is Israel’s Calling?
by Reuven Doron |
Author of the 1993 breakthrough book One
New Man
(Read “What is Israel’s Calling”
article in full here)
Eventful days continue to unfold upon us in Israel and all over the world. The
ceasefire agreements with Hamas and Hezbollah are on shaky ground and may
collapse at any moment, returning the entire region into an open conflict
again. Israel’s fight against global Jihad is far from over. Radical Islam in
Judea and Samaria remains a serious security threat with daily terror attacks
killing and maiming Israeli civilians. Europe is gradually disintegrating
politically, economically, and demographically under progressive policies and
the mass muslim immigration/invasion, and the USA is flexing its muscles in
order to make America great again.
Watching the news these days is
anything but boring. Please pray for our national and military leaders to
cleanse themselves from corruption and compromise, wake up to the reality of
the hour, and have the courage and the faith to do the right thing.
For this Prayer Report, let us lift
up our eyes from the maddening pace of events and recall the big picture so
that we don’t lose focus and allow the “noise,” the sorrow, and the stress to
cloud our vision and flatten our prayers. We are a blessed generation, having seen more biblical
prophecy unfold before our very eyes than in the last 2,000 years combined, but
there is a price. Following are some of the key purposes for
Israel’s miraculous existence as stated in Old Testament writings:
Covenant Revelation | The clearest and most concise apostolic
instruction explaining God’s purpose for the nation of Israel is offered by (no
surprise) Rabbi Saul (Paul) of Tarsus, the Apostle to the Gentiles, in his
Letter to the Roman Church. Paul dedicated three entire chapters instructing the
young church about Israel’s calling while expressing his
unfathomable sorrow for them: “I tell the truth in Messiah, I am not lying, my
conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow
and continual grief in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were
accursed from Messiah for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh,
who are (1) Israelites, to whom (2) pertain the adoption, (3) the glory, (4)
the covenants, (5) the giving of the law, (6) the (Temple) service of God, and
(7) the promises; of whom (8) are the fathers and from whom, according to the
flesh, (9) Messiah came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.”
(Romans 9). Wow!!!
With this unbelievable measure of
divine purpose attached to one particular people group, is it any wonder
that the devil has gone after Israel for thousands of years in order to destroy
them, turn them into mockery, and nullify their witness? As I’m sure you
have recognized by now, people either love us or hate us. There is very little
middle ground.
Yet, as incredible as this national
calling has been before Messiah came, Paul
continues to make “the case for Israel,” as he guides his Gentile disciples
forward. He lays before them five
apostolic pillars that uphold Israel’s calling and purpose to this very day.
Israel, according to the Apostle, still serves the world as “God’s Blackboard”
upon which He draws the following five lessons that are pertinent to EVERY
child of God throughout every age and in every place. Five Apostolic Pillars
Upholding Israel's Destiny |
ELECTION – Describing Israel’s history, Paul makes it abundantly clear
to his audience that God is the God of election who works by His own divine
counsel. He taught the Romans that “… Rebekah also had conceived by one
man, even by our father Isaac (for the children not yet being born, nor having
done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to ELECTION might
stand, not of works but of Him who calls), it was said to her, ‘The older shall
serve the younger. As it is written, ‘Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have
hated.’” (Romans 9:10-13).
According to Scripture then,
whether for individuals or for nations, God works by election. He elects each and every one of His children
by His own will, volition, and wisdom before the foundations of the world. Our adoption into the divine family and our
eternal life in Messiah are not the fruit of any work or virtue of our own,
rather it is God Himself who initiates the relationship and calls us to Himself.
Writing to the Ephesians, Paul says, “Blessed
be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, who has blessed us with
every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah, just as He CHOSE us
in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without
blame before Him in love, having PREDESTINED us to adoption as sons by Jesus
the Messiah to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will ...”
(Ephesians 1).
SOVEREIGNTY – Responding to the inevitable humanistic mind that resists
God’s authority, Paul continues, “You
will say to me then, ‘Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His
will?’ But indeed, O man, WHO ARE YOU TO REPLY AGAINST GOD? Will the thing
formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ Does not the
potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for
honor and another for dishonor? What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to
make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath
prepared for destruction, and that He might make known the riches of His glory
on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, even us
whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?” (Romans
mysterious election and incredible survival
serve as a reminder to all that God is in charge of human affairs. Every
U.N. resolution that targets Israel unfairly runs into this immovable Rock. Every
nation or people who rise to resist and fight against Israel, find themselves
resisting God. After his sanity was restored, King Nebuchadnezzar confessed, “I
blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever. For His
dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His Kingdom is from generation to
generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does
according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the
earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, ‘What have You done?’”
