Saturday, February 1, 2025

Zechariah 3 The LORD rebuke you Satan


This is a portion of a transcript that I  did this morning after listening to the video sent to me by someone who has remained faithfully in place in the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. You may not be able to make out the date on this teaching which is Feb 3, 2015, but on the platform with Mike Bickle in the picture are Deborah Heibert and Alan Hood. In fact a great many of the opposers of Mike and IHOP appear on this platform earlier in the taping. But I wanted to focus on the teaching because I found it quite amazing to see how much what is being taught and confirmed is exactly what is going on there for the past 1 plus year. I wanted to transcribe it in order to get it down into my spirit more solidly. As a person who has lived under both fear and accusation since I was a child, I saw in this teaching - especially as I transcribed it - how much God has been delivering me from vulnerability to both fear and accusation. It is a good thing to hear that we do not have to live in the fog of accusation. It is a revelation I believe has been playing out in real time before our eyes. The LORD rebuke you satan. 

Walking in the Destiny God has Called You to
February 3 2015 – Message by Mike Bickle with prophetic words from Alan Hood and Deborah Heibert
Starting at 1:29:43

I had a dream last night about this word.
One of the primary strategies of the enemy to keep us out of the fullness of our destiny is to accuse us. Accusation – and fear would be the other one – but accusation is one of the most effective ways that the kingdom of darkness silences the people of God. But the Lord wants us to silence the accusation, He wants us to operate in the opposite spirit. Because when accusation touches our heart – often the accusation is in our own mind but it is inspired by invisible powers. That accusation lodges in us and grow and has moments of intensity. Accusation against ourselves.

Then there is the accusation that gets through to us through even friends and family members. There are accusations that come from adversaries. Some of those accusations actually strike home in the wrong sense and we buy into those accusations. The accusations of adversaries. We buy into accusations of friends – sometimes they are being used – even godly men and women can be used as a vessel of the enemy to vent accusation to strike God’s servant. Often they’re the servants close friends too. They are your spouse or your children even.

So this fog of shame comes over us; this fog of despair. This introspection – it’s a fog. We’re not sure if it’s God, and we don’t know  - we lose our zeal, we lose our focus. It’s a fog of comparison to other folks, and all of those are different manifestations of the spirit of accusation. Particularly, and I am going to have Alan come in a few moments, in times of transition that is when the enemy really moves in strong with the spirit of accusation.  We are in a period of transition time. I believe we’re from the IHOP 1.0 to the IHOP 2.0.  There’s a number of things going on in this transition and some of you are in transition in your individual lives. Not only transition but that is when we are particularly vulnerable. Even when the LORD is preparing for new favor, new promotion, new seasons of increase, that’s when the accusations strike.

There are a number of examples of that in the Scripture, but Zechariah 3 is one of the premier ones.

Reviewing five things that I highlighted a year ago. In April 2014. Five things that I think are happening in our spiritual family a year ago. Each of these require a different response.
1. A year ago I spoke of a season of increase. We’re still in it. Our global footprint is increasing dramatically. I celebrate the increase, knowing it creates more work, but we celebrate it anyway because of “the fame of His name.” Part of that increase as God has said from the beginning, He’s sending people to other places. We celebrate that but we feel the pain of loss, of seeing people day to day, but it’s God plan. God has told us from day 1 He is going to raise up and send out. It is part of the increase to see people going. . . .
2. Last year I said we’re in a season of persecution. Adversaries – more voices will set against what the LORD is doing in our place. That could be said for 10,000 other places as well. So I don’t have a martyr complex. There are 10,000 ministries around the earth that this is a true statement about. We need to set our heart and just be sure that part of the mandate we have in the LORD has a stigma to it. It has an adversarial response of people who don’t like it, but we don’t have to let the accusation of that touch out heart.  Matter of fact, 1 Peter 4 tells us that the spirit of glory comes on you when you are reproached for being faithful. If friends, family, adversary – whatever – far or near – we respond in grace and there is a spirit of glory that increases.
3. We’re continuing in a season of mobilization. This is something we are going to focus on in even greater ways. Everybody in our missions base, everybody in our whole spiritual family are going to be involved in small group. It’s critical, not just to work together in department but to be in intentional relationship building. We call them Friendship groups. Many of our leaders are joining friendship groups. Me and my wife Diane have joined one in the last number of months and many of our leaders are doing that.  . . .we want all to do this with few exceptions….
4. Last year I mentioned we were in a season of Divine Discipline. Where the Lord was pointing out some of our blind spots. That is the graciousness of God. We had a lot of time last year where we reflected on that and gained some wisdom on things we needed to correct. I rejoice in that because it is an expression of the love of God when He is saying, Hey! There is blind spots. I want you to own them, make corrections. We’ve done quite a bit of conversations over the last year related to that.
5. A season of pruning. Pruning is not the same as Divine Discipline. Pruning is because you’re fruitful. Pruning is not people sent out to go somewhere else. The point of pruning is to remove distractions. It’s not negative dimension to pruning. The point of discipline is removing of deficiencies. Pruning and discipline – here’s the problem: although they’re different often it makes us vulnerable to the accusation of the enemy. The enemy gets into those places in our hearts – I mean even those folks who are being sent. I have interacted with a number of them over the years. The sending is God, and the celebration, and they land and some of them feel accused after they land. ‘Oh no, it’s harder than I thought. Did I miss it? How about this. Somebody said this. I heard a whisper over there. And they get accused for going. The devil isn’t a chooser particularly in moments of transition and strategic moments in your life.

We want to be a community that sees this scheme of the enemy and move in the opposite spirit. We give the enemy no room to take advantage of those here or there. So in the pruning, the discipline, the increase – whatever season because the enemy is going to get in and distort because there is a fog of despair, uncertainty and confusion about what’s happening.

The way God set me in a relationship with John Wimber about 25 years ago, He did it in such a supernatural way, and there are about 4 or 5 very significant applications to that. I’m not going into that story right now, I’ve shared it a number of times over the years, but the reason it is important is because the LORD confirmed and highlighted it in a very unusual and supernatural way. (I want to hear this tape too!)
One of the points of that joining together with John Wimber is that the Lord let me, and a number of us know, that there would be a season of stigma and accusation that we would learn how to interact with the LORD in that 25 years ago. But that would be a training ground for a far more intense season down the road.  I don’t believe we are entering that season of the most intense, I think we are still several years away from that.

