Saturday, January 4, 2025

2025 Jan 3 Arrows | A Pivotal Year


A Pivotal Year: It's not business as usual

Listening & Hearing
by Donna Diorio
My intention with taking off the week of Christmas was not for cooking, or cleaning, or present shopping and wrapping. I didn’t have to do any of that but I did feel a great need to hear from God about the year ahead and I have been listening.
     I have no grand statements to make about the coming year except that I sense deeply it will be a pivotal year … in its own way for the Church in the nations as pivotal as 2024 has been for Israel with strong testing of our faith.
     My main concern  – as always – is the coming together of the Church in the nations with the Messianic body in Israel. I think some Messianic Jews who do not live in Israel probably take exception to me speaking of that coming together leaving them out of the picture, but really it is not leaving them out. It is just that the unity God seeks from the Church is specifically oriented to what He is doing in Israel to restore Jews to relationship with Him through faith in Yeshua. It is a work that the whole world will marvel over as the testimonies of more and more Israeli Jews coming to faith. It has to be so, the Bible tells us so: “You will not see Me again until you say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’”  Israel’s only HaTikvah: The Hope is in Messiah Yeshua. The Israeli Messianic Jews declare Him, and we aid them in prayers and finances. It is that simple.
     For the past 23 years and 4 months I have been producing a Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries, then a few years into that I began the shorter version Arrows from Zion where I paraphrased from the prayer letters of the Israeli ministries. In the past ten years I have began to add more and more of the background information I have learned along the way. Finally in the last several years I began writing cover stories - articles from the insights God has given me as I did this work.
    There have always been battles connected with doing these prayer summaries – believers who did not think it was important at all to know about the body of Messiah in Israel. I have suffered from continual technical troubles, censorship, and interference with sending and receiving emails. It is hard to be a 1-person ministry. I just had to double down and power through whatever difficulties arose. Time has become another issue as I have grown older. It is much harder on me to stay at the computer for as many hours as it takes each day. I want to do more writing, and I do, with acute awareness that I still have to compile & edit the prayer letters each week by my self-imposed deadline of emailing by Friday.
     All that was in my mind in deciding to take a week off over Christmas to hear God’s direction for me on how to make all that work for me. I have heard a lot from the LORD over these days - refreshing things and encouraging things. Alas! No step by step instruction on how to do easier all I want to do, but a certainty that the prayer letters are to go on and so is my own writing. My INSPIRATION in life, for serving God is lifted each and every week by reading the ministry letters of the Israeli Ministries. I cannot help but be spiritually touched deeply by them each and every week.

One sure thing I have heard from God this week for myself and also from others who are hearing the same thing is that in 2025 we need to “lean in” to God. And just to underscore the point, yesterday I was looking for a graphic to illustrate leaning in. Nothing was really suitable until finally I changed my search words finding Michelangelo’s masterpiece from the Sistine Chapel. 
   Jarringly for the first time EVER I saw that it was God that was leaning in to touch man and Adam was laid back, not leaning in at all!  I knew that was the perfect illustration for what God was saying to me. He has always been the One who leaned in earnestly to touch us, and we have been lackadaisical. I posted the graphic online yesterday and this morning Tony ran in from seeing it excited because he for the first time also saw it clearly how God leaning in to man, not man leaning in to God. 
     That’s what God wants from us in 2025: to lean in earnestly to Him this year.  He will direct our paths from there – whatever the year holds, He will guide us through if we will just lean in to Him.  

Arrows from Zion
Summarized from the Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests Israeli Ministries