(Daniel 4). God is sovereign over all, and Israel proves this inconvenient
truth upon the world’s stage.
JUDGMENT – God’s holiness and
righteousness cannot overlook sin or the nature of sin. Without divine
atonement and forgiveness, we are guilty and condemnable. … As it is written: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a
stumbling stone and a rock of offense, and whoever believes on Him will not be
put to shame.’” (Romans 9:30-33).
Bible Is filled with descriptions of God’s discipline and judgments over His
people. These are redemptive judgments as
those of parents who discipline their child BECAUSE they love him/her. …
Proverbs 3:11-12 tells us, “My son, do
not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor detest His correction; for whom the
LORD loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights.” Any doctrine
regarding our adoption and sonship in the Messiah that DOES NOT embrace and
explain divine chastisement is incomplete.
4. ABILITY TO WORK WONDERS – Highlighting the fullness of God’s
promises for Israel’s future, Paul wrote, “Therefore
consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but
toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise, you also will
be cut off. And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief, will be grafted
in, for GOD IS ABLE to graft them in again. For if you were cut out of the
olive tree which is wild by nature, and were grafted contrary to nature into a
cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, who are natural branches, be
grafted into their own olive tree?” (Romans 11:22-24).
According to this apostolic
doctrine, ALL WHO ARE GOD’S will be grafted into His eternal Olive Tree by
faith, Jew and Gentile alike. Paul says that Jewish branches do not
abide in God’s Olive Tree by natural pedigree or bloodline only, but must be
grafted in by faith in Messiah just like the Gentiles are
grafted in through faith. But, the main point Paul makes is this: If God is
able to not only preserve Israel throughout thousands of troublesome years and
then restore them back to Himself at the end of the age, will He not be able to
work wonders in your and your family’s life as well? Israel’s final restoration
proves that God is ABLE!
MERCY – This is the final revelation the Apostle draws from Israel’s calling.
Concluding his “case for Israel,” he tells the Romans, “For as you were once
disobedient to God, yet have now obtained mercy through their
disobedience, even so these also have now been disobedient, that through
the mercy shown you they also may obtain mercy. For God has committed them
all to disobedience, THAT HE MIGHT HAVE MERCY ON ALL…” (Romans 11:30-33).
simply, and without complications, the Apostle confirms the inevitable and
great truth that our Heavenly Father wants to reveal about Himself. He, who
is rich in mercy, in His desire to show forth His mercies to all people
throughout all eternity, has so fashioned human existence in such a way that
EVERYONE, in all times and places, would be infected by disobedience. He did it
SO THAT He might have a cause to “have mercy on all.”
Jeremiah, seeing the fulfillment of
his own terrible prophecies over Judah and weeping over the ash heaps of
Jerusalem’s destruction, found comfort in God’s mercies alone. “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not
consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning…”
(Lamentations 3).
- ABILITY - MERCY | Let our
prayers be as incense before His throne. Let our focus remain upon Him. Thank
you for your prayers for the peace of Jerusalem. Thank you for upholding our
people, our family, and our work in your prayers. We are grateful for those who
are able to financially share in our labors during this season of war and of
harvest. The needs are substantial, as are the opportunities to serve the Lord
in Israel, and this link offers tax-credited giving
options. You can email
us for more
information and for other giving options. Please email us to join our mailing
Another great audio session with
sister Donna. For decades she
has been communicating the prayer needs of the Messianic Believers in Israel.