When I reflect on that testimony, some of you are not familiar with it & some of you have heard it many times, I am just bolstered in my resolve to not be moved by stigma and the accusation that comes. When the Lord’s favor and the Lord’s Word is going forth there will be more resistance, there will be more adversaries. No, we are not in a pronounced season of that at this very moment, I believe it is coming more in the years to come. Far in the future.

It is something that I have just set my heart not to be moved back by. But I expect it. Not a martyr complex. I said it is all part of a mandate. I’m not going to take my cues from it. I’m not going to change the messaging because of it. The Lord really emphasized that this was part of the mandate and the mission.

Zechariah 3
I’m going to have Deborah Heibert and Alan Hood come up here in a minute to share and we’re going to pray for people.

Zechariah 3 it is a passage you want to be familiar with because it happened in a time of transition when they were building a house of prayer. Zechariah 3 and 4. We’re back about 500 BC, in a time of transition under the leadership of Joshua and Zerrubabel – after the Babylonian captivity. The LORD was rebuilding the House of Prayer. There were many obstacles, many adversaries. There was compromise that got in, many delays, lot of frustrations. There were failures, lack of resource. Here they were in a supernatural, historic moment. I mean the LORD poured out much favor and by His Spirit pronounced how important it was for them.

Here again it’s about 536 BC. They were to go build the House of Prayer, build the Temple but it was in the midst of very many troubles and obstacles. In the midst of doing it even thought there were troubles and obstacles, even though there were supernatural finances, favor, and the activity of the Spirit, compromise got in, adversaries rose up and the people of God refused to respond in the right way. The two leaders, Joshua and Zerrubabel, they were really in a time of dismay. Lord, this was supposed to be easier. It was supposed to be better. They were losing their way. And the spirit of accusation and unbelief was really lodged in against them to take them out.

The prophet Zechariah sees Joshua, and then the next chapter Zerrubabel. He sees a vision of these two guys and how the spirit of accusation and unbelief is really wearing them out and about to take them out. Because they are doing this historic, noble, glorious purpose in God. They’re building the House of Prayer, they’re building the Temple but it is more difficult than they thought; the work progress was slower than they thought. People were less responsive. The adversaries were more fierce than they imagined. So these two guys were actually losing their way in one of the most important hours of redemptive history.

It was by the word of the LORD that the LORD exposed the accusation of the enemy, broke the power of it, the fog lifted and these two guys said, What was THAT?!  Let’s be about what God called us to. It is a glorious story.

Here in Zechariah chapter 3, the prophet Zechariah said, The Lord showed me an open vision of Joshua onethe two main leaders. He was standing before the LORD and Satan rises up and accuses him. He said, “This guy is disqualified!’ He accuses him and opposes him.

The problem is, Joshua did have failures. There were really some wrong things that were going on. So this was totally unfounded. The devil always misapplies it, exaggerates it, and puts a twist on it. But Joshua was in that transition time and in a time of difficult and the devil said, I’m going to move in here and take him out. I’m going to get him to quit, but he was trying to get the LORD to cancel him out but the LORD wouldn’t. So the spirit of accusation went to get Joshua to draw back into the fog – give up, give in. I don’t know what’s going on, the Lord’s not with me, it’s too hard, look what I’ve done, it’s too late, I’ve gone too far, it’s not worth it.

Verse 1: He showed me Joshua. Satan was opposing him, accusing him. And the Lord said to Satan, “The LORD rebuke you Satan!” I will not tolerate your accusation against my servant. But again, Joshua had dirty garments. He had issues that had to be settled and straightened in his life.

Look at verse 4: And the LORD spoke to the angels that were around Him. Take away the filthy garments and put on the good garments. Renew him. Strengthen him. Satan, I rebuke you. My favor is for him. My eyes are toward him. My purpose is for him. He has not gone too far, My hand is with him. And the fog breaks off of the high priest Joshua. Again the same thing happens again in the next chapter to Zerrubabel, the two main guys.

I have to read verse 2-8 again: The Lord said to Satan, The Lord rebuke you. Then he spoke to the angels to take the filthy garments away and here is the point I want to make: Go say to him, go tell this to Joshua: See? I removed your filthy garments. See? I covered you. My hand is toward you. Joshua says, I don’t feel that. And the LORD tells the angels: to tell him to SEE the TRUTH about how I see him and the truth about who he is before me.

The battle for Joshua was the battle for seeing. It is the same battle for Zerrubabel in the next chapter. In the next verse God tells the angels to tell Joshua, If you will be fully faithful – not just in godliness in his life, but actually be faithful to the assignment. It’s not just a character issue, it is also a command to perform the assignment. The role I gave him, he’s got to be faithful in it. When you get the fog of accusation, you draw back from the LORD, you get super introspective, you get super comparative, You are taking everybody’s word beside the LORD’s. And the mandate, you don’t have energy for the thing God assigned you to do. It doesn’t seem important, it doesn’t seem valuable, it seems like a waste of time. And that fog comes on. It is a very common strategy of the enemy.

Verse 7. Go tell Joshua, if he will obey me, if he will be faithful in the thing I assigned him to do, tell him I will manifest the leadership grace on him. He’ll judge my house, he’ll have charge over the courts. The courts is the Temple, it’s the House of Prayer. Tell him leadership grace will be evident. If he will say yes to my word, the grace of leadership will be evident on him in a way he cannot see now. Now look at this one:  Go tell Joshua that I am going to give him a place to walk among the angels standing before me. I’m going to give him a supernatural dimension to his future that he hasn’t had up to now.

So you tell Joshua to listen to My Word and not to voice of the enemy.

