Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Unveiling


A Bride at the Wall

The Unveiling
by Donna Diorio

June 6, 2023 | I am considering some things I've heard from ministry leaders over the past few weeks that I would like to share with subscribers. God's awakening of such an incredible number of Christians in May to the Church's connection to the awakening of Israel is much more than what some are thinking.

It is more than Christians becoming a lifeguard to throw out a life preserver to the Israeli ministries in their season of greatest opposition since Acts 28. It is also more than a life-preserver for Christians when all the nations propelled by demonic hatred of Israel specifically bear down to destroy Israel completely.

There will be a Remnant of the faithful in all the nations, but there will be no fence sitting. Life altering decisions will be put to every single person at that time. Will they put their life on the line to stand with Israel or will they fall in line with the demonized seeking Israel's annihilation? There will be no sidelines to hide on. It will be like the difference between those who joined the Nazis for personal stability versus those who hid Jews at the risk of their own lives. This time it will be on an international scale, not simply a national scale. 

Those are heavy thoughts but I believe the leader who has spoken to this is on point. It doesn't seem to me to be the most persuasive truth, however, to make Christians want to stand with the Jewish Remnant of the faith for Israel.

Certainly we will be dependent upon each other - Christians and Messianic Jews - in the days of the Antichrist/antiMessiah. That's because, in my view, God's ultimate purpose for our becoming one together is far more motivational. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance, and He is bringing us together out of His kindness: only as we become one in Messiah will the full anointing He has planned for us come to mature expression. The world hasn't seen God's glory like this since Yeshua was walking the land of Israel and Jew and Gentile have to be made into one before His glory will begin to shine out.

It took a humbling of preconceived ideas on the part of the Jews in the opening accounts of the book of the Acts of the Apostles to grasp that Yeshua came not only for the Jews, but also now to the nations - the Gentiles. Today it is going to take a humbling of the preconceived ideas in the Church on the part of leaders and congregants, to grasp all that it means for God to make of "twain one new man" in the faith of His Son. This is beyond just reconciling us with each other, it is the revelation of what God has been producing: mankind in a full, mature measure of the likeness of His Son. He was the Word of God, made flesh, and we are to follow in His footsteps. Not just the Jews and not just the Christians, but the one new man in Messiah.

Ephesians 2:15 is the explanation of God's plan that Jew and Gentile believers are destined in Messiah to become one. Really it is about our marriage together. Becoming a survival team is one aspect of our unification, but it is about much more.

Jonathan Cahn's daily word email on June 2nd, "The Apocalyptic Bride" caused sudden bursts of new understanding me. It is more than I can fully take in since I have been looking at it, but we are living in such an incredible time of accelerated revelation.

We Christians and Messianic Jews are being called together because God is going to do an even more astounding work in us than we have seen so far and it will only come about as we come together, like in a marriage. We will help each other survive as Christians and Jewish believers, but that is not the primary benefit of any marriage. Instead it is the coming together to a love in truth with respect and devotion. 

Just like a godly marriage, we are to pour out to each other what our distinct differences contribute to the beauty of the relationship.  In our oneness yet distinctive differences, like a husband and wife, Messianic Jews and Christians both bring an equal measure of blessing to each other. One is not more gifted than the other. Messianic Jews bring the understanding of the Hebrew foundations that God laid in Israel that will enhance the Church with beauty and fulness that has yet to appreciated and enjoyed except by a few in the Church. No: the Church does not have to understand every last jot and tittle of Judaism, but God did lay the foundations of the faith in the Jewish people. That is not an insignificant fact

In Revelation 3 Jesus criticized the Laodicean church for saying, 'I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.' He went on to tell them, "But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked."

To some degree that sounds to me like the part of Christianity that not only sees Israel as insignificant to the faith, but also who do not value what Christians can learn from the Messianic Jewish part of the body of Christ. It is true that there are a lot of 'rabbi trails' that are not spiritually beneficial to Christians and lead them into pitfalls, but that is not what will be exchanged as Christians and Messianic Jews enter into this marriage made in Heaven for the end of the age.

In Ephesians 5:32 the apostle Paul says, "This is a megas/profound mystery: but I speak concerning Christ/Anointed/the Messiah, the Son of God and the ekkl'sia - the whole body of called out ones both Christian and Jew

There has been a long understanding that the Bride of Christ is "the Church."  I believe I have seen something profoundly deeper in this mystery of the Bride. It is due to Jonathan Cahn explaining the Greek word for "apocalyptic." 

Most of us think of "apocalyptic" as meaning the calamity and doom at the end of the world. Cahn writes there is some truth to that, but the Greek definition of apokalupsis means: an unveiling, uncovering, revealing or revelation. In fact, the word "apokalupsis" is translated as "revelation" 10 times in the KJV and 18 times in the NKJV. The mysteries of God are apokalupsis - a revelation, like the unveiling of a bride.

Cahn explained that in the Hebrew marriage "during the [marriage] supper, the bride and groom would slip away to the marriage chamber where the bride would "unveil" herself to the groom. The word of unveil is the word apokalupsis. 
What if this slipping away to the marriage chamber is not speaking of the Rapture, but rather when the ekklesia (Messianic Jews & Christians in an unprecedented unity) are unveiled to Israel? 

As we come into our oneness with the Messianic Jews, our marriage made in Heaven, we are going to be increasing unveiled to Israel because our oneness with the Messianic Jews is not just to "hasten the return of the LORD" to rapture the church. Instead it is to reveal a marriage made in Heaven by Divine design. We will be fulfilling our purpose at last to make the Jews jealous because we are no longer treating the Messianic Jews as an insignificant blip on Christian history, but our 'love interest' that Yeshua has ignited in our hearts. 

We have been praying "for the veil to be removed" from the eyes of Israel - all Jews worldwide. Paul speaks of the veil over the eyes of the children of Israel dating back to the time of Moses (2 Cor 3:13-18):

"We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at the end of what was fading away. But their minds were blinded (to grow hard, callous, become dull, lose the power of understanding). For to this day the same veil remains at the reading of the old covenant. It has not been lifted, because only in Messiah can it be removed. And even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

For those who have long been involved in Israel intercession, we have realized that the Church has been in great need of God removing the veil from Christian eyes too! That's because Christianity has been blinded from seeing God's long and persistent profession of love for Israel. It is plainly expressed throughout the Scriptures. So we have therefore also been blind to His plan to make Jews and Gentiles one new man in Messiah, just as Ephesians 2:15 says, "for to make in Himself of twain one new man" or out of two He is making one unprecedented "humanity" (anthropos). A people so transformed into the likeness of Jesus that such a people has never been seen before. The glory of the latter House of the LORD will be greater than the former. (Haggai 2:9)

Our marriage made in Heaven of Messianic Jews and Christians in these last days is the same principle as when a man and woman enter into marriage. Their union produces a whole new family unit. From two distinctively different families marriage makes them an unprecedented, new family unit. That is what the profound mystery is all about.

That is what God is doing to us. He is bringing the Jewish believers and the Christians in all the nations together to form an unprecedented family of God never found before in the annals of human history. It's a marriage between Jewish believers and Christians in the nations and only after that 'marriage' will the full expression of what God is bringing forth from humanity in His Son be realized, manifested, operational!

Many Christians believe they are already experiencing the fullness of God's gifts to us, but the fullness only arrives as the marriage made in Heaven becomes reality - for those who have entered into the purpose God has for us together. We will be a blessing to each other far beyond what any of us imagine even now. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe what you are sayng is true.