Her newsletter is a compilation of the heart cries of the Body of Messiah on
the frontlines of ministry to the Jewish people. You will be edified and challenged to STAND
with the living Body as the Good News goes forth through His beloved sons and
daughters to His nation and around the world. Donna’s a prime example of a
“righteous Gentile” standing with God’s people for their spiritual
renewal. Contact her, receive her
newsletter, support her ministry and PRAY for the ministries in Israel at: donna@israelprayer.com and ArrowsDDiorio@protonmail.com | https://figtreefruit-israelwatcher.blogspot.com/ |
Support the show, The Hope Behind the Headlines
from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer
Requests Israeli Ministries
Tikkun Global’s Betty Intrater
sends prayer points for Israel intercessors, especially regarding the lives of
the remaining hostages & how to proceed. Betty writes: “This week the first phase of the ceasefire has
ended. If talks cannot salvage the second stage, we will immediately return to
active war and the fate of the remaining hostages will be in jeopardy….There is great anger and division in Israel over these extremely
complicated and emotionally charged issues.
Please pray for: 1. Protection and strength for the remaining
hostages 2. Wisdom for our
government leaders to know which issues are non-negotiable and where to
concede 3. Willingness of
the enemy to accept the new conditions, albeit for the wrong
reasons 4. Wisdom for Arab
nations involved in negotiations to know how to pressure Hamas to
cooperate 5. Protection against
a renewed series of terrorist attacks spurred by the month of Ramadan
which began this weekend 6. A
solution to the growing concentration of terrorist activity in the West
Bank territories 7. Protection
for residents of our northern communities who returned to their homes this
week under a shaky truce 8. The ability
to rebuild the north, heavily damaged by the war with Lebanon 9. Wisdom to know how to approach the
‘new’ Syria and prevent it from military aggression 10. Protection and stamina for our
soldiers, many of whom are young fathers, who have put an excessive amount
of time into reserve duty this year 11.
Healing for a new generation of injured Israelis, mentally and physically 12. That the extreme trauma of this war will lead our
country to salvation, that all Israel will be saved
Asher Intrater shares in ¼ of a Pita
about a hostage survived “491 days of living hell” ….”The suffering of the innocent reveals the condition of
the heart.” Join us in prayer that Eli’s
testimony will cause people to repent in preparation for a revelation of Yeshua
as the ultimate Suffering Servant Who overcame hell on behalf of the world. | Shock and Awe by Jonathan Moore | Article by Jonathan Moore
You may have been missing Avner Boskey (I know I was!) and here’s why: “During the latter
part of January 2025 Rachel and I went on a ministry/family trip to the USA. Immediately
after our return to Israel, I (Avner) came down with a strong case of bacterial
pneumonia – high fever, intense shakings, sweats, brain fog and much physical
weakness. I eventually ended up in Beersheva’s Soroka Hospital for a few days,
responding well to strong antibiotic treatment. I received excellent care from the primarily Arab
Bedouin medical staff. At this point I am home, gradually regaining strength
(about 80% back to normal). Fever, sweats and shakings are gone. Mental clarity
is nearly fully recovered. Sense of humor is untouched. Prayer is
appreciated for a full and speedy recovery.”
At Avner and Rachel’s website David’s Tent is Avner’s comeback article,
The thorns of prophecy.
“So much has happened during this last month in our
fast-moving world. In particular, in the Middle East, head-spinning and
earth-shaking events continue at break-neck speed. Yet the Scriptures’ prophetic perspective and
spiritual wisdom still speak with clarity, authority and truth to all who would
listen. Our
generation is moving so quickly that we could well be missing the main thrust
of the divine story: God, the Great Referee, is operating on the playing field
of this planet – for His glory and for the salvation and restoration of His
chosen people Israel.” Read online |
Support PayPal OR
Credit card
Kobi and Shani Ferguson of Maoz Israel
write about the window of opportunity that is open with refugees that have
migrated from the Middle East. “Right now, millions
of refugees from Syria and other unstable Middle Eastern countries are unsure
of their future. Many of them have been steeped in the anti-West mantra even as
they were welcomed by those very western countries. So many Muslims living
in the West have never been offered an alternative to their belief in a god
who decrees genocide and torture. And we as believers are the only ones
who can provide it. If we can reach them now with the truth of eternal
life, one of two scenarios will play out. Either they will eventually return
home carrying with them the seeds of salvation deep into the Islamic dominated
Middle East—or they will stay long term in their current host nation and help
thwart the Islamic invasion of Europe and beyond.