Alan and Deborah come on up.
Mike continues: Last night I had a powerful night of dreaming. I had different members of the staff and we were sitting around the table – eating, like a fellowship table. Different ones on our staff, the enemy was wanting to discourage them. So we were talking and in the dream I just took my finger pointed and said, In the name of Jesus I break the power of this! I wake up and my hand is up (finger pointing) and I was saying out loud, in the name of Jesus…and I woke up and thought, wow, that was pretty cool. I go back to sleep and in a little while I’m dreaming and it is another setting around the table and I point and say, In the name of Jesus, I take authority over this. And I wake up again and my hand is out! and I’m hearing myself finish the sentence. Wow.  I feel  the presence of the LORD and think, I like this! And I fall back asleep and it happens a third time.

Then he asks Deborah and Alan both to give their testimonies about Zechariah 3 … which they do. 

DONNA: At the moment the battle still rages against Mike Bickle and IHOP. And many others across the landscape of Christian leadership. We are assuredly in a transition period and the accusers' voice is the loudest voice in the Body of Christ right now. I believe that throughout the world there is going to be a great shock among the body when God arises and rebukes the Accuser so the fog lifts off of us and His people can see themselves for where we are really at. The shock will be how all of us are wearing the spots and wrinkles that God wants removed from us, just like Joshua, God wants them replaced with clean garments and a white turban wrapped around our heads to protect us even from the thoughts of the Accuser creeping make us unstable, self-destructive. We are going to looking at our OWN faults and blind spots more than point our fingers at our spiritual brothers and sisters. I believe Mike Bickle is going to emerge from this terrible season even more fruitful than all the previous years put together. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Arrows 2025 Jan 31 Holocaust Memorial Day: Remembering is an Act of Love


Remembering is an Act of Love          
by Donna Diorio

I was inspired by Pastor Israel Pochtar’s article title “Remembering as an Act of Loveand it reminded me of seeing the exceptional artistry in the Star of David ‘engraved’ in the palm of a hand drawn with such life-like excellence. When I went to find it on my Facebook page, I saw it had been posted by the International House of Prayer Kansas City.
     Thank you to IHOPKC for posting this exquisite drawing on Holocaust Memorial Day with the verse, She is engraved on the palm of Your hand, Have Mercy toward her
Your name, your story, your people—forever held in the tenderness of His gaze”

     To the point of my using it here, lest we forget: In mid-April 2023 Mike Bickle announced that he was calling for the IHOP Kansas City staff to drop everything and go for a 21-day fast and prayer ahead of a May international gathering of Christians in Jerusalem. Bickle knew that many of those intercessory organizations did not have an inkling of what God is going to do to restore salvation to Israel and the Jewish people. Not only did IHOPKC get involved but almost the entire international network of prayer houses came together for the prayer. Never – no not ever – had such an event of Christians praying for Israel taken place. In my own view, the spiritual backlash on IHOP has been crushing.
      As soon as Bickle made the announcement, for the first time ever I began to tune to the IHOP Global Prayer Room daily. I have listened daily ever since as I work at my computer. The worship pouring out of that 24/7 broadcast was and still is heavy with the anointing of God. When I am working and listening, I am often draw to go to the open screen it is playing on because I am touched with the presence of God in worship and in the prayers. I often cry listening first to the worship but also to the prayers being prayed over Israel. From April 2023 until today, I hear the prayers going up to God in the name of Yeshua for Israel, for Israeli Ministries and for the salvation and shalom over “all Israel.”
     It is good always to acknowledge the good in people. No matter what demeaning and condemning things you have heard, when their hearts are grounded in the worship of God, lifting up prayers to God and standing with in agreement with God’s Word for the salvation of Israel – this comes from a good heart. A heart for God and with God. We cannot forget that. Their remembrance of Israel, of the Holocaust, of the promise of God for the salvation of Israel, is an act of love on their part, and I have no doubt it will be accounted unto them as righteousness for their faith to keep doing so.
     Having done all, stand.

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Voice of Judah/Beit Hallel pastor Israel Pochtar on Holocaust Memorial Day: Remembering as an Act of Love | This week, as the world observes Holocaust Memorial Day, we are reminded of one of the darkest chapters in human history. The Holocaust is not just a story of tragedy but of resilience, faith, and the undeniable human spirit. Even though decades have passed since the liberation of Auschwitz, the pain remains etched in the lives of the survivors who endured its horrors. . . . The hatred that resurfaced during Israel’s recent conflicts triggered painful memories of persecution, fear, and rejection.... We believe that remembering the Holocaust is more than a duty; it is an act of love….Read more
     ALSO VIDEO & Short ARTICLE Jerusalem: A City of Promise, Conflict, and Glory | A Vision for Revival: Beit Hallel’s New Evangelism and Discipleship Center In the vibrant city of Ashdod, Israel, something extraordinary is taking shape. Beit Hallel Congregation is stepping into an exciting new chapter with the creation of an Evangelism and Discipleship Center. | Jerusalem Outreach: Meeting Needs, Sharing Hope  Every week, Beit Hallel Congregation’s outreach team in Jerusalem witnesses the tangible love of God in action. | MUST READ THIS OUTSTANDING ACCOUNT of Walking in the Footsteps of Peter & Cornelius: A Day of Faith and Connection Last week, something truly special happened. Beit Hallel’s follow-up team took a group of non-believers on an unforgettable journey to the ancient cities of Jaffa and Caesarea. ….The day started in Jaffa, a city that feels like stepping straight into the pages of the Bible. The group gathered outside a house traditionally believed to be the place where Peter received his vision—a vision that changed everything. … It’s hard not to feel the weight of that moment while standing where it all began...more online 

Michael Beener of the City of Life in Sderot:  Commemorating International Holocaust Remembrance Day: Memory, Resilience, and Hope Read and Watch Michael’s Video and click here to learn more as they share the stories of Holocaust survivors in their area.
     CONSTANT PERSECUTION ON OUR MINISTRY As many of you know, we have been going through difficult times because of the constant pressure from local authorities, influenced by ultra-Orthodox Jewish extremist groups (such as the anti-missionary organization Yad L’Achim), who are trying to close our distribution center and stop our congregation activities. They see our work and the love and support we receive from thousands of local residents as a threat. This situation has reached a critical point once again, and next Sunday February 2nd, we will face a new court hearing. . . .this court case began four and a half years ago when the chief rabbis of the city unified their efforts and organized a major demonstration in front of our ministry building. During this protest, a large number of ultra-Orthodox leaders publicly declared that they would not stop until they expelled the Messianics from the city. This demonstration was accompanied by an extensive media campaign, with articles in major newspapers like Yediot Aharonot, where they spread lies about our ministry and myself…. All of this is happening while, at the same time, more and more families love and support us, relying on our ministry to help them navigate their daily lives, especially during these incredibly difficult times on the border with Gaza….WATCH OUR VIDEO ABOUT THE CONSTANT PERSECUTION AND OUR NEXT CHAPTER AS A MINISTRY  Whether through prayer, financial support, or spreading the word, together we can face this challenge and witness the Lord working miracles in the midst of adversity. We trust that God has great plans for His work in Sderot. Thank you for walking with us on this journey of faith. JOIN US NOW!