Sally Shiff of the HaMaayan congregation in Kfar Saba did not take off last week and kept up her daily information going out. Even more than the news links, videos that Sally sends, what I most appreciate are her personal observations and emotions that she shares each day of this most trying period of Israeli history. From her Christmas Day and First Day of Hanukkah comments: “Only 5 times since 1900 has Christmas and Hanukkah coincided!... Coinciding the two holidays with one "Light" - Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Savior of the world!!!” She added that “Outside of Israel, a dreidel has 4 letters indicating " great miracle happened there."… only in Israel are the letters changed to say "A great miracle happened here."  Then adding: “May another victory soon take place and ransom the captives that were stolen 445 days ago. Ransom the captives stolen from understanding God's love through Yeshua out of the hands of the devil.”
     Sally writes on 12/27, “Our guilt in this war was how we as a nation turned away from God and His relationship. Our promise from God is His abiding love for us. He will judge us, He will heal us, He will restore us. Pray for our eyes to open and see His abiding love. Pray that as a nation, we will repent and return once again to His love and Lordship. Our people are looking at eternity square in the eye with Covid first, and now this horrible war. Pray that it’s enough for eyes and hearts to open.”
     Then on 1/1/2025, “The year 2024 is now behind us with 2025 ahead. Only God knows what this year will bring, and I am so glad it is in HIS Hands. As I sit here with my cup of coffee and my faithful pup by my side, I only have gratitude for all that He has done this past year. Filled with highs and deep lows from the war and its devastation, who would have ever thought that in one year, Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria have fallen. Even though Hamas and Hezbollah are trying to hang on, their operatives, infrastructure and weapons have been greatly depleted.” Amen. Thank you Sally for helping us to process all that you, our brothers and sisters in Israel are living with daily.

From Chaim Malespin of Aliyah Return Center, “The world often says, “What if…,” but men and women of faith say, “Even so….” This is what a young believer in Israel shared with me the other day, and it was very encouraging! In a world that is shaking and where the future is unknown, we can easily fall into worry and fear. It is like building our house on sand. However, when we build our house on the rock—on God’s truth—even if the wind and rain storm against us, we will stand strong. King Solomon truly struck gold when he wrote in Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” To do this is to walk by faith.  In this war, we see only dimly—a tiny picture of what is happening—compared to our Heavenly Father. Sometimes, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around some of the things that have happened in this war and in nations around the world. And you know what? That’s okay. This is when I can let faith take over… even so.
     I really appreciated Chaim’s sharing about how it came about that God stirred the hearts of Jewish journalist Theodor Herzl and British Christian pastor Wilhelm Hechler to work together towards God’s promised restoration of the Jewish homeland, the State of Israel. It is a story every Messianic Jew and Gentile Christian should learn from, because just as God stirred Jew and Gentile in the physical restoration of Israel, so it is and will be the same in the spiritual restoration of Israel to their Messiah.      Also as Chaim rightly noted, “Zionism is often misunderstood as something evil or colonialist, but this could not be further from the truth. Zionism, the dream of the prophets, is about standing with God’s promises and participating in the fulfillment of biblical prophecies—the return and restoration of the Jewish people to their homeland. I am a living testament to this.”  (Write and ask for his article, A Journalist and a Pastor because it will help you and others see our future together in Yeshua.) “Please consider partnering with our work, or even a single donation now – a donation to help us transform lives in Israel.”

On my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog: Listening intently before the New Year 2025
Some of the other things that I have been reflecting on during my week off from Israel Prayer.

From Tikkun Global, watch this video teaching from Asher Intrater on The Divine Dance that will “help us understand how to interpret the history of Israel’s punishment and restoration and the parallel between exile/return and the death/resurrection of Yeshua. The divine dance between Israel and the nations is central to God’s eternal plan. He is in the process of creating a perfect world with perfect people…. The miracle of being grafted together and having a shared identity is expressed through the parable of the olive tree. As we embrace this unfolding mystery we receive life, blessings, anointing for both Jew and Gentile, Israel and the nations.
     Plus these going back thru Dec to 12/18 Missile Shrapnel in the Yard & Making Waves in History by Hannah Tekle, Tents of Mercy congregation |Christmas in Magdeburg | The recent terror attack at the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany is despicable.| VIDEO: Arise, Shine!  | Light Shining in Darkness by Asher Intrater  12/22 Controversy in the Middle East by Asher Intrater | Restoring Relationships | VIDEO of a beautiful session of unity with Arab Christians | 
     MONTHLY PDF Israel’s Restoration Magazine | Subscribe | Download December 2024 “Miracles and Wonders? Israel at War” | Download January 2025 Who’s Jealous? | Revised and updated book: Alignment by Asher Intrater 