initial stage of our outreach to Muslim refugees this year will include
creating online Gospel resources in Arabic as well as sending Arab members of
the Maoz team out to minister in Europe. Reaching Muslims through in-person
ministry trips and online outreach will cost an estimated $67,000.” Listen to
the Article | Reach
Refugees in Europe
Josie Silver writes on behalf of the Out of Zion Ministries in Haifa, “Israel is now at another crossroad of where we will
go from here. Standing strong and not bowing anymore to the enemy’s
unreasonable demands, to fight for sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and
Israel’s survival, and to ensure that the massacre of October 7 will not repeat
itself. We need to be relentless in intercession for this and Israel must be
unapologetic in its demands, not matter the reactions or criticism.
need to be relentless in intercession for this and Israel must be unapologetic
in its demands, not matter the reactions or criticism. Immediate prayer
points: # Please pray for the preservation and sanity of the remaining
hostages. Ex. 6:6 "Therefore say to
the children of Israel – I am the Lord, I will bring you out from under the
burdens of the Egyptians, I will rescue you from their bondage." | #
Please pray divine direction, decision making and wisdom by our Prime Minister,
military leaders, and other government ministers, in conjunction with President
Trump to make decisions that will have a long term effect. 1 Chr. 12:32 "From the sons of Issachar, men who
understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do."
this week I sent out my monthly
Intercessors for the Restoration of Israel prayer bulletin. You can access it in this link. In the bulletin
you’ll find more current information and scriptures to declare concerning the
situation. I also wrote a word I believe I received last week for intercession.
To partner with
Guy Cohen of the Harvest of
Asher congregation writes in “Sitting on the Fence” from 2 Chronicles 20:31-37 how as king in the kingdom of
Judah, Jehoshaphat was seeking unity with the kingdom of Israel. It became a “unity
at all costs,” and there was a huge cost in unifying with King Ahab:
Jehoshaphat’s son married Ahab & Jezebel’s daughter Athaliah, as notoriously
evil as her mother. Athaliah’s name even means "afflicted of the Lord."
Guy writes, “The Word of God
teaches us to walk in holiness and not to live in compromise. We can learn from
the example of King Jehoshaphat, that when opportunities come before us, we
must use discernment. Our yes should be yes and our no should be no….We see
throughout this account how King Jehoshaphat's alliance with King Ahaziah also
included the joining of their families through marriage. I wonder if
Jehoshaphat would have made the same decisions if he knew from the beginning
that his desire for unity through compromise would open the doors for God's
(Aliyah Return Center
& The
Faithful Galileans) Chaim Malespin writes about the “The
Hebrew word for truth is אֱמֶת (emet), is rich in significance. The alef, the first letter in the word אֱמֶת (emet)
is also the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. And the tav (ת), as you
may have already guessed, is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet.
This further demonstrates that we serve a God that is true! Three times in
the book of Isaiah is it written that God is the first and the last: Isaiah 41:4 – "I, the Lord—the first,
and with the last—I am He." | Isaiah 44:6 – "I am the first, and I am
the last; besides Me, there is no God." | Isaiah 48:12 – "I am He; I
am the first, I am also the last." . . . He is a God of truth! In Numbers
23:19 it emphasizes this: "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son
of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He
spoken, and will He not make it good?" And truth is not just keeping
from speaking lies, but it also includes being faithful, maintaining integrity,
being honest, and being responsible to hold to your promises. … Here at The
Faithful Galileans, it is our heart to disciple and encourage people to know
God’s word and to pray as watchman for Israel. Consider being part one of
the different projects below or consider sowing into making all of these things
happen. Sow into The
Faithful Galileans
Academy | Explore God's Word in
Israel! The Ambassador Academy, hosted by The Faithful Galileans, is a two-week
immersive leadership training experience hosted twice a year in Israel. Explore
biblical sites in Galilee, Jerusalem, and more. Learn from different teachers
in the Land. Engage in worship, prayer, and cultural activities, and assist
with humanitarian projects supporting new immigrants. Click here
to learn more
Youval Yanay and the team at Revive Israel continue to reflect the
light of Yeshua to those in need, even as the experience the same heavy hearts
as all Israelis over the war and the challenging days in Israel. They write, “Through
every trial, we hold fast to the truth that God is at work, bringing
restoration, healing, and hope. As we continue to stand together in prayer,
may we be strengthened by His promises and remain steadfast in our calling to
be a light in these times. We are so grateful for your faithfulness,
prayers, and love.” One of their community challenges: “A few months ago,
our discipleship center suffered severe flooding. This center—serving our
discipleship programs, our community, and truly the heart of what we do—was
significantly damaged. We are working hard to restore and renovate it. Please
pray with us for the completion of these repairs so we can once again use the
center to bless and serve others.”