Avi Mizrachi of Dugit Messianic Outreach has a heart to do all they can do toward the urgent needs of reserve soldiers “—a high percentage of the reserve soldiers who have been called up to combat units over the last 13 months exhibit PTSD symptoms, such as complex emotions related to the harm or loss of their comrades. These courageous soldiers and their spouses need our immediate help.
     The ongoing war is exposing our IDF reserve soldiers to severely traumatic combat experiences, particularly in Gaza and the surrounding area. The horror of the initial days of fighting has led to many Israeli casualties, hundreds of abductions, and heavy losses among our IDF soldiers.”

Stefan Silver, a pastor at Kerem-El congregation, brings an update for his parents David & Josie Silver’s Out of Zion Ministries. Stefan updates on the hostages and writes, “In Israel, emotions are peaking as the nation attempts to balance joy for the return of hostages with the heavy cost of releasing abhorrent murderers. Families who lost their loved ones to terrorist attacks are understandably torn, leading to widespread debate over the moral implications of the deal. While the deal is met with significant controversy, most Israelis support it despite the difficult decision to release murderous terrorists with blood on their hands, some serving many life sentences for the heinous acts they committed. The situation presents a painful moral and social dilemma, but most feel there is no alternative if it means bringing the hostages home. The terrorists can be dealt with later, the hostages have no time left. . . . President Trump's stern warnings leading up to his inauguration had a significant impact on finalizing the deal last week and the initial hostage release on Sunday. It will no doubt continue to shape the events going forward as well.  . . .We ask for prayers during this time: pray for the rest of the hostages to be released as planned, for wisdom and guidance for Israel’s leaders and those involved in the tough mediation efforts. | Read the Silver’s teachings and view their VIDEOS

Daniel Yahav who pastors
The Face of God Fellowship in Tiberias gives an update of the funeral of a young soldier from his congregation in Tiberias, Aviel . Afterwards, he gives an update of the hostages. This is a 7:47 YouTube VIDEO

Chaim Malespin, the Faithful Galilean & Aliyah Return Center writes, Have the Mediators Been Neutral?  “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.” Matthew 6:11-13 Watch here
     He also writes about the fig tree that Yeshua cursed  that bore no fruit in the spring. He says the early figs are not nearly as tasty as the figs of the late season, “However, if the fig tree does not produce even the immature figs, the delicious sweet figs will not grow either…. A tree that bears no fruit, in the Bible is symbolic as being barren or lacking in righteousness…. In three of the gospel accounts, Yeshua speaks about the fig tree and bearing fruit. In the account in Matthew 21:18–22 and Mark 11:12–14, Yeshua curses the fruitless fig tree. This speaks of the consequences of being unfruitful; lacking righteousness, obedience, faith and repentance. However, in Luke 13:6–9, the vinedresser requests to fertilize the unfruitful fig tree, which is a demonstration of God’s mercy and desire to help cultivate in us the fruits of righteousness. [dd: who are those who pray for Israel’s salvation if not vinedressers?!]
     In John 15:5, Yeshua says to His disciples: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” How do we remain in Him? For one, Yeshua is called the Living Word. The word of God brings life. I encourage you to be curious, study the Bible. Ask questions, and explore the truth of God’s word. And if I could add one more thing, is to not only read the Bible, but to keep it and to do what it says.  So this is my prayer for myself, for all of us, and for my nation Israel, is that we would be fruitful trees, bearing an abundance of fruits of righteousness!

Reuven Doron’s excellent REND YOUR HEART goes into the prophecies of Joel 2: “Joel’s prophecy delivers some of the most intense biblical warnings and promises covering God’s disciplinary judgments, healing, and eventual blessings…. The bridge between the judgments and the blessings is found in the words quoted above. “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning …(and) rend your heart …” Here lies the secret of our healing. The true God of Creation and the Author of our Salvation has a heart! He wants His people to come to Him; to plead with Him; to trust in Him; and to know Him.  In fact, our God designed the entirety of this age and the whole of human history for this one purpose and one purpose only - to make a people for Himself. A people who love Him, who are fashioned into His image, and who will go on with Him into eternity never to die again. Everything else in our lives is subservient to this great purpose, a mere background noise.
     …. Israel’s heart is breaking these days as our hostages are trickling back in small weekly increments of immense joy mingled with indescribable pain. In payment for their release, IDF forces are retreating from strategic territories captured in Gaza and Lebanon by the blood of our sons, while hundreds of terrorists are being released weekly from Israeli jails, many of whom are murderous monsters…. Millions of Israelis are asking “How compromised and weak is our national leadership? They not only didn’t prepare the nation for the increasing dangers, but also led us into this scandalous and humiliating conclusion of this war!” Yet, is there more than meets the eye to this great global game of seduction and confusion for the purposes of control?  We will address some of the answers to these disturbing questions in the following paragraphs (read online here), but the prophetic answer is simple. If we are not in a position to “rend our own hearts” in hope for the Lord’s mercies and healing, then the Lord God of Israel Himself, according to His eternal plan, will “rend it for us.”
     To partner with Reuven, visit  or email us at for more information. 

