Friday, February 14, 2025

Arrows 2025 Feb 14 Grief is the price of Love

Donna Diorio:  In September 2023 I attended a fundraising banquet in Dallas for the Voice of Judah Ministries and Beit Hallel for Israel Pochtar. The event was organized and hosted by Fort Wayne, Indiana Pastor Greg Ranney and his wife Maylynne. Greg served as the Chief Operating Officer for Israel’s Voice of Judah ministries.
     Greg Ranney was a minister who was dedicated to the understanding Paul wrote in Romans 10:14-15 “How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
     Pastor Greg understood that the Israeli ministries today are exactly who these verses are speaking of and that if not for the ministers and believers in Israel, there really is no “preacher” for the Israelis who have not believed in Yeshua. He was committed to God’s cause and in Pastor Israel Pochtar he found an evangelist heart to partner with. From all I observed that hot September evening in 2023, there was great love and friendship between these two men and their families.
     I am highlighting this because
I don’t want any of us to forget how important those from the nations who come alongside the Israeli ministries truly are for the salvation of “all Israel” and for the loving relationships that come from our partnering together in agreement with God desires for us.

Grief is the price of Love
Grief only exists where love lived first
by Voice of Judah

This past year has been a sobering reminder to us here in Israel that no matter how often loss visits, you never truly grow accustomed to it. The pain of losing someone you love never dulls with time or experience—it remains a wound that cuts deep every time.
     A few days ago, Pastor Israel turned 52, a day that should have been filled with celebration. Yet, it was marked by a sorrow he never expected. He received the heartbreaking news that his dear friend, Greg Ranney, had passed away. 
     Greg was more than a friend—he was a man of deep faith, a devoted husband and father, and a faithful supporter of Israel and her people. His love for God and people was unwavering, and his sudden departure left a void that words cannot fill. The weight of this loss was even heavier knowing that Greg’s burial would take place on Pastor Israel’s birthday. 
     Though he found comfort in the assurance that Greg was now in the presence of the Lord, knowing he had fought the good fight, he finished his race and kept the faith, the grief was undeniable. And yet, even in the midst of sorrow, Pastor Israel did what Greg himself would have encouraged him to do—he stepped onto the pulpit and preached. In honoring Greg’s life, he continued in the very mission they both cherished: sharing the love and truth of God’s Word. 
     Then, something unexpected happened. During the service, as the offering was being collected, one of the pastors stepped forward and played a special video—a heartfelt tribute to Pastor Israel’s life and ministry. The congregation had prepared a beautiful surprise, showering him with prayers, words of gratitude, and a celebration of his 52 years of life and service. 
     In that moment, the weight of grief gave way, if only for a little while, to the warmth of love. Joy broke through the sorrow. The embrace of his spiritual family reminded him that he was not alone, that even in pain, God’s faithfulness shines through. 
     His birthday became a day of both mourning and rejoicing—grieving the loss of a beloved friend, yet finding strength in the love of those around him and the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit. What began as a day of sorrow ended with renewed hope, a testament to God’s promise to be near to the brokenhearted. 
     They say grief is the price of love, but perhaps it is also the space where love is most profoundly revealed. In our moments of deepest sorrow, we can lean on the faithfulness of God, trusting that He will bring healing, renewal, and the promise of reunion with those who have gone before us. As Isaiah 61:3 reminds us, He will give us “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.” And in that truth, we find our peace.
     A celebration of life service will be held at First Assembly of God Church, 1400 W. Washington Center Road, Fort Wayne, IN on February 22 at 2:30 p.m. The family kindly requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Voice of Judah Israel. Your gifts will help honor the memory of Greg and support the mission he held so near and dear to his heart.
     Watch here as Pastor Israel shares his heart at the sorrowful news of the loss of a good personal friend and a dear friend to Israel.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

In other ministry news from Pastor Israel and the Beit Hallel congregation Restoring Hope: Partnering in the Miracle of Aliyah | We are living in truly prophetic times. The return of the Jewish people to Israel is not merely a historical event—it is the fulfillment of God's promises spoken through His prophets.| In Case You Missed It Short VIDEO & ARTICLE — Transforming Lives in Israel: The Dream for a New Evangelism and Discipleship Center | Podcast: Daneen’s Journey as a Military Wife in Israel  | Mount Tabor: The Place Where Heaven Touched Earth | WATCH | "There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light." — Matthew 17:2 | On this mountain, Jesus revealed His divine glory.

Eitan Shishkoff, founder of Fields of Wheat, an equipping ministry from the youth of Israeli believing families. Eitan writes about the recently past youth camp that comes with the backdrop of war, and why it is such a necessity to prepare the faith foundation of these young people who will so quickly be of military serve age. The backdrop of war that Israel faces is enough to shake adult believers, how much more must the younger generation be rooted and grounded the things of our faith that are able to carry us through even the darkest of times. Eitan speaks of the funeral just held for a Messianic Jewish IDF soldier who was just laid to rest, killed in battle with Gazan terrorists. That weighs on FOW youth camps. It is not just some place to send the teens for a little recreation, but a spiritual deepening gathering.  Here are two memorials to the slain soldier – now in Heaven! – from IDF Staff Sergeant Aviel Wiseman remembered: A Life Marked by purpose and a commitment to serve).Eitan wrote Saluting Aviel.
     It’s not just the young men who serve, but the young women too. Eitan writes of 4 young female hostages who were just released from their long captivity in Gaza “who were snatched from their posts on an army base bordering Gaza while 15 of their fellow surveillance personnel were murdered in cold blood. Their duty was to watch the fence separating Israel and Gaza, staring at live footage for hours every day, carefully noting and reporting any suspicious activity. They could see that a serious incursion was coming. Tragically, their months of repeated warnings went unheeded.”  [DD: The generals ignored the 4 women who observed suspicious movements, reporting them only to those who didn’t see, so didn’t believe.]  
     Eitan continues, “Many young women from within Israel’s Messianic community have served and are serving as border lookouts. I’ve described their vital role and the tireless dedication required to fulfill it. And many young Messianic men like Aviel and the family men who are reservists have given months on end to defend us on the battlefield (see Joel’s FOW update of January 10, 2025). …Our role as a ministry dedicated to equipping youth and young adults is so connected with the military service they perform so soon after being with us. We Invite you to Equip Future Soldiers with us Pray for  Divine guidance in preparing for our next camp, Passover 2025, in April. Give to Help Us Equip our Youth

You can
Listen to or Read this article(s) that Maoz ministries put out like this one on the new Syrian leader that overthrew the old Syrian despot. The new guy – sent by Turkey – is “a former Al-Qaeda leader has rebranded himself as Syria’s new "moderate" leader—and the West is listening. Is this the start of a new radical Islamic state? And what does this mean for the small minority of Christians or the freedom of the Gospel?” [The West loves hearing stuff like this from Islamist terrorists, that they can actually turn over a new leaf. Total bull, of course.] Go here to read or listen to Terrorist Extreme Makeover: Rebranding The Terrorist.
     Shani and Kobi Ferguson who head the ministry also invite you to Listen to the lyric video for Maoz Music’s latest release, “Or HaOlam” (Light of the World) Written by Denis Gorodishtian

 Again, I am stirred by reading Reuven Doron’s El Qanna | Our Jealous God. His spiritual depth is compelling, prophetic vision enlightening, and understanding of the times piercing. Read it all on Facebook. Also listen to you will enjoy this short video about the almond trees blossoming in Israel and what God had to say about that in His Word.