In Reuven Doron’s 12/13 report which can be read in full on Facebook, is Unto Us. “The Spirit of God placed more than 300 Messianic prophecies throughout the pages of the Hebrew Bible over the course of thousands of years of inspired writings. From Genesis chapter one onward, the wonder of God’s Messiah, the Son who is the Creative Word of the Father, shines through every page. He revealed to us the mysteries of His origin, His nature, His purpose, His motives, His plans and His warfare. He also embedded in the Scriptures profound details concerning the time, the place, and the circumstances of His arrival to earth to accomplish the central and everlasting heart of His labors - His eternal sacrifice.
    “….Perhaps the pinnacle of Micah’s message appears in chapter six, saying, “With what shall I come before YAHWEH, and bow myself before the High God? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will YAHWEH be pleased with thousands of rams, ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul (child sacrifice and abortion)? He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does YAHWEH require of you. But to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Simple and to the point.
     We pray that the Spirit of God which is in you and in all who are in Messiah, brings forth this heavenly life in us; a life that instinctively gravitates towards justice; loves mercy; and embraces humility as a rule of life. Nothing else matters much in the big scheme of things.” For the rest of Reuven’s Dec 23rd report, read it online here.
     “Thank you for upholding our people, our family, and our work in your prayers. We are grateful for those who are able to financially share in our labors during this season of war and of harvest. The needs are substantial, as are the opportunities to serve the Lord, and this link offers tax-credited giving possibilities. Email us for additional information and for other giving options.”

Evan Levine who directs HaTikva (The Hope) Project, writes, “Fifteen years ago, Evan sat in the homes of struggling widows and families in Israel, listening to their stories and offering hope in any way he could. That’s when HaTikva Project was born—a simple response to the physical, financial, and emotional needs of the brokenhearted, rooted in the love of Yeshua. It wasn’t long before Evan and Elisa saw a deeper need: affordable dental care | Families were in pain, unable to pay. With Elisa’s dental expertise, a vision was born—clinics providing high-quality care at a fraction of the cost while offering love and dignity to every patient…. Years later, the need for adoption and foster care became apparent to Evan. His own mother’s adoption shaped his life profoundly, inspiring him to act when he saw the crisis in Israel—thousands of abortions but only a handful of adoptions each year. HaTikva Families began, advocating for family-based care and walking with adoptive and foster families every step of the way.
     “Then came October  7th | In one of Israel’s darkest moment, HaTikva Prohect sprang into action. Pivoting to address war trauma, displacements, and urgent, unimaginable needs. The War Relief Fund became a lifeline for individuals and families, providing counseling, shelter, and hope.”
     Be a Comforter of Zion with us by donating to our ability to relieve and bless Israelis - believers and those who are not yet believers. Donate here.

From Pastor Israel Pochtar of the
Beit Hallel congregation in Ashdod and Voice of Judah Ministries: Salvation in the City of the Great King - Hanukkah and Christmas Evangelism Praise Report! | and Discover Why Our New Discipleship and Evangelism Center Matters | Read this powerful testimony of healing and faith in the Beit Hallel congregation | Read Jerusalem: God’s Wall of Fire and the Fulfillment of Prophecy
     DONNA: Pastor Israel Pochtar is an Evangelist, but in Israel even with a strong evangelistic gift and calling, he cannot only act as an evangelist going all over Israel just preaching evangelist events. Ministry in Israel demands more from the 5-fold ministry callings (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers). Israel Pochtar is a good example of a minister who has stepped into all 5 of the ministry callings in order to reach the people in his area, even the apostolic role as he has birthed new congregations out of his own congregation in Ashdod. His congregation is mostly Russian and Ukrainian — Jews. He is doing whatever is called for to build up new believers in Israel in strong faith. It is a blessing to carry an anointing as an evangelist as Pastor Israel does, and even more of a blessing that God has given him the understanding to develop himself and others to walk in the other 5-fold ministry callings. In America we might be able to only develop one calling, but in Israel there is more need for all the callings to be developed for the sake of people responding to the call of the Holy Spirit to receive Yeshua. I thought it was a good point to emphasize, especially as we read about the 560-non-believers from his area who responded to the evangelistic call. Those must be developed into a strong faith and this is what Pastor Israel’s heart is set to do. It’s not just off to the next town for him.