Norma S From this Mountain thoughts from Mt. Zion And my word is…I have only done this once before...thought of a 'word' for the year. I know we are almost one month into it, but a few weeks ago I wrote down the word 'hope'. I really have no other word to describe what my heart longs for...hope for Israel, hope for prodigals, hope for hostages, hope for healings, hope for the Body, hope for salvation of Jews. I could list many more 'hope fors' because they are in my heart every day.  Continues online

Such a touching January Update from Dov Bikas who Tel Aviv outreach receives volunteers from congregations all over Israel to minister to the addicts and those trapped in sex work on the streets. This is where Israelis on their last leg of societal outcast come to live, and this is where Dov and the ministry volunteers feed them, treat their wounds and minister to them. This update contained the situation of a man who came from Ukraine, has no family in Israel, was in a dire state of addiction – then they saw he was not eating, took him to the doctor where he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He doesn’t have much time left but he has opened his heart to God. Please pray for Valeriy.
     Also they tell of taking in two women into the Women’s Shelter – making an exception knowing that both were alcoholics. They took them in because they were both in such critical situations with violence from their husbands. In time both returned to alcohol even in the shelter and the decision was made to transfer them to a Christian ministry that dealt with their condition. So the Aviv Center was asking themselves, did we do wrong bringing them in? They soon got the answer when both of the woman shared how the ministry of Yeshua had given them an excellent start to recovery from alcoholism that they wanted to continue to build on spiritually. Pray for this special ministry “to least of these”. As Dove writes, “Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers! Please feel free to share your prayers requests with us too anytime!”  Donation Info

From Tikkun Global in Jerusalem this VIDEO “Face Time” with the Father from Asher Intrater “Our goal is to hear Him say, “You, also, are my son and daughter and I am well pleased with you.” | ALSO The phrase “Jesus is Palestinian” is a false narrative aimed at distorting history and erasing Jesus’s Jewish identity to promote Palestinian claims to the land. In Release the Prime Hostage Held by Palestine: Jesus!  Sebastian van Wessem  discusses the implications of this revisionism for Christianity and Judaism, warning against accepting fabricated doctrines that undermine biblical truths. | God is reconciling Jew and Gentile together "in His flesh" through the cross of Christ. This powerful work of Jesus is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant and is at the heart of God's redemptive plan for both Jews and Gentiles. Read the book by Ariel Blumenthal One New Man.

Kobi and Shani Ferguson of Maoz Israel write, For the past 49 years Maoz has had ONE VISION - Building a community of believers in Israel! This vision, built on FOUR KEYSTONES has guided us through both fruitful and difficult times in Israel. Even now, as Israel continues to wrestle with multiple enemy fronts, we find these four keystones applying to every part of our lives and work. So, check out the Four Keystone video to look back with us at God’s faithfulness and look ahead with us towards His promises. 
     P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Maoz Israel YouTube Channel to be notified of new war updates and the Maoz TV show!  | Support Israel's Salvation | Don't miss the new song release by Illit Ferguson, Elijah Davis and Siyona Adranly!

The Revive Israel team write, “The past few weeks in Israel have been an emotional rollercoaster. From the release of hostages to the ongoing tension at our borders, the reality around us has been incredibly challenging. Many of us are glued to the news, hoping and praying for more positive updates. We ask you to continue standing with us in prayer for all those returning from captivity—that they may experience healing in body, soul, and spirit, and come to know the grace of God through Messiah Yeshua. Despite the challenges we face, there is an overwhelming sense of joy and fruitful activity within our community! Our Friday Market continues to flourish, attracting many Israelis each week—some hearing about Yeshua for the first time.
     We also ask for your prayers for Raphael and Liel and their family as they leave for a two-week trip to Brazil. During this time, they will visit several congregations, teaching, and strengthening the dear relationships Revive Israel has with the believers in Brazil.

Sally Shiff in Kfar Saba, and from the HaMayaan congregation writes,” Seven more home!  Home at last, Israeli newspapers | Three more expected tomorrow including The father of the Bibas children. And the American held hostage since Oct 7. Still no official word on the rest of the Bibas family, But I am sure we will hear soon. Meanwhile, let’s celebrate the return of all the soldiers (5 of them) who were outlooks on the border. They are finally reunited: The journey of our released
     From the IDF: Overnight (Thursday), with the direction of IDF intelligence, the IAF struck multiple Hezbollah terrorist targets in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon that posed a threat to the Israeli Home Front and IDF troops. The targets that were struck include a Hezbollah terrorist site containing underground infrastructure, used to develop and manufacture weaponry and additional terrorist infrastructure sites on the Syrian-Lebanese border used by Hezbollah to smuggle weaponry into Lebanon.
     1/30 Twenty-nine miles from where I live in Kfar Saba, in central Israel is Jenin, a Hamas hold out. I want to show you what they have found in that town. Exclusive footage from the IDF (English subtitles).
     The main plan that was supposed to happen October 7, 2023 was for Israel to be invaded from the north, south (Gaza) and central (Judea and Samaria). Now 16 months later, Israel is methodically eradicating our enemy on all fronts. But it will take time. But I wanted to highlight just how close I am to the front. Since I live central, 29 miles from the north, south and central is how close I am. More hostages are coming back to Israel today and Saturday :)
     I am leaving tomorrow for the states, and will try to give you a wonderful update of their return. But due to travel, I will be out of pocket for the weekend. Pray for the safety and protection of my friends and family here in Israel, and travelling mercies for me.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Arrows 2025 Jan 23 "We Were Like Them That Dream"

See Times of Israel VIDEO “I came back alive!”

When the LORD restored the captives of Zion,
we were like them that dream           
by Donna Diorio

Psalm 126:1 A song of ascents. When the LORD restored the captives of Zion, we were like dreamers. 2 Then our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with shouts of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” 3 The LORD has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. 4 Restore our captives, O LORD, like streams in the Negev.