Orna Grinman of A Sign & Example (Ot Oo’Mofet) sent a really strong take on Trump, destroying Hamas and what the prophets actually had to say about that particular strip of land we know as Gaza in her blog post The Future of Gaza. Here is a small tease in what she wrote:  What excites me the most is the following promises: whoever will remain there will belong to God and will be like “a leader” or “a champion in Judah.”
More from the Faithful Galilean of the Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin: “We need to pray for the hostages! We are still trying to get over the shock of the condition of the 3 hostages that were released yesterday. It was very emotional to know that some of their spouses and children would not be there to welcome some of them home. For two of the hostages, both of their wives were murdered by Hamas on October 7th. And sadly, they only learned the truth of the situation upon their return back to Israel.    Today there are still 76 hostages still left in Gaza. After witnessing the terrible condition of these 3 hostages, the hostage families are calling for the hostages be released all at once!”
     In another mailing Chaim sent, he asks, “What is the future of Gaza? Did Trump Read Zechariah Nine? | “‘the king shall perish from Gaza…but he that remaineth, even he, shall be for our God, and he shall be as a governor in Judah”  Zechariah 9:5b+7b | He writes much more, but notes this “In Trump’s words, he says that the current state in Gaza is dangerous and many areas unlivable for people. It’s also illegal according to international law for Egypt and Jordan to refuse asylum for refugees… Not to mention that many booby traps that Hamas placed in several tunnel shafts and houses in Gaza pose as a threat to safety. And to leave Gaza as it is, will not solve the conflict.”
    Chaim writes lastly, “Our prayer is that this would be the last conflict that we have with Gaza. May righteousness prevail,  Let’s continue to pray over the situation and hope for Gods prophetic word to be fulfilled in Zechariah chapter 9 read it… It is best. HELP US MAKE AN IMPACT

There is a testimony in Avi Mizrachi’s latest Dugit report that gave me cold chills to read! The good kind of cold chills. Avi writes, “You may know the Lord has put it on our hearts to host an annual women’s conference that we call Bat Zion (Hebrew for “Daughter of Zion”). This year, the Bat Zion Women’s Conference will be held in March…. we have invited women from across the nation to lift their hearts and voices in prayer for healing, hope, and salvation. We will bus them from wherever they live to our gathering. So many of these women have endured unimaginable loss—family members lost in war, homes uprooted, and lives forever changed. Last year we held our conference during the war, after the brutal terrorist attack on October 7, 2023—and we were joined by over 500 believing women.
     The place they held their conference last year happened to be a kibbutz near Gaza that had welcomed them to hold their conference during the pandemic – knowing they were believers in Yeshua. Now this is such a rare thing, of course, “During the conference, we gave thanks to God for their openness, and we covered their families and homes with prayer.” Then…
     On October 7, 2023, this same kibbutz was surrounded by armed terrorists—along with so many other communities in southern Israel. When the warning sirens went off, everyone ran to their emergency shelter. The leader of the security of the kibbutz called her commander, who advised her to remain in the safe room, but she felt a strong internal urge to arm the soldiers watching over the kibbutz. During this time, the power was cut to the kibbutz, and the lights went out. One of the men suggested turning on the generator, but once again, she had a powerful feeling that they should not turn it on.
     The brave individuals defending the kibbutz fought for many hours. When the terrorists reached the gates, they were unable to enter because there was no power to the gates, forcing the terrorists to turn away. We visited this kibbutz and were deeply moved and encouraged by this story. We firmly believe that God remembered our prayers and they were protected and many lives preserved.
     Today, we need your help to ensure that every woman in Israel who desires to attend this year’s Bat Zion conference can do so. The conference is just weeks away, and so many women are yearning for connection, encouragement, and the life-changing presence of Yeshua. May I ask you to please give your best gift today to help us make this sacred time of worship and prayer a reality for those women who need it most?

Mazal tov to Howard and Randy Bass whose eldest daughter Tamar and her husband Ezra a expecting their first baby in the summer!  Yeshua’s Inheritance is the congregation name in Beer Sheva and another great report from Howard is something that I have seen him write about so many times over the past 23 years: his heart’s desire that the young people in their congregation would not just grow up and go to jobs and careers outside of Beer Sheva. Howard’s desire was for a family heritage in the congregation, children, parents, grandparents – the whole range of family committed to serving God in their community and congregation.
     So Mazal tov once again because Howard reports, “Yeshua's Inheritance/Nachalat Yeshua has grown this past year (even up to two weeks ago), mostly from families from other congregations, even other cities or villages up to 40 km/25 miles outside of Beer Sheva. There seem to be three primary reasons for this, according to those who have joined: our congregation is "inclusive," open to believers from various streams within the Body of Messiah, and open to people from many cultures and backgrounds. Secondly, we have many young couples and families, as well as still single young adult and the 3rd reason given is that we are pro-actively connected with the national Body. One thing that has been a blessing and encouragement to me is that some of the now grown children of some of the early pioneers of the congregation (who have since moved away long ago, while some of their children have moved back to the region) have joined or are joining congregation. With all the dynamics of growing unto full maturity and overcoming hindrances, our common salvation and "family bond" have helped us in overcoming many differences of all kinds. . .. Please pray for: future leadership of Yeshua's Inheritance; more of Messiah living in and through us; God's will to be done, and for His wisdom, that are much better than ours.”

Love the teaching of Guy Cohen of the Acco congregation, Harvest of Asher on Matthew 6:15 where Yeshua taught us how to stand before God to pray. “We need to remember that even before we ask He knows what we need. That's why Yeshua taught us this basic prayer, which teaches us how approach God and to enter into prayer.” He writes, What are the conditions for the Lord accepting our prayers? He wants us not to be hypocritical; standing where we can be seen by others. Instead, He wants us to go into the inner room where no one sees us, alone with Him. Then, our Father who sees what is done in secret will reward us. My conclusion is that He wants my heart to be pure when I enter the secret place.
     A big prayer request from Guy: For the last three weeks we have been experiencing an exceptionally serious flu season with an outbreak of many viruses which have affected just about every household in the congregation multiple times and all ages. Please add your prayers for healing and recovery to the families of HOA.

