Friday, February 14, 2025

Spiritual Warfare in the Body: Malachi 4:5-6

Have you ever wondered what God was referring to as a curse in Malachi 4:5-6 ? I have.

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
I believe the reality of this curse is something spiritual plaguing the body of the LORD right now. There have been two spirits that have turned the hearts of the children against the fathers, and it has become a curse we are dealing with within the body of the LORD. Of course God turning the hearts of the fathers to their children must come first, then God may turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. It will take the prayers of the mothers and the fathers to clear the air with God's intervention.
I am writing about this now because a few days, I found two confirming words (here and here) to what I have been sensing recently, and also what I sensed from the beginning of the attack on IHOP. These confirming words came from videos by prophetic minister Dr Kynan T Bridges.
Kynan Bridges was not on my radar until an American Messianic friend, Ellen Herr, sent me a word he spoke within the past week. It covers a lot of ground but what jumps out at me was him speaking of the Absolom spirit. Now Absolom's name has been dropping into my thoughts for some time. That's it - just the name Absolom.
But over the past days I have watched as a few young, ambitious prophets have decided to follow the lead of the young-ish minister that I have railed on by name over the past weeks.
I should not have been calling RC by name publicly. I have been so angry at his deceptions and part in the things between IHOP and Tikkun. Now I identified it only as a Jezebel spirit working in him, and I believe it still, but I also believe Kynan Bridges' word hit on it strongly about an Absolom spirit because there is so much rebellion against the "old white men" of ministry involved in what he is doing.
As for the young ambitious prophets I have seen following his lead in declaring how they are part of a generational reformation against the "old white men" who have been the spiritual leaders they came up under...well, it is most definitely an Absolom spirit driving that. They want to move into the lead seats of their spiritual peers. Ambition to make a name and establish them as reformers. I even saw one youngish prophetic woman approving one of them saying, "This shift will put an end to the moral failures— because it will cause a true rest to come to many souls that have been striving for place and identity in works not grace and glory'
A shift to an Absolom spirit taking over David's spiritual place will surely not put an end to the moral failures. That is how immaturity speaks. I read this quote from Thomas Sowell as soon as I went to X this morning, "We all enter the world knowing nothing but, by the time we are teenagers, we know it all. Sometimes it is decades later before we know enough to realize how little we know." The same is true in the spiritual realm.
Yesterday I went looking for Kynan Bridges word Ellen sent me earlier in the week. I had posted it but the next day it was marked as Content not shared. This platform slaps that disclaimer on things they remove, not the person who shared it! Well I finally found it but even now it is wrongly dated back to January. He covers other ground, but what leapt out at me most was the rise of the Absolom spirit.
Then I found another one he spoke of about how so many Christians are watching what is going on in the Church right now and have no discernment whatsoever that it is witchcraft. Well I do and that is why I have been calling out the deceptions and lies that sprung up instantly and spread widely as ONE accusation emerged against Mike Bickle and IHOP.
The warfare swirling about that place in the beginning months and lately - well if you have never recognized what happens to a person when that witchcraft is unleashed on you, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Maybe you don't even believe in the Jezebel spirit. Just recently a prominent Messianic teacher put out a book that has led people not to believe the Jezebel spirit is even a real thing. Now they are instead praying against non-existent spirits in ancient "gods and godesses". They think Jezebel is just some woman John mentioned in a church in Revelation. Spiritual warfare is over their heads.
Well Jezebel and Absolom were both people that had similar spirits working in them and their lives demonstrate how those spirits work in flattery, seduction (sexual and non-sexual to win hearts), deceptions, schemes, lies, drawing away the faithfulness for the King to themselves, plots to use anonymous power through others to achieve what they want - which is always to possess what belongs to someone else: more power, more fans, what is not their inheritance by godly succession.
Maybe you don't see it like I do, but that is a huge curse to the body of the Lord for younger generations to be walking in that instead of honoring the fathers because they've decided to know better.
What is the answer to that? I believe the fathers have to see it and deal with it spiritually. I will not presume to say how: God knows how, but it probably involves praying for the in love.
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
PS: When I went on the search for a good graphic for this article I found not only the wonderful art depicting Absolom, but also an excellent resource in Desiree M Mondesire, "Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Jezebel and Absalom." She specializes in spiritual warfare and I will be revisting her blog to read this article in a more concentrated way, and to explore other of her spiritual warfare articles.

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