I think we in the body of the LORD need to take a moment just to rejoice when a wonderful thing has taken place just to be “like them that dream.” This is a holy moment of joy that we should savor fully before reverting back to our natural human default of criticisms, weighing all the pros and cons and all the other non-joyous things. The first three hostages released on January 19th is a cause for great joy for the whole Israeli people.
     I’m not preaching at anyone what I’m not preaching to myself right now because regardless of the pros and cons, the evaluations and criticisms, what remains is that Israel just enjoyed a beautiful restoration of hostages ALIVE! Soon afterwards the body of believers in the United States enjoyed a precious, and I say “holy moment” in the restoration of our rightful President. A historic comeback in American history as Donald Trump, our 45th President was sworn in as our 47th President on January 20th. We want to savor that moment of great joy. They tried to steal, kill and destroy him beyond restoration, but God saw fit to raise him up yet again for our President.
     Christians and Israel's Jews, especially those Messianic Israelis we share faith in Yeshua/Jesus with - He has made it so we share much more between us. We share moments like this - moments of great joy as well as the moments of great sorrow. It is not a one-sided journey. we are walking together in each other’s lives and destinies – even separated by continents and specific circumstances, it is the same battles and spiritual enemies. 

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

City of Life’s Michael Beener writes as Israel celebrates as 3 hostages return home after 471 days in Hamas captivity | Supporters and relatives of hostages held captive since the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attacks gathered at Tel Aviv's "Hostage Square" on Jan. 19, 2025, to witness the emotional release of three Israeli hostages. The crowds erupted in cheers and tears as news broke that Romi Gonen, Doron Steinbrecher, and Emily Damari had returned to Israel after 471 days of captivity in Gaza.
  The three women were the first of 33 hostages scheduled for release over six weeks as part of the Gaza ceasefire deal. Despite delays in the handover process, the ceasefire began mid-morning, paving the way for their eventual freedom.
     Video footage showed Gonen, Steinbrecher, and Damari being handed over to the Red Cross at a Gaza City square, then transported to an IDF post. From there, IDF and Shin Bet personnel escorted them across the border into Israel, where their families were waiting.
    Setting the captives free!
 At 6 p.m., the IDF confirmed their safe return, releasing footage of emotional family reunions. . . .     Let us pray for the protection of Israel, for safety and strength for its people, and for wisdom for its leaders. May God bring peace to the land, comfort to those suffering, and healing to all affected by this conflict. To support City of Life’s congregation and many outreaches see here.
     The Ir HaHaim congregation is in S’derot, the closet city to Gaza that Hamas taunted calling it “the City of the Dead” which is why the congregation was named City of Life.

Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center & the Faithful Galileans took part in a harrowing mission right before the release of the hostages. He writes: “ It felt like an action movie!  I explain a bit more in this video how I felt like I was in an action movie the other night!      Rejoice with us as these first three hostages have been released from the clutches of brutal Terror!   
ALSO a mission Chaim took part in: It felt like an action movie! I explain a bit more in this
video how I felt like I was in an action movie the other night!  FYI Real life Is far different than watching a movie. Many people around the world were praying, and I am so grateful for this! Thank you for your prayers. The battle was intense and our hummer got stuck twice in deep sand. Talk about crazy! Somehow we all made it out alive. Most likely because of your prayers. Thank you!
     Our mission was to make one last attempt in bringing home more hostages, or at least bodies. Our mission was in Southern Gaza, and at the same time another desperate last minute rescue mission was happening in northern Gaza. Although our rescue mission was dangerous, with moments that felt like an eternity, twice, we were stuck in what seemed like sinking sand under relentless heavy fire in Rafiah, and though my team were ultimately unsuccessful in achieving our specific objective, we operated as part of a greater effort. Another IDF team in northern Gaza worked separately, but together, as one united nation, we were successful. Through countless moving parts in combined effort, IDF was able to bring home Oron Shaul, whose body had been taken captive into Gaza during a previous war with Hamas in 2014.
     Now, seeing the return of three hostages, we are filled with great jubilation and gratitude as a nation! . . . So the ceasefire begins. As an Israeli citizen and a family guy, I am too happy to know that 33 hostages will be returning home. However, as an Israeli soldier, my heart is a bit heavy, Hamas still has a grip on the Gaza strip, and they remain a threat. And it is absolutely wicked that they brainwash their children to become terrorists. Even if Hamas surrendered the misguided people in Gaza would most likely continue down the path of Islamic jihadism.
     So even though there is a ceasefire in Gaza, there is still much need for prayer over all that’s happening on all the borders. . . .Thank you so much for being faithful prayer warriors during this time of war! May God richly bless you! Help support The Faithful Galileans here. |  JOIN US IN ISRAEL THIS FEBRUARY! Ambassador Academy, hosted by Faithful Galileans from February 2-16, 2025, is a two-week immersive program in Israel. Learn more here.

Eitan Shishkoff of Fields of Wheat and founder of Tents of Mercy in Kiryat Yam, was of eloquent expressing the heart of Israelis in Saluting Aviel, a young soldier recently laid to rest who comes from a multi-generation Messianic Jewish family. Etian wrote, “Aviel, your fellow uniformed defenders of Israel have come to salute you. They, like you, are the best, freshest, strongest, most disciplined young citizens of this unlikely-to-be-resurrected nation. They, like you were, are entrusted with deadly weapons that now lay casually slung over their shoulders. At 77, I find myself wishing I could trade my life for yours. I have lived a full collection of years. You were crushed in the flower of youth.” 
    Some may say things like that in an emotional moment, but knowing the father-heart of Eitan, I believe it. Just as much as I believe the apostle Sha’ul/Paul meant what he said in Romans 9:2-4, “I have deep sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Messiah for the sake of my brothers, my own flesh and blood, the people of Israel.”  It is the expression of a laid down life to God’s purposes. Recommend you read this salute to Aviel to grasp what Israelis are feeling about their lost defenders of Israel. 

I would also like to recommend this article from Messianic Jew Cookie Schwaeber Issan: The Importance for Christians to Understand Israeli Values  Understand why Israel will release thousands of terrorists to recover even a fraction both dead and alive hostages.