Daniel Yahav has sent an urgent prayer request for this school for their school which has been operating since 1989 and “is the only school in all of Galilee, that offers education based on faith in God, old and new testaments, for children of Messianic families as well as Christian evangelical children who live in the area.” The school was started because of “a prolonged times of persecution of the believing community. Children of Messianic and evangelical families were harassed and suffered violence to the point of bleeding. (While teachers, headmaster as well as the representative of the ministry of education - all failed to protect our children from the abuse of other children).”
     Even though they have invested 696,151 NIS (196,289.63 USD) meeting ministry of education demands for their license (building a fully equipped new bomb shelter, renovating the entire building to make it approachable to handicaps, installing TV systems, air conditioners, new furniture and more) they have still refused to grant the license. The ONLY remaining issue is they say they don’t have enough children enrolled.
     This is obvious religious persecution. That is why pastor Daniel Yahav is appealing to everyone to sign the petition. I did and hope you ALL will also: Petition link: Reverse the Closure of the Messianic Peniel Primary School in Tiberias, Israel! It will literally only take 1 minute to follow through on this. Please do it now. Daniel writes, “We are asking for the support of only friends of Israel. We love our people and state, we pray for and stand with our nation. However, this wrong decision needs to be reversed. Thank you for standing with us.”  Daniel Yahav 

We have an update from Out of Zion Josie Silver writing about the roller coaster of emotions Israelis has experienced as the month of weekly hostage releases have taken place. This must be an honest description of how they are feeling because I have seen “roller coaster” as the description from so many Israeli ministries. Josie writes that the release last weekend was horrifying for Israelis. “There were gasps of shock, speechlessness, and unbelief to what we witnessed on our television screens. Emaciated, weak, pale men who closely resembled scenes of Jewish people in the holocaust. They were paraded, humiliated and mocked before the world, in need of two masked terrorists to support them on each side just so that they could walk. Some reports mentioned them being given stimulating drugs by Hamas prior to their release just so they could get to their feet. They were literally “walking bones”, who according to medical experts, were in the same condition as someone who spent a year in a Nazi concentration camp. This has caused shock waves to roll through Israel and the entire world.”
     Josie also gives an update on “DAVID | We had many of you write back from our last Out of Zion update, saying, you were so happy that David was back, obviously thinking that he wrote the update. David is not quite back, yet. Prayerfully, he will be in time. In the meantime, either Stefan or I (Josie) will be sending out the Out of Zion updates. Thank you for your continued prayer for more breakthroughs for Davids full recovery. Standing, walking, praying, believing together on this journey for Israel's victories, salvation, and Gods continued mercies. Breathe oh breath of God upon the bones of Your people, that they may live and not die.”

Lastly is Jennifer Geutta of Plant Hope Israel who writes, “Here in Israel, it has been a weekend of mixed emotions. One the one hand, we are happy that some hostages are freed, and that Trump is helping Israel. On the other hand, we are deeply saddened by the state of the hostages. After they were held in an underground tunnel for almost 500 days, their starved emaciated bodies were paraded around by terrorists as a victory prize. The many bruises and wounds on their body showing horrendous abuses, and starvation. For many people in Israel, watching the images of the 3 men who were released on Saturday reminded them of a deep trauma. The Holocaust. We said it would never happen again….
    Twisting the Truth | On top of it all, the world is believing the twisted lies of Hamas and turning it against Israel. I was shocked when I learned that the media abroad was posting that released Palestinian terrorists were underfed. This is a lie. I was even more shocked when they reported that the reason the hostages looked so bad is because of lack of food in Gaza… This is a total lie, since most of Hamas and the crowds were very well-fed. This is the difference: Hamas purposely mutilated and starved innocent Israeli civilians. Israel held terrorists in their prisons, who were arrested because they killed many civilians. In this horrible war, the victims are turned into perpetrators and the terrorists turned into victims. And the world is believing it….

     Freedom with a Price | So how come Israel is trading 3 people for 183 terrorists? In Israel life is very precious. Last week we watched as an 80-year-old man was traded for 35 terrorists. His life was precious. It doesn’t matter if you're 80 or if you are 20 or 3, life is precious. And it is worth it to save each of them. Israel has this ethic because the GOD OF ISRAEL loves life. For God, one life is worth a million. Believers in Yeshua know that true freedom comes at a high price. Yeshua goes out of the way to save even one that is lost. He gave His life for us, so we could live. Yeshua is the Son of the God of Israel and He follows what His Father does: life is treasured. It doesn’t matter whether you are 15 or 95, God still did everything to save you! And He showed us this sanctity of life when He gave His only Son Yeshua to set us free, even when we didn’t deserve it. The price was very high: It was the blood of His own Son, that was given for our freedom. Praise God for the sanctity of life. Please pray for the remaining 79 hostages.”

Spiritual Warfare in the Body: Malachi 4:5-6

Have you ever wondered what God was referring to as a curse in Malachi 4:5-6 ? I have.