From the Fields of Wheat Katzir (Harvest) Camp, Please watch this video with Eitan and Joel from the 2024 Hanukkah Youth Camp giving a brief message. They write, “We want you to know our extreme gratefulness for an awesome year together. So many lives have been touched, especially faithful soldiers and spiritually hungry youth.” You can give to help them cover all the remaining costs here. 

Avner Boskey, David’s Tent, writes on 1/1/2025  Making the Caliphate great again “The world is witnessing the rise of radical jihadi Islamic nations and terrorist groups” PAY ATTENTION. We need to know:  ‘the Islamist Caliphate.’ What is that movement? What is its history? What are its tactics today and what will it look like tomorrow? Is this coming Caliphate a threat to the inhabitants of the world – whether Christian, Jewish, Hindu or secular? The next newsletters will present some answers to these questions.
     Also from 12/26 “| As wars and rumors of war shake the planet, we are bombarded with battle statistics and facts about roiling riots. Yet at the same time we find it hard to grasp what really is going on. We know more but we understand less. Are there any keys to making sense of fast-moving developments and catastrophic changes? Here are two helpful keys” in Staging ground for Gog and Magog

Evan Thomas of Beit Asaph writes about the restorative spirit the holidays brought back to them: “It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the photos of destruction and the terrible statistics provided daily by news agencies, but it really ‘hits home’ when you look up from the pulpit during your Shabbat service and see young Max sitting there with his head bandaged. Max’s army unit was attacked as they were preparing to pull out of Gaza, and several of his comrades were killed or injured. Pray with us that the surgeons will be able to save his left eye! He has just turned nineteen and was baptized a few months ago prior to his call-up. Increasingly, we notice more young men who have lost limbs in the battlefield. What a price they have paid!
     “Nevertheless, we press on with the tasks at hand with communities to teach and counsel, and a center to build in the heart of the city of Netanya. This week will mark the end of a series of workshops to train a small team of leaders for the emerging Beit Asaph Hadera congregation. In early January, Lev and Evan will ordain them in the presence of the members of both communities, launching them for the work of the Gospel in our neighboring city. Please uplift this ‘early-years daughter congregation’ in your prayers.
     “Meanwhile, we are about to set the starting date for the internal construction of the new center. God has blessed our fundraising and we will enter this stage of the project with all the monies needed. Once again, our members were exemplary in their giving, as were you all! Thank you, thank you! As we enter the new year Lev will oversee the construction while Evan continues with the task of the raising the second 50% of the purchase price. We so value your prayers for these undertakings.” There were many more things to share, but we must keep this as few pages as possible.

From Gil Afrait and Moti Cohen at Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv, “As we find ourselves reflecting on this extraordinary past year, we realize that it has been the most difficult and traumatic year of our lifetimes, physically and emotionally. At the same time, as a congregational ministry, we have felt God's faithfulness to be "very present" in our trials, and it has been one of our most fruitful years as we continued in the good work He called us to.  The nation of Israel was built through the hard work of dedicated Jewish pioneers who answered the call God put in their hearts at the end of the 20th century to restore their ancient homeland. It was through their hard work and dedication that God established the modern state of Israel. Today, God is raising up spiritual Jewish pioneers to labor towards the spiritual restoration of Israel in the Land. At Tiferet Yeshua, that is our call and commitment. With the close of 2024, we want to take a moment to recognize the amazing fruit of our labors by God's grace.
     Despite difficulties of living through a year of war in Israel, God has graciously blessed and increased our congregation and ministry: we are amazed and grateful…and determined to continue strong in 2025! We invite you to join us in this important work in Israel in the new year. Your financial partnership will help us continue sharing the good news in Hebrew every week, discipling Israeli seekers and new believers, shining the light of God's love to our city, and building the body of Messiah in Israel in 2025. Give Today.