Join Asher Intrater in this Tikkun Global video New Period of Hope. Asher cites 4 scriptures about trumpets, all depicting a change in season. . . . The hostages coming home are not just numbers, they are embraced as daughters, as family. Their release evoked the tears of the entire country. Their recovery contrasted the preciousness of life versus the incredible price of thousands of terrorists to be released. Israel has sanctified life, while Hamas has sanctified death. What does this mean? How is God moving? What does the future look like? Is God really in control? Let’s ask God to open our eyes and our hearts to the CHANGES so we can rise up and move forward in His Kingdom purposes with renewed hope and victory.
     Also Asher’s Signing a Deal with Satan? From a Jihadi perspective, this is a not an agreement at all, but a hudna, a temporary truce until the Muslim umma (community) can rearm and regain their military strength. Is it a good deal for Israel? Of course not. It is terrible. But it may be the best option we have right now. We need to trust PM Netanyahu and the cabinet to weigh all the pros and cons, and to make the right decision.   
     BOOK: Relational Leadership | Daniel Juster | Understand leadership from a biblical perspective. This book puts over 20 years of pastoral and ministry leadership into a practical guide for building healthy congregations and teams. Filled with examples and stories, this is a resource to refer back to year after year.

From Pastor Israel Pochtar’s Beit Hallel congregation and the Voice of Judah Israel Ministries, a Devotional video on how God’s Anointing gets Released in Difficult Times: The Olive Press of Life. Also he writes in Reaching Israel with the Good News of Yeshua!At Beit Hallel Congregation, evangelism is at the core of our mission and vision. We are passionate about sharing the good news of Yeshua with the people of Israel, and we know that working together with local congregations and ministries is key to maximizing the impact of this vital work. By partnering closely with our sister congregations, we aim to equip them with the tools and resources they need to reach their communities with the life-changing message of salvation.”
     We’re beyond excited to give you an update on our Evangelism and Discipleship Center project here in Israel” Let's Build Something Great Together! Our Evangelism and Discipleship Center Project in Israel ALSO Bringing Hope and Love Through Humanitarian Outreach | and A Miraculous Christmas Outreach in Ashkelon

From Arab Christian “one new man” prophetic-intercessor Rania Sayegh in Nazareth-based HOPE (House of Prayer & Exploits, Rania writes, “….we are deeply grateful for your unwavering support during such a difficult year. Despite the ongoing war on multiple fronts here in Israel, we continue to see God's faithfulness and protection over His people. Thank you for your continued support and partnership as we step into this new season of ministry. Together, we will see God's Kingdom advance in Israel and the nations.” Rania has an excellent – but extensive list of items on her prayer list. Go to the HOPE website and explore – you will see how to subscribe to the monthly updates full of great prayer points.

Avner Boskey at David’s Tent has been busy writing the great background/historic elements of all that we are seeing today in the Middle East related to Israel.  Reagrding the hostage exchange is Playing poker with Hitler | Want to understand how the collapse of Islam’s caliphate had many Islamic leaders dreaming of becoming the one to restore the Caliphate and conquer the entire world? Read The morphing of the Caliphate. Last sent article is The Black Riders of Jihad. That black flag the recent US terrorist on Bourbon Street in New Orleans was flying on his truck has a meaning.  Avner sheds light on the meaning: “The most important thing is the color. This raya, the solid black flag, was the Prophet Mohammed’s war banner. This flag compresses time and space – it harks back to where they came from and where they are going. It is not just the color of jihad and of the caliphate, but it represents the coming of what some believers see as the final battle and the day of resurrection.” Wakey, wakey America.

From the team led by Youval and Valerie Yanay at Revive Israel, they are grateful “to God for the incredible work He did through the Winter Discipleship Program of 2024. This season was filled with transformation, healing, and renewal for every participant. With a focus on spiritual growth, community living, and connecting with God through creation, the program was truly life-changing. Each morning began with personal prayer, scripture reading, and group discussion. . . . Daily teachings from Youval and Roni provided participants with practical tools for understanding God’s Word and living it out. Creative workshops…. sessions on identity, emotional healing, and relationships… Field activities, such as sowing, planting, weeding, preparing garden beds, and weekly harvesting, connected practical tasks to Yeshua’s parables and the spiritual principles discussed throughout the day. One participant reflected, "The connection with the earth changes you. It’s hard to explain, but it genuinely makes a difference."
     The group also visited local congregations, experiencing the diversity and unity of believers in the land. Meetings with respected elders and leaders offered valuable wisdom and encouragement, inspiring participants to live out their faith with boldness. To read the full report of how God worked and transformed lives through discipleship, click here. 

Reuven Doron updates us on the deal Israel made with Hamas in Passing Through the Storms (CLICK to WATCH the VIDEO!!). He also wrote in the email he sends, “This is probably the most controversial, problematic and unavoidable agreement Israel ever signed with one of the many Islamic jihadi organizations.” In the email he shared a nice little spiritual learning lesson he received from from his 2-year old grandson on a tricycle ride. The 2 year old was in charge of navigation and granddad handled the propulsion – which meant a lot of darting left, right left! Here’s the lesson Reuven got from it, “Whatever we fix our eyes on, there we shall end up. Whatever grabs our ATTENTION will influence our DIRECTION, and could, over time, determine our DESTINATION. So - let us be sure therefore that, whatever storms pass by, the Word of God and His presence remain our focus. As Isaiah urged the nations, “Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.”
     Reuven writes:  Thank you for upholding our people, our family, and our work in your prayers. We are grateful for those who are able to financially share in our labors during this season of war and of harvest. The needs are substantial, as are the opportunities to serve the Lord, and
this link offers tax-credited giving options. You can email us for more information and for other giving options. Thank you.

Heart of G-d Ministries Carolyn & Richard Hyde sent this VIDEO  of a walk on the streets of Jerusalem when a very surprising thing happened – an Orthodox man joined in singing with Carolyn!  
     She also writes about 20-year old Aviel who was a neighbor in her greatly Messianic village who was killed in Gaza. “To see his grieving family was so heartbreaking, but the eulogies given by his parents and pastor beautifully yet sensitively proclaimed that our hope remains firmly in Yeshua, the Hope of Israel.”
Carolyn writes in Altar of Prayer Watch that recently while enroute to Jerusalem she met 2 IDF soldiers who “shared what happened to them on Oct. 7 on Kibbutz Be'eri, where they lost some of their best friends. It was almost therapeutic for them to recount their struggles in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria so openly. And when they invited me to the induction of their new team at the Kotel, we gladly went to pray over them! The next day we volunteered with more of our precious soldiers - what a privilege!” 
     Also “During the worship watch at Kehilat HaCarmel, I was transported in the Spirit to a deeper understanding of the Living Waters and came to understand why G-d delights in the prayers of the saints, because when they’re mixed with His Glory and then sprinkled on people in the nations, He rejoices in that partnership with little us here on earth.”