"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
I believe the reality of this curse is something spiritual plaguing the body of the LORD right now. There have been two spirits that have turned the hearts of the children against the fathers, and it has become a curse we are dealing with within the body of the LORD. Of course God turning the hearts of the fathers to their children must come first, then God may turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. It will take the prayers of the mothers and the fathers to clear the air with God's intervention.
I am writing about this now because a few days, I found two confirming words (here and here) to what I have been sensing recently, and also what I sensed from the beginning of the attack on IHOP. These confirming words came from videos by prophetic minister Dr Kynan T Bridges.
Kynan Bridges was not on my radar until an American Messianic friend, Ellen Herr, sent me a word he spoke within the past week. It covers a lot of ground but what jumps out at me was him speaking of the Absolom spirit. Now Absolom's name has been dropping into my thoughts for some time. That's it - just the name Absolom.
But over the past days I have watched as a few young, ambitious prophets have decided to follow the lead of the young-ish minister that I have railed on by name over the past weeks.
I should not have been calling RC by name publicly. I have been so angry at his deceptions and part in the things between IHOP and Tikkun. Now I identified it only as a Jezebel spirit working in him, and I believe it still, but I also believe Kynan Bridges' word hit on it strongly about an Absolom spirit because there is so much rebellion against the "old white men" of ministry involved in what he is doing.
As for the young ambitious prophets I have seen following his lead in declaring how they are part of a generational reformation against the "old white men" who have been the spiritual leaders they came up under...well, it is most definitely an Absolom spirit driving that. They want to move into the lead seats of their spiritual peers. Ambition to make a name and establish them as reformers. I even saw one youngish prophetic woman approving one of them saying, "This shift will put an end to the moral failures— because it will cause a true rest to come to many souls that have been striving for place and identity in works not grace and glory'
A shift to an Absolom spirit taking over David's spiritual place will surely not put an end to the moral failures. That is how immaturity speaks. I read this quote from Thomas Sowell as soon as I went to X this morning, "We all enter the world knowing nothing but, by the time we are teenagers, we know it all. Sometimes it is decades later before we know enough to realize how little we know." The same is true in the spiritual realm.
Yesterday I went looking for Kynan Bridges word Ellen sent me earlier in the week. I had posted it but the next day it was marked as Content not shared. This platform slaps that disclaimer on things they remove, not the person who shared it! Well I finally found it but even now it is wrongly dated back to January. He covers other ground, but what leapt out at me most was the rise of the Absolom spirit.
Then I found another one he spoke of about how so many Christians are watching what is going on in the Church right now and have no discernment whatsoever that it is witchcraft. Well I do and that is why I have been calling out the deceptions and lies that sprung up instantly and spread widely as ONE accusation emerged against Mike Bickle and IHOP.
The warfare swirling about that place in the beginning months and lately - well if you have never recognized what happens to a person when that witchcraft is unleashed on you, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
Maybe you don't even believe in the Jezebel spirit. Just recently a prominent Messianic teacher put out a book that has led people not to believe the Jezebel spirit is even a real thing. Now they are instead praying against non-existent spirits in ancient "gods and godesses". They think Jezebel is just some woman John mentioned in a church in Revelation. Spiritual warfare is over their heads.
Well Jezebel and Absolom were both people that had similar spirits working in them and their lives demonstrate how those spirits work in flattery, seduction (sexual and non-sexual to win hearts), deceptions, schemes, lies, drawing away the faithfulness for the King to themselves, plots to use anonymous power through others to achieve what they want - which is always to possess what belongs to someone else: more power, more fans, what is not their inheritance by godly succession.
Maybe you don't see it like I do, but that is a huge curse to the body of the Lord for younger generations to be walking in that instead of honoring the fathers because they've decided to know better.
What is the answer to that? I believe the fathers have to see it and deal with it spiritually. I will not presume to say how: God knows how, but it probably involves praying for the in love.
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD. And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
PS: When I went on the search for a good graphic for this article I found not only the wonderful art depicting Absolom, but also an excellent resource in Desiree M Mondesire, "Exploring Jezebel’s Family Tree: Jezebel and Absalom." She specializes in spiritual warfare and I will be revisting her blog to read this article in a more concentrated way, and to explore other of her spiritual warfare articles.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Arrows 2025 Feb 7 Mr Netanyahu Goes to Washington

 Mr. Netanyahu Goes to Washington
by Donna Diorio

2025 Feb 4: Today Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in Washington, D.C. at the invitation of President Donald J Trump. Netanyahu is the first foreign leader to be invited to meet with the President in the White House. It is a powerful message to world leaders following on the heels of the International Criminal Courts in the Hague recently issuing arrest warrants against Netanyahu citing war crimes and crimes against humanity in the conflict following Hamas’ Oct 7th brutal attack on Israeli civilians.
    Welcoming PM Netanyahu to meet with President Trump is putting everyone on notice that the false accusations against Israel are disregarded by the Trump administration. In fact, while in Israel after Trump’s special envoy Steve Witkoff saw IDF documentation of acts of Hamas brutality and sexual assault. Witkoff was so shocked by the atrocities he decided it was something the President needed to view before his meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister.
     According to Israeli newspaper reports, “The 47-minute IDF compilation of footage from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, which saw some 3,000 terrorists burst across the border into Israel to kill some 1,200 people and seize 251 hostages, mostly civilians, amid acts of brutality and sexual assault, will be shortened to 20-30 minutes for the US president.”
     President Trump, proved in his first presidency (2017-2021) to be a wonderful friend and supporter of Israel, getting things done for the Jewish homeland that had been requested many times in the past yet remained unfulfilled until Trump.
      The new US President, who has been in office only two weeks, has already turned the nation’s federal government upside down. It is what we voted for him to do – deal with the Deep State who thought they deserved to run the country according to their own vision not what voters mandated.  We who voted for him are many, and our expectations were high at what Trump could to do to turnaround the deteriorating state of our nation. Still, most of us are amazed how swiftly and thoroughly Trump is doing what we wanted. Even beyond our highest expectation, Trump has delivered.
     We continue to pray that President Trump will continue his track record of delivering for Israel. Trump clearly believes God saved him miraculously for a reason. I have to believe part of that reason is to provide Israel with a true friend who can stand against any and all nations to do what is right.

And the Big News this week is:
Netanyahu-Trump Meeting
Netanyahu: After the jaws drop, you realize he’s right

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Reuven Doron sent a Michelle Bachmann video calling for prayers this week with Trump and Netanyahu. You may appreciate hearing it even though Netanyahu departs the US tomorrow. Reuven writes, “Our prayers are with President Trump as he, with his amazing team, labors fast and furious to “drain the swamp” and bring urgent corrections to the course that America and, subsequently, the rest of the world will follow for the next season. With the levels of Woke, progressive, and godless policies impacting our culture, governments, and leading institutions, consequential judgments are at the door. Only a sharp turn towards God’s ways leading to an actual REVIVAL will carry us safely on.”
    “….For nearly a year we have shared our convictions with you that Gaza MUST be decisively defeated, its population dispersed, and its territory annexed by Israel…. President Trump’s initiative to “Drain Gaza” may be the answer to those prayers. May the Land of Gerar be redeemed from the darkness of Islam and return to become a region of fertile fields and pastureland for the sons and daughters of Jacob…. Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in a violent murderous campaign against the Palestinian Authority in 2007, its Arab population has been brainwashed, indoctrinated, and hopelessly seduced by the Spirit of radical Islam. Even now, 15 months after the October 7 massacre and the terrible war Hamas started with Israel, 80% or more of Gazans still support Hamas. Read Reuven’s full report here. Also read Reuven’s Feb 1 article Jehovah Rapha,  Heal My People
    To partner with our work, please visit , or email us at for more information.

No Prayer in Our Congregation?! That is the urgent headline in the last email from City of Life in Sderot led by Michael Beener. That is because they had another court hearing regarding the sue of their building. The ultra-Orthodox in Sderot are making big problems for the congregation and “The judge ruled that we could keep our distribution center open but under strict limitations. We have been declared guilty and given a heavy fine, which we must pay in order to continue operating. This means that we can no longer fully use our building for various purposes, especially as a congregation. For now, we are not allowed to hold prayer meetings only, and we are evaluating other options for our gatherings and ministry activities.  Adding to this challenge, the property owners have informed us that they plan to refurbish or sell the building soon. This puts us in an even more difficult position, as we may be forced to either move to a provisional facility, an area that is unsuitable for our ministry or leave the location entirely. This uncertainty weighs heavily on us, but we trust that the Lord is in control.”
     The only thing they are guilty of is faith in Yeshua. Watch Our Video on the Constant Persecution On Our Ministry. There is a way to help. They need to own their building. Read more and donate here  