Leon Mazin of Return to Zion Center in Haifa sends a report for the youngest of their 3 congregations in Northern Israel, Or Chai Congregation, led by Dmitry Lutarevich. The congregation is in a suburb of Haifa called Kiriat Haim and it opened one week after the Hamas war broke out! Leon writes, “Regardless of all the difficulties coming from the war they have been serving very actively to the people who live in Kiriat Haim and the neighboring suburbs and have achieved good results.” Dmitry writes, ““The situation in the Fall was not easy due to multiple rocket attacks but we continued to carry out our Shabbat services on regular basis, as well as weekly prayer meetings and home group gatherings. Several times we had to move the bomb shelter during Shabbat services and prayer meetings because of the rocket attacks. The office room which is the bomb shelter came in handy.”
     Dmitry writes for the time the congregation has existed – since Oct 12, 2023 – the have had water immersions for 10 members, 3 married couples included in that number. Demitry writes, “October 14 is a heartening day for us because it is our birthday. We celebrated our first-year anniversary with a journey to Jerusalem. We are thankful to our God the Father for His mercy and love to us as He’s been protecting and blessing us through the whole year. With love in Yeshua, Dmitri Lutarevich, Leader of Or Chai Congregation 

Avi Mizrachi wrote two touching ministry letters for Dugit. The first includes a short video that “will let you see what we see, and I pray it will bless and encourage you to see the hand of Yeshua at work. ” He wanted to share his heart about “the many things God is doing in Israel and has accomplished through DUGIT with your help this past year. . . . I believe God has brought us together for such a time as this.
     Then a week later Avi wrote about the reality of living in a situation where at any time they have to gather the family and run to the bomb shelter. “Every Israeli has a bomb shelter. This is our reality. . . . It has been a roller coaster here in Israel. We live continually under the threat of another rocket attack—perhaps even another massive invasion…. I feel for the parents, even my own children with my grandchildren, who try to calm their young children as they put them to bed at night, not knowing if they will be jarred awake and forced to run for safety before morning. Thankfully, as believers, we know the peace that passes all understanding. I can only imagine what it must be like for those who do not know the Lord.
     Recently, as I have begun praying about what our Heavenly Father would have us do in the year ahead, I find that it is difficult for me to think much farther than the next week—there are so many hurting people, so many needs, so much to do, and so many who have not heard the Good News of Messiah. I am learning that planning ahead in times of war is almost impossible. Things change so rapidly these days that now our daily goal is simply to meet as many of the needs that we encounter as possible and to care for as many people as possible. When we see a need, we try to meet it—and as the Lord provides, we will continue to meet as many needs as there are financial resources.     “….Today, may I ask you to continue to pray for peace and the safety of the people and nation of Israel? And will you also ask the Lord if you can be part of what He is doing in Israel by supporting Dugit Outreach Ministries? As the Lord puts this ministry on your heart, all I ask is that you obey Him. Donate here.

My friend Ronit Bender writes about the dismal outlook for the remaining hostages and recalls “the vision the Lord gave me in the beginning of the war: on October 7th 2023, there I saw Yeshua [Jesus] walking into a dark tunnel, shining His light. All around Him were dead bodies. At the time I saw that vision, we knew nothing about Hamas tunnels and was sure the hostages will be back in a week or two. I believe many had an encounter with the Lord who took them Home in His Mercy. Their families are so heartbroken, as most or all do not know the Lord at this time. Please pray for these families to receive their loved ones back alive or for burial here in Israel that they can have closure and the Lord can begin the process of healing them. They all need His hope and Light in their lives.
     She also tells about a precious time with her younger, half-sister recently. They rarely see each other because her sister lives in Italy with her husband and son. She wrote, “As a widow with my small family scattered around the world, this short visit was like honey to my spirit, but for you, it's a prayer issue: ALL my family needs Yeshua. Please continue to pray for the Lord to reach them in their places that they would embrace their Messiah.” She also shares about her health club trainer asking about faith and Yeshua. And she sends this from Australian Pastor Margaret Court who has produced two short videos (here and here)on anti-Semitism which she highly recommends.  

