Monday, March 25, 2024

Candace Owens versus Ben Shapiro

Have you heard about the spat between political commentators at Daily Wire, Christian Candace Owens and Jewish Ben Shapiro? Daily Wire just severed Owens and you need to know what that is about.
First let me explain that I like Candace Owens and believe she has a lot of good ideas in her political commentary. Same goes for Ben Shapiro. But this split has been brewing for quite a while and here is the main reason: Candace is one of those Christians who does not have a clue that God has a continuing love and purpose for Israel: "all Israel shall be saved."
Ben Shapiro is also among the Jews that the veil over his eyes blinding him to seeing Yeshua (Jesus) is really Israel's Messiah. Now the position of most Jews in that spiritual place is: 'Don't cram Jesus down my throat! I'm a Jew.'
Candace has been making comments that antagonize Jews incredibly for quite a while. Her latest "Christ is king" that set off Shapiro is not the first conflict between them. Now what she said sounds fine to most Christians, but Candace walks with Jews without understanding ANYthing about them or God's plans for them. So she experiences them as unduly antagonistic towards her, and has her mind blown when they tell her she is being "antisemitic." She doesn't mean to sound antisemitic but she is.
There is a clash between Christianity and Jews who have not yet recognized that Yeshua is Jewish and and is infact the Messiah of Israel. Christians know Jesus as "Christ" and not as His original and primary identity, Israel's hope: the Messiah, King of Israel.
Yesterday, when I discovered the first article on the Roy's Report investigation of Mike Bickle and IHOP, I was kind of amazed that she included that article by a Jewish author who was incensed against the 21-days of Fasting and Prayer for Israel's Salvation. I was amazed because I know it is the spiritual trigger against Bickle and IHOP, but I was amazed Roy's included it in among all sexual-accusation stuff.
As someone who has been intimately aware of the antagonism that Christians provoke in Jews for the past three decades, I know this is in part unavoidable. First, because most Christians don't know what God's end game with Israel really is, and second because of the history of Christian persecution of Jews, they have about zero tolerance of that at this point.
Over the years I have watched even Christians who support Israel and give generously to Israeli causes, come out fuming and vitriolic against the Jewish believer community in Israel. This is due to the unsaved Jews telling them: 'We can be best friends, but you must never, never, never speak Jesus to us." These Christians buy into that deal with unsaved Israel because they don't understand that it is God's plan - not man's plan - to bring "all Israel" to faith in Yeshua.
Little by little that is what is happening through the Gospel witness of the Messianic Jewish believers in Israel. . . . and by the intercessions made, like Mike's pointed 21-day Fast & Prayer for the Salvation of Israel (and the opening of Christians blind eyes to God's Plan to do that).
So, don't be drawn into taking sides in the great controversy of Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro. They are BOTH SPIRITUALLY BLIND to God's intentions.


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