From Israel Pochtar at Voice of Judah ministries and the Beit Hallel (House of Praise) congregation in Ashdod: Embracing the Blessings of Shabbat: A Time of Divine Goodness “Shabbat is a truly special time in Israel, bringing a shift in the atmosphere as people bless one another with heartfelt greetings and prayers.” | Aliyah: Fulfilling Prophecy and Embracing Those Who Return to Israel “While Aliyah is a prophetic fulfillment, it is not without its challenges. Many of these new immigrants arrive with little more than a dream and a calling, stepping into an unfamiliar land with language barriers, financial hardship, and the difficulty of rebuilding life from the ground up.” |  READ  Bomb Shelter Praise Report : A Place of Safety, Worship, and Unshakable Faith  “From the moment we set foot in our current location, one concern stood above all others—the need for a bomb shelter.” | WATCH VIDEO Transforming Lives in Israel – The Dream for a New Evangelism & Discipleship Center “this center will be a beacon of hope, faith, and revival, impacting generations to come.” | The Fields are White unto Harvest: A testimony of Salvation  Read online
     Reconciliation Conference in Turkey United for God’s Kingdom | Every year, we are deeply humbled and honored to take part in the Reconcile Middle East Conference in Istanbul, Turkey—a sacred and transformative gathering where the Spirit of God moves mightily among His people from across the region….. It is a holy moment, a divine appointment orchestrated by God Himself. Here, pastors, ministry leaders, and believers from diverse backgrounds—many of whom serve in nations where hostility toward Israel and Christianity runs deep—come together in brotherhood and love. Despite the political, cultural, and religious barriers that have long divided the region, these men and women arrive not with resentment, but with hearts full of faith and a genuine desire to see God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven... Click title to read online

On Feb 1st Pastor Najeeb & Elizabeth Atteih, Immanuel Church Arab ministers sent a 3-month catch up on their activities that included some background on them. I am going to concentrate here on that background:  “In 1993, I experienced my conversion and clearly recognized the gift that the Lord had given me—the gift of evangelism. Thus began my journey of faith and ministry. In 2002, my beloved wife, our two children Kareen and Tino, and I were called to Latrun. … Our children, Kareen and Tino, have been faithful companions in our ministry over the years. Tino surprised us when he decided to join the Israeli army. His military service opened the door for us to meet and support other Christian soldiers. From this experience, the initiative “House of the Messianic Soldier” was born. … In 2003, motivated by a strong sense of calling, we moved to Ramle to evangelize among the Arabic-speaking community. After five years of dedicated ministry, a blessed congregation of about 90 believers was established there. Over time, the Lord led us back to my hometown of Haifa, where we founded the “Immanuel Congregation” in my childhood neighborhood near my parents’ house. Despite challenges and opposition from my family, we experienced how the Lord’s wonderful hand guided us every step of the way…. we have established a gathering place for the Immanuel Congregation and for the activities of the House of the Messianic Soldier.… During construction, we were asked to include a shelter for crises and wartime for the soldiers housed there. However, during the project, it was revealed that we had unknowingly built on land owned by the Israeli government (Israel Lands Authority) Unfortunately, we received a legal demand for 171,000 NIS (approximately $48,319 or €46,287) due to government projects in the area related to construction violations. After many discussions and appeals, we submitted an official letter requesting that the authorities visit the site to clarify the situation. The representatives were impressed by our dedication to the soldiers and the community. After their visit, they decided to deliberate internally and promised a response within 60 days. … In addition to a debt reduction, it was agreed that the shelter will remain intact and will not be demolished. Furthermore, no additional payments will be required for this construction violation in the future—a truly remarkable outcome.
    We sincerely and humbly ask for your help and support. With your assistance, we can maintain our spiritual home and continue to support Christian soldiers in the Israeli army. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will help us overcome this challenge and spread the love of Jesus Christ.    
          To learn more about their ministry in Honoring Soldiers Amid Challenges and  Serving the Needy in Armenia please email these dedicated Arab servants of the Lord and ask to be sent this ministry letter. 
     Oh! Important: “We also thank the Lord for using Pastor Najeeb Johanan in partnership with the Dugit Center organization (Avi Mizrachi), to build bridges between Jewish and Arabic-speaking communities. His work fosters unity and understanding, serving as a vital link in spreading the Gospel.

A great report from the Shelanu TV Station Manager, Evan Santoro, speaking about the great relief of Israelis to see hostages coming home, and also great sorrow for all the lives lost and the high price that has been paid because of Islamic hatred. It is a question that plagues even Messianic believers who know it is spiritual and against God even more than Jews. Evan writes, “As believers in Yeshua, we know there is so much more going on than we can see with our natural eyes. The never-ending hatred towards the Jewish people has been kept ablaze by the enemy. If somehow, he can stop the return of the Lord through the destruction of Israel, then he has won. We know that he will not win, although the struggle is great. God has a plan and the scripture states to the contrary; “All Israel will be saved.” The Lord is not done with Israel! Satan knows it and is doing all that he can to postpone his inevitable demise. 
     How will Israelis know the truth of God’s love? “They need a preacher! They need to hear the truth for their eyes to be open! Here at Shelanu TV, we are broadcasting the lifesaving message of Jesus 24/7 in Hebrew, by Israelis, for Israelis. We are preaching the Salvation message via our social media platforms. We are continually producing and releasing updated content that talks to the people of Israel about their Messiah and His true identity.  The good news is they are being reached and hearing! Every day more Israelis are being introduced to the Gospel message and their hearts are being softened and prepared for a great harvest.” Eddie included 4 testimonies, which I don’t have room to share here but you can email ShelanuTV and here is a link if you wish to donate to this great ministry reaching Israelis where they are.

My apologies! I overlooked this email from Ruby at Fields of Wheat (it came into 1 of 3 emails I use trying to make sure I get the emails in from everyone!) Ruby talks about the last Katzir camp during writing, “we've been riding the wave of an incredible time at our teen Chanukah camp last month. It was nothing short of extraordinary—watching God move powerfully in the lives of the youth who joined us. Many of you have been following our journey, reading our updates, and faithfully praying over these camps. First of all, thank you! Your prayers and support are truly the foundation of everything we do.”
     Ruby shared the morning devotional  he wrote for the last day of the camp that are shared I groups of 6-7 teens, boys ‘ groups and girls’groups.  “Each day begins with a quiet moment of reflection, connection with God's Word, and lively discussion focusing on their real questions and how to realistically live out the Scriptures day to day.”  This devotional dealt with if we know we can trust God. Part of it read, “The events of October 7 caused significant damage to the sense of security within the people of Israel. We all know people who were called up for reserve duty—maybe even our own siblings or parents. Some of us know people who were wounded or even lost their lives in the war. All of us, in one way or another, experienced it: the sirens, the explosions, and the sight of rockets intercepted in the sky. This is a wound that will take a long time to heal for our nation. . . . Life is full of ups and downs. We all face challenges and difficulties. God invites us to confront them with complete confidence that He is with us in every moment.” At the conclusion of the discussion material, he gave 3 point on how to cultivate our trust of God – Reading His Word, Sharing with Him in prayer & Remembering His faithfulness. 
     Ruby ends his letter to us with encouragement for the intercessors, “It’s not too early to begin praying for our Passover camp in early April.…Please receive my personal gratitude for our God-authored partnership. Your friend, Ruby

