Friday, November 3, 2023

The Battle is for the Truth


The Battle is for the Truth
by Donna Diorio

I just read a quote I picked out of one of Ron Cantor’s recent emails that said, “It's only normal that donations drop off. The initial shock of what happened on October 7th is dissipating. But the needs are only growing."

     Personally I don't see how it could be normal for donations to be dropping off when the horror has continued to grow. Not only has the horror grown in what Israel is discovering the extent of evil Hamas has inflicted on Jew, but in the nations there is the ripple effect of Israel-haters, Jew-haters coming out in force to intimidate fellow citizens and government officials away from standing with Israel.

     How can Christians in the nations let their interest waiver in what is happening in Israel, or their financial aid to help Israel come to a crawl so quickly?

     Prime Minister Netanyahu when he said, "Brief empathy over the Oct. 7 catastrophe is shifting to a global effort, propelled by Israel-haters and anti-Semites, to deprive us of the right to ensure it will not happen again."

     How easily we are to become wavering, "driven and tossed by the wind."  That has been the problem with so many Christians regarding Israel for decades but worse wavering on God’s love of Israel has deeply turned younger generations of Christians. Instead of supporting Israel so many of their parents have, they have been indoctrinated into the pro-Palestinian movement. This is a movement we have seen storming Grand Central Station and the U.S. House of Representatives. It is not only in the U.S. but in the UK, France, Germany, Russia, Spain and Italy.

     Look at the pictures: these are mostly young people.  In places like the U.S. the young pro-Palestinians (Israel-haters) are college educated, in fact, college campuses are the number one place where young people are indoctrinated and inducted into these groups. They are part of the “social justice” crowd that has aligned with radical Islam's campus indoctrination teams. Being a Christian does not inoculate these young people from becoming enemies of the people God called "the pupil of His eye." Sadly they have no idea how far the devil has led them to the side of rebellion against God!

     Pray for our young people to have a revelation of God's love for Israel, enough that Zechaiah 2:7-9 has God crying out, “Get up, O Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the Daughter of Babylon!” For this is what the LORD of Hosts says: “After His Glory has sent Me against the nations that have plundered you— for whoever touches you touches the apple/pupil of His eye— I will surely wave My hand over them, so that they will become plunder for their own servants. Then you will know that the LORD of Hosts has sent Me.”

     We are very much in the valley of decision in all the nations. Our younger generations, in embracing their peer self-righteousness and social justice definitions, have exalted their sense of justice above the Word of God. Many of us old "Baby Boomers" did the same thing in our youth. I say that as a reminder that despite being gravely wrong, we were rescued from our youthful arrogance and put on the narrow path that knows God's Word is the last word. Therefore we can pray with hope and with faith that God can do a mighty work of recovering these who have become allies with the enemies of God. We can pray in faith they be given spiritual understanding from Heaven that sets them again, or for the first time, on the narrow path He calls us to walk with Him.

     I believe the spiritual warfare on the ground in Israel is a visible manifestation of the invisible war going on in all the nations. The Prime Minister of Israel also recently declared something I believe was prophetic coming out of the mouth of Israel's highest political leader. He said, "This is our 2nd Independence War, humanity’s war against evil." According to a teaching by Asher Intrater last week, Netanyahu also added to that statement, (at the 15:23 mark) “When this war is over, we as a nation will be born again.”

    Indeed the war for Israel's survival is the visible manifestation of the spiritual war against evil. The information war is front and center for both the physical war and the spiritual war.  We are in a spiritual battle for the truth of God to be heard by people…all those people in the valley of decision.

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