Also read
Raphael Almeida’s Testimony from Brazil - A Journey of
Kingdom Connections and Tables “We saw
God’s hand guiding us into purposeful connections—relationships that we knew
were divinely orchestrated. Despite the challenges of traveling with three
children, God gave us grace to embrace each precious moment. One of the greatest lessons from this trip
was the importance of the table. Speaking in churches is valuable, but I
realized that true transformation happens when we sit at the table, look each
other in the eyes, listen to each other’s stories, and genuinely share life.
Read more
Elisheva, who has faithfully looked after Jacob Damkani since his cognizance
did not return after a surgery a few years back, sends this link: Even though it says “November 2024” on
the cover – the contents are the March 2025 PDF upload of newsletter from Trumpet of Salvation in Jaffa.
May you keep rejoicing in the blessing you received
through Messiah, and may you seek the Lord and His Kingdom first in all your
days. With much love and prayer, Elisheva and the Trumpet team. Trumpet of Salvation website
Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel congregation and Voice of Judah ministries sends this: Documentary VIDEO I Survived the Nova Festival on October 7th – The Darkest Day in Israeli’s Modern History | “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; He drew me out of deep waters." — Psalm 18:16 | Also: Bringing the Light of Yeshua to Nazareth Upcoming Evangelism event | Blessing Israel's Children in this Critical Hour - The story of Purim is more than an ancient tale of deliverance—it is a prophetic call to action for every believer today. | Testimony: From Brokenness to Hope - A life touched by Yeshua's Love
Michael Beener of the City of Life
congregation in Sderot sends 3 major prayer requests for March:
for the Acquisition of Our Own Building due to the growing persecution from
authorities pressured by the ultra Othrodox. Read
more about that here. #2 Joint
Worship Gatherings & Summer Camp for Messianic Youth in the Negev – One of our great concerns is the spiritual
growth and unity of the next generation of Messianic believers in Israel. …
Our hope is that through these meetings, they will find encouragement, support,
and a deep sense of belonging. Please pray that God will provide the necessary
finances, open hearts, and lead young people to participate. #3 Aliyah
to the Negev –We firmly believe that the
future of Israel is connected to the prophetic calling of settling the Negev.
Scripture speaks of the desert blooming, and we see this as both a physical and
spiritual reality. . . . However, with the October 7th attack by Hamas on the
border communities near Gaza, which are located in the Negev, the enemy has
sought to instill fear in the Jewish people to prevent them from settling in
this prophetic region…. Please join us in prayer for God’s guidance in
this vision, for open doors in government policies, and for the necessary
infrastructure to support these new communities.
… We deeply appreciate your prayer support. We trust that through your
prayers, we will see God's hand working powerfully in these situations. Website and Giving
Howard Bass of Nachalat Yeshua (Inheritance of Yeshua) writes, “ I (Howard) just returned from a trip
to England for board meetings of the CMJ-Israel. The meetings were to have
taken place in Jerusalem, but due to the situation that the airlines had not
yet committed to renew reliable air service to and from the promised land, they
were relocated to Birmingham. For those who are not familiar with the CMJ, they
own and minister out from the Christ Church compound inside Jaffa Gate in the
Old City of Jerusalem, and Beit Immanuel in Jaffa-Tel Aviv, and also Beit
Bracha in Migdal just above Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee. The CMJ were very active and instrumental
in God's hands for proclaiming the good news to the Jewish people already from
the 18th century in the UK and in Europe, and in reminding Theodore Herzl that
the land for the Jewish people was in then Turkish Ottoman Palestine, and not
just "anywhere" outside Europe where antisemitism was rife. Those two elements remain at the core of
the work today, as well.
Friends he stayed with in Guildford “arranged
several opportunities to meet with
prayer and Bible study groups, and also, with their pastor, to teach/preach at
their church; and also, with the PFI-UK (Prayer for Israel) director, a Zoom
opportunity. For those of you who notice
what I often write about, you may guess what my main focus was: Jesus Christ is coming again, and we ought to
be paying more attention to that in the times that we are living in. Thankfully, this message was generally
well received. At the same time, though, they say that they never hear this in
their churches…. . I really do
believe that this is the message which the Lord has given me since the moment
of my salvation, and "woe to me" if I do not speak it out.