From the Faithful Galilean, Chaim Malespin also of Aliyah Return Center, Chaim unpacks the significance of the word “altar” for us today beginning with the meaning in the Hebrew scriptures. He advances us past the type and shadow of the ancient Hebrew altar where “the priests wept between the porch and the altar” to today. Chaim writes, “I find this exciting, there is so much to study and learn about the Tabernacle and the Temple and how it reflects Heaven. However, right now, we are living in a time where there is no tabernacle, no temple, and no sacrifice system. Nonetheless, through Yeshua’s sacrifice, we have access to an altar that we can approach with surrender and humility for the forgiveness of our sins.” Then citing Romans 12:1 about presenting our bodies (temple) as “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” We believe in the promise of the “Tabernacle of David” being restored, along with miracles and wonders, that is why today we believe that we must operate in the pattern and template of the Tabernacle of David to provide a dwelling place for the presence of the King.
     DD: Once we get this mighty revelation of the Temple that Yeshua is raising up, we will never waste another moment on the raising of a third temple in Jerusalem! The real Heavenly Temple is the one Jesus is building is made of the living stones – real people who are the temple of the Holy Spirit in their earthen bodies.  LOVED this teaching on “altar” from Chaim.
     Chaim continues, “This past week, we connected with people from around the world via Altar of Prayer and those in Israel in the Vertical Galilee House Of Prayer, to rededicate this place to the Lord. Watch the Re-Dedication HERE  That this could be a place where people can make a commitment to connect from around the world here with Elohim to praise and engage in intercessory worship.

From Leon Mazin of the Return to Zion congregation in Haifa: “our website has undergone a major upgrade! With a refreshed design and user-friendly navigation. In addition, we have transitioned to a new domain name: But take note, that in the mean time we will still be using our old work emails such as and don.t worry, we will be sure to update you when we make changes to that as well. |  It's also Mobile Friendly: Check out our blog on the go, and explore short Bible studies for encouragement, and daily enlightenment. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions. Go for a scroll!”

From Tikkun Global a couple of updates – one they are in the process of moving their studio to the new ministry center, so will not be doing the regular scheduled ministry time for a couple of weeks. Info to come when they are ready to go again.  – two is the Global Prayer Alert sent out by Betty Intrater. This is a great list of wide ranging prayer points that you can read on Tikkun Global at Facebook.

The Tel Aviv congregation Tiferet Yeshua led by Gil & Tamar Afriat write, “One of the most important pillars of Tiferet Yeshua congregation is raising up families of strong, independent, spirit-filled believers in the Land of Israel. A strong, healthy and unified body of Messiah Yeshua can shine bright right here in Tel Aviv, extending the heart of God to those who do not yet know Him. This is why it is so significant for us to not only provide Biblical teaching to adults but also to the children so that they will grow up to have a personal relationship with Yeshua. We have an entire floor dedicated to children of all ages, where they learn to pray, praise, and walk in the ways of the Lord. We asked Debbie, our amazing leader of the children’s ministry, to share about her vision. Read in full  | They are also having a “Baby Boom” with 10 new babies! “…for a congregation our size, that’s a lot! Additionally, seven new families joined the congregation in the last year because of our Hebrew children’s ministry. . . . When you support Congregation Tiferet Yeshua, you are investing in the next generation of believers in the heart of Tel Aviv!  Give Today 

 Youval & Valerie Yanay lead Revive Israel in the Yad HaShmona Messianic village. “Recently, Youval taught at the Yad HaShmona congregational service, and it was a powerful time of encouragement and spiritual renewal. His teaching brought blessing to the community, reminding us of the light and life found in God’s Word.” They ask prayers for “Raphael, Liel, and their children while they are in Brazil. We ask for God's divine protection and wisdom as they serve Him and the believers there.”
     Ashort word was shared on “The Three Tables: A Call to True Fellowship | The Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 challenge us with a fundamental question: Where do we truly belong? He presents a stark contrast between two forms of fellowship—one with the Lord and one with the world. At the heart of this passage is the Greek word koinonia, meaning deep, binding partnership. It is more than just association; it is a covenantal connection that shapes our identity, our priorities, and our spiritual life.  He begins with a clear and urgent command: “Flee from idolatry” …. What gives us security in life? If the answer is anything other than the Lord, we must ask ourselves: Am I truly sitting at His table, or have I given part of my heart to another?”

From Sally Shiff of the HaMaayan congregation  - Sally is actually in the US at a very timely moment with the doings in Washington, DC of President Trump and PM Benjamin Netanyahu.  She is doing speaking and I’m sure getting some very interesting questions.  This time around I did not share excerpts from several of her daily posts during the Hamas war, but the whole Feb 4th email that covered a lot of ground, from the Hostages coming home (Yarden Bibas being one), and the ones Israel is still so anxious to learn the fate of (Yarden Bibas’ wife and two babies). This is such a stress on all Israelis. Please pray. Also Sally touches on TERROR – FOILED A serious attack was foiled | TRUMP watching October 7 documentary detailing Hamas’s atrocities | DEAL PHASE 2 Exiting the Philadelphia Gaza-Egypt border corridor is a red line’| US & UNRWA US halts all funding to UNRWA | US & UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL US will withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council | USAID  shut down the US government agency USAID, which he was a conduit for funding terrorist organizations. Trump: "Crazy, extreme radicals ran this agency" | CONFLICTING REPORTS OF CEMENT HEADED TO GAZA No clear info.| EXPELLED TERRORISTS The convicted murderer prisoners who were deported to Egypt are in hotels, but the Egyptian authorities are not allowing them to leave. Arab countries and Turkey are refusing to accept them. | BEWARE THE TRAFFIC CAMERA approximately 100 speed cameras have been installed, of which 70-80 are active at any given time. An additional 58 tactical cameras are used to photograph drivers who are talking on the phone without a hands-free kit or texting while driving.| GROUND TROOPS moving into Fara’a, Tubas, Samaria. TULKARM and JENIN mayors are complaining that IDF actions and warnings are clearing out thousands from their “camp” neighborhoods, as the IDF moves into the terror hotbeds.   The US Department of Justice has announced the creation of an interagency agency tasked with combating antisemitism. Its first mission will be to "root out antisemitism and harassment of students in schools and universities."   American hostage returns |  