From Carolyn and Richard Hyde of Heart of G-d Ministries, “we rejoice in deep times of worship, more Gates assignments in the Land, plus divine appointments on the streets as well as mentoring more young adults, which is a real privilege! Also I've had dreams of travel, so we're planning a journey in March to Germany, UK & Ireland plus TX and FL in May. And suddenly I'm being flown out of Zion for the last week of December for a Gates assignment in Houston, TX!” (She’s back in Israel now).
     Highlights: ministering online to another group of MBB, Muslim background believers | Altar of Prayer Watch | After leading worship for a wonderful group in Jerusalem, a young woman and I went to the streets for my AOP Watch. During one of many divine appointments, an Orthodox Jew asked the intercessors online, "Why do you care about us?" The answer made her cry with joy as they shared their deep love for her and all Israel because of their deep love for the G-d of Israel! | Prayer Walking The Gates of Zion | The meeting at Re'im, site of a New Age fest where 364 youth were massacred last Oct. 7, was historic as it was the first time a large, diverse group of Israeli Jewish and Arab congregational and ministry leaders gathered to repent for idolatry and occult in the Land, crying for mercy. We expect to see Adonai usher in a great harvest in the coming days. | Also A vision of the Waters 

Guy Cohen, at Harvest of Asher in Acco, who for 3 months watching over his mother in the hospital wrote, “It is painful to watch a loved one laying in a sick bed and often brings us to tears, crying before God for His mercy. We may find ourselves conflicted - somewhere between faith and what you see in front of you with your human eyes. I have the faith and trust in Yeshua to know that He can bring complete healing to the sick…. Yet, Yeshua who is the source of life, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, stood in front of the cave where Lazarus lay for four days…. All this so that God would be glorified and the people would know that He had sent Yeshua.
     There are many people in the congregation in need of healing. Like Yeshua, we lift our eyes to Abba, proclaiming that He would move in a might way, sending His healing to all those in need. We thank you for being part of this call to God for the  healing and restoration of His people.
     12/26 Our sincere condolences to Guy Cohen and his family as he wrote simply that his mother Ruthie was “in our Father’s hands in His glory.” Comfort Guy, O Abba, as only You are able. Also we lift our prayers for those others in his congregation in great need of healing, including a baby who has been struggling with high fever, diarrhea and breathing problems. Also P. who after a recent successful operation is still suffering from extreme unexplained pain. Arise O Lord!

From Yonatan Arnold and Stefan & Keren Silver of Kerem-El (God's Vineyard) Congregation in Haifa write, “We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your faithful prayers and support for the ministry of Kerem-El during 2024, and we look forward to having you stand with us in the coming year too, in all the Lord has in store.” The congregation has just finished “completing the series titled "By Way of Reminder" (from Paul in Romans 15:15), we spend several weeks focusing on the Fall Feasts of the Lord and their wonderful significance for us as followers of Yeshua today, and the hope they fill us with from the future they point to. In November we began teaching the book of Exodus, Exodus - from Bondage to Liberty  continuing where we left off from the life of Joseph at the end of Genesis. So far we've gotten through the first two chapters and have already gleaned so many riches and gems. Also holding special worship nights. One “hosted about 80 youth representing over a dozen congregations all over Haifa, and from Netanya in the south to Karmiel in the north. They all joined together to praise and worship the Lord. We want to see the youth in the area get to know each other better and form bonds as many go to the same schools but sometimes do not know about each other.” Plus other events.
     Would you prayerfully consider partnering with Kerem-El in 2025? | We'd be honored to have you become part of our family of partners and join with us in blessing Israel, especially during these challenging times. If you would like to
     Would you prayerfully consider partnering with Kerem-El in 2025? | We'd be honored to have you become part of our family of partners and join with us in blessing Israel, especially during these challenging times. If you would like to give towards the general ministries of Kerem-El. If you would like your gift to go to a specific cause or need, please add a designation note with your donation. We would greatly appreciate your support. Donations can be made in various ways, including online giving as a tax-deductible donation in the U.S. Here are More Giving Options