(Ezek 33:1-6; Heb 12:25-29) If this
resonates with any of you, I would appreciate prayer that I may speak as I
ought to speak, that the Holy Spirit would quicken His Word to and through me
for the building up and encouragement of those under my authority and
influence. [Howard wrote many
compelling things about why he believes is it such great message for our days, including, “If I actually believe that the Lord
Yeshua/Jesus gave us a time-marker for knowing the approximate time of the end,
of all things being fulfilled leading up to His return and the resurrection of
the saints to rule and reign with Him on the Earth for 1000 years, then why
should I ignore that and teach and preach as if all things are as they always
have been, just that we are more aware of it now than those in past
generations?! “
of Wheat team Christian Arab team member Ruby shares his experience as over
the past year he has labored to bring necessary gear to especially the IDF
Reservists who have not had standard equipment for the level of warfare they
were called into. He was feeling frustrated at not being able to find a viable
option to supply the reservists with life-saving fire-resistant uniforms. He
writes, “One day, in the
middle of all this frustration, Eitan checked in on me. He saw I was exhausted,
overwhelmed, and feeling stuck. I told him, "There's so much need, but I
don't think I can do this. This is way over my head." Eitan just smiled
and reminded me of a verse: "Do you see
someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not
serve before officials of low rank" (Proverbs 22:29). Then it hit me: You're serving the
King. And if He's called you to this, He'll equip you for it." That changed everything. I stopped worrying about my qualifications and
started moving in faith. I dove in, armed with an iPad sketch and a whole lot
of "No's" from manufacturers. But I wasn't ready to give up.”
What a wonderful story unfolded as “not long after” Ruby called on a
manufacturer in the south for rainsuits. The daughter of the owner told Ruby
her father wanted to talk to him. “As we walked through his factory, I learned
something incredible—his company specialized in fire-resistant clothing. They
made protective gear for firefighters and industrial workers. Then he told me
something that stopped me in my tracks. "I've been wanting to create
fire-resistant uniforms for soldiers, but I needed someone to partner
with—someone who could get feedback from soldiers on the battlefield. But I
never found the right person." I laughed out loud. Because at that moment,
I knew—God had orchestrated this entire thing. We shook hands and started
working that day.” [Here’s about where my tears began to flow.}
They have
been able to distribute custom fire-resistant
uniforms. And you know the reason: because of the generosity of givers like you who
support this work. Don’t stop now – contrary to the belief of many in the
USA, this war is not over. Israel must fight for the foreseeable future…and
they need our help in finances and prayers.
Lastly from Jennifer Guetta of Plant
Hope Israel, the reminder that “It is almost Purim (13-14 March). A time of Joy, when we celebrate
that God turns the tables! Turning the tables means that what the enemy meant
for evil God will turn to good. It
means a situation is turned around and the victims become the victors. It means
that what was lost will return. May this season truly be a time when the
tables are turned for Israel and for the hostages.
“A Prophetic Time | The feast
of Esther is the last of the Biblical feasts. The feasts are a shadow of
things to come. Because this is the last feast, it has often been compared to
the end times. Truly the story of Esther reveals important spiritual
warfare lessons for our time.
“….Is Israel allowed to defend
itself? | In the Purim story we read that the King makes a higher decree
that allows the Jews to defend themselves and gives them victory. Last year
Israel was attacked by Hamas in a horrible way and Hamas started this war.
Israel had to defend itself against cruel terrorists. Not doing anything... was
not an option. For the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. Israel HAD TO
defend itself against Hamas. Yet the world didn't seem to understand, calling
on Israel to hold restraint. They did not understand that Israel had no
choice to fight. They have every right to defend themselves and must destroy
hamas. Thankfully God has installed a new president in America who
understands this. And he is now helping Israel. A higher decree has been made.
Israel can now defend itself. God has turned the tables for Israel! and We
pray that he will truly turn our mounting into dancing. For You | God can also turn the
tables for you. God uses Israel as an example to show what happens in the spirit
realm. What He does for Israel, He
can do for you!
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