Lastly, catching up on commentator Cookie Schwaeber-Issan writing primarily in and Jerusalem Post - Why No One Wants Gazans | Who Are the Real Nazis | We are our brother’s mental health keeper | Will Elise Stefanik Succeed in Erasing U.N. Antisemitism | Hostage rescues show Israel’s commitment to life above all else | Why There Can't Be A Two-State Solution | The Sins of the International Community |

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Zechariah 3 The LORD rebuke you Satan


This is a portion of a transcript that I  did this morning after listening to the video sent to me by someone who has remained faithfully in place in the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. You may not be able to make out the date on this teaching which is Feb 3, 2015, but on the platform with Mike Bickle in the picture are Deborah Heibert and Alan Hood. In fact a great many of the opposers of Mike and IHOP appear on this platform earlier in the taping. But I wanted to focus on the teaching because I found it quite amazing to see how much what is being taught and confirmed is exactly what is going on there for the past 1 plus year. I wanted to transcribe it in order to get it down into my spirit more solidly. As a person who has lived under both fear and accusation since I was a child, I saw in this teaching - especially as I transcribed it - how much God has been delivering me from vulnerability to both fear and accusation. It is a good thing to hear that we do not have to live in the fog of accusation. It is a revelation I believe has been playing out in real time before our eyes. The LORD rebuke you satan. 

Walking in the Destiny God has Called You to
February 3 2015 – Message by Mike Bickle with prophetic words from Alan Hood and Deborah Heibert
Starting at 1:29:43

I had a dream last night about this word.
One of the primary strategies of the enemy to keep us out of the fullness of our destiny is to accuse us. Accusation – and fear would be the other one – but accusation is one of the most effective ways that the kingdom of darkness silences the people of God. But the Lord wants us to silence the accusation, He wants us to operate in the opposite spirit. Because when accusation touches our heart – often the accusation is in our own mind but it is inspired by invisible powers. That accusation lodges in us and grow and has moments of intensity. Accusation against ourselves.

Then there is the accusation that gets through to us through even friends and family members. There are accusations that come from adversaries. Some of those accusations actually strike home in the wrong sense and we buy into those accusations. The accusations of adversaries. We buy into accusations of friends – sometimes they are being used – even godly men and women can be used as a vessel of the enemy to vent accusation to strike God’s servant. Often they’re the servants close friends too. They are your spouse or your children even.

So this fog of shame comes over us; this fog of despair. This introspection – it’s a fog. We’re not sure if it’s God, and we don’t know  - we lose our zeal, we lose our focus. It’s a fog of comparison to other folks, and all of those are different manifestations of the spirit of accusation. Particularly, and I am going to have Alan come in a few moments, in times of transition that is when the enemy really moves in strong with the spirit of accusation.  We are in a period of transition time. I believe we’re from the IHOP 1.0 to the IHOP 2.0.  There’s a number of things going on in this transition and some of you are in transition in your individual lives. Not only transition but that is when we are particularly vulnerable. Even when the LORD is preparing for new favor, new promotion, new seasons of increase, that’s when the accusations strike.

There are a number of examples of that in the Scripture, but Zechariah 3 is one of the premier ones.

Reviewing five things that I highlighted a year ago. In April 2014. Five things that I think are happening in our spiritual family a year ago. Each of these require a different response.
1. A year ago I spoke of a season of increase. We’re still in it. Our global footprint is increasing dramatically. I celebrate the increase, knowing it creates more work, but we celebrate it anyway because of “the fame of His name.” Part of that increase as God has said from the beginning, He’s sending people to other places. We celebrate that but we feel the pain of loss, of seeing people day to day, but it’s God plan. God has told us from day 1 He is going to raise up and send out. It is part of the increase to see people going. . . .
2. Last year I said we’re in a season of persecution. Adversaries – more voices will set against what the LORD is doing in our place. That could be said for 10,000 other places as well. So I don’t have a martyr complex. There are 10,000 ministries around the earth that this is a true statement about. We need to set our heart and just be sure that part of the mandate we have in the LORD has a stigma to it. It has an adversarial response of people who don’t like it, but we don’t have to let the accusation of that touch out heart.  Matter of fact, 1 Peter 4 tells us that the spirit of glory comes on you when you are reproached for being faithful. If friends, family, adversary – whatever – far or near – we respond in grace and there is a spirit of glory that increases.
3. We’re continuing in a season of mobilization. This is something we are going to focus on in even greater ways. Everybody in our missions base, everybody in our whole spiritual family are going to be involved in small group. It’s critical, not just to work together in department but to be in intentional relationship building. We call them Friendship groups. Many of our leaders are joining friendship groups. Me and my wife Diane have joined one in the last number of months and many of our leaders are doing that.  . . .we want all to do this with few exceptions….
4. Last year I mentioned we were in a season of Divine Discipline. Where the Lord was pointing out some of our blind spots. That is the graciousness of God. We had a lot of time last year where we reflected on that and gained some wisdom on things we needed to correct. I rejoice in that because it is an expression of the love of God when He is saying, Hey! There is blind spots. I want you to own them, make corrections. We’ve done quite a bit of conversations over the last year related to that.
5. A season of pruning. Pruning is not the same as Divine Discipline. Pruning is because you’re fruitful. Pruning is not people sent out to go somewhere else. The point of pruning is to remove distractions. It’s not negative dimension to pruning. The point of discipline is removing of deficiencies. Pruning and discipline – here’s the problem: although they’re different often it makes us vulnerable to the accusation of the enemy. The enemy gets into those places in our hearts – I mean even those folks who are being sent. I have interacted with a number of them over the years. The sending is God, and the celebration, and they land and some of them feel accused after they land. ‘Oh no, it’s harder than I thought. Did I miss it? How about this. Somebody said this. I heard a whisper over there. And they get accused for going. The devil isn’t a chooser particularly in moments of transition and strategic moments in your life.

We want to be a community that sees this scheme of the enemy and move in the opposite spirit. We give the enemy no room to take advantage of those here or there. So in the pruning, the discipline, the increase – whatever season because the enemy is going to get in and distort because there is a fog of despair, uncertainty and confusion about what’s happening.

The way God set me in a relationship with John Wimber about 25 years ago, He did it in such a supernatural way, and there are about 4 or 5 very significant applications to that. I’m not going into that story right now, I’ve shared it a number of times over the years, but the reason it is important is because the LORD confirmed and highlighted it in a very unusual and supernatural way. (I want to hear this tape too!)
One of the points of that joining together with John Wimber is that the Lord let me, and a number of us know, that there would be a season of stigma and accusation that we would learn how to interact with the LORD in that 25 years ago. But that would be a training ground for a far more intense season down the road.  I don’t believe we are entering that season of the most intense, I think we are still several years away from that.

When I reflect on that testimony, some of you are not familiar with it & some of you have heard it many times, I am just bolstered in my resolve to not be moved by stigma and the accusation that comes. When the Lord’s favor and the Lord’s Word is going forth there will be more resistance, there will be more adversaries. No, we are not in a pronounced season of that at this very moment, I believe it is coming more in the years to come. Far in the future.

