit after 9/11 he was persuaded by his advisor Karen Hughes to tamp down any blame for 9/11 to Islamists in the US. They of course did not have anything to do with that specific attack, but at that juncture we sure could have had a serious conversation about the radical Islamists in this country who were working every day against us and have now grown into this major domestic threat we are seeing coming out of the closet right now.

Dan Juster just chimed in on that last point: "Note they refused to name the real danger, Islamic fascism or Islamism. So we had a war on terrorism, a nebulous idea and would not name the enemy. Like refusing to name German Nazis as the center of the war. When you can not name the enemy accurately you are weak in the fight against it because it is an ideology."

We are in for rough days ahead as North American Islamists take this opportunity to create trouble in the US as the have in England and most of Europe. We are at the door of increased violence on the streets, not just the campuses, and many American Jews will see it is time to get to Israel.

My last thought on this, where spiritual warfare meets the road in physical warfare, most American Christians have not given it much thought at all. They live in a spiritual bubble and their spiritual warfare is more personal, less "Somebody wants to kill me!'

I believe that is about to change in America, I don't relish the thought of it, but I learned back in attending the HLF trials that those people were threatening towards me and anything could happen...but God.

One day in the 2007 trial I was going down the elevator of the Federal Building with the prosecutors and FBI. One of the FBI women asked me if I wasn't afraid of what they might do to me because she said when she went out running every morning, her head was on a swivel watching for potential attack because of her association with their prosecution. At that time I was putting out weekly prayer paints on the trial and regularly commenting about the trial in the Dallas Morning News comments box. The Islamists knew it and sought many times to intimidate me at the court house, even one of the defendants - the half-brother of Hamas' Senior leader Ismail Haniyah, as a matter of fact. They took my picture with their cell phones, I overheard them talking about me in the hallways. Many such things. I had fear (because I'm not stupid!) but I kept going. 

I think God drawing me from 1993 on when I saw the first newspaper clipping that the FBI acknowledged knowing Hamas as fundraising in the US, just may be part of what Martha Stern prophesied over me a couple of years before the first HLF trial. In the beginning I thought it was only     because I majored on the Israeli Messianic ministries, not like anyone else that I ever saw supporting Israel.

Both of those things inform my spiritual life, my warfare, and my determination before God. It doesn't make for the most chipper, encourager believer you ever will encounter, but it doesn't mean I am spiritually lacking either. I am a spiritual realist. 

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