From Howard Bass at Nachalat Yeshua, Yeshua’s Inheritance, he writes, “on Sonday, Jan 19, three  Israeli hostages were released after 471 days/~15 months in horrific captivity by Hamas in Gaza. On Monday, Jan 20, Donald Trump was again inaugurated, this time as the 47th President of the United States of America. . . .There are very mixed feelings and expectations and worries due to both of these major events. I would dare to say that nearly all Israeli citizens -- especially those who are glad to identify as being Israeli -- were both glad and sad at the same time: crying with joy at seeing the three Israeli women returned to Israel, and to their families -- all of whom have endured a horrible year-plus. The deal that Israel was pressured to make does not look good from an Israeli perspective, other than some temporary tension has been released, only to exacerbate the real concerns about more serious repercussions that may result from such a deal. "Have I got a deal for you?!" Meanwhile, Hamas and their ilk are celebrating. . . . I do believe that some regional peace agreement will come out of this destruction, but a peace that will further lull people to accepting, with wishful thinking, a false peace that cannot, and will not, endure. Only God's peace plan will be true and righteous and permanent.
. . . . YHVH God has promised that His chosen nation Israel will be the "head" nation, but only when Israel is willingly subject to the rule of God's appointed King, Messiah Son of David/Son of God.”          “Here are two articles which speak to the times, that I wrote some years ago, and a recent one about a major element of our new creation, one new man identity in Messiah/Christ: Yeshua shall be called a Nazarene | Jacob and Esau  | Intifada  | Let's be watchful in our prayers, and strengthen ourselves in the one, true, living God. God bless you all.”

From Leon Mazin of Return to Zion Center in Haifa, Leon says that at the beginning of 2025, “Like all believers in the world, we prayed and asked the Lord to give us a new vision and a new way to reach out in this year. We believe that He has begun to answer our prayers. In addition to helping new immigrants regularly, we started hosting evenings for married couples where we introduce them to the history, culture, customs, and traditions of the Jewish people.” (They minister to many new immigrants) “We also went on a joint trip with congregation members and new immigrants to Mount Megiddo in the Jezreel Valley. . . . In the near future, we plan to hold a series of meetings for them and to tell them about our Father God, Yeshua the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, and why we need Him. We also want to explain to them what a family should be like according to God's design.
     We ask for your prayers as we strive to fulfill our mission to restore and proclaim faith in Yeshua in Israel. With love from Haifa, Israel. Restoring & proclaiming the faith in Yeshua in Israel!" Click here to visit us online

Sally Shiff of HaMaayan congregation in Kfar Saba writes “So far, the cease fire is holding, and 4 more hostages are expected either Saturday or Sunday. . . . A Moroccan (with a U.S. citizenship green card) who just arrived from the United States tried to kill Israelis in Tel Aviv with a knife, innocent civilians who were just having a cup of coffee. . . . In Jenin, (Northern Samaria/West Bank) there is a huge operation taking place. Terrorists are Hamas combatants with intent to enter into the towns surrounding them or the soldiers who are in Jenin with the intent to kill.  IDF Launches New Counterterror Operation in Jenin (Article as well as English subtitled Israeli news)
     “The Houthis' continue to be a threat to us. On Saturday, we had another ballistic missile launched from Yemen. . . . This war is not over yet, God is a thorough God and will rout our enemies. But the primary weapon we have… is the prayers of the saints.  THANK YOU for your continued support on our behalf.      
     On 1/11 Sally writes, “As an Israeli and American, I was glued to the Inauguration and all that it entailed. I was deeply touched by the emphasis placed on the hostages, even having some of the families up on stage.  How do we in Israel feel about Trump's return?  Donald Trump Inauguration and how it affects the Israelis

·              She asks for continued prayers – even after the initial 33 hostages are released – for the release of the 65 hostages that will be left still to come out of Gaza, whether they are dead or alive, all of them should be returned to their families. Sally sends out daily short updates since the war began Oct 7 2023. Subscribe by emailing her

From Ariel and Shayla Hyde and the team of Tree of Life Israel Ministries, a PODCAST  From the Cold of the World to the Warmth of God’s Family. “Searching for life’s answers in academia and her career left Sofy broken and burnt out. But God gathered her into His arms, gave her joy, and revealed the meaning of life. Watch or Read here | Listen to our new podcast on your favorite audio platforms: On Apple, Spotify and on Amazon. Watch it on Youtube, Facebook and on Instagram. And please share this video on all social media outlets!
Gil Afriat and Moti Cohen, leaders of Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv send A Light to Survivors - “Next week on January 27, the world will mark 80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz Death Camp, the day known as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Each year, there are fewer Holocaust survivors who have witnessed firsthand the atrocities of the Nazis, and my heart goes out to them as they now have to witness anti-Semitism on the rise in the earth once again.
     At Tiferet Yeshua we regularly host special holiday events for Russian-speaking Holocaust survivors in the greater Tel Aviv area. For me personally it is an honor to serve at these events: my own Jewish grandparents escaped the Nazis (losing almost their entire families) and endured the oppression of soviet antisemitism in the generations following WWII. Read more
     “. . . . The root of antisemitism is Satan's rage against God because He chose to reveal His redemption plan for all humanity through the Jewish nation and, ultimately, through one Jewish Man—Yeshua. Now that God has fulfilled His promise to regather the Jewish nation in their ancient homeland, again these demonic forces are trying to destroy the state of Israel and rekindle violent antisemitism around the world which seemed to all but disappear after the Holocaust.
     Tiferet Yeshua is a living example of God's promise to pour out His Spirit on regathered Israel, and by His Spirit we are shining His light in the darkness. When you support Tiferet Yeshua, you are helping us shine the light of God's love to Holocaust Survivors here in Israel. Give Today