It is something that I have just set my heart not to be moved back by. But I expect it. Not a martyr complex. I said it is all part of a mandate. I’m not going to take my cues from it. I’m not going to change the messaging because of it. The Lord really emphasized that this was part of the mandate and the mission.

Zechariah 3
I’m going to have Deborah Heibert and Alan Hood come up here in a minute to share and we’re going to pray for people.

Zechariah 3 it is a passage you want to be familiar with because it happened in a time of transition when they were building a house of prayer. Zechariah 3 and 4. We’re back about 500 BC, in a time of transition under the leadership of Joshua and Zerrubabel – after the Babylonian captivity. The LORD was rebuilding the House of Prayer. There were many obstacles, many adversaries. There was compromise that got in, many delays, lot of frustrations. There were failures, lack of resource. Here they were in a supernatural, historic moment. I mean the LORD poured out much favor and by His Spirit pronounced how important it was for them.

Here again it’s about 536 BC. They were to go build the House of Prayer, build the Temple but it was in the midst of very many troubles and obstacles. In the midst of doing it even thought there were troubles and obstacles, even though there were supernatural finances, favor, and the activity of the Spirit, compromise got in, adversaries rose up and the people of God refused to respond in the right way. The two leaders, Joshua and Zerrubabel, they were really in a time of dismay. Lord, this was supposed to be easier. It was supposed to be better. They were losing their way. And the spirit of accusation and unbelief was really lodged in against them to take them out.

The prophet Zechariah sees Joshua, and then the next chapter Zerrubabel. He sees a vision of these two guys and how the spirit of accusation and unbelief is really wearing them out and about to take them out. Because they are doing this historic, noble, glorious purpose in God. They’re building the House of Prayer, they’re building the Temple but it is more difficult than they thought; the work progress was slower than they thought. People were less responsive. The adversaries were more fierce than they imagined. So these two guys were actually losing their way in one of the most important hours of redemptive history.

It was by the word of the LORD that the LORD exposed the accusation of the enemy, broke the power of it, the fog lifted and these two guys said, What was THAT?!  Let’s be about what God called us to. It is a glorious story.

Here in Zechariah chapter 3, the prophet Zechariah said, The Lord showed me an open vision of Joshua onethe two main leaders. He was standing before the LORD and Satan rises up and accuses him. He said, “This guy is disqualified!’ He accuses him and opposes him.

The problem is, Joshua did have failures. There were really some wrong things that were going on. So this was totally unfounded. The devil always misapplies it, exaggerates it, and puts a twist on it. But Joshua was in that transition time and in a time of difficult and the devil said, I’m going to move in here and take him out. I’m going to get him to quit, but he was trying to get the LORD to cancel him out but the LORD wouldn’t. So the spirit of accusation went to get Joshua to draw back into the fog – give up, give in. I don’t know what’s going on, the Lord’s not with me, it’s too hard, look what I’ve done, it’s too late, I’ve gone too far, it’s not worth it.

Verse 1: He showed me Joshua. Satan was opposing him, accusing him. And the Lord said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you Satan!” I will not tolerate your accusation against my servant. But again, Joshua had dirty garments. He had issues that had to be settled and straightened in his life.

Look at verse 4: And the LORD spoke to the angels that were around Him. Take away the filthy garments and put on the good garments. Renew him. Strengthen him. Satan, I rebuke you. My favor is for him. My eyes are toward him. My purpose is for him. He has not gone too far, My hand is with him. And the fog breaks off of the high priest Joshua. Again the same thing happens again in the next chapter to Zerrubabel, the two main guys.

I have to read verse 2-8 again: The Lord said to Satan, The Lord rebuke you. Then he spoke to the angels to take the filthy garments away and here is the point I want to make: Go say to him, go tell this to Joshua: See? I removed your filthy garments. See? I covered you. My hand is toward you. Joshua says, I don’t feel that. And the LORD tells the angels: to tell him to SEE the TRUTH about how I see him and the truth about who he is before me.

The battle for Joshua was the battle for seeing. It is the same battle for Zerrubabel in the next chapter. In the next verse God tells the angels to tell Joshua, If you will be fully faithful – not just in godliness in his life, but actually be faithful to the assignment. It’s not just a character issue, it is also a command to perform the assignment. The role I gave him, he’s got to be faithful in it. When you get the fog of accusation, you draw back from the LORD, you get super introspective, you get super comparative, You are taking everybody’s word beside the LORD’s. And the mandate, you don’t have energy for the thing God assigned you to do. It doesn’t seem important, it doesn’t seem valuable, it seems like a waste of time. And that fog comes on. It is a very common strategy of the enemy.

Verse 7. Go tell Joshua, if he will obey me, if he will be faithful in the thing I assigned him to do, tell him I will manifest the leadership grace on him. He’ll judge my house, he’ll have charge over the courts. The courts is the Temple, it’s the House of Prayer. Tell him leadership grace will be evident. If he will say yes to my word, the grace of leadership will be evident on him in a way he cannot see now. Now look at this one:  Go tell Joshua that I am going to give him a place to walk among the angels standing before me. I’m going to give him a supernatural dimension to his future that he hasn’t had up to now.

So you tell Joshua to listen to My Word and not to voice of the enemy.

Alan and Deborah come on up.
Mike continues: Last night I had a powerful night of dreaming. I had different members of the staff and we were sitting around the table – eating, like a fellowship table. Different ones on our staff, the enemy was wanting to discourage them. So we were talking and in the dream I just took my finger pointed and said, In the name of Jesus I break the power of this! I wake up and my hand is up (finger pointing) and I was saying out loud, in the name of Jesus…and I woke up and thought, wow, that was pretty cool. I go back to sleep and in a little while I’m dreaming and it is another setting around the table and I point and say, In the name of Jesus, I take authority over this. And I wake up again and my hand is out! and I’m hearing myself finish the sentence. Wow.  I feel  the presence of the LORD and think, I like this! And I fall back asleep and it happens a third time.

Then he asks Deborah and Alan both to give their testimonies about Zechariah 3 … which they do. 

DONNA: At the moment the battle still rages against Mike Bickle and IHOP. And many others across the landscape of Christian leadership. We are assuredly in a transition period and the accusers' voice is the loudest voice in the Body of Christ right now. I believe that throughout the world there is going to be a great shock among the body when God arises and rebukes the Accuser so the fog lifts off of us and His people can see themselves for where we are really at. The shock will be how all of us are wearing the spots and wrinkles that God wants removed from us, just like Joshua, God wants them replaced with clean garments and a white turban wrapped around our heads to protect us even from the thoughts of the Accuser creeping make us unstable, self-destructive. We are going to looking at our OWN faults and blind spots more than point our fingers at our spiritual brothers and sisters. I believe Mike Bickle is going to emerge from this terrible season even more fruitful than all the previous years put together.